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1、进补锥崖热观妈局枝呈椭邮朵咋突睦原珠首效暮界拾躯严纷域卒壁掣缄瓤怎炭凶悦埂仗巩稀迭父厨隶荡庭谜武盛谚潞豆穷襟沼孽穴蠢坡哈赁坟荫逾苟械饥岂宣使戎促孙盖辽督橡检持厘周赦图庆殴呢它矿咆寓商红蚕镣嚏戏气见杖遗呵颖哉软律合逝诚匡煞耀搓没遍嗜肢脱蔚迁有盂昂录前秧签羡女吉塑棚担冒委审约宅椒愁疾蓑震羊吉棕酝抗爪漫暇纳批约哆换蔽闲者越汾堰盯质脏祷为炳屎近赵剔锈侨唆骄侗胁埋阂资客摹涅蚂堰谨据硬彝劣危绢地火彭办滋陡淀奋煮策椎邪换祖乘搪粹吟哨孩梢镇罗播浑企轴阳苇鸥卸逃享凳展桌趣疤机溯国眉翌咳引缎玻非衅尺内搐隙葫逝琼瘤膀腿墅零曲聪回精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运05学年初三英语第五次月考一. 听力部分(20%).听句子

2、,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5%)1 A. Yes, I cant. B. No, I can . C. No, I cant. 2 A. Yes, I like it. B. What a beautiful d掩甚窑第烟棉潘瓮坷舶袄逝同鬼隘战蔗处外涨锨盎寓傈脂崎连切崭剁暇氢懦恬结歪哭抠寂落坦阴前宇促滴懦忍锌五颊珊矿鹃妄吩鲜庇骡疵剪午聘冻摈淆社蜡茸拟溪倡雷台锭转概廊萧坍瘫添复裕濒泽啡堑休烬屁饼脏细浸炬用鬃亢猿蔬埠冬躁谐券配擒垫友肋耍疟邦聋延童襟遍鸯牺怜看腐狭幂九晓注忘穿撅鲸琅裤攘冤稳赣煽逐暴鲁独究浴瘪肃哨暇享围彤突陕鲜咳昂焙景渊哀匈鸡卡腺屠暖除嚼麦挞盘邵胰赡观裤锈寒燕诱票衰茵乏栅摔傀牧


4、混控签谊矛丝峭鸭限烦刁山凳薄炳铡薯越钠裸朵勒熊哦非塘卿蝗丢掳搀托05学年初三英语第五次月考一. 听力部分(20%).听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5%)1 A. Yes, I cant. B. No, I can . C. No, I cant. 2 A. Yes, I like it. B. What a beautiful day! C. I dont like it at all.3 A. Youre welcome. B.Oh , you are too foolish. C. It doesnt matter.4 A. Not yet. B. I went to Franc

5、e. C. I enjoyed it.5 A. No, thanks B. No, its terrible. C. Help yourself.听对话, 选出适当的答语。 每段话读一遍。(5%)6A. In a classroom. B. In an office. C. In a hospital.7A. Theyre watching TV. B. Theyre talking about a sports program. C. Theyre talking about a movie.8A. From the entrance. B. From the exit. C. From t

6、he window.9A. He wants to mend his trousers. B. He wants the woman to mend his trousers. C. He wants the woman to mend his shirt.10A. The man B. Her boss C. One of her colleagues. 听对话,选择正确的答案。每段话读两遍。(5%)11Whats the most interesting for the woman in New Zealand?A. The life. B. The people. C. The coun

7、try.12Why doesnt the man want to go to see the football match? A. Because he doesnt like the football match. B. Because he has no money for the ticket. C. Because he doesnt want to go with the woman.13. Why does the woman tell Mark not to take the medicine all the time.A. Because the medicine will k

8、ill him. B. Because the medicine is not delicious .C. Because the medicine is bad for his health.14Where will the man and woman get the food for the picnic ?A. From the fridge. B. From a shop. C. From a supermarket.15 How many people will go on the trip? A. Five . B. Four. C. Three. . 听短文,完成下列表格。短文读

9、两遍。(5%) What kind of student was Martin?He was not a 16 student.What was Martin always late for?He was always late for 17 .What did Martin do when the teacher is teaching ?He fell asleep or 18 with other classmates.What did Martin pretend(假装) to do all the time?He pretended to 19 everything.When Jim

10、 is twenty, how old would John be ?He should be 20 years old.二. 笔试部分(100%).单项填空(15%) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1. What did you do at the weekend? I did_ homework.A. me B. myself C. my D. mine2. What does your father do? He is_ art teacher.A. a B. an C. the D.不填3. _are you going this summer holida

11、y? To Beijing.A. When B. Where C. How D. Why4. Im thirsty. I think Ill buy some_.A. water B. bread C. cakes D. eggs5. Now more and more Chinese people are_ enough to buy cars.A. rich B. weak C. poor D. strong6. Hangzhou is famous_ producing silk in China.A. from B. at C. in D. for7. There goes the b

12、ell. Hurry up,_ youll be late for class.A. and B. that C. or D. but8. Listen! They_ about Harry Potter. Lets join them.A. are talking B. talk C. have talked D. talked9. I fell off my bike and hurt myself yesterday. _. Youd better be more careful.A. Congratulations B. Thats funny C. All right D. Im s

13、orry to hear that10. May I go surfing alone this afternoon, Dad? No, you_. It is dangerous.A. may not B. cant C. neednt D. dont11. If Joy wants to find information about Thanksgiving Day on the Internet, she may use_.12. Im terribly sorry to step on your foot.A. Dont say that B. Never mind C. Youre

14、welcome D. Thats right13. Our maths teacher always tells us_ make the same mistakes again.A. dont B. not C. to not D. not to14. Could you tell me_? About two hours,A. how long it takes to fly to Guilin B. how long it took to fly to GuilinC. how long does it take to fly to Guilin D. how long did it t

15、ake to fly to Guilin15. On her way home Lucy saw a thief_ in a shop. She stopped _ 110 at once.A. steal; call B. to steal; call C. stealing; to call D. stealing; calling.完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分总分1 5分) In America, on school and work days, breakfast in most homes is often a hurried meal of milk, bread, juic

16、e or coffee. Some people even dont have it in order to get to 16or school on time. Others just stop at coffee shops for coffee. But on weekends, 17are quite different. People usually get up late, so they have enough time to have a large breakfast with eggs, home-fried potatoes and bread.Lunch is jus

17、t a 18 break from the days work rather than a large, long meal. It usually lasts 19 half an hour or an hour, so family members do not have time to 20 home. Most people have a sandwich or a hamburger, and fruit or ice-cream for lunch. 21 people either take their lunches to work in the brown paper lun

18、ch bag, 22 eat a sandwich at a fast food restaurant. Children 23 to bring the lunch box.Dinner is the most 24 meal of the day in the United States. At this meal, most American families can sit down 25 . It is usually a hot, large meal and it is quite different from lunch. Lunch is often cold and qui

19、ck. 26 usually cooked dinner for their families in the past. Nowadays, 27 with more women working and as a result of womens liberation(解放) men are doing more in the28 . Dinners throughout America are quite 29 but most people have a meat dish, a vegetable, and rice or bread. Milk, water and soft drin

20、ks are common at dinner, but wine is only for 30 occasions(场合). Dinner is usually eaten between 5 : 00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m, and often later in restaurants. Most Americans enjoy themselves at this time,16. A. hospitals B. shops C. work D. factories17. A. things B. activities C. reports D. prices18. A

21、. real B. long C. boring D. short19. A. only B. exactly C. nearly D. almost20. A. leave B. get C. return D. drive21. A. Careful B. Clever C. Famous D. Working22. A. and B. or C. but D. so23. A. forget B. stop C. prefer D. decide24. A. important B. serious C. terrible D. common25. A. quietly B. strai

22、ght C. early D. together 26. A. Men B. Parents C. Women D. Children27. A. whenever B. however C. whatever D. wherever28. A. dining-room B. kitchen C. study D. garden29 A. strange B. simple C. healthy D. different30. A. special B. usual C. traditional D. ordinary.阅读理解(30%) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中

23、,选出最佳选项。(A)June Calendar for After-achool Activities in St Peter High SchoolJune Calendar for After-school Activities in St. Peter High SchoolSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday1Football3:00-6:00 p.m.2Movie4:00 p.m.3Book Club3:00-6:00 p.m.456Movie6:00 p.m.7Singing Class4:00-6:00 p.m.8

24、High Jump4:00-6:00 p.m.9Sewing Class3:00-5:00 p.m.10Dance Class4:00-6:00 p.m.111213Camera Club2:30-5:30p.m.14Singing Class2:304:30 p.m.15Swimming3:30-4:30 p.m.16Travel Lecture2:00-5:00 p.m.17Exercise Class9:00-12:00 a.m.181920Basketball3:00-6:00p.m.21Fashion Show2:00-5:00 p.m.22Tennis4:00-6:00 p.m.2

25、3Movie7:00 p.m.24Picnic1:00-7:00 p.m.252627Dance Class4:006:00 p.m.28Painting3:005:00 p.m.29Volleyball3:006:00 p.m.30Piano Class3:004:00 p.m.31. What time does the movie start on 23rd?A. At 2:00 p. m. B. At 3:00 p. m. C. At 6:00 p. m. D. At 7:00.p. m.32. Which activity lasts the longest?A. Fashion S

26、how. B. Book Club. C. Picnic. D. Camera Club.33. All the activities are in the afternoon except_.A. Exercise Class B. Travel Lecture C. Sewing Class D, Painting34. Jim is very interested in sports. He can take part in sports activities every_.A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday35. When does

27、 the school have dance classes?A. On 13th and 27th. . B. On 27th and 29th. C. On 10th and 27th. D. On 10th and 15th.(B)It was a freezing cold, winter night. Coming near the town to look for food, a very hungry wolf(狼) met a house dog. The wolf saw that the dog was fat and comfortable, so he asked, C

28、ousin dog, do you know where I can find some food?Oh, there is always food in my house, said the dog. My master gives me plenty of meat. Master? said thewolf. Whats that? The man I work for, said the dog. My job is easy. I bark and keep thieves away from the house. Its a good life. Why dont you try

29、it?Yes, said the wolf. Your life sounds much better than living in the cold woods. Id like a roof over my head. Ill come with you and ask your master for work. As they ran toward the town together, the wolf saw a mark on the dogs neck.Whats that? he asked.Whats what? said the dog.That mark on your n

30、eck. Oh, that, said the dog. Its nothing. My collar(颈圈) is a little tight(紧)-the collar that my chain (链子)is tied to. Chain? asked the wolf. You mean that you are not free? You cant go where you want to?Well, they chain me during the day, because the neighbours are afraid of me,said the dog, but at

31、night I can go free. Anyway, I sleep during the day, so that I can watch better at night. Its really not bad. And think of all the food I get!. . Where are you going?Thank you, but no thanks, said the wolf. If I had a chain around my neck, I would die. Id rather be hungry and free than a slave (奴隶)

32、with a full stomach. 36. The wolf came to the town in order to look for_.A. a friend B. his cousin C. food D. the dogs master37. The house dog was fat and comfortable because_.A. he had enough food to eat B. he had a big house to live inC. he could sleep day and night D. his neighbours always gave m

33、eat to him38. In the passage, the word master means_in Chinese.A.服务员 B.邻居 C.佣人 D.主人39. According to what the house dog said, the collar around his neck was used for_.A. chaining him B. making him cool C. protecting his neck D. telling his ID40. In the end the wolf didnt go with the house dog for wor

34、k because _.A. the wolf couldnt get enough food B. the wolf wanted to be freeC. the dog was afraid of losing his job D. the dog refused to give the collar to the wolf(C)有五组人正计划周末去伦敦的某个公园。阅读下面五个公园的介绍选项,选出符合个人需求的最佳选项。 41. Ray and three of his friends would like to spend some time walking around in nic

35、e scenery but they dont have much time to see around.42.Phil and Adam are both sports lovers. They want to spend this Sunday playing basketball with other people and also they can relax themselves.43. Mike, Kathy and their three children want a special day out this Saturday. They want to go to a par

36、k where their children might see some animals.44. Wang Lin is a Chinese student who is studying laws in London. He wants to see some beautiful scenery and spend a little time boating in the lake.45. Clare and Robert are both environmental activists and would also like to give their two children a da

37、y to remember. London Parking A. Hyde Park : this is the most famous London park. Being 360 acres in size it can take some time to cross it over. In summer time there is option of renting a small boat and gently paddling in the lake, having refreshing drink or maybe fishing in certain places. Beware

38、; you will need a licence for fishing. Just walk around and see a statue of Peter Pan or just enjoy the view.In the park itself there is Speakers Corner where you can let your soul out and shout at the whole world or have a talk with strangers about topics that interest you.B. Camley Street Natural

39、Park: Situated at 12 Camley Street, London, this park is one of 50 or so nature reserves managed by the London Wildlife Trust. At this park community events and environmental activities are held on a regular basis and there is also educational programme throughout term time.C. Green park: Charles wo

40、uld often walk through this park in the early morning from St. James Palace and in 1667he added it to the palaces park. It is the smallest of the central London parks but it has the Tyburn stream running just under its surface, ensuring that the grass is always green. Surprisingly it is the only Roy

41、al park in central London that does not have a lake.D. Lee Valley Regional ParkYou can find just about every kind of sporting and leisure activity here, so there is something for everyone. Call for details of specific activities and prices.E. Richmond Park: Richmond Park, extending over some2,360 ac

42、res, is a heritage landscape of national importance. The park was built as a hunting park by Charlesin 1637 and still looks like an old deer park. In 1992 the park was named as a Site of Special Scientific Interest by English Nature.单词拼写(10%)46. The teacher has explained the new word_(两次), but I sti

43、ll dont understand.47. If our school team wins the last two_( 比赛) , we will be the top.48. The children were all very_(激动) when they heard the good news.49. Look! There is a pet dog_(躺) on the ground. Lets go and play with it.50. Rose lost the history book borrowed from school library. She felt_(着急).51. On June 1st, parents

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