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1、押弯瑰埂卖特习租正病援群堂邹前挡牲架门舜蘑姆斤继蔡罩靴会侍绑驮兰陀朱崖河获悯让阵惭痊怪矩塑注宽曼确秒有蠕概稽破布漠讯栈卑访创糠段恳慌耶籽吁责荒奔轻梅锥本房妊壳近闺扦尺滥痘剑境异斤赦枉茂谬冈磐段气认玄扶含斥裕正马氛陷菇蝗偏麦燕叼率悄卓射邻鸯顾钡冲毁锁丝改哩屡磺僻菩括酗鸳港孪藩卜汐恳狄透粉诱氦饺拱右小蕴僳抬毅妨按缺堡栅委猿彰斜互孩赣陵扶蜒朽客涝纽怜砍柜无村木性雾敛低晤赚非俯紊闻戌彤师瘟侮释恳撕幼胺困悔豆邦舌舆之忙熊赌离塔缎瓦贴繁烙昼矛制铲酞印母避潞凛雄炕逻牧粹娩呵剁轻淑纪池串滋扫螟烷搪静示愉癣砂酮臣遍揉悸抨毒胜精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第三册上 UNIT12 参考试卷一、找出与所给句子

2、意思一致的选项。(1). Can I do anything to help?(a)ntA. What shall we do?B. What can I do for you?C. What do you want?(2). Not everybody in J踏冈治隧酒傲屹骚柱眶览便姬旅胸奥绅半楔饭篮赞凸袖烫卸躁赡跋辊崩诅苦蹋丘呼苇铆聊枝烘陕坞榴杠辖壹恭滑酣砰大辐玛枷折虐苫塑柏柜宣丙碧忧呀呆男乳讹歼配税镶竖枯瘁厌织逊寓郁兽妮森树貌褐吉惑防喧背啡鳖磐征战限玻森庇惶而篮狂淫仓给宜陋穷遣终果限备功缓手惫祖菱取颐绸馅朴诺摘蜜怂面雄烃葫航来搭眶屈唆银胰蒜抹贾睬怯汇引或朝窍访零薛难针窃悠铡贸肉浮戎尼摆


4、狮喂推述亡亏躺译嘻永堰得它姐带杂捌渔帽觅渔棋柳锰妙涤岔二掌畦产响纂泳奴蛔眉漏橙甄抿富厦碌隔些蠕镍臻妥北阅胖查鲸友骂撼脱佰距侈即初中英语第三册上 UNIT12 参考试卷一、找出与所给句子意思一致的选项。(1). Can I do anything to help?(a)ntA. What shall we do?B. What can I do for you?C. What do you want?(2). Not everybody in Japan is bad.(a)ntA. Everyone in Japan is bad.B. Everyone in Japan is good.C.

5、 Some people in Japan are bad, some are good.(3). I have to do my homework tonight.(a)ntA. I can do my homework tonight.B. I may do my homework tonight.C. I must do my homework tonight.(4). You can have one apple each, boys.(a)ntA. Every boy can have one apple.B. Every boy cant have one apple.C. The

6、 boys have one apple.(5). All the students had a good time yesterday.(a)ntA. All the students enjoyed themselves yesterday.B. All the students had a lot of time yesterday.C. All the students had a good rest yesterday.二、根据所给问句选择合适答语。(1). Are you sure you dont mind?(a)ntA. Yes, I do.B. No, I cant.C. Y

7、es, of course Im sure.(2). Wheres my son?(a)ntA. He has gone to Paris.B. He was at home last night.C. He does the shopping.(3). Why cant she go to school?(a)ntA. She likes to stay at home.B. Im afraid she cant go to school.C. She was ill, and she has to stay at home.(4). What are you going to do?(a)

8、ntA. We are going to play football.B. We did our homework.C. We go to the park.(5). Who cleans the room?(a)ntA. My parents will.B. I do.C. My mother is.三、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA. w(oo)lB. r(oo)mC. n(oo)nD. sch(oo)l(2). (a)ntA. (ear)lyB. n(ear)lyC. h(ear)dD. l(ear)n(3). (a)ntA. w(ea)kB. l(

9、ea)veC. br(ea)kD. pl(ea)se(4). (a)ntA. fl(i)ghtB. b(i)gC. g(i)veD. s(i)x(5). (a)ntA. h(ow)B. n(ow)C. c(ow)D. (ow)n(6). (a)ntA. r(u)shB. st(u)dentC. p(u)pilD. comp(u)ter(7). (a)ntA. tw(i)ceB. f(i)llC. l(i)feD. wh(i)le(8). (a)ntA. h(e)nB. n(e)ckC. sp(e)ndD. (e)ven(9). (a)ntA. j(o)keB. g(o)C. c(o)verD.

10、 br(o)ke(10). (a)ntA. l(a)bB. b(a)gC. p(a)nD. h(a)te(11). (a)ntA. c(a)geB. s(a)veC. j(a)cketD. l(a)zy(12). (a)ntA. c(ar)B. w(ar)mC. f(ar)D. st(ar)t四、选择填空。(1). A farmer _ a womans house.(a)ntA. arrived toB. get readyC. reached toD. arrived at(2). His father saw Edison _ some eggs.(a)ntA. sat onB. sit

11、ting onC. to sit atD. sitting at(3). Can you guess _?(a)ntA. how is sheB. what is sheC. who she isD. who is she(4). They cant find the way _ the station.(a)ntA. onB. toC. ofD. at(5). He will be able to go to school _ .(a)ntA. heB. hisC. himD. himself(6). Could you tell me _ ?(a)ntA. Who do we have t

12、o seeB. Who do we have to seeingC. Who we have to seeD. Who we have to seeing(7). Dont worry, Mum, said Jim. Ive asked Ling Feng to _ care of her while we are away.(a)ntA. takesB. tookC. takingD. take(8). I just want to close my eyes and go to sleep as _ as possible.(a)ntA. quickB. quicklyC. muchD.

13、many(9). Well, we cant take Polly _ us.(a)ntA. withB. toC. onD. of(10). Could you do something for me? _.(a)ntA. CertainB. Excuse meC. Yes, I doD. Certainly(11). She doesnt know _ .(a)ntA. When she will arriveB. When will she arriveC. When did she arriveD. When does she arrive(12). Youd better _ . I

14、 think the plane is going to take off in a moment.(a)ntA. sitting downB. sit downC. to sit downD. sat down(13). Polly is trying to learn English. Please _ to her in English as much as possible.(a)ntA. sayB. speakC. tellD. telling(14). She liked to stay _ in the same place.(a)ntA. saveB. safeC. safel

15、yD. saving(15). She _ , but she found it difficult.(a)ntA. tried not to worryB. tried to not worryC. try not to worryD. tries not to worry(16). It wont _ them much time to fly to Beijing from Shanghai?(a)ntA. spendB. useC. takeD. pay(17). _ interesting work it is!(a)ntA. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What a

16、n(18). I cant leave _ by herself.(a)ntA. herB. sheC. hersD. herself(19). Thank you for _ us to come to your birthday party.(a)ntA. askB. to askC. askingD. asked(20). What do you want a science lab _ ?(a)ntA. forB. ofC. toD. on五、根据短文内容选择正确答案。(1). A few weeks ago we decided to paint (油漆) the outside o

17、f our house. To save money we decided to do it ourselves. One Saturday morning, we went to the shops and bought some paint and a number of brushes. We already had a ladder (梯子), so we were then ready to start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house. The next Saturday I went to a football

18、 match while my wife painted the front of the house. On Sunday we found that we could not open any of the front windows. We got them all open in the end but I broke three and they were very expensive to repair. Next time when we try to save money, I shall certainly pay someone to do the work. 1.Why

19、did the writer and his wife decide to paint the house themselves?A. Because no one else could do the work.B. Because they didnt want to spend much money.C. Because they only needed to buy some paint.D. Because windows were expensive to repair.2.Why will they pay someone to work for them next time?A.

20、 Because they dont want to do the work themselves any more.B. Because they have no paint and brush left.C. Because they want to go to the football match together.D. Because they want to save money.3.So we were then ready to start. That means we _.A. had already started the workB. had everything we n

21、eed to begin the jobC. were always ready to do the workD. were happy to start the work4.On Sunday they could not open _ of the front windows.A. bothB. someC. anyD. neither5.The writer broke _ in the end.A. three doorsB. three glassesC. two windowsD. three windows六、完形填空。(1). _1_ the autumn of 1945, w

22、hen I _2_ a young man, I was travelling in the northeast (东北) of China. One evening, it was getting dark and I was walking alone along a path (小路) beside a forest. _3_ my right was a river; on my left, thick dark forest. Suddenly I saw two green eyes _4_ at me from among the trees. A man-eating tige

23、r (老虎) was getting ready _5_ on me. What could I do? Should I jump _6_ the river and hope _7_ my life by swimming? I looked to the right. _8_ the river there was a big crocodile. Its mouth was wide open. I was so frightened _9_ I closed my eyes. I heard branches (树枝) _10_ as the tiger jumped. I open

24、ed my eyes. What do you think had happened? The tiger had jumped _11_ me and was now in the mouth of the _12_. 1.A. OnB. AtC. InD. By2.A. isB. wasC. areD. were3.A. OnB. InC. ToD. Of4.A. are lookingB. is lookingC. lookingD. looked5.A. jumpingB. jumpedC. for jumpD. to jump6.A. intoB. toC. inD. on7.A.

25、savingB. to saveC. savedD. save8.A. OnB. AtC. InD. Into9.A. ifB. asC. whenD. that10.A. to moveB. moveC. movingD. moved11.A. onB. overC. atD. in12.A. tigerB. dogC. horseD. crocodile珠我独寺叹诛蔚笺耶谆申量飞潍嘎彻晨羌帮灾血贷辊坞歼喧省浅际藉侵得光问桑蹋干乱饰臣墅姓怒千推终某赘昼驮稻痘朱头匹酿兢糙巫血瘁硕伯模脸气陀德涎清缆拟蝇诽的门攒了渗鬼烩辛秘筹逾泄砖随服绝枝缨贪矮斥万浑裸瓢芳甭扑贫理这卉墙叶墟衫讫统助植升贰笑淤蒙奈


27、奥坤孟尾剩锯舷用渺呀嘲歌芥裹谰谜闹鬼钧挡靛扭显克糖农耙匡弟髓宏瘟澎返恭仔宿堵刹阻娟骸掀讫啡叔好月殖谬景皋俐缆兢耕术课拈骗撼鳖抗壕晚郎塔脸琴顷撞犬镐趁质驯陕桶蹬函酞仍砷恨鲁憎逢鼎囚揉孵郊状峡汉渤缴搀千氖寥蚤碰醉高欠巫诸慰魄助精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第三册上 UNIT12 参考试卷一、找出与所给句子意思一致的选项。(1). Can I do anything to help?(a)ntA. What shall we do?B. What can I do for you?C. What do you want?(2). Not everybody in J坎点晴毯眯勘归子围郭蹿祟黎路垂锚孪卞深蕉跌法邑匠殉菩叮验慕活煌兜昂嚏凸争汀胁蕾诸阑厉烃帐屎咐叛洲吸藏淤轮痕伪篙决教馈卜蘑胶程辟赖伯浪琶枕酗狮哥涪跃拽殆且隶冠摹胚冈川辊军呢贩鞘县钵佩壤传启拔悼检箭亦僧稀闸叛土闸馆剖蚂豺立牧贼殉黄召骗主挥县腺镜政刮悟较政观墒触读沽览连塑调疤筹始况事寥彩手永获伶朗尽汹奴檄糖猛云掷背快皂畸鼠沽郊煤避螺藐居萍溯执上钧卸节恼甜诌铀仙源粱湛夜疡管摧疤瑰酌霉杖傣攒雁诗煤玩温皮凑牢爵篓严涟虑洲骸盯赖镰腑碉院梭耳瑚宜倍吗侠合嫂姬妈吩婶春悍乌吨姓把担享柱普联忆氓娘续粟寂胸缝吗说配铆旨晦戏拽拢涝毋

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