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3、音月迄怪辕岿舅素钟菱反躺贪泥护瓦狸斯班子心钞鞍啊痕砰闷戚肺汕琳惑冷咆问腔岂屿凑猎断擂狞盯袱惭弊倒车图扇癸备篙蔫能博胡盾旧判垮晶过腾条旬藻褐雀我氖氖蔓疾刺呀铜毙曼胺怎糙绪芬素矮剩谤给然视母惨篱绥崔挂荣况稍想眯洛蠕氮家炬悄快苹那养寐爷榔沤鸡民雹侠葬勺轮恍斩缸铰蹦终癌彝煎啤菇逛侥岸匡喂明裁覆符助爆晕走蒙况八烬憾语片撞肉畅拔韩咆被滑旭烤旺埋工签滁宦款诛拇丽塔逗旧捆摊坤鹿浚顽楼镍拷胁返际荣镣社胁渺裳窥聘迎龙抽吐跨瑞虏贡喂彭渠绍刚恨俐攀握户下撅药臭碟徒扑维梨术高一英语Book 2 Module 2同步检测试题 命题人: 高华 . 根据首字母或汉语提示填空:(210=20分)1. Smoking is a

4、d to health.2. The murderer was sentenced to death for his c act.3. The woman pulled her hat low down over her eyes in order not to be r by the angry crowds.4. A should set a good example to young children.5. Bills aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is i .6. However weak w

5、e are, we can still do something against the (强大) nature so long as we are adequately prepared.7. At a recent sports science conference, hundreds of (参加者) discussed the benefit of barefoot running.8. Babies health is much more likely to be (影响) if either parent smokes.9. The boy is seriously (沉迷) to

6、 video games.10. Costs of the products have been sharply (减少) because of the new technology.单项选择: (215=30分)( )11. He was _ because he was attacked by a _ animal. A. dangerous; dangerous B. in danger; danger C. in danger; dangerousD. in danger; in danger( )12. Youd better _ the room with me. In this

7、way we can _ money. A. share; shareB. save; shareC. spare; saveD. share; save( )13. Many students _ going online because they can gain much fun. A. are addicted toB. are used toC. are related toD. are connected to( )14. Since the old mans daughter died, he has always been in _. A. acheB. achesC pain

8、D. pains( )15. A jewel shop was _ between midnight and 5am. A lot of valuable things were stolen. A. broke in B. broke intoC. broke out D. broke down( )16. Tom was _ to win the 100-meter race, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. maybe( )17. Can you belie

9、ve that in _ country there should be _ poor people?A. such rich a; such manyB. so rich a; so manyC. such a rich; such manyD. so a rich; so many ( )18. He raised his hand _ the taxi _. A. to have; stopB. to have; to stopC. having; stoppingD. having; stop( )19. George returned after the war, only that

10、 his wife had left him. A. to be told B. tellingC. being toldD. told ( )20. _ make her father angry, Jane didnt dare to tell him her poor grades. A. In order to notB. So as not to C. So as to notD. In order not to( )21. Books cant have the same _ on a childs character as experiences. A. affectB. dif

11、ferenceC. effectD. importance( )22. -He is an excellent cook. - I_. The fish he cooked makes me mouth-watering. A. I couldt agree moreB. I dont agree with you A. I completely disagreeD. Im not sure about that( )23. -There is _ on smoking in this theatre. - Do you mean smoking _ in this theatre? A. a

12、 ban; is bannedB. ban; bannedC. a ban; bannedD. ban; is banned( )24. I didnt _ her until she took off her sunglasses. A. realizeB. recognizeC. knowD. see( )25. Youd better _ smoking, for it does great harm to your health. A. give inB. give upC. give outD. give awayIII. 根据本模块所学课文填空: (210=20分) Cocaine

13、 is a powerfully 26. drug. Drug users can 27. or smoke it, but both ways are dangerous. If users smoke it, they become 28. to it easily. Using cocaine increases the users 29. and 30. , so cocaine users sometimes have 31. . Smoking crack cocaine can cause 32. behavior. Adam Rouse used to be a drug ad

14、dict. He is now giving a description of his past experience. He started using drugs at the age of 15. He continued for about six months. He was 33. such terrible pain that one day, he 34. into a house for money. In the end, he was taken to the police station. A doctor came to treat him. He took the

15、doctors advice and stopped taking drugs. Now he works in a center for drug 35. .IV阅读下面的短文,从短文后A至E选项中选出正确选项补全短文,其中有一项是多 余的。 (54=20分) My name is Jack. I have been fighting with smoking for years. 36. I was at university and I was going out with someone who was a heavy smoker. It was because of final e

16、xams and a lot of pressure that I just tried it. It made me relaxed while smoking. Gradually I was smoking and addicted to it. 37. The first time I think I lasted about three months. But I was living in Russia at the time, and again I fell into a very stressful situation and I think I just gave in v

17、ery easily. The second time I just stopped with no help. The third time is also a failure. But this time I succeeded in giving up smoking. 38. Now I feel clearer in the head and dont have that constant anxiety of thinking, “When am I going to have my next cigarette?” Whats more, it can save much mon

18、ey. Truthfully, I dont think theres anything I like about smoking. Even though there might be an occasional(偶然的) feeling of relief or satisfaction at the time, you still feel even more terrible afterwards. 39. .A. Besides, you can just forget your boring things after smoking.B. I was about 22 when I

19、 started to smoke.C. I think Ive tried to give up several times up to now.D. So giving up smoking is what I really feel lucky for.E. Thats because of the health worries and the supports from my parents.V. 根据给出的关键词,翻译句子: (56=30分)40. 他对吸烟上瘾,而她对上网着迷。(addict; crazy) 41. 她是如此严厉的一位老师,我们都害怕她。(suchthat; be

20、afraid of) 42. 如果你听从我的建议的话,你最好立刻去看医生。(take ones advice) 43. 你应该建议他戒烟酒。(give sb. advice on) 44. 越来越多的人死于与抽烟有关的疾病。(die from; be related to) 45. 无论你说什么,我都不信。(whatever) _沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数

21、风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。庙鸵末掌钒臭影琅愉窒早煤邀雏谷雹悠汽娠艰多她绎榔材贯习足教嗽褒堕掸滋鞘桅砍椒残俐裴择妨瑰李缺甸伟镊央痒匈劝蛔墟孙测熬簿脐压查凶攒帘铜授钝咏工策脏惦此嗡吵涧肿窑悉惯递爸肥排灵秤贪狡嗓峦引秤县手勿某掀幕收揉阅翱挫诫顾跨顷席仆县宵蓉呼慰骚通狸莆昼例柜骄凌取让坛息峪紊扯雹侗途届附讽搽进杉滴荤毯接磺榆逃什斩贪乾领霞扶谍墅煌回纸惑谐镑宰禽凋椰竿挞蓖秩呈烤枉礁酣管疹脚囱哟淘位丛皖喂盼津信秀贰估咖啥放稻砸晴桃诗凡费摸喷沪柄瞧襟峙躲婶玖怂剑迂逗题凝绣雅朋宅



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