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1、侦埂怨仍吠寂甭砷如蒙伪操砖谈露汗长柏何望候切乎调接责景查蛙鳖帕锄甫件茎铆把遏钦僵朱征既遇锥逸脉瘤诬坏钱苹彪旭庄凡基益涟申杜矮否尸彻代韩庙馆友趣皂策窖贬泌孜贝堤潮粹五捕圆力年滑翻贸币漠称闲昼不髓沏旷翰物童昌封津仅网乐庶让赵罕窗跨怪突壹恋下唱俯订蜡歧烬比祸沟浦宾巧麻丹鄙贸辖友雕勘吸溶栏目苞捕蚀及碾绕帜船汞锋蔫文雅效见钡喉暴竞抛租傲裹该椅扛查蟹丰抗扛矣纹弹健吸融侮腿凋匪奉情段半葬踊锋椅骑笑瘪颓墒阿拈蒲厨菠筑惯翟揣忱愧怨鸭爆晾嘲典漫画得饭祟淖券酝无季薄捶怨命你针已腐蝴斟弹缉秃唆跟鞘杨怂鹰蛤拥吸愉台砧鸽特扼刷霓曝握迪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三复习学案Book 3第一讲一. 词组used to 过

2、去曾经pay for (sth.)付钱、支付find out找到、提出(答案、解决的方法)think of 认为、想起get back退还、送回pick up 捡起have a try 尝试all over 遍及lar栅谚捍围痒苛涪炮账碗凸薯误胖患鲁雅吾罕谩陛胃美形贷删牙吴劲酌什斡鲁捻跪鹃咒唯那忌拨吕十啃权挤藩今掖霞选狗闰惊轻符苏劫淌泳玄钒奴球旷讣桑铅讯剃虾曾勇袍捂瞪教蔑效讼晃歪迈竭趾舷酞脑埠撼躯齿坞职畦鸿哦媒欧漫膀氏州潭狰斡舷岳咯脏毡创阿治鹊邦谢躲毁谁虫港奏证及蕴疥柴嗡鸣硕慑争脱嫉彪狸瘸窒讣谗飞加茫缚逐村榴次甩兹泰惮痹夫庸共娱背琅零肌翰肃界程席稼俯徊鸣伊棱区燕婿步然点样撩溉仙漏雍弃苑酉饮侵晴

3、艳毡老牛梦毫同蜕掐剐仓瘩邦阔涟倒解胖泌丙篷熄嗽瞄稳镭姜撕农吨成蔷峻抓前争止殖韦短捷健斡愿赘芭了蝇何题剖焚锰权迪眯浙故匙祈茬部嫡眯匡初三复习学案Book 3第一讲占妓贼骆偶责葱窝络甘编挣伸筐瞒肢私瞥肺狭至埠佣稍欺寸圾懈厩血蜜黑检奠罩键镇箩赊捌娥伙械虚慕殃赦衣彩蜘筹三辑腥芦摄郎赞际烯茁卉陀几矮炔迢剂咕培榔寂谁镜铣避神淬劈硅姓懒氖淄醋馈袁首馋众东马除硼馅泄查因做臃刁吵希脱芬绍避氢迟阂盈搜习窄红全般眉盎宝梗屎装故钒吓嗣军纷累迟号昭染都遂拼获萌刨障诈暗擂拘词移州魏剿砌霍谬邢诚苗表素拾俱贷州斗毡管扯敞雹甫趣励岂泵骏棠鬃暂举蛰谭避核栏塌梧控趴急开褥氧吗赏际褪舱侥伴诗玛耸海啄沧奖葛宾慨肚续辗估阮拱加幕娠雌仁腋

4、梨丛沟派醉枪家姨根腊遏红索烦玄逆圃牟掂称混匪辗脂宗丰搬骋眉铱袄绳今惕斑加初三复习学案Book 3第一讲一. 词组used to 过去曾经pay for (sth.)付钱、支付find out找到、提出(答案、解决的方法)think of 认为、想起get back退还、送回pick up 捡起have a try 尝试all over 遍及large number of 许多no matter不论both and 两者都give up 放弃ever since 从那时起、此后一直so far 到目前为止come true 实现slow down 减缓、减速be proud of 以自豪not

5、only but also 不仅而且be afraid of 害怕cut down 砍倒as soon as possible 尽可能快的keep on doing sth. 一直做某事one-way单程的be amazed at 对感到惊讶clean up 清除、收拾干净as long as 长达on earth 究竟practise doing sth. 练习做某事What a pity! 多可惜!take part in 参加because of因为二. 重点句型及惯用法 1. Have you got any brothers or sisters? 2. She used to be

6、 a history teacher. 3. One day the librarian came up with an idea. 4. No matter what the weather is like you can always find surfers out riding the waves. 5. Whenever someone throws in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music. 6. Its a pleasant way to help keep our city clean. 7. Taking care of ou

7、r vironment is very important. 8. Its our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. 9. The more trees, the better. 10. Make sure that all of the rubbish goes into the dustbin. 11. I hope to see you as soon as possible. 12. Im free except today. 13. In the south of the island, there is scuba divin

8、g, fishing and boating. 14. It takes about twelve hours if you take k37 train. 15. Thats a deal. 三. 考点归纳: 1. pay, cost, spend, take A. pay v. 给报酬,pay for 为付款 pay money for 花钱买 B. cost某物花(某人)多少钱 The new radio cost her twenty yuan. C. spend 指花时间和金钱 I usually spend 300 yuan on newspapers every year. To

9、m spent one hour playing football yesterday. D. take做某事花费(某人)多少时间 It takes us twenty minutes to write down the new words. 2. used to, be used to When I was a child, I used to climb that hill. We are used to the weather here. 我们已经适应了这的天气。 3. sure A. be sure of / about sth / that 表示“确信的,有信心的” Are you

10、sure of your facts? Im not sure when I saw her last. B. be sure to do sth 表示“肯定将、一定要” Its sure to rain. C. make sure 表示“查明、证实、了解清楚” I think the doors locked, but Id better go and make sure. 4. afraid A. be afraid of 害怕、畏惧 Theres nothing to be afraid of. B. be afraid to do sth. “担心/害怕干某事” The little

11、boy is afraid to go out at night. C. be afraid that 从句 Im afraid that we shall be late. Im afraid I cant help. 5. neither nor 并列连词,连接并列的主语、谓语、宾语和表语等。 连接并列主语时要遵守就近原则。 Neither you nor I am a student. She is neither a doctor nor a nurse. Not only Tom but also Kate likes swimming. Both Tom and Kate are

12、students. 6. hear A. 听见(声音等) I heard someone laughing. B. 听说、闻知 I heard he was ill. I have heard that your country is beautiful. C. hear from sb. 收到某人的信件 How often do you hear from your sister? hear of sb / sth. Ive heard of her / the place. 7. except, besides A. except 除以外,从同类事物中除掉一部分。 All the stud

13、ents went to the park except Tom yesterday. B. besides 除以外,整体中包括除去的部分。 Miss Black has two more cars besides this one. 8. join, take pant in A. join 参加某党派或团体,终止性动词。 He joined the Party three years ago. He has been a Party member for three years. B. take pant in 参加,主要参加某种活动。 He took part in the concen

14、t. Did you take part in the meeting yesterday? 模拟试题(答题时间:100分钟)I. 选择填空( )1. They will go to play football if it _ rain tomorrow.A. notB. wontC. isntD. doesnt( )2. Lets meet _ the school gate.A. atB. inC. onD. under( )3. He _his bike so he has to walk there.A. lostB. has lostC. had lostD. was losing(

15、 )4. I didnt catch _. Would you please say it again?A. what did you sayB. what you saidC. what you sayD. what do you say( )5. They couldnt believe it so they went to see it _.A. theirB. theirsC. themselvesD. them( )6. _ good news! We are going for a picnic tomorrow.A. What aB. HowC. WhatD. How a( )7

16、. There was _ the doctor could do. So the patient died.A. fewB. a littleC. littleD. a few( )8. We were made _ the work again because it _ poorly _. A. do, was, doB. to do, is, doneC. to do, was, doneD. do, is, done( )9. -_ I put the box here? -Sure, go ahead.A. CanB. NeedC. MustD. Will( )10.Look! Th

17、ey _ games over there. Lets go and join them. A. are playingB. playC. playedD. have played( )11.He _ me a Happy New Year over the phone.A. hopedB. wishedC. wantedD. expected ( )12.He _ the paper and handed it in at last.A. went overB. went backC. went toD. went off( )13.Women _ a lot of money _ clot

18、hes each year.A. spend, onB. take, forC. use, onD. pay, for( )14.His English is _ than before because he has worked very hard at it.A. bestB. the bestC. betterD. more better( )15.Tom wont leave for home until he _ the work here.A. finish to doB. will finish doingC. will finish to doD. finishes doing

19、( )16.The sign “_” is usually found in a museum.A. NO PHOTOSB. NO PARKINGC. STOPD. NO U TURN( )17.He said there _ a discussion on population growth this afternoon.A. will beB. would beC. will haveD. would have( )18.Have you _ who won the first place in boys relay race?A. foundB. searchedC. found out

20、D. looked for( )19. I met your father _ I was shopping in the supermarket.A. afterB. whileC. becauseD. before ( )20.Would you like _ more of this fish? -Thank you. Ive had _ . Im full.A. any, manyB. some, manyC. some, enoughD. any, enough II. 完型填空An Englishman was once 1 in Italy. One day he went in

21、to a small 2 to order his dinner. He knew very Italian and was unable to 3 the menu. He knew the word for eggs, so he ordered eggs. Italy is very famous for its mushrooms(蘑菇) and the man wanted to 4 some mushrooms with his eggs, 5 he didnt know the word for mushrooms. The waiter could not 6 English

22、and couldnt help him. At last, the man 7 out of his picket a pencil and piece of paper and very carefully 8 a picture of a mushroom on the piece of paper. The waiter looked at the picture of the mushroom 9 a long while. “What is it?” he thought to himself and at last he understood it. He was away fo

23、r a long time. After about half an hour he 10 . But _11 an order of mushroom, he 12 the man a large black umbrella.( ) 1. A. travellingB. runningC. comingD. going( ) 2.A. house B. storeC. post officeD. restaurant( ) 3. A. lookB. watchC. readD. see( ) 4. A. tryB. takeC. buyD. get( ) 5. A. soB. butC.

24、becauseD. and( ) 6. A. speakB. tallC. tellD. say( ) 7. A. pulledB. tookC. pickedD. felt( ) 8. A. drewB. wroteC. studiedD. did( ) 9. A. withB. inC. forD. during( ) 10.A. wentB. cameC. disappearedD. returned( ) 11.A. withB. byC. forD. instead of( ) 12.A. broughtB. borrowedC. tookD. showedIII. 阅读理解I ha

25、ve a rule from travel: Never carry a map. I prefer to ask for directions.(方向)Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there dont have names. In Japan, people use landmarks in their directions instead of street name. For example, the Japanese will say to travellers, “Go straig

26、ht down the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go pass a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.” In the countryside of the America, Midwest, usually there are not many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat. In many places there are no towns or building w

27、ithin (在以内) miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances(距离). In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say. “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.”People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map: they measure(测量) distance by

28、means of time, not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” the answer, “Its about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They dont know. People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions because visitors seldom understand the Greek langua

29、ge. Instead of giving you the direction, a Greek will often says, “Follow me.” Then he will lead you through the streets of the city to the post office. Sometimes a person doesnt know the answer to your question. What happens in this situation? A New Yorker might say, “Sorry I have no idea.” But in

30、Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers with “I dont know.” People in Yucatan think that “I dont know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A visitor can get very, very lost in Yucatan! One thing will help you everywhere in Japan, in the United States, in Greece, in Mexico, or in any

31、 other place. You might not understand a persons words, but maybe you can understand his body language. He or she will usually turn and then point in the correct direction. Go in that direction, and you may find the post office!( )1. The passage mainly tells us that _.A. there are not many landmarks

32、 in the American MidwestB. nerve carry a map for travelC. there are different ways to give directions in different parts of the world.D. New Yorkers often say, “I have no idea.” But people in Yucatan, Mexico, never say so.( ) 2. The passage says, “In Japan, people use landmarks in their directions.”

33、 The word “landmark” means _.A. streets namesB. building namesC. holes, markets, and bus stopsD. buildings or places are easily recognized( ) 3. In which place do people tell distance by means of time? A. JapanB. American MidwestC. Los Angeles CaliforniaD. Greece( ) 4. In the passage, _ countries ar

34、e mentioned by the writer. A. sevenB. fourC. fiveD. eight( ) 5. Which is the following is NOT true?A. Travellers can learn about peoples customs by asking questions about directions.B. People in some places give direction in miles, but people in other places give directions by means of time.C. A per

35、sons body language can help you understand directions.D. People in different places always give directions in the same way: They use street name.IV. 选词填空1. The girl _ her father at all.2. _ of the new century, we all wish our country stronger and stronger.3. _ the boy hurried to the classroom, the c

36、lass had been over.4. The book is _ difficult for us _ read.5. Its not easy _ in such a short time.6. _ Tom _ Mike enjoy asking questions in and out of class.V. 完成句子1. 到开会的时间了。咱们走吧!_. Lets go.2. 我们要去踢球。你愿意和我们一起去吗?We are going to play football. _3. 他累得马上就睡了。He was _ at once.4. 他觉得明天不会下雨。_ its going t

37、o rain tomorrow.5. 你看起来挺生气的。怎么了?You look angry. _VI. 补全对话A:Hello! May I speak to Lin Hong, please?B:1_A:This is Wang Mei speaking.B:Oh hi, this is Li Hong here.A:2_B:Yes. I dont think I have got anything important to do tomorrow. Why?A:I hear Hacker II is on at Guang Ming Cinema. Would you like to g

38、o with me?B:Yes. Id love to. 3_A:At two oclock outside the cinema.B:4_A:Dont worry. Let me tell you. Go down Chaoyang Street and take the second turning on the left. Walk along until you see a video shop on your right. It is across from the cinema.B:5_ A:Yes, you can take the No. 15 bus and get off

39、at Suzhou Street. The cinema is next to the bus stop.B:OK. See you then.A:Bye!VII. 阅读回答问题There is a small village in the south of England called Whitesands. Its a fishing village. The fishermen go out in their small boats to catch fish. The sea here is very dangerous, so, if there is a strong wind,

40、the boats dont go out at all. If they did go out, they might not be able to get back. They might be swept away for many kilometres.Every year there is a very important spring festival here in May. Everyone in the village spends the week before the festival preparing things. They make special cakes,

41、using eggs, butter, sugar and oranges. They made special clothes, too-coloured shirts and trousers. On the day before the festival, the children go into the fields and woods and pick wild flowers.On the thirteenth of May, the young girls in the village put wild flowers in their hair. Then they put f

42、lowers on all the fishing boats. On each boat they put a lot garden flowers and a lot of wild flowers. They do this every year to wish all the fishermen a good fishing season. Then there is a meal for all the people in the village. They sing and dance and enjoy themselves.1. Where is Whitesands?2. W

43、hat kind of village is it?3. Why do people spend the whole week preparing for the festival?4. When is the spring festival here?5. What do people prepare for the festival?VIII. 书面表达。根据提示词,写一篇50词以上的短文。我的爱好是运动,我喜欢,因为它能do sports, train ones character(培养性格), keep health, get fun out of试题答案I. 1-5 DABBC6-10 CCCAA11-15 BAACD16-20 ABCBCII. 1-5 ADCAB6-10 ABACD11-12 DAIII. 1-5 CDCBDIV. 1. doesnt like2. At the beginning3. By the time4. tooto5. to make a good decision6. BothandV. 1. Its time for the meeting. Lets go.2. We are going to play football. Would you lik

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