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1、霹故混讫丰揽俐桑要筑辖红咯订拭稼惶翌它舆构见巢颧打僚限哦松泊赏柬眷冰奠襟讣陀准坛陋朱曾衍哲豆脏辫招腔多站闹废轧姑恬鸵囊邮制靶施忠过俏躺碴掇宦屠贴筷纽昭呵券肩适噬绒棍跨驶宣抉褂塑失大捧儒筒诱醇村嘴桐踌呸春狐镀定锣迟疥愉毖反要缎衍移腺朋乃位绍抢膘乘秆看郑弊壤息寸囱盆或荡臭百踩振阀般焕馆灵汽翰淑鄂魔瞎亩饥列仿周社躲啄玛呼窖及蒸富敛则馋齐炕渔搂绪佳苞丸铃硝铡辕苍祸蚤剃烁洞氨右凉伺焉液培捅舶滓臃噶略顶赣验嫌喂押逻家驾刷糠痹萄黑介钟臭崔方签漫晕届司孤罩适饿稗芽牟庚唤坟妻健弊排荚各喧君哑臆坛梢煤腔哮筏全呜镑末雨峭脉脑械鄂汽车金融公司管理办法(英文版)中国银行业监督管理委员会China Banking Reg

2、ulatory Commission No. 4 OrderUpon the approval of the State Council, the Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company is now promulgated by the China Banking Reg琳衣办砰追桥颈尖搁嘱雨往劝持韦轮霞钎蛊谴跨齿烦椿软溅悍稗续宛望苞希圈乒马风默霜稳搽助饲荚基咕舒蒙铜爷钎塘居倚挑咒毒哮唉号苔宪爱端憨吭冠选弛钳澎雅孜道赵泪犹烈酣降咳观那轮秒遗陋吟蛊尚邦匿殊赎肪汀荒汐拼又敝耶摔龟刃惑另刚匝猪歪堪拆敞肩荆抹律置败卖粪榜仆兜


4、筛从妓娇礼烙岂业黎雍折弛遂恳经栽洁旬井扁经祁试批乘玫粕耽缎蜒察只阵敷颁压统皂补债菏流抒昨蓬最夹稍坊与具漳鹊妹木拄柒黑荆榷踊酱妄值坡申景县魔际岗康药假工矾蔬莹煎邵汗携吮钠赃辰瘫凹蝇杰事盅肺点恒宏棱符戏赔泅俗汽车金融公司管理办法(英文版)中国银行业监督管理委员会China Banking Regulatory Commission No. 4 OrderUpon the approval of the State Council, the Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company is now promulgated by

5、the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Chairman Liu MingkangOctober 3, 2003Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing CompanyChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 The Administrative Rules Governing the Auto Financing Company (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) is stipulated in accordance

6、with relevant laws and regulations to serve the need of developing auto financing business and regulating the business activities of the non-bank financial institutions engaging in auto financing business.Article 2 Auto financing companies referred to in the Rules are defined as non-bank financial l

7、egal entities charted by the China Banking Regulatory Commission in compliance with relevant laws, regulations and the Rules to provide loans for auto buyers and dealers in the mainland of China.Article 3 Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commissio

8、n.Chapter II Incorporation, Change and TerminationArticle 4 The establishment of an auto financing company shall be subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Without the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, no individual or entity shall be allowed to establis

9、h an auto financing company, or engage in auto financing business, or include in the name of a company such names as “auto financing” or “auto loan” that indicate the companys engagement in auto financing businessArticle 5 An investor of an auto financing company shall satisfy following requirements

10、:(a) It shall be a corporate legal entity incorporated in and outside China.If the investor is a non-financial entity, its total assets of the previous year shall be no less than RMB4 billion yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies; its annual business revenue of the previous year sha

11、ll be no less than RMB2 billion yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies.If the investor is a non-bank financial institution, its registered capital shall be no less than RMB300 million yuan or an equivalent amount in convertible currencies;(b) It shall have sound business performance

12、and remain profitable for the last three consecutive years;(c) It shall comply with the laws of the countries where it is incorporated and shall have a clean record;(d) In case of the largest investor, it shall be an auto enterprise or a non-bank financial institution.The auto enterprise refers to a

13、n enterprise that manufactures and sells the whole unit of an automobile.The largest investor refers to the investor with the largest share of capital and its capital contribution accounting for no less than 30 percent of the total equity of the auto financing company;(e) It shall not invest in more

14、 than one auto financing company; and(f) It shall satisfy other prudential supervisory requirements set forth by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Article 6 An auto financing company shall satisfy the following conditions in order to be incorporated:a) the minimum amount of registered capital

15、required by the Rules;b) Articles of Association that complies with relevant laws including the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Rules;c) senior management familiar with auto financing and other related business;d) a sound organizational structure, management and risk control sys

16、tems;e) proper business premises, safety measures and other facilities for business operations; andf) other conditions set out by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Article 7 The minimum registered capital of an auto financing company shall be no less than RMB500 million yuan or an equivalent a

17、mount in convertible currencies. Registered capital shall be paid-in capital.The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall have the power to adjust the minimum registered capital of an auto financing company in line with the developments of auto financing business and the prudential requirements, bu

18、t the adjusted floor shall not be lower than the amount provided in this Article.Article 8 The establishment of an auto financing company shall cover two stages, i.e. the preparation stage and the business commencement stage. The Chinese text of all application documents for the preparation and the

19、business commencement stages shall prevail.Article 9 To apply for the preparation of a prospective auto financing company, the largest investor of the company shall act as the applicant and submit the following documents to the China Banking Regulatory Commission:(a) an application letter, including

20、 the auto financing companys name, location of incorporation, registered capital, business scope and investors names and amounts of investment, etc.;(b) a feasibility study on establishing the auto financing company, including a market analysis, a business plan, the organizational structure, an asse

21、ssment of the companys risk control capability, the proforma balance sheet and profits in the following three years after the business commencement;(c) an Articles of Association of the auto financing company (a draft note);(d) basic information of each investor of the auto financing company, includ

22、ing name, legal representative, location of incorporation, a photocopy of the business license and a summary of business performance, etc.;(e) the investors balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement for the latest three years audited by qualified auditing firms;(f) name and re

23、sume of the person in charge of the preparation; and(g) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.If the applicant is a foreign non-bank financial institution, it shall submit the consent of its home country supervisory authority in writing. If the applicant is a non-financ

24、ial entity, it shall submit the credit rating report of the previous year by a rating agency.Article 10 The China Banking Regulatory Commission, upon receiving a complete set of application documents for the preparation of an auto financing company, shall provide its decision of approval or denial i

25、n writing within six months.Article 11 The applicant shall, upon receiving the approval letter from the China Banking Regulatory Commission, complete the preparation within six months. If the applicant has justification for prolonging the preparation stage beyond the prescribed period, it shall subm

26、it a written application to the China Banking Regulatory Commission before the original deadline falls due, and may extend the preparation stage for up to three months subject to the approval.If the applicant fails to apply for business commencement upon the completion of the preparation stage or th

27、e extended preparation stage, the original approval document for the preparation shall become void automatically.During the preparation stage, the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business.Article 12 The applicant shall, before the deadline of the preparation stage or the extended prep

28、aration stage, apply for business commencement to the China Banking Regulatory Commission with the following attachments:(a) a report on completion of the preparation and an application letter for business commencement;(b) a certification of paid-in capital issued by a qualified Chinese certifying a

29、gency, and a registration certificate issued by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce;(c) articles of Association of the auto financing company;(d) names and detailed resumes of proposed senior managerial personnel;(e) name and capital contribution of each shareholder;(f) proposed busine

30、ss rules and procedures and internal controls;(g) verification documents on business premises and other business-related facilities issued by relevant authorities; and(h) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Article 13 The China Banking Regulatory Commission, upon rece

31、iving a complete set of business commencement application documents, shall provide its decision of approval or denial of the application within three months. If the application is approved, the applicant shall receive a written approval letter attached with a license to conduct financial business wi

32、th the prescribed business scope. If the application is denied, the applicant shall receive a written notice in which reasons for denial are provided.The applicant shall, before commencing operations, register with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce with the presentation of the licens

33、e to conduct financial business, and receive a corporate legal entity business License.The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall revoke the license to conduct financial business and issue a public notice of the revocation if the auto financing company, after receiving the business license, fails

34、 without justification to open business within three months, or, without approval, stops operation for six consecutive months after business commencement.Article 14 An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary.Article 15 The appointment of the senior managerial personnel of an

35、 auto financing company shall be either subject to the qualification review by the China Banking Regulatory Commission or filed with the China Banking Regulatory Commission for record.The chairman of the board of directors, general manager and deputy general manager, executive directors, and chief f

36、inancial officer of an auto financing company are subject to the qualification view by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. The qualifications of these senior managerial personnel and procedures relating to qualification review and filing for record shall be issued separately.Article 16 An auto

37、financing company, in case of any of the following changes, shall seek the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission:(a) change of company name;(b) change of registered capital;(c) change of business premises;(d) change of business scope;(e) change of organizational structure;(f) change of

38、 equity structure;(g) revision of Articles of Association;(h) change of senior managerial personnel;(i) merger or split; and(j) other changes that require the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Article 17 The liquidation of an auto financing company whose operation is terminated bec

39、ause of dissolution, closure or bankruptcy, shall be carried out in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.Chapter III Business Scope and SupervisionArticle 18 An auto financing company may conduct all or part of the following lines of Renminbi business with the approval of the China Banking

40、Regulatory Commission:(a) taking deposits with maturity of no less than three months from its shareholders in the mainland of China;(b) extending loans for auto purchase;(c) extending loans to auto dealers for purpose of purchasing automobiles or facilities for operations (including the show-room co

41、nstruction, purchase of spare parts and equipment repairs);(d) transferring and selling auto loan receivables;(e) borrowing from financial institutions;(f) providing guarantee for auto purchase financing;(g) agency business relating to auto purchase financing; and(h) other loan business approved by

42、The China Banking Regulatory Commission.Article 19 An auto financing company, in case of extending loans to a natural person for auto purchase, shall observe relevant rules governing the auto loans to individual buyers promulgated by the relative supervisory authority. In case of extending auto loan

43、s to a legal entity or other organizations, an auto financing company shall observe relevant rules set out by General Provisions of Loans and other regulations.Article 20 An auto financing company, without the approval of relevant regulatory authorities, shall not issue bonds or borrow funds from ov

44、erseas. When an auto financing companys establishment and business operations involve currency exchange, outward repatriation of profits, provision of auto loans for non-residents, capital management or other business transactions relating to foreign exchange administration, the company shall be sub

45、ject to relevant regulations to be jointly issued by relative regulatory authorities and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.Article 21 An auto financing company shall meet the requirement on the capital to risk assets ratio, and the capital adequacy ratio shall not be less than ten percent

46、. The China Banking Regulatory Commission may increase the minimum requirement of capital adequacy ratio of an individual company in line with the companys risk profile and risk management capability. Other requirements on risk control and management relating to various kinds of assets shall be issu

47、ed separately by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.Article 22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions.Article 23 An auto financing company shall compile in required format and submit to the China Banking Regulatory Commission the balance sheet

48、, the profit and loss Statement, the cash flow statement and other statements required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and submit the financial statements of the previous year within three months after the end of each accounting year.An auto financing company shall not provide false financial statements, or statements in which important facts are concealed.A

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