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1、聘 用 合 同FOREIGN EXPERT EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT甲方:桂林喜来登饭店 (中国,广西,桂林)PARTY A: Sheraton Guilin Hotel, Guilin, Guangxi, China.乙方:Edward Kallenbach 护照号码: PARTY B: Passport No. 一、 甲方付给乙方的报酬及支付方式Salary and Payment for Party B1、按照合同第二部分规定的工作量,甲方每月支付乙方人民币 元(税后)。如果经双方协商,乙方同意增加其工作量,甲方以每课时人民币 元的标准支付乙方超课时酬金。 For this

2、 regular teaching work described in Part II herein, Party A shall pay Party B RMB (after tax) per month. Party A agrees to pay Party B RMB per lesson for any extra work2、乙方向甲方提供个人所得税发票,甲方按照国家规定为乙方支付所得税。 Party A shall be responsible for Party Bs income tax; Income tax shall be paid to the government

3、as stipulated by the law. 二、 乙方的责任和义务 Responsibilities for Party B1、 乙方需遵守中国的有关法律、法规和所在地的外事法律、政策,以及甲方制定的教学规章制度。 Party B shall conform to Chinese laws and follow the rules and regulations set by local foreign affairs authorities2、 乙方必须按照甲方提供的教学大纲、教材和课程表教学,为了提高讲课质量和提高学生的学习兴趣,乙方在请示其所在部门的领导后,可以适当增减教学内容。

4、Party B shall use the textbooks as prescribed and teach classes as scheduled. To make the classes more interesting and meaningful, Party B is allowed to add relevant teaching materials in the classes after consulting the Dean of the Department Party B works for.3、 如果乙方因身体不适,不能按时上课,乙方必须至少提前一天通知甲方,并且按

5、照甲方的安排补上缺教的课程,补课的课时不计入超课时量。 If Party B cannot hold classes for any special reason including sickness, he/she is required to inform the Department of Party A at least one day in advance for the re-arrangement of the classes. Party B shall make up the cancelled classes according to the rearrangements

6、by Party A. Make-up classes due to personal or sick leave shall not be considered as extra work. 4、 无甲方认可的特殊情况,乙方不得以本人情绪状况、天气状况和交通状况为理由缺失甲方规定乙方的授课课时。 Without Party As confirmation, Party B shall not shirk teaching responsibility on the pretext of his/her mood, personal emotion, weather and transport

7、.5、 乙方应尊重中国同事以及他们的作息习惯。作为一名甲方的聘用教师,乙方必须注意自己的仪表及言行。乙方如果使用污秽语言,甲方一经查实,将解除与乙方的合同。 Party B shall respect the work and rest schedule of his/her Chinese colleagues, and maintain a professional image and high levels of personal hygiene, appropriate dress, conduct and mannerisms.三、 甲方的责任及义务 Responsibilities

8、 for Party A1、 甲方遵守乙方的宗教和文化习惯。Party A shall respect Party Bs religious customs.2、 甲方为乙方提供必要的办公条件,包括办公场所、教学辅助设备。甲方负责维护正常的学生学习秩序。Party A shall arrange for Party Bs teaching activities and provide office desk and teaching materials and equipment, as well as maintain teaching discipline.3、 甲方不对乙方在校外非教学活

9、动中涉及的人身安全和突发事故承担责任。 Party A takes no responsibility for personal safety and unexpected incidents of Party B in any non-teaching off-campus activities.四、 合同的变动、违约、及终止Violation, Revision and Termination of This Contract 1、 如果乙方违反合同的有关条款,且在甲方的指正下,仍然没有改正,或者乙方的行为对甲方的声誉造成了不良影响,甲方有权提前30天书面通知乙方终止本合同。从甲方通知之日

10、起30天内,乙方必须继续执行本合同的条款。 Should Party A determine that Party B does not fulfil the terms stipulated in this contract, and has failed to amend after Party A has pointed it out or Party B has done something of great significance to damage the reputation of Party A, Party A may terminate this contract upo

11、n providing 30 days written notice. During this 30-day departure period Party B will continue to work and be paid according to the contract, fulfil his/her responsibilities and receive all the services described herein.2、 如果甲方违反本合同的有关规定,乙方有权提前30天(如果在假期内则60天)书面通知甲方终止本合同。从乙方通知之日起的这30(涉及假期时60)天内,双方必须继续

12、执行本合同的条款。 Should Party A fail to fulfil the responsibilities stipulated in this contract or not pay Party B as scheduled, Party B has the right to terminate this contract upon providing 30 days (or 60 days when winter/ summer vacation involved) written notice to Party A. During these days departure

13、period Party B will continue to work and be paid according to the contract, fulfil his/her responsibilities and receive all the services described herein.3、 合同违约赔偿金为1000元。 Compensation for break of the contract will be 1000RMB. 4、 任何因本合同引起的争议,甲、乙双方应当先协商处理,如果协调失败,可以向甲方所在地(桂林市)人事纠纷仲裁委员会申请解决。 Should an

14、y disputes arise about this contract, the two parties shall firstly consult with each other and endeavour to mediate such disputes. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the local (Guilin) interpersonal dispute arbitration committee and ask for a final arbitration.5、 本合同自双方签字之日起生效。This

15、 contract takes effect on the date signed by both parties and will automatically expire when the contract ends.本合同中英文各一式两份。两种语言版本具有同样的效力。This contract is signed in duplicate in the Chinese and English Language, both texts being equally authentic. 甲方代表签名: 乙方签名:PARTY A (Stamp) PARTY B日期 (Date) : 日期 (Date) : .3

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