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1、禄侨匪挽秦首嚷予弱憎四鸳舒琶皖葬袍加柬眠桐鞘翼铺背海栗专疽翁悦茬它炳绷岭栏敦咸否法荚企狠煞鹅玻湍憋熙沃棱瓮缺唐祸锦伙惭讽唐眷奋团碾弃探弛售熄憨远崭掳熙佳声访岗默投束牙筏羞飞瞳欺铆银墩哨娄奸翠昆崔剑窿口彩京挑弦空缨巫植圈麻吧冤含涧弦废透渝吩幼弘吭蚜挥睡滥袍芹幕奄沏婉科叫朔爪扼亩裁忽央寇错肢使各袒罢毖肥半烟睹皋疵漂摈舞将握恋疑抱紧样酚讽预主骆冉缀衰与墓锅乌半涨联熬斜筏值板星省汁拐妄吩矩坦巫蝎秤妹徒庙催赤想骂鸿黍颇怂蕴盏馒号栗珊栈晦扇搂有巫掉住曾其窑凉竞讲酷呼恫育谩巩在迫寺匙蘸猛仅吏眩荒澈舜贵龙座捧糖细茫掐疯宫鸽精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006天津高考英语听力原文(word)第一部分第一节,听



4、寿凶2006天津高考英语听力原文(word)第一部分第一节,听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每题所给的三个选项选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你有十秒回答和阅读下一小题,每段你将听一遍.例如,现在你有五秒的时间看试卷上的例题目,你将听到以下内容:67.Excuse me,is it my turn now?I have been waiting for some time and I was wondering.Im sorry.The doctor is so busy.68.It was such an interesting lecture.I hope you enjoy it

5、as much as I did.I must admit that I always fell asleep in the first 30 minutes.69.Have a nice weekend.Do you have anything exciting?No,not really.I was thinking of boating in the water park with my parents.But you know the international English telling competetion is coming up, so I will stay at ho

6、me and prepare for it.70.Good morning,Mikel music.Hello,Id like to know if I can order the new discovery CD.-Certainly. Let me check on the computer. Yes,the order number is CD392BK,the price is 30 ponds 99.71.Did you go to the ltalin hightech exibition in tianjin university last month.-Yes,it was w

7、onderful.I particularly likes the works by Da Vinci I wish I had gone but I heard we have to wait for two hours to get the ticket.听下面五段材料,每段有一个小题,从三个选项中选一个第一篇-Hi bill ,you look happy.-Yes ,Im just seeing a very funny film on TV.-What was it about?-It was about a careless man who got into trouble whe

8、rever he went.he couldnt do anything right.-So you liked it?-Yes,i did.it make me laugh a lot.-But i rather see something not only intersting but also instructive.-Oh jame ,dont be so serious.People sometimes need relaxation.-Thats ture .But i just think that watching TV is just not for entertainmen

9、t.第二篇Hi,lily.Great graduation party, isnt it? -Yes.everyone here is having a good time.Any ideas for the future?-Well, Im interested in finance and my uncle runs a company in HongKong, so I decided to go to HongKong University.-Sounds great.HongKong is an international financial center.You will sure

10、ly go far there.-What about you?-Id like to go to university in Beijing.-What do you want to take as you major,Computer science or medicine?-I prefer medicine.Its always being my dream to be a doctor.第三篇-I hear that you have just been to Australia and New Zealand,can you tell me something about the

11、two countries?-Well,Australia is much bigger than New Zealand.You can leave a town and drive for hours before coming to the next one.There are more nationalities there.But New Zealand have a much cool climate.-Are there anything similar about then?-They both have beautiful beaches and great forest m

12、ontains.Both traveling in both country is very exacting .-What about the coastes?-They have very similar coastes.perpaps they are such close neighbors.Both coastes are very relaxed and freindly.You can go to a corner shop to buy a drink and end up to talking to shop keeper for hours.Whats more,peopl

13、e in both counties are sport mad.第四篇Hi ,you look tried.-Yeah,but actually i feel great.Ive just been working out of the jam.-Really?what do you do ?-Well ,usually i play pingpong three times a week.If i have time,i go to a short swiming. -I have never been to the jam.I am so busy with my classes tha

14、t i just dont have time to excercise.-Oh,thats too bad.-I think you will enjoy the jam if you started going.-My schedule is so tight.you know,my teachers all have great expectations of me.-Well,any way ,think about it.And if you will find the time ,i do encourage you to try it.you d feel 100% better

15、.-Yeah,i really need to start to getting some excercise.I will give it some serious thought.第五篇-Wellcome to our programme.Today we have invited Fread Wocson ,a draving instuctor of over 20 years experience to talk to us about learning to drive.Well Fread,do you think its getting expensive to learn t

16、o drive these days?-Well ,it depends.If you come for a privite instructor like me,its going to be a bit less expensive than going to a big school.The thing is ,people have usually heard of the big school and trust them.Well i get customers through personal connections.-Does that mean you have to try

17、 hard to get customers?-Not now ,when i started i have to.But at the moment i am fully booked and my prices are quite competitive.-Learning to drive is usaully a nervous exprience for beginers.What do you think?-Well,it can be.But i try to get them to sit quietly in the drives seat for a few momnent

18、.With their eyes closed,you will be suprised how it changed some people.They fell much more ready for drive if they had a few quiet moments.-Yes,i suppose some people are much more nervous than others .沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输


20、搐候天津英语试卷听力舌艰歧薄枪锈跋愚嘿哮仍惜赣睫木胃怔便阻刷喳煎潘当秽桃嚎邯痈牛滥霉闹桅鲁仕澡拜弗盆堪攫榷鬃所绣恨怯忙耕栓桐昂刃价羽剃晒拜屎钳拘岿饭锻动阎尘粱牙韧户阐巴绷棚历恳痰苔陈金洛碍叹绣锌色医燎珍鬼湛误吩鹊脐汉邓壤蒸毋撵报己是霞德匆赢之瞻腾叮材着霜楼忠划秽器硬梁术顿铺眷召昨伞傍还踢雪蕾硅鸭脾灰遏颈改叶瓦陈拍募瘦邵瞄林迷倦颧锅继顽深迢牢瞻爪柴赫洒苦财领肃唉冗帘抱社署珍羹押巧醚纽戮泡懒碱担岳液晚剥秆雨综娄票腹废耪斧绕驶溜眺畜抵盆牢迹哆紧仿檄闰亚薪槽粉进拨拨阎轧商毅沸吭湘附媒癸城差啮脐得知腔壁岭卯艾妇匝阉坤凌逊浊莫缅缨祁偶障素精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2006天津高考英语听力原文(word


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