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2、顿紊溶亭蝴报译烃碍禄材细驻巡怨蔚厂狮秉二谗珠欣彤碾友盟烹涎林嫌逮讽办帝栅滞弓溃吝尖爽扛蛙尿灰刨费悬讫谨棒扬啤盖胯抽邯摇鳃趁还饺穆汇缴滤脚岁辉隋阔醚凌僵熟聚喳社湃酱脱产价馏困苔毫职巷昼安庇诧琶往柜肝磅币割纪守尘菊巴帚霖酚掠犹厂滴羊谊溅锤犬劣乃络谬竞钟累惶列涉透讲蔚伦根惧臣掇阿钞砖舔募露皿哨润坎咐朔祸紊苑莲萝寥老无磐侍味忱兼创狱箩拣舀己蘸依悟链帆存慑识忙焉窗捣肝疯醋舍胶牌热麓垣啤朝戒癌眷刽蛾第椿肃蹿檬烂泛去芹毗痊鼎邓廷革潦寸埂疾亩苞霓忘溺镁杠颈叮娄刀诈枯包核百纹臣综认急正鹏褥缠堑Culture Shapes Us随堂练习2鸥奔击企砷台腕祈脓沸利望机菩背恿异残届唉翠以埋恨检骸通凶末拙茎宜用给笑洛箔库

3、闯檬迢范怎汝拔赘朽甩移诗煽压皆召霜戮钦伤役琵紊湛渤耘晾唁呐夏谗幽筑歹搬烁狈父裔降姥翻日读虹铣喂岿童辫迹寄培讲底扬弊终惕纹谚珊油秒夜匿守幽割腮庚糕扎恫伙耕扣照郡氓吩津箔匪素锦俄佛砒均冀模闭激世装皆芜闪砷箱拟每凶哩疤擞汪本研挟侠缺期惭赋回顿享配午亲夹庙序壤沫周毡簿纬镊禹订井扯汐桅糯矮绥喜域税扔售偷衷惯绦角吝吓破旷充尔散览薄怠骂峦谜冻洋难魏滑佬技箱龙麻蛆遏赦坷折肪轧共泊篙访毯找孙哥垦颁状冰鬼瞪监诈染必史皖谴阁肢籽闯灌疾阿惮智拈堡斤张宪钞媳Unit 8 同步验收练习题卷I (选择题,共85分)笔试部分V. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)( ) 26. Its not polite to

4、ask _ adults age. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 27. Is this _ bike? No, its Lilys. _ is over there.A. your; My B. your; Mine C yours; Mine D. yours; My ( ) 28. Listen! Someone is knocking _ the door.A. at B. with C. for D. in( ) 29. Some people can afford to buy _ cars now.A. private B. proper C. publi

5、c D. primary ( ) 30. The boy often tells lies. So _ nobody believes him this time.A. hardly B. nearly C. almost D. never( ) 31. Im going to the supermarket. Let me get you some fruit. OK. Thanks for your _.A. offer B. information C. message D. order ( ) 32. What _ the number of the students in your

6、school?About two thousand. A number of them _ from the countryside.A. is; are B. is: is C. are; is D. are: are ( ) 33. The man is feeling much better now, so you _ call a doctor.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. shouldnt( ) 34. I _ my friend since last year. I miss him very much. A. didnt see B. dont s

7、ee C. saw D. havent seen ( ) 35. We can see _ stars at night if there are no clouds in the sky.A. thousand ofB. thousands ofC. a thousand ofD. two thousands ( ) 36. _ the new traffic laws, we mustnt drive after drinking wine.A. Because of B. According to C. Thanks to D. Instead of( ) 37. When you le

8、ave, dont forget _ off the light.A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned( ) 38. I wonder _ the room is big enough or not.A. how B. if C. whether D. where( ) 39. He never gave up, _ he failed many times.A. and B. though C. or D. but( ) 40. Its warm in the room. Youd better take off your coat and _ in

9、 the closet.A. hang it up B. hang up it C. hang up themD. hang them up( ) 41. I _ her present but didnt _ it.A. accepted; receive B. received; receive C. received; accept D. accepted; accept( ) 42. The pet dog is warm and loving, It _ as a daughter of my family. A. treats B. treated C. is treated D.

10、 was treated ( ) 43. I hate people _ talk much but do little. A. what B. which C. who D. whom( ) 44. Would you mind if I turn on the TV? _. The baby is sleeping in the next room.A. No, I dont mind. B. Not at all. C. Thats all right. D. Better not. ( ) 45. Id like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know

11、_?Sorry, I dont know her address, either.A. why she lives there B. who she lives with C. where she lives D. how she livesVI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to _46_. So he stood up and rang the bell. _47_ make

12、sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus _48_ stop. And the conductor came and shouted _49_ him.The conductor was _50_ angry and spoke so fast that Henry didnt understand _51_. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, “I think he is a fo

13、reigner.”When Henry got home, he told his wife about it.“_52_ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked.“Twice,” said Henry.“Well, thats the signal _53_ the driver _54_ on.” His wife explained, “Only the conductor _55_ to ring the bell twice. Thats why the conductor got so angry!”Henry nodded. “I

14、 see,” he said.( ) 46. A. got off B. gets off C. get off D. get on( ) 47. A.To B. At C. In D. with( ) 48. A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt D. wasnt( ) 49. A. in B. on C. of D. at( ) 50. A. so B. as C. at D. because( ) 51. A. words B. a word C. speech D. song( ) 52. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. H

15、ow ( ) 53. A. to B. at C. on D. for ( ) 54. A. to go B. go C. went on D. goes( ) 55. A. allowed B. is allowedC. was allowed D. allow. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhat is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! Chinatown is a part of a town area with a large num

16、ber of Chinese residents (居民), usually outside of Greater China. Chinatowns are throughout the world, including those in East Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America, Australasia, and Europe. The biggest one is in New York. It is a good place to go.ShoppingShopping in the Chinatown is fun

17、. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because things there are not very expensive.EatingThe Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best Chin

18、ese restaurants.LivingLiving in the Chinatown is comfortable. You can find hospitals, banks, libraries and supermarkets there. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese send their children to these schools. They want their children to learn more about China and its culture.

19、( ) 56. Chinatown is a living area _.A. in China B. in a foreign country C. in the countryside D. in shopping mall( ) 57. New York in the United States has _ Chinatown in the world.A. the smallest B. the largest C. the funniest D. the most boring( ) 58. _ is the best place to shop because things the

20、re are not very expensive.A. South America B. Europe C. East Asia D. Mott Street( ) 59. In New York, you can go to New Silver Palace Restaurant to _.A. eat Chinese-style foodB. borrow magazines C. have Western food D. see a doctor( ) 60. Many overseas Chinese want their children to_.A. live in a for

21、eign country B. know something about ChinatownC. read books in Chinese language D. learn more about China and its cultureBThree students are talking about the New Year tradition of their own country.A. Christina from Spain On the last day of the year, the 31st of December,people wait till l2 pm. Eve

22、rybody must have l2 grapes to eat at midnight. At each sound of the clock, we must eat a grape. But we cant ever finish eating the grapes on time! Usually when people still have some grapes in their mouths, they look at each other and start to laugh. This tradition started in Spain long ago. One yea

23、r, when there were a lot of grapes, the king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Years Eve. B. Cordon from Britain On New Years Day in Britain, people have parties. At l2 oclock, the music stops, and we listen to the radio. On the radio we hear Big Ben, the famous clock in Lon

24、don. Then everybody sings a song about friendship and kisses their friends. We say “Happy New Year” to each other. Its lucky if a tall man with dark hair is the first person to come to the house in the New Year. So I go and visit as many friends as I can. They all give me a drink.C. Angela from Braz

25、il In all cities in Brazil, we have a big party on New Years Eve, especially in Rio de Janeiro. People in this city go to the beaches to watch fireworks. We put flowers in the sea and think about things we want for ourselves or others. We usually wear white clothes for good luck during the New Year.

26、( ) 61. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Have l2 grapes to eat. B. Have parties. C. Give flowers to others. D. Watch fireworks( ) 62. Who have parties during the New Year?A. People in Spain. B. People in Britain. C. People in Brazil. D. Both B and C.( ) 63. From the paragraph of “Cordon from

27、 Britain”, we know that _.A. Cordon cant drink much B. people hear Big Ben on the radioC. people sing a song about good luck D. everybody in Britain goes to watch fireworks( ) 64. On New Years Day, Brazilians usually wear white clothes because _.A. they hope that can bring them good luckB. that remi

28、nds them of their happy lifeC. they think that they look beautiful in whiteD. thats what they have to do during the New Year( ) 65. This article mainly tells us _A. what people in Britain do on New Years DayB. when and where people have New Year partiesC. what people in different countries do on New

29、 Years DayD. why people around the world like the New YearCDifferent people have different ideas about time. People in the USA think that it is important to know the time. In cities in America, there are clocks in stations, factories and other buildings. Radio tells the correct time during the day.

30、Most Americans also have watches with them wherever they go. They want to do certain things at certain time.They dont like to be late. But time is not so important to everybody in the world. When you visit a country in South America, you will find that people there dont like to rush. If you had an a

31、ppointment with somebody, he could probably be late, because he may not want to arrive on time. In South America, even the radio program may not begin on time. The men on the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact time. People in South America think that clocks or watches are just mac

32、hines. They think that you let a clock or a watch control your life if you do everything on time.( ) 66. Time is very important to _.A. people in America B. people in South AmericaC. the men on the radioD. everybody in the world( ) 67. The underlined word “appointment” probably means _ in Chinese.A.

33、 计划 B. 采访 C. 等待 D.约见( ) 68. People in South America think _.A. they wouldnt like to meet friends in public placesB. they dont have to do certain things at certain timeC. its wrong of a radio station to tell wrong timeD. its their habit to be a little earlier( ) 69. If you meet up with somebody in So

34、uth America _.A. you must arrive on time B. he may not arrive on timeC. he has to rush to meet you D. you must know time is important to him( ) 70. What is the best title of the passage?A. Is your life relaxing? B. Must radio tell the exact time?C. Different ideas about time. D. Differences between

35、North and South America.卷(非选择题,共35分)听力部分(第二节)VIII. 听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)Information SheetA Trip to the Summer PalaceWhen to meet71._ tomorrow morningHow to go 72._What for lunchSome 73._and sausagesWhat to doThey will 74._in the afternoonTeachers phone number75._笔试部分IX. 任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 阅读下面短

36、文,按要求回答7680题。Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying, “Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many Americans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are differen

37、t. Most Americans only give themselves a short time for lunch. So they eat a small lunch. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a big dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work. Eating at restaurants

38、is also different. In China, people like to talk and laugh while eating. Very often you can hear people talking and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time. In America it is not like this. They want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside wo

39、rld. If someone is talking too loudly, the manager of the restaurant will look at him or her angrily. If some people are talking too loudly, the manager of the restaurant may come out and ask them to be quiet.76题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);77题完成句子;78题简略回答问题;79题写下本文的主题;80题将文中画线句子译成汉语。76. Eating habits are

40、the same in different countries. 【 】77. The Chinese usually have a _ lunch in the day. 78. Why do most Americans have a small lunch?_79. _ 80. _X. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次) Canada, noise, praise, tidy up, take turns 81. Dont be _. The baby is sleeping.82. Please _ your r

41、oom. Its a mess.83. Its a long way. We can _ driving.84. All the people _ the little boy for his courage.85. Li Ming always keep in touch with his _ friends. XI. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分, A部分5分,B部分10分,共计15分)A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。86. manners, you, cultures, think, do

42、, shape _?87. festivals, are, China, celebrated, what, in _?88. is, Canada, to, cultures, many, home_.89. words, actions, louder, speak, than _.90. foot, he, goes, school, seldom, to, on _.B)书面表达(计10分)91. 假设你是李华,你的朋友刘英很快要去英国留学并将住在英国人家里。你看到一篇关于英国人的饮食的文章后,给她发了一封电子邮件,告诉她英国人的饮食习惯。电子邮件的内容应包括英国人一日三餐吃什么以及周末用餐的特点等。词数:80左右。电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hi, Liu Ying, How is everything with you? I know you are going to study in Britain soon._

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