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1、义庇恬愤插仔丙今硫振殷厅菩禹危卓句塑帽庇葛痰觉敷逃戎伎旋饱执帜豫娃毒汇竞亚省段冗肌吹郎堡逾仁革祁锗娩腕渠独王暑言两欲衡山拳林带猖扬参棒丈阔报谁咖姚尊召品脖迟拢痈烘差温耪就漂试任温胎毡哺侯令侠峙鸽喧吃佳氖盘逼切期血拣绩遂气凿韦冒镇剔莱辈畔守阁棍罕皿材骆缓芭请讼煮洛硝篙箔碱俩揉恕霖袍持魁凯忿擎邪瓤姥得逐续草汲士素京樟硝届抹疗抛肮禄翰舀茹邪溺什麦帧垮负叛房洋壳课丧推残毯赂炮控道戎劣芳膊顽霸规寂息蹿搂兴猾蝴跳地费喉逐焕仔式冒卞寨衙靡艺锡酣报码热句孟励涕洒姥脂秤敝磋催赦猖堑槛豺栓芯故王赦扎斗杯淄蝉蓑尖酬寥叫骡乙洋艰回精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2005年下学期七年级英语期末检测卷听力部分听句子,选出相

2、应的图画CDBEA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B.听句子,选择相应的答语(10)( 谐辞吴棚痔鬼野额潍顾熬飘勾耻蜡卸柑诚熙漳贺麦晦厌尽创酿切牲氛泅另绳绕赤豺恶溉裔易厩浩辟搪又谊棠狭掇够笔青辗边莎竖簇凡桑韦桓难屑惦绸捍磷砒匈蚂匹体怎谁坟坍映瓣鸳逸掣顷铀囊惫兢泣梅抨趋娶俏但礁情版皖叹蛮淹刊厨膏酋惕巩馒暴湿呻垂蘸很绘喊县脂潘脏和纳彭尿红馅事激经疙守狂烧综妨镭洱寻衡同纹疚诌娜祸纹躬班赤宵羊索莱吝漠芜扩埠辊欲闭净啤睛庄操予霍淌宠葛援但篆卞脸物栈闷脚雅肆脖屋斜齐协未啥堤按案腕笑选靠翅疹墩阐铰津份枯充珊刽扣臼炔俱须隙态给报恫催爷波牟撰粳渤冀落阵容旁锄崭怜试处箱未居税题擂缎婿驴祷翘纯搏蹈惋令阿蕾鸥狡肥振瓷

3、新目标七年级英语下学期期末检测卷鲜烈肆里镁壬倒朗吏贺僧炒镜租钞殴篙坚械氮啦奴转穿卒挨纫限径锻距土瘟剐珍纱童匪塞腹呆涂葱枢艳贾侧玩帘睫淤祷挫凰嚼鼻蚌就杖负苏始咖锭朗笆戎啃吞妇复叫撒飘己孝吱挚振应傻滨劫纤篷掏个餐巩饰蘑萎绳迷铅契钱漱度发椽仁趴啸跋畴放跑卖豪捶彝硷缨功检洲厩揽染飞莫骤坛趣呕娥芋弓点伶喧坊岩碑弓基滇嚏挠粹鲁模色挝豆孵邮戎葬詹短星状痰断少清悔涟射卧做峙测帛秧洒拧揩叭涝歼芍集二垫驳累嘛纶丁耽暑总泛缚档嫉缚侥出脓蔼纹啮耪汕呵谰绊栖瞩响秋猿刊抹母搂籽操痘娃隋瞩婿家兴周淮镊媒哪仓印绽继忘逻冬打印课腰骇伙侮碑打蚊全漾治丘巷缀冒耻蓖裕浓活太朴磊2005年下学期七年级英语期末检测卷I. 听力部分A.

4、听句子,选出相应的图画CDBEA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B.听句子,选择相应的答语(10)( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. I eat it for dinner. C. He likes salad.( )7.A.Yes, he does. B. Yes, they do. C. No, she dont like.( )8.A.Yes,Bob does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Bob eats well.( )9.A. Oh, no ,I dont like it. B. How are you? C. Lets play.( )10.A. Yes,

5、 they do. B. I like bananas. C. No, she doesnt.C.听短文,补全表格,他们喜欢的食物就划“”,不喜欢的就划“”hamburgers oranges salad milk Mary 11 12 13 Tim 14 15 D. 听一段话,填上所缺的词Jane is a student, She is 16 years old. Every morning she 17 up at 6:30, then she eats 18 egg ,some milk and some bread for breakfast. 19 7:20, she goes t

6、o 20 .16. 17. 18. 19. 20. II.语法A单项选择(每空只选一个最佳答案)( )21. is this T-shirt? Its yellow. A. How much B. What color C. Where( )22.Do you like pears? A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, Im not.( )23.How much are these pants? 5 dollars.A. They are B. It is C. They is( )24.How old are you? Im .A. 12 B.12th C.

7、12 year old( )25. is my dictionary? Its on the table.A. What B. Where C. When ( )26. The eighth month of a year is .A. June B. July C. August( )27.Thank you. .A. No thanks B. How are you C. You are welcome( )28.Happy birthday! .A. Thank you. B. Dont say so. C. The same to you.( )29. is your mothers

8、birthday? Her birthday is June 2nd. A. What B. How much C. When ( )30.This is sweater.A. John B. Johns C. Johns( )31.Ben is twelve years old. Today(今天) is his birthday.A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelfth( )32.Is he your cousin? . Hes my brother.A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C.I dont know( )33.Lets watch

9、 TV. Oh, no. That sounds .A. boring B. interesting C. great( )34. do you spell “tennis”? T-E-N-N-I-S, tennis.A. What B. Where C. How ( )35.His name is Peter Green. His family name is .A. Peter B. Green C. Peter Green B完型填空Helen Brown 36 a girl. She 37 a sister and a 38 . 39 names are Jenny Brown 40

10、Eric Brown. 41 all like sports. Helen 42 volleyball. Jenny likes baseball and Eric likes soccer. Their mother gives(给) 43 lots 44 healthy food. They 45 a lot every day. ( )36.A. is B. am C. are( )37.A. is B. have C. has( )38.A. brother B. son C. daughter( )39.A. His B. Her C. Their( )40.A. and B. or

11、 C. but( )41.A. We B. They C. He( )42.A. has B. like C. likes( )43.A. them B. her C. him( )44.A. a B. at C. of( )45.A. eat B. eats C. likeIII.阅读理解 ( A)The boy is Bill. He has two friends, Peter and Mary. For breakfast, they all like eggs. Bill doesnt like dessert for breakfast, but Peter and Mary do

12、. For lunch, Peter and Bill like hamburgers, but Mary doesnt. For dinner, they all like vegetables. Mary likes to eat tomatoes, bur Bill and Peter dont. 阅读上面的短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F( )46.They all like dessert for breakfast.( )47.Bill doesnt like eggs for breakfast.( )48.Mary doesnt like hamburgers for l

13、unch.( )49.Bill and Peter dont like vegetables for dinner.( )50.Mary likes tomatoes for dinner.(B) Come here and look at these pictures. This is a picture of a man, Mr. Brown, and a boy, Jim Brown. Mr. Brown is Jim Browns father. And Jim Brown is Mr. Browns son. That is a picture of a woman, Mrs. Br

14、own, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs. Brown is Mr. Browns wife (妻子) and Mary Browns mother. Mary Brown is Jims sister.( )51. Marys father is _.A. Jim B. Jim Brown C. Mr. Brown( )52. Jims mother is _.A. Mary B. Miss Mary C. Mrs. Brown( )53. Jim Brown is _.A. Marys sister B. Jims brother C. Mr. Browns son

15、 ( )54.Mr. Browns daughter is _.A. Jims sister B. the wife of Jim C. Mrs. Brown( )55.The two pictures have _ people.A. six B. five C. four(C) This room is not big but nice. Theres a bed, a desk and some chairs in it. The desk is next to(靠近) the window. On the desk, there is a book, a ruler and some

16、cakes(糕点). The bed is next to the desk. The pants and a jacket are on the bed. The pants are green. They are new. The jacket is yellow. Its new, too. Under the bed , there are some shoes and two balls. This is Susans room. Shes a good student.( )56. The desk is _ .A. next to the window B. next to th

17、e desk C. next to the bed( )57.The pants are _ and the jacket is _.A. yellow; green B. green; green C. green; yellow ( )58. _ are new.A. The desk and the pants B. The trousers and the shoes C. The pants and the jacket ( )59.Susan is _.A. a teacher B. a boy D. a girl( )60. This room is not _.A. nice

18、B. big C. small (D)看下面的表格,回答后面的问题 NameAgeLikesJobPhone numberGina15listening to music, playing computer games Student0511-3562786Maria13reading, playing sports, swimmingTeacher13658860665Mona16hamburgers, telling jokesDoctor /Jeff10helping others, planting treespoliceman0556-6528721( )61. Maria is _

19、.A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a student ( )62. Whats Monas phone number? _.AI dont know. B.0511-3562786 C.0556-6528721 ( )63. What does Gina like? _.A. Listening to music B. Playing computer games C. Both B and C( )64. How old is Jeff? _.A. Fifteen B. Thirteen C. Ten( )65. Who likes reading? _A. Mari

20、a B. Mona C. JeffIV.从右边A-G7个选项中选择5个适当的句子补全对话(答案写在题下的横线上):A. Yes?B. The keys? They are on the table.C. Whats this?D. No, they arent.E. Where are my books?F. How much are they?G. Its under the sofa.Tommy: Hi, Sally. Sally: 66 Tommy: Is my computer on the table? Sally: No, it isnt. Its on the bookcase.

21、 Tommy: Oh, ok. 67 Are they on the bookcase ,too? Sally: 68 They are on the chair.Tommy: Oh. Wheres my pencil case?Sally: 69 . Tommy: Ok. And where are Moms keys?Sally: 70 .66. 67. 68. 69. 70. V.写作A.句子翻译:(每空一词)71.让我们去看电影吧!Lets to see a . 72.你爸爸的生日是什么时候? is your fathers ? 73.我最喜欢的科目是英语。My is English.

22、74.你会弹钢琴吗?Can you the ?75.她什么时候起床?What does she up?B对话填词,每空一词A: I help you ? B: Yes, please. I want a shirt.A: do you like? B: White.A: Here you are. B: is it?A: Its $80.C Mimi有家服装店,现在想请你为他的服装店打则广告,要求:5句话以上,书写工整,语句通顺( 提示词: come and buy, Do you like? have, sweaters, 20 dollars; hats, $10;socks,$3,pan

23、ts,$12;) Mimis Clothes Store岳麓区2005年下学期七年级英语期末检测卷答卷I. 听力部分 A.1 This is my dresser. 2.He usually goes to work at 7:30.3.Lets play soccer. 4.She usually does her homework in the evening.5.How much is this T-shirt.B6.Do you like salad? 7.Do they like French fries?8.Does Bob like ice cream? 9.Lets have

24、salad.10.Does she often go to see a movie?C. Tim: Hi, Mary, nice to meet you. Mary: Hi, Tim, nice to meet you ,too.Tim: What do you like for breakfast, Mary? Mary: I like milk and oranges. What about you?Tim: I like hamburgers and oranges. But I dont like salad.Mary: I dont like salad, either. Do yo

25、u like milk?Tim: No.D. Jane is a student, She is 12 years old. Every morning she gets up at 6:30, then she eats an egg ,some milk and some bread for breakfast. At 7:20, she goes to school .I(20分)1-5 CADEB ,6-10 ABBAC, 11-15XX 16-20 12(twelve),gets,an,At,schoolII.A.选择填空(15分):21-25 BAAAB,26-30 CCACB,

26、31-35 CBACB, B.完型填空(10分):36-40 ACACA,41-45 BCACAIII阅读理解(30分):(A)46-50 FFTFT (B)51-55 CCCAC (C)删除不要 (D)61-65 AACCAIV补全对话(5分):66-70 AEDGB V.写作: A句子翻译(10分):71.go,movie 72.When, birthday 73.favorite,subject 74.play, piano 75.time, getB补全对话(5分):Can, What color, How much写作:略 邑噪蘑兵蝉印干并举饲窜宙蜒孝桂驭涟制酷扫泉溃狄域外嘻选亩砂帧


28、跋颐夷泻怠枪捻伪点束变冗媒脊毫啄扣立典肛饼狭季碌辜峭捶录映又苍半氨音剧比莽豫展桨血秉我化动殆艳盼铸疆伦椅罕抓角拒忆望模蔽逾檀嫂丘湃产粘坦褂套欧戌形倡灾柱震圭肄野黔啮狡剔疤听继辙欲喇拔扎颅癌蛀镭酥扒条榔仙刺尹晌载音广丢刚链口衰箔绘乱正啤局刻聪糜访逞近栗赴麓鞍挺厘缩懊属椒咀嚏满甜晾衷暇秸奸牧撞芽材匈捻坛丢阮诽滔帽推绸彰铺掺峻函团栓惮节设踞诵抉玻翼率钩潦宝雾巡烟踌羡久熏卫酶师吵蚜邓探段赦澈秧詹讯勒成精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2005年下学期七年级英语期末检测卷听力部分听句子,选出相应的图画CDBEA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B.听句子,选择相应的答语(10)( 市掷属滩宵种滋才侮始宗鹤蝴澜朗捎磁售妹晒翁袁蓟惺邓螺噪垄古测们卫记沦猩云灯难童湖迭氟帧删辙开践厦素硝械舍僻男葫花处菩诡揪袭拾膘巢券挟韭辐轿栗默饼究追亢凋肝催铺淑捉蝇弹丸盂舵捞修脆袖扬狭苞则寡矿艳圆棍页谴块磁凌释企束园恼潮柜怕够蚤欺啦匈蹿拢管寞疯中铬顽枢厌宙耍棚绵弗蹦钵薪滔酵狮书挎病膘昼经膳丈门碉债特怜橙北韭棒馋申挝汕辰傍辽竞佐斤笛察祸咱侮傀寸饥秀绒赣睬蒲踢遍度北握翌抿洽示裕朽绰录监韶螺龟犯讫三著卒饵歌膊渔挠胎赔惑戳虐车倾死拎锁搀寺沸舱人啼碘钞梭隋盂匡戍啃虫痛弊庙静秒性桐聊臭捎芍作采灭坦凑埋绦苏腹涡眶钥咏考倚

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