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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-Goodcareer(才博)-专注于培育和发展实战型人力资源管理专家的专业机构Goodcareer-Professional organization focus on cultivating and developing strength HR professionals 才博实战型人力资源品牌培训系列:企业人力资源管理专家胜任力证书培训系列(PHR)之 招聘、甄选和配置专家胜任力特训营PHR-R&S传授支持组织战略和业务发展需要的招聘、甄选和配置专家级技能及其应用能力Imparting the exp

2、ert-level skills in recruiting, selecting and placing and its application skills to support the need of organization strategy and business 培训收益Training benefit1,通过训练使学员具备100%为企业找到职位候选人的技能; Making trainees possess 100% skills to find candidates through training 2,通过训练使学员掌握科学的甄选技能,具备为企业选对人的能力。 Making

3、trainees master scientific selecting skills and possess ability to select right person through training 培训目标Training Objectives1.实施有效的招聘、甄选和配置;及时地为企业获取和甄选到合格的候选人,匹配企业的略和业务发展需要,增强企业的赢利能力的竞争能力。Implementing effective recruiting, selecting and placing; selecting suitable candidates for enterprises in ti

4、me matching the strategy and business development needs of the enterprises to strengthen profitability and competitiveness.2.实现比竞争对手低的招聘和甄选成本,帮助企业形成和维持低成本优势。 Realizing lower recruiting and selecting cost than competitors to help enterprises form and maintain advantageof low cost3.有效地吸引匹配的候选人;具有比竞争对手

5、优胜的有效的招聘渠道。Effectively attracting matched candidates; possessing better recruiting channel than competitors.4.帮助留住员工。Helping retain the employees.5.帮助企业形成一支高素质且具竞争力的员工队伍。 Helping the enterprises form a qualified and competitive workforce.培训特色Training Features20%时间进行最新招聘和甄选知识/技术分享,40%时间进行招聘和甄选专家级技能培养

6、和训练,40%时间为实操经验分享和工作模拟训练。20% time for sharing the latest management knowledge of pay and benefit, 40% time for cultivating expert-level skills of pay and benefit and the other 40% time for job sampling training to gain practical experience.才博招聘、甄选和配置管理专家胜任力特训营PHR-PM KCI training才博招聘、甄选和配置管理专家课程胜任力结构设

7、计模型 Designing model of PHR-PM KCI structure第一层面:招聘、甄选和配置管理专员职位胜任力结构 The first level: specialists KCI in recruiting, selecting and placement1.员工招聘流程管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience of employees recruiting process2.工人级、文员级员工招聘渠道管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience of worker-level and cle

8、rk-level employees recruiting channel 3.指导应聘者申请表填写的能力与经验 Ability and experience of guiding applicants to fill in application forms4.工人级和文员级的初试能力与经验Ability and experience of worker-level and clerk-level employees first interview5.测试、考试甄选安排能力与经验 Ability and experience of testing, selecting arrangement

9、6.具备候选人的联系、沟通能力与经验 Possessing ability and experience to contact and communicate with candidates7.现场招聘活动的安排与管理能力与经验 Ability and experience to arrange and manage on-site recruiting activities8.网络招聘管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience of online recruiting9.员工入职安排管理能力与经验 Management ability and expe

10、rience of arranging employees appointment10.员工档案管理能力与经验 Ability and experience to manage employees files11.月度/季度/年度招聘总结报告编写能力与经验 Ability and experience to work out monthly/quarterly / annual recruitment summary report12.具良好的英文基础更佳(会为你增值20%-30%) Possessing good English ( adding 20%-30% individual val

11、ue)第二层面:招聘、甄选和配置管理主管职位胜任力结构 The second level: supervisors KCI in recruiting, selecting and placemnt1.年度招聘计划的实施能力与经验 Implementation ability and experience of annual recruiting plan2.有效外部人才供应渠道开发与管理能力与经验 Ability and experience to develop and manage effective external talent supply channel3.有效招聘广告设计与应用

12、能力与经验 Applying Ability and experience to design effective recruiting advertisement4.猎头渠道、媒体渠道的选择与管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience to select and manage headhunting channel and media channel 5.现场招聘、校园招聘策划能力与经验 Planning ability and experience of on-site recruiting and school recruiting 6.外部人力市

13、场分析、总结能力与经验 Ability and experience to analyze and summarize external human resource market7.内部人力盘点、人才库建立与管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience to internal manpower inventory, build up talent pool8.内部招聘策划、管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience to plan internal recruiting9.管理培训生内部人才供给系统的制度、管理能力

14、与经验 System of managing trainees internal talent supply, management ability and experience10.非正式配置内部招聘计划设计、管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience to design internal recruiting plan of informal placing 11.有效测试技术的开发、应用能力与经验 Development of effective testing technology, application ability and experie

15、nce12.有效预测员工将来业绩技术开发、应用能力与经验 Technology development of effectively forecasting the employees future performance, application ability and experience13.结构化面试设计、应用能力与经验 Structural interview planning, application ability and experience14.集体面试设计、应用能力与经验 Group interview planning, application ability and e

16、xperience15.测试中心甄选技术应用能力与经验 Application ability and experience in selecting technique of testing center16.背景调查甄选办法的应用能力与经验 Application ability and experience in selecting method of background investigation17.有效主持主管/技术级别员工初试能力与经验 Ability and experience to effectively host the supervisor/ technology-l

17、evel employees first interview18.具良好的英文基础更佳(会为你增值20%-30%) Possessing good English( adding 20%-30% individual value)第三层面:招聘、甄选和配置管理经理/总监职位胜任力结构 The third level: manager/directors KCI in recruiting, selecting and placing1.战略性人力供给管理思考能力、具系统而专业的R&S理论水平 Thinking ability of managing strategic HR supply, p

18、ossessing systematic and professional R&S theory level 2.人才资源策略制定、与老板/公司/部门经理有效共息的能力 Ability to make HR strategy and communicate with boss/enterprises/department managers3.人力资源供给体系目标定立与沟通能力 Target localization and communication ability of HR supplying system4.目标导向/战略导向的人力资源规划能力与经验 Designing ability

19、and experience of target-oriented/strategy-oriented HR5.外部人才库建立、管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience to build up external talent pool6.内部人才供给制度/体系建立、管理能力与经验Management ability and experience to build up the regulation/system of talent supply7.继任人计划的制定、实施与管理能力与经验Management ability and experience

20、to make implement successor plan8.测试价中心甄选技术的开发、应用能力与经验 Application ability and experience to develop selecting techniques of testing center9.主持主管级以上候选人面试能力与经验 Ability and experience to host candidate interview of supervisor10.招聘、配置政策/制度设计与推行能力与经验 Promotion ability and experience to design recruiting

21、, placing policy/system 11.主管级以上面试问题设计、应用能力与经验 Application ability and experience to design interviewing questions of supervisors,12.跨国人才招聘策划、实施能力与经验 Implementation ability and experience to design international talent recruiting 13.特殊招聘渠道开发、应用能力与经验 Special recruiting channel developing, application

22、 ability and experience14.内部人力配置策略制定、实施与管理能力与经验 Management ability and experience to planning and implementing of internal HR placing strategy15.经理级以上级别员工背景调查策划能力与经验 Planning ability and experience of manager-level or above employees background survey16.年度招聘计划制定、推行能力与经验 Promotion ability and experie

23、nce to design annual recruiting plan培训时间Training Time二天Two days in total培训地点Training LocationGoodcareer 人力资源管理专家培训中心(广州总部)Goodcareer human resources management experts Training Center培训费用Training Costs人民币3,800元/人.2天,含Goodcareer 人力资源专家团开发的培训教材1套、培训费和招聘和甄选专家证书费。RMB 3800 Yuan each person 2 days includi

24、ng 1 set of training series, training fee and the fee of PHR-C&B certificate.才博-密斯根:外资/合资企业人力资源经理/总监职位胜任力特训营学员、才博人事部美国ACI:国际职业资格注册人力资源经理/执行官认证学员(证书由人事部和美国ACI认证机构颁发)及其所在企业、Goodcareer 客户和有两人以上报名的企业可获9.5折优惠!5% discount will be given to those such as trainees of CPM-HRM, trainees of CHRM/CHRME Training

25、Series issued by Personnel Department and ACI and their enterprises, Goodcareer clients and the enterprises where 2 people register the course.中午用餐AA制原则适合人员Training Targets1. 企业负责招聘和甄选的管理人员 Management personnel who are responsible for the enterprises compensation and benefits2. 企业人力资源管理者 HR manageme

26、nt personnel of the enterprises3. 企业中高层管理人员和老板 Senior management personnel and boss of the enterprises4. 有志于成为招聘、甄选和配置专家者 People who are willing to be a compensation and benefit expert课程模块Course Modules模块一:战略性招聘策划、有效招聘渠道的开发和管理 Recruiting strategies and Developing Effective Recruiting Channels模块二:战略性

27、内部招聘策划实务 Internal Recruiting Planning Practices with Strategies模块三:甄选、测试技术的开发及其应用实务 Selecting and Testing Techniques and Related Practices模块四:预测候选人未来工作绩效实务 Practices Forecasting Future Working Performance of Candidates模块五:有效的面试技巧和员工配置管理 Effective Interviewing Skills and Placement学员福利Students Welfare

28、1. 获颁发招聘、甄选和配置专家证书 Getting the certificate of PHR-R&S2. 成为Goodcareer 终身会员,享受会员“十大收益”(详请请登阅本公司网站查阅) Becoming life-long members of Goodcareer, enjoying “10 benefit”( of the members( log in our website to search the details)3. 免费成为才博会员 Being members of our HR Party freely4. 9折参加Goodcareer 年度人力资源管理高峰论坛

29、Getting 10% discount for Goodcareer annual HRM Summit Forum培训课程安排Training Courses Arrangement具体培训内容每班会根据学员实际情况有所修,以导师实际上课内容为准!Training content will be changed according to the trainees condition and it will be subject to the coacher第一天the first day上午am.上午pm.模块一: 战略性招聘策划、有效招聘渠道的开发和管理Module1: plan of

30、strategic recruitment, development and management of effective recruiting channel案例研讨:招聘执行副总裁的失败的原因。Case study: the reason why it failed to recruit executive vice President经验分享:30天内招聘25个区域经的挑战Sharing experience: the challenge to recruit 25 regional managers within 30 days具备识别公司目前和将来职位空缺的能力 Possessin

31、g the ability to identify enterprises present and future job vacancy经验分享:制定5年内的招聘计划 Sharing experience: working out 5-year recruiting plan决定是否要招聘现有职位空缺 Deciding whether it needs to recruit present job vacancy or not技能培养:不招聘可以吗? Cultivating techniques: Is it ok to quit recruitment? 确认职位空缺的工作内容和任职资格 C

32、onfirming the job content and qualification of vacant post决定填补职位空缺的策略 Deciding the strategy to make up the job vacancy工作模拟:内部招聘还是内部招聘? Job sampling: internal recruiting or external recruitment?技能培养:开发有效的招聘渠道 Cultivating techniques: developing effective recruiting channel经验分享:如何招聘2名采购经理 Sharing exper

33、ience: how to recruit 2 procurement manager吸引合适的应聘者应聘公司的职位空缺 Attracting suitable applicants to apply for the job vacancy of the enterprises工作模拟:那种招聘渠道适合? Job sampling: which recruiting channel is suitable?建立外部人才库 Setting up external talent pool设计有效吸引合格应聘者的招聘广告 Designing effective recruiting advertis

34、ement to attract suitable applicants建立激励性的招聘制度和流程 Setting up incentive recruiting system and process工作模拟:策划招聘计划及行动 Job sampling: designing the recruiting plan and action策略性招聘经验分享 Sharing experience of strategic recruitment案例研讨:被开除的招聘主管Case study: fired recruiting supervisor学员相关问题解答Answers to the tra

35、inees questions模块二: 战略性内部招聘策划实务Module 2: practice of planning strategic internal recruitment案例研讨:他们为什么离开公司? Case study: why do they leave the company经验分享:通过内部招聘有效留住和激励员工 Sharing experience: effectively retaining and encouraging employees through internal recruitment开发有效的内部招聘渠道 Developing effective i

36、nternal recruiting channel内部招聘制度的建立 Establishment of internal recruiting system工作模拟:内部招聘方法选择 Job sampling: selecting of internal recruiting method通过内部招聘体系建立企业的留人系统 Setting up system to retain employees through internal recruiting system内部人才库的建立和应用 Establishment and application of internal talent poo

37、l管理培训生计划及安排 Plan and arrangement of managing trainees接班人计划策划实务Designing practice of Succession Plan经验分享:不愿接收失败应聘者的部门经理Sharing experience: not willing to receive failed department manager 工作模拟:建立激励性的内部招聘制度Job sampling: setting up incentive internal recruiting system家庭演练:建立本公司的内部人才库Home exercise: sett

38、ing up internal talent pool of the enterprise学员相关问题解答 Answers to the relevant questions of trainees第二天 the second day上午am.上午pm.模块三:甄选、测试技术的开发及其应用实务Module 3: development and practice of selecting and testing technology案例研讨:这几个经理为什么都工作不到半年Case study: why do these managers work less than half a year经验分

39、享:如何减少员工的流失率Sharing experience: how to reduce the staff turnover rate了解空缺职位的关键素质要求Knowing well the key competence requirement of job vacancy工作模拟:写出该空缺职位的关键素质要求Job sampling: writing out the key competence requirement of job vacancy甄选组合技巧Skills of selecting combination有效的甄选流程安排 Effective arrangement o

40、f selecting process甄选、测试技术及其有效性 Selection, testing technology and its validity开发甄选应聘者知识水平的方法和技术Developing the method and technology of selecting applicants knowledge开发甄选应聘者能力水平的方法和技术Developing the method and technology of selecting applicants ability开发甄选应聘者技能水平的方法和技术 Developing the method and techno

41、logy of selecting applicants technique开发甄选应聘者态度适合度的方法和技术 Developing the method and technology of selecting applicants attitude开发和应用工作模拟甄选技术 Developing and applying selecting technology of job sampling 工作模拟:如何设置甄选技术经理的方法 Job sampling: the method of selecting technical manager经验分享:甄选生产经理的挑战 Sharing ex

42、perience: challenge of selecting production manager选择和发展合适的测试技术 Selecting and developing suitable testing techniques甄选决策 Selection decision甄选和配置策略经验分享 Sharing experience of selection and placement strategy工作模拟:如何甄选这位人力资源经理 Job sampling: how to select HR managers经验分享:甄选应聘者的态度适合度 Sharing experience: s

43、electing the fitness of applicants attitude学员问题解答Answers to the trainees questions模块四:预测候选人未来工作绩效实务Module 4: practice of forecasting the candidates future performance案例研讨:为什么技术总监业绩不好 Case study: why does technical director get poor performance?经验分享:预测销售经理的将来业绩 Sharing experience: forecasting future

44、performance of sales manager开发预测候选人未来工作绩效的技术 Developing the technology to forecast the candidates future performance预测候选人未来工作绩效实务 Practice of forecasting the candidates future performance预测候选人工作稳定性实务 Practice of forecasting the candidates job stability预测候选人的诚实度实务Practice of forecasting the candidate

45、s honesty工作模拟:预测员工稳定性 Job sampling: forecasting the employees stability家庭演练:预测员工业绩技术Home exercise: technology to forecast employees performance模块五:有效的面试技巧和员工配置管理Module 5: effective interview skills and management of employees placing案例研讨:制造总监的压力面试Case study: pressure interview of manufacturing director验验分享:如何甄选应聘者态度的适合度 Sharing experience: how to select the fitness of appliers attitude有效的面试安排Effective interview arrangement案例研讨:面试失败的原因 Case study: the reason for failed interview结构化面试设计和实务 Design and practice of structured interview非结构化面谈技巧 Skills of unstructured interview行为面试技巧

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