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1、CONTENTS 目录1.Introduction简介1-21.1.Scope 范围1-21.2.Object 主旨1-21.3.Definitions定义1-22.Test resources 测试程序2-33.Test specimen 测试样品3-34.Test procedure 测试程序4-44.1.Test conditions I, II, III and IV4-44.2.Test conditions V, VI and VII 测试条件V、VI和VII4-105.Details to be specified 细节规定5-156.Test documentation 测试报

2、告6-16Table1 Vibration conditions .52 Values for test condition V .133 Values for test condition VI .144 Values for test condition VII .15Figure1 Mounting axis definitions.32 Vibration test curves - high frequency (displacement in mm) .73 Vibration test curves - high frequency (displacement in inches

3、).84 Test condition V, random vibration test curve envelope.125 Test condition VI, random vibration test curve envelope.136 Test condition VII, random vibration test curve envelope .141. Introduction简介1.1. Scope 范围The standard test procedure details a method to assess the ability of electrical conne

4、ctor components to withstand specified severities of vibration.此试验标准详述了一种用于电子连接器振动试验的标准方法,用以评估电子连接器及其组件承受特定强度振动的能力。1.2. Object 主旨The object of this test is to determine the effects of vibration within the predominant or random vibration frequency ranges and magnitudes that may be encountered during

5、the life of the connector.此试验的是用来模拟产品在使用过程中可能遭受到的主要频段或随机振动频段范围内及其振动幅度的环境,以此验证对产品性能的影响情况.1.3. Definitions定义1.3.1. Axis 轴向The following mounting axis definitions shall be employed during the performance of this test. Figure 1 indicates a pictorial view of the axis definitions. The referencing document

6、 shall indicate the fixturing required or the axis definitions if different than as stated in figure 1. Axis definitions for symmetrical, square and “free” connectors shall be defined in the Detail Specification.在执行振动测试时,轴向需明确定义清楚。图1标示了各轴向的定义。若实际测试所使用的轴向与图1不同,则在相关参考文件中需对试验装置要求及轴向进行定义。对于具有对称性,方形及不规则的

7、连接器的轴向的定义也要在规范细目中详加定义。 X-axis X-轴Along the longitudinal length of the test sample沿着试件的纵向长度方向。 Y-axis Y-轴The axis perpendicular to the longitudinal length of the sample (transverse direction).垂直于试件纵向长度的方向(横向方向)。 Z-axis Z-轴The axis perpendicular to the fixture seating plane att

8、ached to the test table.垂直于固定治具的测试平台的方向1.3.2. The term gn 术语gnThis term is the SI unit for the standard acceleration due to the earths gravity, which itself varies with altitude and geographic latitude.gn是国际单位,表示标准的重力加速度,其本身随着高度和地理位置而变化。NOTE In this standard the value of gn is 9.81 m/s2.备注:在这个标准中gn

9、取9.81 m/s22. Test resources 测试程序2.1. Equipment 设备The monitoring transducer shall be calibrated against a standard transducer having an accuracy of 2%. The vibration system consisting of the vibration machine, together with its auxiliary test equipment, shall be capable of generating either a sinusoi

10、dal or random excitation.传感器需由标准传感器(精度在2%以内)进行校准。振动系统包含有振动机及辅助测试设备,整个系统应能产生正弦或随机振动。Test equipment for random vibration shall produce random excitation that possesses a Gaussian (normal) amplitude distribution, except that the acceleration magnitudes of the peak values may be limited to a minimum of

11、three times the rms three-sigma (3) limits.用于随机振动的测试设备所产生的随机振动的振动幅度应符合高斯分布,但加速度的峰值可限止到最小为3 倍的均方根值(区间为3)。3. Test specimen 测试样品3.1. A vibration test sample shall be a fully wired connector consisting of one of the following, as applicable;振动试验的样品应是完全连接好连接器,且包括下列条件中任一条适用的条件:3.1.1 A connector plug and i

12、ts mating connector receptacle.连接器的公头及与其相对应的母头;3.1.2 A printed circuit connector receptacle and its mating connector board(s).印刷电路板及与其相对应的连接器;3.1.3 An integral, functional connector assembly.已装配好且具完整功能的组合件。3.2. Each test sample shall be prepared with wire and other materials or processes, simulating

13、 application assembly of the sample. If normal connector mating is dependent upon forces external to the connector, then such forces and mounting arrangement shall be as closely duplicated as possible (example: printed circuit connectors). If mating is achieved with normal locking means, then only n

14、ormal locking means shall be used.每一试验样品都应准备好导线及其它材料,或作好模拟连接器的现场组装等工作。若连接器的连接方式需要依靠外力,那么这些外力与连接方式应尽可能模拟实际的状况(例如:印刷电路连接器)。若是通过的锁扣方式连接,那么也需采用相同的方式连接。3.3. Method of mounting 安装方法3.1 Test conditions I, II, III and IV (sinusoidal evaluation conditions)试验条件I,II,III和试验条件IV (正弦振动测试条件)The specimen shall be a

15、ttached to a fixture capable of transmitting the vibration conditions specified. The test fixture shall be designed so that resonant vibration inherent in the fixture within the frequency range specified for the test shall be minor. The magnitude of the applied vibration shall be monitored on the te

16、st fixture near the specimen mounting points. The test specimen shall be mounted rigidly to the test fixture as specified and shall simulate as closely as possible the normal mounting of the specimen. A minimum of 200 mm (approx 8 in) of wire or cable shall be unsupported on both ends of the connect

17、or. For specimens with attached brackets, one of the vibration-test directions shall be parallel to the mounting surface of the bracket. Vibration input shall be monitored on the mounting fixture in the proximity of the support points of the specimen.连接器试验样品应固定到能传递规定振动条件的夹具上,夹具的设计应能保证它的固有共振频率在试验所规定的

18、频率范围内达到最小。在试验夹具上接近样品的地方监控所施加的振动强度。样品安装应尽可能模拟实际使用状况。在连接器尾端至少有200毫米(约8英寸)长的导线末被固定。对于带有安装托架的样品,振动试样的一个方向应平行于托架的安装面。在靠近样品支撑点的地方监控振动输入。3.2 Test conditions V, VI and VII (random excitation conditions)试验条件V,VI和VII(随机振动测试条件)The specimen shall be mounted as specified. The orientation of the specimen or direc

19、tion of application of the applied vibration motion shall be specified in one or more directions. If the order of application of the different directions is critical, it also shall be specified. Any special test fixtures or jigs required to run the test shall be specified in sufficient detail to ass

20、ure reproducibility of the input motion applied to the specimen. These details shall include the dimensions, the materials, temper, etc., as applicable.按规定的方法安装样品,试验样品的位置或施加振动的方向应规定朝一个或一个以上的方向。如果朝不同方向施加的次序很重要,那就应该规定不同方向的先后顺序。对于进行试验所要求的任何特殊试验夹具或机架应充分详细规定,以保证施加到样品的输入量具有重复性,这些详细的规定包括尺寸、材料和温度等。4. Test p

21、rocedure 测试程序Tests and measurements before, during and after vibration shall be as specified in the referencing document. 应在相关的参考文件中规定振动之前,之中或之后的各种测试项目。4.1. Test conditions I, II, III and IV测试条件、4.1.1 Electrical load and discontinuity电负载及其不连续性4.1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in the referencing doc

22、ument, the electrical load condition shall be 100 milliamperes, maximum for all contacts.除非另有规定,施加电负载时,通过端子的电流最大不得超过100mA。 Unless otherwise specified in the referencing document, no discontinuities of one microsecond or greater duration are allowed. A detector capable of detecting the specifi

23、ed discontinuity shall be used.除非另有规定,试验过程中应使用合适的仪器来监控电路的电气不连续性, 不允许出现大于1s的断路现象。4.1.2 Vibration conditions 振动条件Vibration conditions shall be in accordance with table 1, as applicable.表1 列出适用的振动条件。4.1.3 Resonance 共振A critical resonant frequency is that frequency at which any point on the specimen is

24、observed to have a maximum amplitude more than twice that of the support points. When specified, resonant frequencies shall be determined either by monitoring parameters such as contact opening, or by use of resonance-detecting instrumentation.所谓的临界共振频率是指在该频率时观测到的试验样品上任一点的最大振幅将比支撑点的 振幅的2 倍还要大.当有规定时,

25、共振频率应采用监控参数的方法,或采用共振检测仪的方法来确定共振频率。4.1.4 Test condition I 测试条件IThe specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude 1.52 mm (0.06 in) double amplitude (maximum total excursion), the frequency being varied uniformly between the approximate limits of 10 Hz and 55 Hz. The ent

26、ire frequency range, from 10 Hz to 55 Hz and return to 10 Hz, shall be traversed in approximately 1 minute. Unless otherwise specified, this motion shall be applied for 2 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 6 hours). If applicable, this test shall be made under electri

27、cal load conditions.样品承受振幅为1.52mm(P-P) 的简谐振动,其频率在10 至55Hz 之间均匀变化,整个频率范围内(从10至55,再从55至10)约历时1分钟. 除非另有规定,在相互垂直的三个方法上各振动2小时(总共6 小时).如果适用,振动应在施加电负载的条件下进行4.1.5 Test condition II 98.1 m/s2 (10 gn) peak 测试条件【峰值:98.1ms2(10gn) 】The specimens, while deenergized or operating under the load conditions specified

28、, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified, and and, respectively; see figures 2 and 3.在没有承受或承受规定电负载的情况下,样品应分别承受如4.1.5.1、 及4.1.5.3 所规定的振幅、频率和时间的振动,见图2和图34.1.5.1 Amplitude 振幅The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmo

29、nic motion having an amplitude of either 1.52 mm (0.06 in) double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 98.1 m/s2 (10 gn) peak, whichever is less. The tolerance on vibration amplitude shall be 10%.样品承受振幅为1.52mm(P-P)或峰值为10g的简谐振动,在两者之间选择振幅较小的一个振幅的容许误差为10%. Frequency 频率The vibration frequency s

30、hall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of 10 Hz and 500 Hz (see 4.1.8) except that the procedure (see 4.1.4) of this standard may be applied during the 10 Hz to 55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.振动频率在10 至500Hz 范围内近似作对数变化(见4.1.8),但在10 至55Hz 范围内应按4.1.4 中所规定的程序进行.4.1.5.

31、3 Sweep time and duration 扫描时间及持续时间The entire frequency range of 10 Hz to 500 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversed in 15 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period

32、 of approximately 9 hours. Interruptions are permitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure (see 4.1.4) is used for the 10 Hz to 55 Hz band, the duration

33、 of this portion shall be same as the duration for this band using logarithmic cycling (approximately 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions).在整个频率范围内(从10至500,再从500至10)历时15分钟.在三个互相垂直的方向上各循环12 次(总共36 次),因此整个试验过程历时9 小时.只要能满足振动频率及速度的变化和总的试验时间要求,就允许试验间断进行.只有在一个频段内完成循环后,才允许进入下一频段.

34、在10至55Hz范围内,按照4.1.4 的程序进行振动时,这一频段持续的时间与采用对数循环的时间相同(在三个互相垂直的每一个方向约1.33小时).4.1.6 Test condition III 147.1 m/s2 (15 gn) peak测试条件【峰值:147 .1m/s2(15gn) 】The specimens, while deenergized or operating under the load conditions specified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and du

35、ration specified in,, respectively; see figures 2 and 3.在没有承受或承受规定电负载的情况下,样品承受如4.1.6.1、 及4.1.6.3所规定的振幅、频率及时间的振动(如图2和图3 所示)。 Amplitude 振幅The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either1.52 mm (0.06 in) double amplitud

36、e (maximum total excursion) or 147.1 m/s2 (15 gn) peak,whichever is less. The tolerance on vibration amplitude shall be 10%.样品承受振幅为1.52mm(P-P)或峰值为15g的简谐振动,在两者之间选择振幅较小的一个.振幅的容许误差为10%.。 Frequency range 频率The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of 1

37、0 Hz to 2,000 Hz (see 4.1.8) except that the procedure (see 4.1.4) of this standard may be applied during the 10 Hz to 55 Hz band of the vibration frequency range.振动频率在10 至2000Hz范围内近似作对数变化(见4.1.8),但在10 至55Hz范围内应按4.1.4中所规定的程序进行。 Sweep time and duration 扫描时间及持续时间The entire frequency range of 10

38、 Hz to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions are permitted provided

39、the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met. Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure (see 4.1.4) of this standard is used for the 10 Hz to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the durat

40、ion for this band using logarithmic cycling (approximately 1-1/3 hours in each of three mutually perpendicular directions).在整个频率范围内(从10至2000,再从2000至10)历时20 分钟。在三个互相垂直的方向上各循环12 次(总共36 次),因此整个试验过程历时12 小时.只要能满足振动频率及速度变化和总的试验时间要求,就允许试验间断进行.只有在一个频段内完成循环后,才允许进入下一频段.在10 至55Hz 范围内,按照4.1.4的程序进行振动时,这一频段持续的时间与

41、采用对数循环的时间相同(在三个互相垂直的每一个方向约1.33小时)。4.1.7 Test condition IV 196.1 m/s2 (20 gn) peak 测试条件【峰值: 196.1 m/s2 (20 gn) 】The specimens, while deenergized or operating under the load conditions specified, shall be subjected to the vibration amplitude, frequency range, and duration specified in,

42、 and, respectively; see figures 2 and 3.在没有承受或承受规定电负载的情况下,样品承受如4.1.7.1、 及4.1.7.3所规定的振幅、频率及时间的振动(如图2和图3 所示)。 Amplitude 振幅The specimens shall be subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of either 1.52 mm (0.06 in) double amplitude (maximum total excursion) or 196

43、.1 m/s2 (20 gn) peak, whichever is less. The tolerance on vibration amplitude shall be 10%.样品承受振幅为1.52mm(P-P)或峰值为20g的简谐振动,在两者之间选择振幅较小的一个.振幅的容许误差为10%。 Frequency range 频率The vibration frequency shall be varied logarithmically between the approximate limits of 10 Hzto 2,000 Hz (see 4.1.8).振动频率在1

44、0 至2000Hz范围内近似作对数变化(见4.1.8),但在10 至55Hz范围内应按4.1.4中所规定的程序进行。 Sweep time and duration 扫描时间及持续时间The entire frequency range of 10 Hz to 2,000 Hz and return to 10 Hz shall be traversed in 20 minutes. This cycle shall be performed 12 times in each of three mutually perpendicular directions (total of

45、 36 times), so that the motion shall be applied for a total period of approximately 12 hours. Interruptions are permitted provided the requirements for rate of change and test duration are met.在整个频率范围内(从10 至2000,再从2000 至10)历时20 分钟,在三个互相垂直的方向上各循环12 次(总共36次),因此整个试验过程历时12小时。只要能满足振动频率及速度变化和总的试验时间要求,就允许试验间断进行。Completion of cycling within any separate band is permissible before going to the next band. When the procedure (see 4.1.4.) of this standard is used for the 10 Hz to 55 Hz band, the duration of this portion shall be the same as the duration for this band using logarithmic cycling (appro

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