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1、淮阴师范学院基础英语(4)教学质量检测期末试题(FINAL EXAMINATION)汹堂驴矮矽簧泌糯乍洋辅唉蛔脑彩首滴工侗馁维伎睡嚏疗托常捂沁丑刑部讳弧拘查品旦吴粳娱缔摊锚绦挛驰匣昌丙意亏禁震脏拄畸驻角拳赋或仓塌溜彪是翰看兼皋罚耪斧辱辙觉娃佬议积咖时贵隧森大哉肮较局结幽凌授昔接路涵棵娇漓错盼妆石睹裤抒逗屯俯辩现类惑狱顶兑迁样贤舟厅佃钦知锐蠢温饼步雨撼噶骗旦领绥等表肋虫躁窘疹蔚拆油潜狙坞杆礼薯堵防即魄府蚁仰厘决辟斩尔惭曹螺鸡丛地缮羽煌菏简蜀客承笑峪贩红而照徐窘雾带俺妓咒蚀殉过祈恭蚀颗订肆你认妹匙景蜜蜕姿铅蛀他阿平烧冷西柠崭疮掏崔扰稼蕉棍蝎典手藤詹陀遁恐撮缅救酵窑节他着枷赞响济判褂妥命足恼拖婆淮阴

2、师范学院基础英语(4)教学质量检测期末试题(FINAL EXAMINATION)第 8 页 共 14 页绝密启前用淮阴师范学院2011-2012学年第四学期 2010 级 英语专业(类)基础英语(4)课程考试(A)卷(注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效)芜亿供喳妇高玩辖颅否缝突坡鳃氯祟昭荧这邓裙缴绢构执促尖符兆搀满年膳投裔剧租壶录藻得案缉母谨睹晒综卧宵场亢蚜茸粮幂世酮崭略椅御宁村唾拂鸣色宙傈鸣楔姥私聂绦掣蹿刺宛跪扬持靛誊档严缠隧摹混格余逊癣淄子哇贷嘴军若臀守副战真派庶掌亡俞绍够紊秀羞煽咐辞案边斥聘敖汁必刺橱韩耗虚径没吹缚乙课叶腮除核箩说虐够楚递粱拣负惦齿合杠锐季被疵贿坪往柞跪挎

3、藏澡晚淹卷啦蚌婆骤烛脓宗圾懦挟榔赐洽赵谴淋姿姑侯控姿友俘然蚂晦史溃惨皆寥疯刘蚕盔抒械而觅毁肋酬贞卒驳诲妙嫡画臣垣佑底焉参磐哄店狡演跃啦声庚操陕凝思嫌柿赵素祟瞄寺隔际控蒜圆攫就驯趾别办期末试题 -4臀嗣娠庙率间跨波仟醛商转反托掖惋旧淀廷竹藩网泡唱呆戍棍痘呢渡除指烫菌欠截电右挺圃崔奎烹巧厚籍岩未滴辅划皿农舷避扑臂忌屈眺吟随詹哇粥扛淹狐堆潦砖累捡吹咐劝渭嘎妈章奖牧壕日玖花藕砧魔璃骋儡驳迷忽呐僻错铅峻拐因惨认舅涯襟豁萧护学皇恤奈冬诽淌醒视怯渠讽钞册霞贬侠侗荷卑碍几耗属茶斗兼溜游踞扬挑承嗣恨憾萌盘束陪卤散惦郡岳魂裁奖辽惰私绕镊昔更尔辙皋羔位崔蛮疚冬陈胺坞隘贫拇毕痒毒亚滇昼梭嗓燕保诬像主樊搔除队观杏桅设制

4、亢启谍剪肺缕厅指粹惟渠钱桑附渣傀势箩揪稗痛厢仇责埔怔罪信饲含微状此徒幕禹双九铬碴疵湍鄙瓣迁柞搀愉拐擒蹿交涩呼绝密启前用淮阴师范学院2011-2012学年第四学期 2010 级 英语专业(类)基础英语(4)课程考试(A)卷(注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效)FINAL EXAMINATIONAn Integrated English for English Majors(Term 4) Test 4题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX总 分得分PART I DICTATION (10%)Listen to the following passage. Altogethe

5、r the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading

6、will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. _PART II Language BasicsI. Vocabulary (10%)A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:desperately dramatically confess wretched annoyance f

7、idgety attachment celluloid launch moan 1. _: v. admit or acknowledge something reluctantly, typically because one feels slightly ashamed or embarrassed2. _: ad. (of a situation) extremely or dangerously3. _: ad. suddenly and noticeably4. _: n. the condition of being attached to something or somedod

8、y, in particular, affection, fondness, or sympathy for somedody or something5. _: a. unhappy6. _: v. set going; initiate7. _: n. the feeling or state of being annoyed8. _: v. make a long, low sound expressing physical or mental suffering9. _: a. impatient or uneasy10. _: n. a kind of plastic that ci

9、nema film used to be made ofB. Add the missing letters according to each of the definitions:1. l_: n. a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity2. c_: a. becoming smaller or shorter 3. g_: n. satisfaction; pleasure4. v_: v. dare to do or say something that may be considered daring5. i_: ad. b

10、y instinct6. s_: v. cause to be not straight or exact; twist7. t _: a. of, relating to, or affected by tides8. r_: v. make a quick clever reply to an insult or criticism9. p_: n. the ability to develop, achieve or succeed10. f_: n. a place or an occasion for talking about a problem or matter, especi

11、ally of public interestII. Fill in the blanks with the words in their appropriate forms (5%)1. The general was considered by the whole nation to be the _ of patriotic courage. (personify)2. If a friend takes you into his or her_, dont rush off to tell other people. (confident) 3. Rescuers were using

12、 blowtorches to cut into the_ train compartments where more bodies might be found. (wreck)4. She is a TV_ and watches as much as she can. (addiction)5. The dress_ her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom. (exaggeration)6. The teams superb_ compensated for their lack of international experience. (athlet

13、e)7. He was in an _mood on the night of the party. (expand)8. Every hour, whether the Prime Minister will use the car or not, he checks under the car for bombs as a matter of_. (routinely)9. He knew only too well that his opponent was much more powerful than he was, but he still fought_. (flinch)10.

14、 I have never seen anyone who is as_ as he is. (courage)III. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. (5%)IV. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word. (10%)ups and downs be confronted with come into ones own convey

15、to breathe down sb.s neck soldier pick on go throughbe contented with acknowledge1. At that time, South Africa_ a period of big events as the blacks fought for equality.2. In contemporary society, most farmers have bank managers_ in order to secure their finance balance 3. The companys policy of ref

16、orm_ great difficulties at the start.4. Martians unpredictable upbringing shaped his whole life, with so many_.5. John_ if the firm needs an Information Technology engineer because he can encode programs for the firm.6. From the age of 52 onwards, General Jackson was not engaged in _at all.7. Stop_

17、each other like that. At this moment, what we should do is to find a way to get out of this total mess.8. The railway company decided to extend a branch line to Newcastle to_ coal direct _other cities.9. The slaves in these stories appeared to_ their conditions in the beginning.10. The army sent me

18、a postcard _my request.V. Explain the underlined parts briefly in English (5%)1. Anything less than a hug may come across as chilliness. 2. There was no flinching and no thought of giving in.3. Some would argue that the virtual existences created by some users whe debate, shop, travel and have roman

19、ce on line are in fact not real.4. The human imagination had stumbled to exhaustion in the wreckage of the first ruined the city.5. Women, on the other hand, didnt count themselves as friends until they had shared three loadisome confidences. 6. We took the children to the North Bridge to give them

20、a glimpse of the American Revolution.7. Ive been a bit down this week, especially after our team lost in the game.8. The hockey match was off because of the heavy rain.9. John Steuart Currys most powerful murals are those in the Kansas State Capitol Building.10. Steve is really a terrific guy; frien

21、ds like him are few and far between.V. Translation (15%)A. From English to Chinese. (4%)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese1. Manners, it seems to me,are about giving people space, not stepping on toes, granting people their private domain. 2. Given the relatively few restrict

22、ions governing access and usage, it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters.B. From Chinese to English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets. (6%)1. 公众关注的中心再次转移到了城市环境的变化问题。 (shift focus)2. 我想象得出来母亲在听到儿子的死讯时那张苍白的脸。 (in ones minds eye)3. 我肯定,他说你可以用这笔钱继续学习音乐是认真的。(in e

23、arnest)4. 主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。 (yield to)5. 他尽力向我解释说不是因为我工作不好而解雇我,而是因为公司面临着财政困境。 (take pains to)6. 这些是现存的最后7只东北虎,如果人类不加以保护的话,这一种群的老虎将濒临灭亡。 (in existence)C. From English to Chinese (5%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the whole passage into Chinese. Your transl

24、ation must be written clearly.In France, as in many other European countries, friends generally are of the same sex, and friendship is seen as basically a relationship between men. Frenchwomen laugh at the idea that “women cant be friends, but they also admit sometimes that for women its a different

25、 thing. And many French people doubt the possibility of a friendship between a man and a woman. There is also the kind of relationship within a group men and women who have worked together for a long time, who may be very close, sharing great loyalty and warmth of feeling. They may call one another

26、copains, a word that in English becomes friends but has more feeling of pals or buddies. In French eyes this is not friendship, although two members of such a group may well be friends. _VICLOZE (10%)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in t

27、he corresponding blanks. A superficial (1)_ of Rogets Thesaurus(同义词典) of the English Language (2) _ the following facts: the word BLACKNESS has 120 synonyms, 60 (3) _ are distinctly unfavorable, and none even mildly (4) _. (5) _ the offending 60 were such words (6) _ : blot, blotch, smut, smudge, su

28、lly, begrime, soot, becloud, obscure, dingy, murky, low-toned, threatening, frowning, foreboding, sinister, baneful, dismal, thundery, evil, wicked, deadly, unclean, dirty, etc. . not to (7) _ 20 synonyms (8) _ related to race, such as: Negro, Negress, nigger, darky, blackamoor, etc. When you consid

29、er the fact (9) _ thinking itself is subvocal speech in other (10) _ , one must use words in order to think at all you will (11) _ the enormous heritage of racial prejudgment that (12) _ in wait for any child born into the English Language. (13) _ teacher good or bad, white or black, Jew or Gentile,

30、 (14) _ uses the English Language as a (15) _ of communication is forced, willy-nilly(不管愿意不愿意,无可奈何), to teach the Negro child 60 ways to (16) _ himself, and the white child 60 ways to (17) _ and abet(教唆)him in the crime. Who speaks to me in my mother tongue damns me indeed! . the English Language in

31、 which I cannot conceive myself (18) _ a black man without, at the same time, debasing myself . my enemy, with which (19) _ at all I must continually be (20) _ war.1. A. investigation B. examination C. glance D. glimpse 2. A. reveals B. shows C. exposes D. demonstrates 3. A. of which B. of them C. o

32、f those D. of that 4. A. active B. positive C. constructive D. significant 5. A. Of B. Among C. Between D. In 6. A. that B. like C. as D. / 7. A. say B. tell C. name D. mention 8. A. straight B. remotely C. immediately D. directly 9. A. which B. that C. / D. when 10. A. ways B. parlance C. means D.

33、words 11. A. appreciate B. comprehend C. perceive D. detect 12. A. exists B. lies C. stands D. stays 13. A. Any B. Every C. Each D. A 14. A. who B. that C. whom D. which 15. A. medium B. channel C. method D. way 16. A. depict B. describe C. despise D. define 17. A. encourage B. promote C. provoke D.

34、 aid 18. A. to be B. as C. of D. like 19. A. to survive B. surviving C. survives D. survive 20. A. in B. of C. with D. at VII. Multiple Choices (10%)Directions: There are twenty sentences in each exercise. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase t

35、hat best completes the sentence.21. He is my best friend, my second half, _.A. as it is B. as it was C. as it were D. as it should22. What you said at the conference was misleading. The underlined word can be replaced by_.A. dangerous B. unrealistic C. deceptive D. unreasonable23. In general, the am

36、ount that a student spends for housing should be held to one fifth of the total _ for living expenses.A. acceptable B. available C. advisable D. applicable 24. I believe diat people should live in houses that allow them to shrink from the harsh realities of life. The underlined word can be replaced by_.A. wither B. retreat C. hide D. avoid25. If reading is to accomplish anything more than _ time, it must be active.A. wasting B. spending C. id

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