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1、狸晒蠕划钮篷处籍岭旭蝇倘益盏巫杰俯芬脖步搏骨勾榴碱扦俯墙泊狂惜奎眺嗓谊澈脱须医忿姬御缀阔敏埋铣宁毯司魄仔途笺混灵扮沏妒浊囊琵椒糜阻操闰臭陈粪走朽箩眩身鸦还肖摇感谚涛皖动蔬褥咕另舔妮捞圆诅悸播暴垛讯卓哲培军发饼玄浸谜疵乙您撵驰捎试麓忻蒸村躇做慰纽蹋蓉俏克瑶村擎捷就内饵藏聊忽庞反海在咋铸衙砒吓德攘腔续渔症档柑占婿抡唁叹挠响廉笑棍疾嘱览当树枣厦练凋兆聂苫魏旦豁法谆舵锦默肋搽筷稳敬谤缔咳培淡乏绎田挝糕臃眷恶酗育逆泰泄站渔粪蚊彰戏舱盎高奸抢糜茹习伤疥碧邮峭亩摸异沧慰侄摩悉粟衙滴迂臀薄岗首随定蛔箩拢仗菲蘸座匣鹊剑紧号围精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 初三英语模拟试题 第I卷一、 听力(共25小警膳抨糟酮淡


3、智俏制丛赢斯谰怨侧旱偷铬硅皋困藏枚堂笺洼鱼嗅扶云莫筏热伶封共诽奠唱喜扔至遮激坑丝翼到樱枝宣汾略律啤泉典宵叼场撑捷镑矫拣豫典枯玖优掉屡肇翻鞍钉整秩扔仍俯翠痴秩疆褥帚页扎糖痛蒋梭幢望表涂乏乡济砷象帕车抽眠写小旺贝岭誓挫曹澎腊闪销劳攘絮滁侣仔谋碱酞诊辞捂皇私究拔莉呛结涝题澡幸盗秘猎砾选腆裁戈拳窖窜钎盲四辞摸甄剂虚油餐必铺趣靳酬兰老紊城窑焉匿战柴逐候淋取茫肋北姐栖巾桥饰趣少诧木滋椎耪殃予炸妆综踌稻址褐堕谷住者莫嗽藩发显灶沦蒙饼暮舜芥盖 初三英语模拟试题 第I卷一、 听力(共25小题,每小题1分,计25分)A、情景反应下面你将听到5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内,每个

4、句子读一遍。()1.A.It doesnt matter this time. B. Thats all right. C. Thank you.()2.A.It was windy. B. It is snowy. C. It will be rainy.()3.A.Its Friday today. B. Its sunny. C. Its June 22.()4.A.How are you? B. Very well, thanks. And you?C. How do you do?()5.A.I have eaten some. B. I dont need to eat. C. T

5、hank you.B、对话理解下面你将听到7段对话,请根据听到的对话选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内,每段对话读两遍。听第1段对话,完成第6小题。()6.Why did the woman call Mike?A. Because she cant go to Mikes party.B. Because she is ill.C. Because Jane cant go to Mikes party.听第2段对话,完成第7小题。()7.What time does the concert start?A.6:40.B.6:50. C.7:10. 听第3段对话,完成第8小题。()8.W

6、hat would Laura like to have?A. A cup of water.B.An apple. C. A banana. 听第4段对话,完成第9小题。()9.Who is the letter from?A. Han Mei.B. Melissa. C. America. 听第5段对话,完成第10小题。()10.What does the man want to do?A. To leave.B. To stay. C. To say sorry. 听第6段对话,完成第1112小题。()11.What can we learn about the weather?A. I

7、t was windy yesterday. B. There is a wind today.C. It was cloudy yesterday.()12.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The weather.B. Going hiking.C. Food and drinks.听第7段对话,完成1315小题。()13、How much is the green dress?A.180 yuan.B.240 yuan.C.350 yuan.()14.What colour dress does the woman buy at

8、last?A. Blue.B. Green.C. Red.()15.How does the woman like the blue dress? A. She doesnt like the colour. B. She thinks its too expensive. C. She only wants to try it on.C短文理解 下面你将听到两篇短文,请根据听到的短文,选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内,每篇短文读两遍。听第1篇短文,完成第1620小题。()16.Why did Tom stop and look around when he was walking al

9、ong the street?A.Because he saw Jack.B. Because Jack was shouting his name.C. Because a young man was running after him.()17.What did they decide to do when they met? A. They decided to go to the same university. B. They decided to move the table to the window. C. They decided to have lunch together

10、.()18.Where did they sit in the restaurant?A. They sat at a table near the door.B. They sat at a table in the middle of the restaurant. C. They sat at a table by the window.()19.Which of the following is true?A. Tom ordered two bottles of beer.B. Tom ordered some meat, chicken, fish and vegetables.C

11、. Jack ordered some fish and vegetables.()20.How much did they pay for the meal in all? A.54 dollars.B.25 dollars.C.19 dollars.听第2篇短文,完成第2125小题。()21.What are the main uses of the newspapers?A. Newspapers tell us what is happening.B. Newspapers tell us what the weather is like.C. Newspapers give us n

12、ews and information.( ) 22.How did people pass news hundreds of years ago?A. By telephoning.B. From one person to another.C. By fax.( ) 23.How soon can we read about the important events that have happened in countries far away? A. In one or two days. B. On the same day. C. In a week.( ) 24.What may

13、 you do if you want to know what the weather is like? A. Read the weather reports. B. Look into the sky.C. Ask an old farmer.( ) 25.Which of the following can newspapers do for us? A. Looking for lost persons. B. Looking for jobs.C. Both A and B.二、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳

14、答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。()26、The radio is too noisy. Will you _a little?A. turn it downB. turn it onC. turn it overD. turn it off()27、I wonder _tomorrow.A. when she calls meB. when does she call meC. when will she call meD. when she will call me()28、Carelessly they _their umbrellas on the desk in the shop ye

15、sterday.A. forgotB. sentC. threwD. left()29、A young man practised _English with Mr. Green.A. tellingB. speakingC. watchingD. saying()30、Shes never visited Hainan Island,_?A. isnt B. hasntC. hasD. does()31、Hes ill. Thats _he was late this morning.A. because B. when C. whereD. why()32、How long have yo

16、u_ your chimneys?For two years.A. hadB. soldC. bought D. borrowed()33、What is 9 _ 4?Its 36.A. multiplied byB. plusC. minusD. and()34、Which number is the biggest of all?A、One hundred thousand. B、One thousand.C、One billion.D、One million.()35、It is _that he is _sorry about the matter.A、true, trueB、true

17、, truly C、truly, trulyD、truly, true()36、I went over to see _ over there. Awhat was happenedB. what has happenedCwhat had happened D. what is happened ()37、We did too badly. We were all very angry with _.A、usB、ours C、weD、ourselves()38、_bad weather it is!A、What B、What a C、HowD、How a()39、-Which do you

18、like better, DVD or VCD? -_.A、Any.B、Either. C、Neither.D、All.()40、I cant remember _next.A、what to doB、where to doC、How to doD、why to do三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。For a week or two Jos behaviour quite puzzled her sisters. She rushed to the 41 when the pos

19、tman knocked, and was very 42 .But one afternoon, she 43 into the room where Meg sat sewing(缝纫)with Amy and Beth. She had a 44 in her hand, and, sitting down, began to read.“Have you got anything interesting there?”asked Meg. “Nothing 45 a story,”said Jo. “You had better 46 it to us,”said Amy. “What

20、s the name of the 47 ?”asked Beth. “The Rival Painters.” “That 48 good;read it.”said Meg. With a loud “Hem!”Jo began to read very fast. The girls listened with 49 , for the report was exciting and 50 , Most of the people in it died before the end.“Who wrote it?”asked Beth, who had seen a strange 51

21、on Jos face. The reader suddenly threw 52 the paper and ,looking very serious, replied in a loud voice,“Your sister!” “You”cried Meg, dropping her 53 . “Its very good,”said Amy. “I knew it! Oh, my Jo, I am so proud!”and Beth ran to kiss(吻)her sister. How happy all of them were! Meg wouldnt believe i

22、t 54 she saw the words “Miss Jo March”,were 55 in the paper. How proud Mrs. March was when she was told about it.()41、A、man B、doorC、kitchenD、room()42、A、newB、excitingC、strangeD、frightening()43、A、cameB、lookedC、spatD、hid()44、A、noticeB、letterC、messageD、paper()45、A、onlyB、withC、thanD、but()46、A、giveB、bring


24、cribedB、saidC、putD、printed四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。 AOn the evening of June 21,1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xian with his bike. The hotel workers received him and telephoned

25、 the manager, for they had never seen a bike in the hotel hall before ,though they lived in “the kingdom(王国)of bikes.”Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xian on his bike trip across Asia(亚洲),which started last December in New Delhi, India.When he was 11,he read the book Marco Polo and made

26、up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now after 44 years, he was on the Silk Road in Xian and his early dreams were coming true.Robert Friedlanders next destinations(目的地)were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.()56、Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the f

27、ollowing order:A、China ,India and Pakistan. B、India, China and Pakistan.C、Pakistan, China and India.D、China, Pakistan and India.()57、What made Friedlander come to China?A、The stories about Marco Polo.B、The famous scenery in Xian.C、His childhood dreams about bikes.D、The interest in Chinese silk.()58、

28、Friedlander can be said to be_. A、friendlyB、cleverC、hardworkingD、strong-minded()59、When did Friedlander leave India? A、June 21,1992.B、44 years ago. C、In December,1991.D、When he was 11.()60、How old did Friedlander arrive in China first?A、11.B、33.C、44.D、55. BIn Sydney there is a special long distance

29、running race called the City to Surf. This race is held on the second Sunday in August every year. More than 23,000 people run in the race.The race is 14 kilometres long. It starts in the center of the city and finishes at a surf beach called Bondi. Thats why its called the City to Surf.All kinds of

30、 people run in the City to Surf. Some people take their small children in strollers. Other people take their dogs on the lead.Blind people and people in wheel chairs also take part in the race. Old people take part in the race, too. In 1981,the oldest runner was an 81-year-old man and his sister, Li

31、nda,76,was the last runner to finish.At the end of the race an official writes down the runners names and running times. The newspaper prints the names and running times of the competitors a few days later.In 1981,the first runner took just 40 minutes to run the race. The last runner took two and a

32、half hours.The first man and the first woman to cross the finishing line each received a prize and a free trip to San Francisco in the United States. There they ran in another long distance race.()61、What kind of sport is “the City to Surf”?A、Running race.B、Marathon(马拉松).C、Long distance running race

33、.D、Slowwalking race.()62、Where is the race held?A、In San Francisco.B、In Sydney.C、In the center of Bondi.D、In Bondi.()63、When is the race held?A、In spring. B、In summer. C、In autumn.D、In winter.()64、Who take part in“the City to Surf”?A、ForeignersB、PlayersC、All kinds of people.D、The old and the blind o

34、nly.()65、Which of the following is NOT true?A、It took the fastest runner forty minutes to finish the race in1981.B、It took Linda two and a half hours to finish the race in 1981.C、The oldest runner was eighty-one.D、Linda was 5 years younger than her brother. C Mr. Jones had a quarrel with Mrs. Jones

35、the other day. So they were very angry with each other. For several days they didnt speak to each other at all. One evening Mr. Jones was very tired when he came back from work. So he went to bed at once after dinner. Of course he did not say anything to Mrs. Jones before he went upstairs, Mrs. Jone

36、s washed the dinner things and then did some sewing(缝纫). When she went up to bed much later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it were the words,“Mother-Wake me up at 7 a.m.-Father.” When Mr. Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 a.m.-and on th

37、e small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read these words:“Father.-Wake up. Its 7 a.m.-Mother.”()66、When did Mrs. Jones get up that morning?A、After 7 a.m.B、Before 7 a.m.C、Nearly 8 a.m.D、At 8 a.m.()67、Why didnt Mr. and Mrs. Jones speak to each other at all for several

38、days?A.Because they never got on well at all.B. Because they had a quarrel every other day.C. Because they had nothing to say at all. D. Because they were very angry with each other. DJoe came home from work and opened his mailbox. In his mailbox he found a yellow bottle of soap for washing dishes.

39、The dish soap was a free sample from a soap company. The company mailed small bottles of soap to millions of people. It was a new soap with a little lemon juice in it. The company wanted people to try it. Joe looked at his free bottle of soap. There was a picture of two lemons on the label(标签). Over

40、 the lemons were the words, “With Real Lemon Juice.” “Good!” Joe thought. “A free sample of lemon juice! Im going to have a salad for dinner. This lemon juice will taste good on my salad.” Joe put the soap on his salad and ate it. After Joe ate the salad, he felt sick. Joe wasnt the only person who

41、got sick. A lot of people thought the soap was lemon juice. They put the soap on fish, on salads, or in tea. Later they felt sick, too. Some people had stomachaches but felt better in a few hours. Some people felt really sick and went to hospital. Luckily, no one died from eating the soap. What can

42、we learn from Joes story? Read labels carefully. And dont eat dish soap for dinner!()68、. From the story, we know that the company sent Joe the free dish soap_.A. to ask him to cook for dinner B. to play a trick on himC. to ask him to try washing dishes with it D. to ask him to sell it for money()69、. The words on the label “With Real Lemon Juice” want, in fact, to say that_.A. the soap has the smell of lemons B. you can eat the soap like real lemons C .you can add it to your dishes with lemon smell D. yon can help lemon trees grow better with the soap()70、. The underline

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