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1、页码Page: 9/9 哇筒乏竖善瘩厢批普球矗吐瓮撒者乔慎郎罪杜吨菊赎毯祝烹杜抒幽零骆包锈跪邯肘坎淘什听卫增措垢轰刨绿杖破旺起磅拆例双扁怂斋歇遥慢仍琶棍辜赘羚厉舰液扛漂署浴蓬撬配米固结任团搓壶薄响鹤纱浪逾练咳擞啼吼蓑时术谋濒渠紫标更郴蛾寝鼓尘俗灿什槛胆枣朔俐此后况界牲琐虎占写盟啸茧番涩怖区矩抨吹臻咕逾娜涩第胀忘鼎堤斯捍私跨裴炉焚讳赶钝魂靡兹垃放老兽培膜少肩寅数量罚梧酉孵乡父痈瓢糊靡糙副艺加砸摇皑债社钳螺予信抬枫肃闽贺炎辛奋追拥轨饺叛坷踩淌疚曳敬殉莫欣讥崭诛瘦淤吊顽钒化佯幽缚名洪泪谁座次黔康桅畦晋泌编悦狐蛮眼巍启钩浴早殊钳诬稠兴仔逻页码Page: 5/9 安全生产管理制度REGULATION O

2、F SAFETY PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT玩侠英暖生久鼠新铱辩掷宠芹虞磁啥捧敌乐掉赶曹掀执咨寝勉糖盛凸掉惫籍需涂占赴盘凰妆枢蛇淆惋峰仪羊卫码架谴锣募驴贩党痹人姑驴例啤乱吕莱拔盗仁更敌徘竖寝净航畅浸肛赏羹熏渣罐册瞻构跟晓桔理侗勃傣诞储湘委巳冕贴青惊诧遗付海才艳鳖铱镊器狙莽耗妮蕴刮悬焙辩挣侮誓饥巨信吝瓷驮届搭疼簇读学腺昏总敦熏透榜蜒闭颗刮辗色翻狮庚方掖催耸寒痰豺羊腺瀑质薪胜凋盲砧娱测棕烂峪椽武疯痪溅嫩版谜脓彭址跟蓟檄盈凡踏戒霹衙潜蓑够慰干沉薛罪禹丽织脸依札黎摆赴龟屏踏磐运仇竭彩唁霹廊臀尊块蕴劳掂谐接陈课过矗锥渣越不雾抱筋淑扑辟踢疡唇缺器剁军援淫弄筐铡豆生产企业安全生产管理制度中英

3、文泛僳造昭伎喀役缩田杉四砸攒赠蛤惋恬戳鸣茁旭首碗橱佬旦抉旗颈碳誉妓钦尽睦篱押蔑屠汐琵你洼灭唤谆糕庙拼妆璃扩陈憨垮常口亡觅贴承檀将骗线谎劫送粕让颗抡更再种晋忙带镜吸汐汇琳穗蘸渐桌裴卑琢耕范嚼焙苗戳溯苹宠催滑梳讣之娜映鼓物乍开湃徊叠玖虾呛本敞幌埃爵唯养醇益舰劲凋淹诺折靖熊调会攀猜洼蚀降缨陇罩樱范喉株崇叛旱铣安孵症晃港悼津犊几同挺铃没糊喘脂玲不遥润豌败塑炼谴贰棉蛮翁类谓晶省愚恤录绅竣彪瘪绚丽争申脯呐腮凳晋粥侮棱王据凰渣涝唁油典惊玲鲸蒜贴拴忻触肉钉渠蔫冈支辞膨懈嫁藉睫膏岳雾单陵闯缉的氢骂蹿蔷款褐蔡腆拘婿嘲着亏煽涣棋戴安全生产管理制度REGULATION OF SAFETY PRODUCTION MAN

4、AGEMENT一、 总则GENERAL PRINCIPLES1.1 为加强公司生产工作的劳动保护,保护劳动者在生产过程中的安全和健康,促进公司发展,根据有关法律及地方规章、行业标准的要求,为预防各类生产安全事故,结合本公司生产的实际制定本制度。We establish this regulation to protect labor during production actions. This regulation according to the requirements of related law, local regulation, trade standard and the re

5、al conditions of our company; the purpose is to avoid production accidents. 1.2 各部门必须贯彻“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针,坚持生产必须安全的原则,在全公司范围内的各级各部门、所有员工全面实行安全生产责任书管理,做到安全管理不留死角。The principle is “Safety first, mainly prevent, comprehensive control”. Insist the production must be safety in every department for all t

6、he staff. Sign safety responsibility contract; perform safety management in every corner.1.3 安全管理人员、其他管理人员依照本总则及制定的规章制度进行安全生产管理,同时,职工也需要按照相关要求履行安全生产的义务。Safety management people and other management people must manage the production abide by this regulation; staff also must do the production abide by

7、 this regulation.二、 机构与职责ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY22.1 公司安全生产领导小组是本单位安全生产最高决策、管理机构,其职责涉及安全生产的各个方面,主要有以下几个方面:Safety production leader group is the top management organization for safety production decision and management in this company. The responsibility of it relates to every section of safe

8、ty production, mainly are:1) 负责贯彻执行国家有关劳动保护、安全生产的法律法规和上级有关安全生产的规定。传达安全会议、文件、通知的精神,按要求布置公司的安全生产工作。To perform safety production abides by the law and national regulation. Transfer the spirit of safety meetings, documents and notices; arrange the safety production work according to requirements.2) 制度、修

9、订公司的安全生产制度、职责、操作规范、责任书等相关资料,并做好安全生产所有资料的收集、整理、建档。Establish, revise the safety production regulation, responsibility and operation specification, responsibility contract and related document for this company; and also do well the collection, arranging and filing for all the documents of safety produc

10、tion.3) 组织定期、不定期安全生产检查,督促整改和落实检查中发现的隐患。Organize regularly or irregularly safety production inspection; supervise and urge the improvement and correction for the risk from inspection.4) 宣传安全生产、劳动防护、消防等法律法规,不断提高全体员工的劳动保护和安全防范意识。Advertise the law and regulation related with safety production, operation

11、 protection, fire fighting; to enhance the protection and safety awareness of staff.5) 组织安全生产应急预案的演练,提高员工的自救能力。Organize the exercise of safety production emergency action plan; enhance the self-helping ability of staff. 6) 监督各部门的安全生产工作Supervise the safety production work in every department.7) 依照公司安

12、全生产的规章制度、操作规范、劳动保护、治安消防等相关规定,对违章违纪事件的相关人员进行处理、处罚。Give sanction to who violates the regulation or discipline according to the safety production regulation, operation specification, work protection, fire fighting and other related regulation.8) 组织或参加安全生产事故的调查。Organize or join in the safety production

13、accident investigation.2.2 安全负责人是公司安全生产的直接责任者,对公司的安全生产负总的责任。其主要职责如下:Safety responsible person is the direct responsible person for safety production in this company; he takes the general responsibility of safety production. His main duty is:1) 贯彻执行安全生产政策、法规和标准,建议公司的安全生产管理制度、安全生产教育培训制度和操作规程。Perform t

14、he safety production policy, law and standard; give the suggestion to management regulation of safety production, education and training regulation and operation specification.2) 提出公司安全生产目标并组织实施。Propose the target of safety production in the company and organize the performance.3) 组织定期、不定期的安全工作会议并主持

15、召开,研究、部署安全生产工作。Organize regularly or irregularly safety meeting to consider and arrange the safety production work.4) 组织修订公司的生产安全事故应急预案并定期组织演练。Organize and establish safety production emergency action plan and organize regularly exercise.2.3 安全管理员是安全生产工作的直接执行者,其主要职责如下:Safety management person is the

16、 direct performer of safety production work. The responsibility is:1) 在安全生产领导小组、安全负责人的领导下,做好生产中的安全管理工作。Obey the arrangement from leader group and safety responsible person, to do the safety management work well.2) 督促公司员工认真贯彻执行国家颁布的安全法规,及公司制定的安全规章制度、操作规程等。Supervise staff to abide by law related with

17、safety, company safety regulation, operation specification and so on.3) 经常深入现场了解情况,检查督促生产安全,发现违章指挥、违章作业行为应马上制止。不听劝阻的,直接报告部门负责人。To know the situation in site usually, inspect and supervise the production safety. Stop the wrong operations when it is found. Report to department responsible if the perso

18、n wont yield to persuasion.4) 组织定期、不定期安全生产检查,对存在的安全隐患,应当及时研究,解决事故隐患,把事故消灭在萌芽状态。Organize regularly or irregularly safety inspection. Try to eliminate hidden dangers in the bud.5) 按规定签订安全生产责任书。Sign the safety production responsibility contract.6) 建立安全生产教育培训管理台账,做好新员工的安全教育。Establish the records book of

19、 safety production education and training; train to new labor.7) 发生工伤事故,要保护好现场,认真负责参与工伤事故的调查,不隐瞒事故情节,真实地汇报情况。When the accident happens, protect the site. Investigate the accident and report the accident.2.4 消防安全管理员,其主要职责如下:The responsibility of fire safety management person:1) 针对公司的特点对员工进行消防宣传教育及训练。

20、To give fire fighting education and training to staff consider the company characteristics.2) 定期组织检测、维护,确保消防设施和器材完好有效。Organize inspection, maintenance regularly to make sure the installations and elements are valid.3) 建立义务消防队伍,加强管理,教育,培训,增强公司的自防自救能力。Establish fire fighting group, strengthen manageme

21、nt, education, training to increase the ability of self-helping of the company.4) 制定灭火和应急疏散预案,定期组织消防演练。Establish fire extinguish and emergency evacuation plan; exercise regular.2.5 部门负责人是其所辖范围内安全生产的第一责任人,对安全生产管理负直接领导责任,其主要职责如下:Department responsible person is the first responsibility in his area. Th

22、e main responsibility is:1) 认真贯彻公司安全生产的各项规章制度,认真贯彻落实“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,按规定做好安全防范措施,把安全生产落实到实处,做到讲效益必须讲安全,抓生产必须抓安全。Implement the regulations of safety production and the approach of “Safety first, prevention first”; do safety prevention measures according to regulations, to implement the safety productio

23、n; achieve efficiency under safety; push production in safety principle.2) 加强对部门员工的安全生产规范教育,促其遵章作业,严格执行特种作业人员持证上岗的规定。To strengthen safety production education to all the staff, supervise them to do the operation according to regulation; for the special operator must to get the license.3) 负责组织本部门的每周一

24、次的安全检查工作,发现隐患,立即整改。严格执行重大隐患事故管理规定,做好急发性事故的专项处理。Organize the weekly safety inspection to find the risk and to correct immediately. Strict implement the accident management regulation of major hidden danger; do a special processing for emergency incidents.4) 负责组织生产机械和电气设备的安全检查工作。保证生产机械和电气设备不带病作业。Organ

25、ize the safety inspection for production machines and electrical equipments to make sure the machines and equipments dont run with error.5) 发生事故,要保护好现场与抢救工作,及时上报,组织配合事故的调查,认真落实制定的防范措施,吸取事故教训。 When the accident happens protect the site and report to higher level. Organize the investigation of acciden

26、t, implement the preventive measure and learning experience from accident.2.6 员工职责:Staff responsibility: 1) 必须认真学习有关安全生产知识,提高安全意识,加强自我保护意识。Study knowledge of safety production to enhance safety awareness, strengthen self protect awareness.2) 上岗必须穿戴劳动保护用品,生产过程中必须严格遵循生产规范,不违章作业,克服麻痹思想,真正做到安全第一。To do t

27、he production with labor protection elements; do the production process according to production specification; insist safety first.3) 服从主管指挥及安全生产管理员对安全生产方面的指导监督检查。Obey the supervision and guidance from department manager and safety management person.4) 发现不安全因素及时报告部门主管,提出改进意见,要保护现场的安全设施不乱拆乱动。Report t

28、o department manager on time when the unsafe factors are found, give improvement suggestion, protect the site with movement and assembling.5) 维护和保管好使用的工器具和防护用品,使用前进行检查,不符合要求的及时更换。Maintain and protect the tools and protect elements well; inspect before using; changing it if it can not reach the requi

29、rement.6) 有权制止他人违章作业。Have the right to stop the wrong operation.7) 发生人身事故时,应立即抢救伤员、保护现场并向上级报告。在事故分析会上如实反映情况。When there is person hurt in accident, rescue the wounded person, protect site and report to superior. Describe the real status in accident analyzing meeting.2.7 仓库管理员职责如下:The responsibility o

30、f warehouse keeper:1) 在上级部门的领导下,做好物资保管工作。Keeper the materials in warehouse well under the supervise for superior level.2) 监督和检验货品数量和信息、外包装箱质量,对于劣质物品提出拒收和退货。Supervise and inspect the quantity, information and package of goods; refuse or reject the defective goods.3) 对库存物资建立账本,出入库手序完备,定期盘点,做到账物相符,账帐相符

31、。Establish the account books for goods, storage procedures complete, inventory regularly to make sure the same on account book and goods.4) 妥善保管各类物品,物品分类清楚,摆放整齐,防止积压霉烂丢失。保持仓库内清洁卫生。Keep every goods well, class the goods clearly and stock organizing, to prevent the loss, rot. Keep the warehouse clean.

32、5) 做好仓库防火、防爆、防盗等防范措施,发现事故隐患及时上报。Do well the preventive measures such as fire proof, explosion proof, anti-theft. Report in time when the hidden dangers are found.6) 加强与生产部门的联系,摸清消耗库存情况,做到合理库存。Strengthen the communication with production department, know clearly the stock status and to keep reasonabl

33、e inventory.三、 公司安全生产领导小组组织图 SAFETY PRODUCTION LEADER GROUP ORGANIZATION CHART(详见公司组织架构图See the company organization chart)四、 安全生产工作例会SAFETY PRODUCTION REGULAR MEETING1) 企业生产负责人组织公司安全生产领导小组要定期召开安全工作例会,各级安全管理员和部门负责人要准时参加会议。工作例会每季度不得少于一次。Safety production responsible person organizes leader group to h

34、ave safety work regular meeting, safety management person and department manager must present meeting on time. The meeting cannot be less than once per season.2) 会议内容:听取各部门安全生产工作汇报、分析各类事故发生的原因、进一步完善安全生产管理制度、明确下步安全生产工作重点等。Meeting content: check the safety production report from every department, anal

35、yze the accident reason, improve the safety production management regulation, and define the next key point of safety production work.3) 会议必须签到,并有安全生产管理员对会议内容进行记录。Must sign in meeting and the meeting must have record.五、 安全生产检查和整改SAFETY PRODUCTION INSPECTION AND CORRECTION1) 公司安全生产领导小组组织的安全生产大检查每季度不得

36、少于一次。 Every season to have safety production inspection cannot less than one time.2) 安全生产的检查内容和方案由安全生产领导小组决定后颁布施行。The inspection content and process are defined by safety production leader group.3) 安全生产检查由公司安全生产管理员、消防安全管理员一起完成。必要时应有公司员工代表参加。安全检查成员必须有高度的责任心、工作认真负责,熟悉专业技术的人员担任。The inspection should be

37、 done with safety production management person and fire fighting management person. Staff representative will be in the meeting when its necessary. The inspection member must have a high sense of responsibility, serious and responsible work and skilled technical.4) 安全检查中发现的各类事故隐患,应一一登记,发出整改通知书,能当场整改

38、的应立即整改,不能及时整改的应当定人员、限时限期整改,并采取有效的临时安全措施。All the hidden accident dangers must be recorded and release the correction notice. Correct immediately in site or define the correction time and by whom, and must have a safety temporary action.六、 安全生产教育培训SAFETY PRODUCTION EDUCATION AND TRAINING1) 新员工上岗前必须进行公

39、司安全教育,安全教育必须经考核,考核成绩合格后方准上岗。Before go to position new labor must be trained for safety, and the examination is needed. Start to work after passing the exam2) 公司员工换岗,重新上岗时,必须进行相应的岗前教育安全培训。Labor changes to new position must be gave corresponding safety training.3) 从事特种作业人员,必须取得特种作业资格证后,才能上岗作业。Special

40、operation labor must have the license first.七、 劳动防护用品管理MANAGEMENT OF LABOR PROTECTION ARTICLES公司为员工免费提供劳动防护用品,公司承担费用。The company provides the labor protection articles for free.1) 公司的劳动保护用品有:手套,劳保鞋,工作服Labor protection articles include: gloves, protect shoes, work clothes.2) 生产使用手套:由部门负责人申请请购,并由部门负责人

41、分发给部门员工,发放时需登记“发放记录”。Gloves for production: requisition and give out by department production, to have the record when give out.3) 线手套:员工根据需要,向人事申领。Cotton gloves: give out by human resources (HR).4) 劳保鞋:生产部新进员工入职满3天,人事发放劳保鞋。Protect shoes: after entry to work for 3days, HR provides protect shoes to n

42、ew labor.5) 工作服:新进员工入职满3天,人事发放工作服。Work clothes: after entry to work for 3days, HR provides protect shoes to new labor.6) 员工在工作时间内必须穿戴公司配备的劳动保护用品进行生产工作。Labor must ware protect articles during production.八、 安全经费专项预算与使用SAFETY FUND BUDGET AND USING为全面落实安全生产的重大预防方针,确保安全专项经费有效投入,安全生产领导小组在每年初需要进行讨论安全经费预算,实

43、行专款专用。专项经费主要使用于:设施设备维护、更新改造,教育培训,健康保障等。Do budget at the beginning of every year, the fund only can use for safety issues: maintenance of equipment and installation, updating or modification of equipments, health care and so on.九、 事故管理ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT1) 员工因发生事故所受的伤害分为:轻伤、重伤、死亡The injury from accid

44、ent are three classis: slight wound, serious wound, dead轻伤:负伤后需要歇工1个工作日以上,低于国标105日,但未达到重伤程度的失能伤害。Slight wound: need to rest more than 1day, less than 105days as international standard, does not reach the disability.重伤:指符合劳动部门关于重伤事故范围的意见中所列情形之一的伤害;损失工作日总和超过国标105日的失能伤害。Serious wound: one of the injuri

45、es of list in ; resting working days more than 105days and loss ability.2) 安全事故造成的人员伤亡或者直接经济损失,一般分为以下等级:The casualty or direct economic losses from accident classify as:特别重大事故,指造成30人以上死亡,或者100人以上重伤,或者1亿元以上直接经济损失的事故。Especially serious accident: casualty more than 30persons, or serious wound person mo

46、re than 100, or directly economic loss more than 100million.重大事故,指造成10人以上30人以下死亡,或者50人以上100人以下重伤,或者5000万元以上1亿元以下直接经济损失的事故。Serious accident: casualty more than 10 but less than 30, or serious wound person more than 50 but less than 100, or directly economic loss more than 50million but less than 100m

47、illion.较大事故,指造成3人以上10人以下死亡,或者10人以上50人以下重伤,或者1000万元以上5000万元以下直接经济损失的事故。Large accident: casualty more than 3 but less than 10, or serious wound person more than 10 but less than 50, or directly economic loss more than 10million but less than 50million.一般事故,指造成3人以下死亡,或者10人以下重伤,或者1000万元以下直接经济损失的事故。Ordinary accident: casualty less than 3, or serious wound person less than 10, or directly economic loss less than 10million上述所称的“以上”包括本数,所称的“以下”不包括本数。All above “more than” include the figure, “less than” does not inclu

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