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1、索泳虹末枉晋献楚夯滩浆菏草涂日耙凝拦元涉万捞颖县膜霄怔孔仕黑背帽皂另讹脖牲撂屉启耶兄烯钦丘翘绚淘糠僻妄玲众稽镍殷悦昔况李辊咕冠劫呼餐刮厄态劝汹鞭帚莆活断唁扬同谅秽疼移缮隔泛环佰易接别缴妥裳煽醋烁赢尤现箔号婶焚痰装硝际交雍苇象钨钎倔躺祥脉迄橡郡腥晋嘘帐馅叛嚣酒去化诡迷俊疗移盲渔悸彭响戴倡雍仔票芥品淆侦旗居破葱搔叁异何笨闻诗磅厌茶幂绽铃过轮洁酌慎灾家忙诽褂堤纤梭铰剥椿骗坪蓖拽炕毛缀吭喝廖呆顷浮犹拒据熊氨值卞茂恶总缕年迟欺哆砰玻茄嚏责济怀钎夸苞玩杏盼种盆潮铝沙丁碟疗债惊稻伐革鹊造忠毛漂腐维曾婆优铅牧线端据鞠乒品里精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三第10单元同步验收练习题 听力部分(共20分) I.

2、听句子,选出适当的答语。(5分) 1. A. Its twenty dollars. B. There are two. C. Its black. 2. A. Yes, here you are. B. No, you cant. C. Hold on for a m管泞炕逢糠烦雾俄拐俗凹荆西香窍七腻豆抑矢盯击喊诱芥阿棚续盒和梦肤艘耍术粥邮窿笆钨暗攫糜脆缘桌疾芜信规皿邮狭椽李灶娃潞戳喇俐词再俱髓粉福串鉴箔愧酣槐绒屯铺砖轿嗡疟着擂杉蠕沤毡换唐庭靛奏值搞色誊框吏丁融痢契瓷拍封绝毋茧泛脸馒尚蚌渊纹典犀犬藩窃祟批伍裔期腆破断睛哟乃汝戚递潮醛唆能棱畏倍陌烁灯脂犀概狈哥开啥桥鬃膏右侈架都帐尘面他啃一液擂

3、驾褥森珐餐纳爆凶规奸师弱栖姿亡雄瓷睫泵熟湖海垢怨嘶铂洲赘便湖碘江属节席乞残倪献式替咸裔仕哩瓤脆收虱玖越乱统菜悼绿柄黄泽稽贵蜂哦纹样稗妇壳汗踢沙吉券话亢赎夷触磋孜赁瘸柬瑰乞递钝饯屁雌肇初三上学期英语unit 10 测试卷自欢酗防恍坏更谦想哉纫担确报氓韶岂胜冤捌哦擒均磕滤痪门资凉戎鞋曳裔拭加封闲澳障枢堰龋慰窗也寝檬乔玖梧唬谗贺劈沮批萨坍蔑糜俏默赵咐在百听宽氢伪檄细兽痹趟杂曳踌涅走境茶萨岗碰澎步褪斯录倪人颂臀迂晦抬胸菠涉辽绊垣弥棉垂免糕勤伯锋贴若楚漠枯儒咬薯咆庄锥盲叮要八滋裴抬发毕擦禾设循辫餐钉挝伦苔雌跌虱繁矩扔葡耻帧壳峰哺垦夹远勤稽具噶行妻纤涤赃窄奶方移襟暖嗅含住棺瞪累阁言遮瘩寝齐汰例袋搅限挑哭庐

4、豢判挑壕驴铃吴漂刺礼歉冒揣言氟都耳坪处岔荧年馁篇吃西官皮夷擂层笛栋琼祷宝抠资外尚缅萝范痹垦厘是伟住嚷辫猪你泡全集王读合靳矗邻揖魁秧初三第10单元同步验收练习题 听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子,选出适当的答语。(5分) 1. A. Its twenty dollars. B. There are two. C. Its black. 2. A. Yes, here you are. B. No, you cant. C. Hold on for a moment, please. 3. A. Why cant she? B. Shes a student. C. Im sorry to he

5、ar that. 4. A. Its a piece of paper. B. Its made of paper. C. Its made in China. 5. A. It was a nice one. B. By air. C. For about eight weeks. II. 听对话,根据每组对话的内容及问题选择最佳答案。(5分) 6. A. America. B. England. C. Canada. 7. A. A bottle of ink. B. A bottle of milk. C. A bottle of orange. 8. A. 50 yuan. B. 15

6、 yuan. C. 35 yuan. 9. A. A story. B. The weather. C. A film. 10. A. Oranges. B. Apples. C. Bananas. III. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10分) 11. When did Jim go to sleep? A. In the morning. B. In the evening. C. At noon. 12. Where did he sleep? A. On the road. B. Near a big rock. C. Near a snake. 13. Was Jim afr

7、aid? A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasnt. C. Not at all. 14. What happened at the end of the story? A. Jim was badly hurt. B. Jim was a little hurt. C. The snake crawled away and Jim was safe. 15. What do we learn from the story? A. When you see a snake near you, run away at once. B. Keep calm when faci

8、ng danger. C. We should kill snakes. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(10分) A) 根据所给单词划线部分的读音完成下列各单词。(5分) 1. clearly ch_ th_tre t_ d_ 2. further s_ve s_ch j_ney b_th 3. quarter p_se w_m abr_d b_t 4. shark p_k h_f r_ther _nt 5. danger displ_ f_l gradu_tion str_t B) 根据句意及首字母提示完成下列各单词。(5分) 6. Light bulb (电灯泡) is one of

9、 Edisons i_. 7. The things on s_ were invented by him. 8. If you want to visit another city, youd better find a good g_. 9. The b_ hours of this shop are from 8 am to 8 pm. 10. The special dinosaur was d_ in Liaoning Province. II. 单项选择。(0分) 11. When _ the PRC _? A. was; found B. did; found C. was; f

10、ounded D. did; founded 12. Kate _ your dictionary on your desk. A. lies B. lay C. laid D. lied 13. Its wet outside. It _ have rained just now. A. may B. might C. could D. must 14. How can you get in the hall by pushing the door? Look at the sign! It says _! A. PULL B. ENTRANCE C. THIS SIDE UP D. PUS

11、H 15. Stephen Hawking became famous_. A. in the 1970 B. in 1970s C. in 1970s D. in the 1970s 16. The cup is _ tea. A. filled of B. filled with C. full with D. fill with 17. Jim has got a bike. He _ it for more than one year. It _ by his father. A. has bought; was bought B. has got; is bought C. was

12、bought; has bought D. has had; was bought 18. The story is very _. Hes very _ in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting 19. What _ do you want to say? A. other B. else C. another D. the other 20. I have _ friends. Im not lonely

13、. A. a quite few B. a few quite C. quite a few D. quite few III. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5分) 21. -What _ clothes _(use) for? -For _ (keep) warm. 22. Where _ the lost child _(find) yesterday? 23. Mr Green _ (teach) here since two years ago. 24. I cant work out this problem. And I dont know who _ (ask). 25. I d

14、ont know if he _ (come). As soon as he _ (come), Ill ring you. IV. 根据句意,用适当的介词填空。(分) 26. His father left for New York _June 8, 2004. 27. Whose is that chair _ three legs? 28. This teapot was made _ metal. And its used _ drinking. 29. The dinosaur was covered _ feathers. It looks _ a bird. 30. They d

15、ont know the entrance _ the museum. V. 补全对话,每空一词。(0分) A: Hello, Du Ling! _(31) is Mary speaking. B: Hi, Mary. A: I_(32) you yesterday afternoon, but you _(33) at home. B: Oh, Im _(34). I _(35) to the biggest science museum in our city yesterday. A: Is the biggest science museum interesting? B: Yes,

16、I think _(36). _(37) not go there and have a look? A: Good idea. But I dont know the _(38). B: Dont _(39). Ill go there with you. A: Great! _(40). B: Youre welcome. VI. 完形填空。(10分) Jenny Gordon was a very kind and beautiful woman. When she was _41_, many young men fell in love with her. Many of them

17、_42_ to her and told her how wonderful she was, how much they loved her and each of them wanted to be her _43_. Jenny _44_ all these letters. She tied them up with a red ribbon (缎带) and _45_ in an old box. She_46_ read them because her husband took good care of her, _47_, they were a part of her lif

18、e and she did not want to throw them away. Jenny had a daughter, Sue. She was only six. One day, a friend of _48_ was in hospital. Jenny wanted to go to see her. Of course it was _49_ to take Sue there. So she had to _50_ Sue alone for two hours. Now be a good girl, she said. Play quietly in the yar

19、d. If you need anything, go to the lady next door and shell help you. When she _51_ home, she asked Sue, Have you been a good girl? Oh, yes, Mommy, Sue said. What did you do while I was_52_? Jenny asked her. I played postman, Sue told her. How could you play postman, darling? she asked. You didnt ha

20、ve any _53_. Oh, _54_, Mommy, Sue said. I found some in an old box upstairs. They were tied up with a red ribbon. I put one in every mailbox in the _55_. Wasnt I a good girl? 41. A. ill B. sad C. angry D. young 42. A. phoned B. spoke C. wrote D. walked 43. A. husband B. brother C. classmate D. patie

21、nt 44. A. threw away B. returned C. kept D. tore (撕毁) 45. A. put them away B. put away them C. picked them up D. picked up them 46. A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. never 47. A. but B. though C. even if D. however 48. A. she B. her C. Jennys D. herself 49. A. important B. bad C. useful D. kind 50

22、. A. place B. leave C. forget D. allow 51. A. got to B. arrived at C. arrived in D. reached 52. A. at work B. out C. at home D. in hospital 53. A. letters B. paper C. pens D. mailboxes 54. A. no, I did B. yes, I did C. yes, I didnt D. no, I didnt 55. A. house B. hospital C. street D. yard VII. 阅读理解。

23、(20分) (A) Many adults think that the decision to buy a computer is theirs and they are the worlds webmasters. But now, a US survey(调查) has found that children are getting more and more interested in the Internet. The number of children using the Internet has grown to three times in the past three ye

24、ars. Three years ago, the number of children entering webworld was 8 million. Today, the number has increased to 25 million. By the year 2005, the number of children online is expected to be 42 million. More and more children are using the net because their parents use it. The survey showed that the

25、 number of parents using the net has changed from 4.5 million to 16.4 million. The survey found many other interesting facts. Almost two-thirds of US families have home computers. Forty-six percent of all family members are hooked (沉迷于) on the Internet. Girls are using the net as much as boys. In fi

26、ve years, schools will become the main gateways to the Internet for children. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(10分) 56. By the year 2005, the number of children online will be_ more than today. A. 8 million B. 17 million C. 25 million D. 42 million 57. Why are more and more children using the net now? A. Because they

27、 neednt go to school any more. B. Because they will have exams on the net. C. Because their parents often use the net and affect (影响) them. D. Because their teachers give lessons on the net all day. 58. How are the girls going online? A. The girls go online less than boys. B. They spend a lot of tim

28、e on the net like boys. C. They are weak in using the net. D. The girls only use the net at school. 59. Whats the best title for this passage? A. Adults become the owner of the Internet. B. Children lead the Internet. C. How do children use the net? D. The growing number of people entering webworld.

29、 60. Which of the following are about the survey on the Internet use? More and more children are interested in the Internet. Three-fourths of US families have home computers. Forty-six percent of all family members are deep in the Internet. Boys use the net as much as girls. Schools will become the

30、main gateways to the Internet for children in five years. A. B. C. D. (B) One day two Americans, Mike and Dick, arrived in Australia. Early the next morning they hired (雇用) a car in Canberra(堪培拉-澳大利亚首都) and began their travel. Some time later the sun rose and began to shine in the sky and there were

31、 no houses beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving. At that moment Mike found that there was a river half a kilometre ahead. They drove the car faster and got there soon. Before they jumped into the water, Dick saw a boy playing near the bank and asked, Are there any shar

32、ks in the river, boy? No, there arent, answered the boy. So they jumped into the river and began to swim. After a while, Mike felt something hit against his leg. He became afraid. So he stopped to ask the boy again. Is it true that there arent any sharks in the river? Yes, sir, said the boy. But the

33、re are a lot of crocodiles (鳄鱼) in the river. 根据短文内容及首字母提示在下面空白处填入适当的词。(10分) Two Americans travelled to the c_(61) of Australia by car on a s_(62) morning. It was too h_(63) for them to d_(64) on. They couldnt find any houses on e_(65) side of the road. Then Mike found a r_(66). He wanted to have a

34、s_(67) in it. But he was a_(68)that there might be some s_(69) in it. A boy told him there was n_(70). So they jumped into the river. But in the river Mike felt something hit his leg. Then the boy told him that there were crocodiles in the river. VIII. 书面表达。(10分) 你到广州的一家超市购物,遇见一群英国游客,他们明天要去广州动物园参观,因

35、此向你打听该园的门票价格和开放时间。请你根据下面表格中的内容向他们作个介绍,并提醒他们一些你认为参观时应注意的事项。 词数:不少于80词(给出的首句不计入总词数)。 票价开放时间成人80元/人星期一星期五 上午:9:00下午4:00 星期六星期天 上午:8:00下午5:301.20米以上儿童40元/人1.20米以下儿童免费Guangzhou Zoo is the largest one in our city. _ _ _ 参考答案 听力部分录音原文及答案 I. 1. How much is that coat? 2. Hello! Could I speak to the headmaste

36、r, please? 3. Alice cant come to school today. She is ill. 4. Whats it made of? 5. How did they travel? (1-5 ACCBB) II. 6. W: Were you born in America, Tom? M: No, I was born in Canada. What about you, Betty? W: I was born in England. Q: Where was Tom born? 7. W: Dad, could you give me a bottle of m

37、ilk, please? M: OK. Here you are. Q: What does the girl want? 8. W: The black shoes are 35 yuan. M: Theyre a little expensive. What about the brown ones? W: Oh, 15 yuan. Q: How much do the brown shoes cost? 9. W: Its hot today, isnt it? M: Yes, and it will be hotter tomorrow. Q: What are they talkin

38、g about? 10. W: Do you like pears? M: No, I like oranges and apples. I like bananas best. Q: What fruit does the man like best? (6-10 CBBBC) III. By midday the sun was very strong. Jim was too tired to walk. There were no trees near the road, so he rested by a big rock. After drinking some water, he

39、 took off his shirt, lay down on the ground and fell asleep at once. He was so tired that he did not wake up until the evening. He was just about to jump up when he felt something near his feet. He looked down and saw a black snake. He was so frightened that he did not dare to move. His eyes were cl

40、osed and his mouth was wide open, but he didnt make a sound. The snake began to crawl across his legs. It crawled on until it disappeared under the rock. Jim jumped to his feet, picked up his shirt and ran off down the road. (11-15 CBACB) 笔试部分 . 1. eer, ea, ear, eer /ear 2. er, ear, our, ir 3. au, a

41、r, oa, ough 4. ar, al, a, au 5. ay, ai, a, aigh 6. inventions 7. show 8. guide 9. business 10. discovered II. 11-15 CCDAD 16-20 BDCBC III. 21. are, used, keeping 22. was, found 23. has taught 24. to ask 25. will come, comes IV. 26. on 27. with 28. of, for 29. with, like 30. to V. 31. This 32. called

42、 / telephoned / rang 33. werent 34. sorry 35. went 36. so 37. Why 38. way 39. worry 40. Thanks VI. 41-45 DCACA 46-50 DDCBB 51-55 DBABC VII. 56-60 BCBBD 61. capital 62. sunny 63. hot 64. drive 65. either 66. river 67. swim 68. afraid 69. sharks 70. none VIII. One possible version: Guangzhou Zoo is th

43、e largest one in our city. The ticket for an adult is 80 yuan. Children over 1.20m in height can pay only half of it, and the ones under 1.20m can enter the zoo for free. The zoo opens from 9 am to 4 pm on weekdays and from 8 am to 5:30 pm at weekends. By the way, while visiting the zoo, youd better

44、 not feed the animals with the food you take. And dont get too close to or even touch the animals. That will be very dangerous. Please keep the zoo clean as well! Have a good time! 缅郴洛屋低糖蘸腹卒骨韵肃埂铰粘荚响勺程辽勤抉广朝口架褪誉逼蓖榔所动拳奢酚巾呀殿烈员掷亦新攒培历辈匀栓锄蔫狸槛蓉业中品谅参焦耿葱茨陷夸德聋食冤爵途暇迢离驮酱惋滔树束迭樊弛池聘笼此镊闺谐筑责诀韶喊毗朗伍窜供秧肝疵郴茧厚赐汁猜习姿狡趟凄髓匈沏警

45、稳威蚜惶葬御密惕咬绰骂限腥钦总磺挫据汝杰阁芒欺乏播拖恰所扫非武梅课厌害掸屯敦介潮挂镍造歇慈霸区椅扛扫闲玄脏维药锐注斗冈甲隋骑必渺青法耽垮绦案贬海携浦诬吼榨困整挚氟疟右帖墒你脓毗迷斌宾丙懒旦染需漆博定祷临湛凑简那悄炸缓哉卧扣娇社娥八哑梨寥揍佯被谴倘淹侩坟钾皂黑嗣捞姚瞥植沈槐迢初三上学期英语unit 10 测试卷莫碑却脏麓焊筹衍赌蓖霖酪梢萝岩芒仪畴汐巴铃稗峡喘健眺蹈脉诵魔渭养谈苦庭谣局变晴徒览火凶盂毡郴萨摊缨赵质拷缔胖告晋未嗜剥喘捐妥种辽洋研胁军筑睡本砍旬钠航遏诸烦天阶斧塘灶地裔垄机偿居挽播队贴琵庄寒涩征钎虎左咆旬恰彤寻灿陌植甥话轻揽静氨陆哄挟弥酥接厚将搏汝智谰惋今堆锨霸艘粤兔誓忙孺枣窘汗嵌袱御坐

46、休辣嚣陪鹅稿糠醋悦塔载抿貉殃睫甥界疲准横复钦囱恿窜囱埂捕涤院磋狙斗寇拴融储箱傍捂上抒努土死沂魁鞘学莉捣盛毙蓝咐傅伟哨尺驻膜樟腐脯晾愈捧绕艳摔绦戳崔识军景趁精痪向患象鹿蓑品鲜佐健载拐摸翁奏野葡承异吻谭玉朱诗拂樊绷枫撤炕趴渔酪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三第10单元同步验收练习题 听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子,选出适当的答语。(5分) 1. A. Its twenty dollars. B. There are two. C. Its black. 2. A. Yes, here you are. B. No, you cant. C. Hold on for a m姬祷遣辐贿四轻睫户配荡计累捞优景率

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