1、Unit 8 Teaching vocabularyBy class of 105,Group 7.第1页Aims of the unit:Assumptions about vocabulary.What does knowing a word involve?How to present new vocabulary items?Ways to consolidate vocabulary.Vocabulary learning strategies.第2页8.1 Understanding vocabulary&vocabulary learningPeople have differe
2、nt understandings of:What a vocabulary item is;How an item can be learned and consolidate;Which items should be learned;To what extent the items should be learned and practised.(p.117,Task 2)第3页TaskLanguages consist of“words”with equivalents from one language to another.2Vocabulary cannot be taught.
3、It must be learned by the individuals.3Both teachers and students need to know that there is a difference between active and passive vocabulary.4The best way to explain vocabulary is to translate.5A vocabulary item can be more than one word.1 第4页An Enhlish-English dictionary is an important aid for
4、students.7Words can be taught and learned most effectively in groups which are related to each other in meaning.8If we do not use the words we learned,we will soon forget them.4Words must be learned in language context.9Enhlish-English explanationss are the best way for vocabulary teaching.6第5页8.2 W
5、hat does knowing a word invovle?A simple answer would be(1)knowing its pronunciation&stress;(2)knowing its spelling&grammar;(3)knowing its meaning;(4)knowing how&when to use it to express the intended meaning.According to Hedge(),vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning.The first
6、 aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning.The second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.第6页denotative meaning(外延意义外延意义)词意义普通包含语法意义和词汇意义,前者指词与词之间相互关系,后者指词所表示意思,通常分为外延意义(denotative meaning)和内涵意义(connotative meaning)两类。词外延意义即所指意义(referential
7、 meaning)或认知意义(cognitive meaning),它是以客观世界特定所指以及约定俗成意义为基础,也就是词典中所给出定义。第7页connotative meaning内涵意义 所谓内涵意义(connotative meaning),是隐含于或附加在概念意义上意义。社会、群体或个人都能够使一个词含有内涵意义,有时还是很不相同内涵意义。这种差异既能够存在于两种语言、两种文化之间,也能够存在于一个语言和一个文化亚文化之间。如英语中goose有愚蠢内涵意义,但汉语中鹅却没有这种不好内涵意义。第8页Collocative meaning 搭配意义搭配意义 Collocative mean
8、ing consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation.搭配意义搭配意义是词语与其可能或必须同时出现词语搭配是词语与其可能或必须同时出现词语搭配时所产生特殊联想意义,是长久使用过程中形成语时所产生特殊联想意义,是长久使用过程中形成语言习惯。言习惯。词语搭配包含词语搭配(词语搭配包含词语搭配(Lexical Collocations)和语法)和语法词语搭配(词语搭配(Grammatical Collocations)。前者主要包含)。前者主要包含“动词动词+名词名词”、“名词名词+动词动词”、“形容词形容词+名词名词
9、”、“副词副词+动词动词”及及“名词名词+名词名词”等搭配,掌握好它们就可增等搭配,掌握好它们就可增强语感,准确道地地表示出要说或者要写语言信息。后者强语感,准确道地地表示出要说或者要写语言信息。后者包含包含“介词介词+名词名词”、“名词名词+介词介词”、“形容词形容词+介词介词”、“动词动词+介词介词”及及“介词介词+名词名词+介词介词”等等 第9页Synonyms,antonyms,hyponymssynonyms-synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning or we can say that words
10、that are close in meaning.antonyms-words that stand opposite in meaning are called“antonyms”.Superordinate上坐标词上坐标词:the upper term in hyponymy.hyponyms下义词-the lower terms in hyponymy第10页Receptive&productive vocabularyReceptive/Passive vocabulary被动词汇:refers to words that one is able to recognize and c
11、omprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing.Productive/Active vocabulary主动词汇:refers to words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech and writing.第11页8.3 Ways of Presenting new words Some suggestions:Try to provide a visual or
12、 physical demonstration to show meaningProvide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning.Use synonyms,antonyms etc.to explain meaning.Use lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meaning.Translate and exemplify.Use word formation rules and common affixes to build new lexical knowl
13、edge on what is already known.Teach vocabulary in chunks.Think about the context in real life where the word might be used.Introduce new words in real-life context.第12页8.4 Ways of consolidating vocabularySince learning is subject to forgetting,it is normal that we hear students complain that they ke
14、ep learning and forgetting,especially when they do not understand the meaning of the vocabulary item.When students study vocabulary individually,very often it is rote learning.第13页nWord associationn Find synonyms and antonymsnCategoriesnUsing word net-worknUsing the Internet resources for more ideas
15、nLabelling nSpot the differencenDescribe and draw nPlay a game nUse word series nWord bingo 第14页Finish task 4 in pairs and decide on what intended aspects of vocabulary each activity is trying to focus.Practice第15页8.5 Developing vocabulary building strategiesReview regutarly第16页Guess meaning from co
16、ntext1.The captain asked the seamen to throw the anchor 2.Lets synchronize our watch so that we can start the game at exactly the same time.3.Susan went to the shop and bought some bananas,mangoes,and chirimoyas.第17页Organize vocabulary effectively第18页pUse a dictionarypManage strategy use.第19页Homework:pWord collection(synonyms,antonyms,hyponyms.)pChoose an effective method to memorize vocabulary.第20页第21页