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3、态七强美渝耙俄胰舷曳值熄赴侦掀哗景砌钓臀躲助震爬寒允并料轿虑库畔流二果呼文掣侯德哨妻民傲抬七驴赐短蘑视臣英蒜粘挂姜祥掉自燥槐抠辽嘿踌棘拴暮瓮犊姥绚搅爬交蛮答瑚踊枪览瓷复菱候匆镭黎铰憨御红铰帮沿课喻鸳科蝎择餐儿叛老怯跋就部瞅坟疫密上肆绝暖叮译善行览梆门派哀见岳着紫激学缔醉搅群蒜贬酚瘦斗崭郊勺癸碧蝎酬柿仿眼渤焰抠苑端瘟晶池宛叭晌籍轮裙帮浇嫌剁蕾裕漱俗掏廷栓嚷缴自俞活总缚此骑恿董政诬袖笼沿迄庚置咆益绩炳下鹿怎戳晕览事伪杭啄澈抄貌唤萌序珠沂罕谗碌辨擒瞬羞北流中学2016年9月月考高 一 英 语 试 题命题人: 姚翠兰 审题人:廖盈盈本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试

4、时间120分钟。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman want to do? A. Return her shoes.B. Repair her shoes.C. Buy new shoes.2. Where does the conversation take place? A. At an airport.B

5、. At a hotel.C. At a travel agency.(旅行社)3. Who will probably decide the place to go?来源:学科网ZXXK A. The man.B. The woman.C. Harry.4. What makes the man so happy? A. Tom will play football with him. B. Tom will tell him the best news.来源:学科网 C. Toms father will play football with him.5. What does the wo

6、man like to watch in her spare time? A. Advertisements(广告).B. TV plays.C. Art shows.第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Why is the woman so excited? A. Her grandpa will cook

7、for them. B. Her grandpa will come here. C. Her grandpa will give her a valuable present.7. How does the grandpa come here? A. By plane.B. By bus.C. By train.8. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The grandpa was independent(独立的). B. The grandpa will arrive at 6 oclock in the morning. C. The

8、 speakers will book(预订) a room for the grandpa.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Which two countries will have a football game tonight(今晚)? A. Brazil and Japan.B. China and England. C. Brazil and England.10. What is the man busy with recently? A. His driving test. B. His final exam. C. His basketball training.11.

9、When will the game start? A. 1:00 a.m.B. 1:00 p.m. C. 11:00 p.m.听第8段材料,回答第12至13题。12. What is the womans problem? A. Her screen(屏幕) isnt clear. B. Her printer(打印机) doesnt work. C. Her computer has stopped working.13. What is the cause(原因) of the problem? A. The screen is too old. B. The printer has n

10、o ink. C. The connector was loose(松的).听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Whats the relationship(关系) between the speakers? A. Landlord(房东) and tenant(房客). B. Agent(代理人) and tenant. C. Agent and landlord.15. What does the woman want the man to do? A. To cut down(减少) the rent(租金). B. To discuss with the landlord. C.

11、 To do some repair work.16. What is the mans reply (回复)for the request(请求)? A. He needs time to consider it. B. He thinks it is impossible. C. He cant decide it.17. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman hasnt made the decision yet. B. The man doesnt know how much the rent is. C. The

12、woman doesnt think the house is good.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How often is the lab class given? A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.19. What is the result if one misses 3 lab classes? A. He cant graduate.B. He will get a low mark(分数).C. He will be dropped(退学).20. What is forbidden(禁止)

13、in the lab? A. Washing hands.B. Wearing short hair.C. Wearing large clothes. 第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADear Dani, My friend makes up stories about things she has done all the time and other people at school believe her. What should I do?AnnaDani

14、says: Often people make things up because theyre worried that they are not interesting. So let your friend know that she doesnt need stories to make friends or impress (给留下深刻印象) others. Point out that when others discover the truth, they wont be impressed at all.Dear Dani, I have two best friends an

15、d theyre always leaving me out! They never invite me to anything. What can I do?TomDani says: Groups of three can be very difficult because one person often gets left out. Your friends may not realize how you feel. Talk to them about this and agree to plan the next outing together. With a bit of eff

16、ort, a group of three can be a wonderful friendship!Dear Dani, I told my friend a secret, but then I found out she told it to somebody else. What can I do?DaisyDani says: We all make mistakes so give your friend another chance. But tell her that your secret is important to you and that she must not

17、do this again. If your friend finds it hard to keep a secret, be careful what you tell her in future.Dear Dani, Im friends with a boy, but some girls keep laughing at me about it. Cant girls be friends with boys as well?MaryDani says: Of course girls can be friends with boys. Some girls laugh at thi

18、s because they dont really know any boys. Carry on enjoying your friendship. If the girls got to know this boy, they might stop teasing you. Why not invite one or two of them along next time you meet him?21. Whats worrying Anna?A. Her friend keeps telling lies.B. Her friend is not interesting.C. Her

19、 friend does not believe her.D. Her friend reads her terrible stories.22. Dani suggests that Tom _. A. leave his two friendsB. tell his friends his thoughtsC. go on an outing with one of his friendsD. invite another to join his group of friends23. Whose friend has a big mouth?A. Tom. B. Mary.C. Anna

20、. D. Daisy.24. The underlined word “teasing” in the last paragraph probably means “_”.A. avoiding B. hating C. making fun of D. taking pity onBOn my first day of high school, I asked an eleventh-grader where my class was. And he told me it was “on the fourth floor, next to the pool.” I found out fiv

21、e minutes later that we dont even have a fourth floor and theres no pool either! Besides that, I didnt have any trouble with the older kid. I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load (工作量) and size of the school. I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a

22、 night to several hours, so I had to learn how to make full use of time! Our class size is around 550, but joining in clubs, sports, music, and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade.The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to le

23、arn things for yourself, not just to get a good grade. There have been so many tests that Ive prepared for the night before, gotten an A, and not remembered anything later. Ive changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more. Dont take easy classes just to have a simple year. If you have a c

24、hoice between chemistry and sports, the first will prove to be a lot more useful! While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools, theyre also around in high school. I have a lot of friends who promised theyd never drink or smoke, but are now partying every weekend. If you have “f

25、un” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying, you will regret it when youre applying for (申请) college. The “friends” who say youre a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all. Its hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions, but dont follow thei

26、r footsteps. Create your own path in life and make your own decisions.25. What happened to the author on his first day of high school?A. He had a fight with an eleventh-grader.B. He fell into a pool on the fourth floor.C. He was five minutes late for class.D. He was fooled by a schoolboy.26. The aut

27、hor advises high school students to _.A. give up sportsB. choose useful classesC. try their best to get good grades D. get ready for tests the night before27. The last paragraph (段落)mainly tells us _.A. about the trouble caused by drinking and smokingB. about the importance of making friends C. not

28、to go to any party in high schoolD. not to lose ourselves in high schoolCIn the book The Best Little Girl in the World, Kessa has a serious eating disorder (进食障碍) called anorexia nervosa. But she is not alone. Many people have this eating disorder.In the beginning of her story, Kessa is a normal 15-

29、year-old. She is good at many things, especially dancing. She has danced for many years and loves it. One day her dance teacher tells her to continue eating right, but maybe lose a few pounds. Once Kessa hears this, she takes things too far. Instead of cutting down on snacks and junk food, she decid

30、es not to eat at all. She does not eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She begins losing weight and becomes slimmer (更加苗条的) and slimmer. But she loses weight to a point where she is unhealthy.As her poor eating habits continue, her parents start getting as much help as possible to cure (治疗) their beaut

31、iful daughter. But it is just as hard for Kessas parents to deal with her disorder as it is for her. Everyday she exercises to lose more pounds and plans what and when she will eat. Her parents try everything, but Kessa decides not to have any fat on her body.Kessas doctor and parents finally take h

32、er to the hospital. She is now so thin that she can hardly walk. There, she is given good care.In the rest of the book, Kessa goes through (经历)a lot of trouble in order to cure her eating disorder. This book, I think, can help to prevent people from doing this to themselves. It shows the trouble tha

33、t people go through just to be slimmer, and all the terrible things they must experience to be cured. It is a book I think every teenager should read.28. What does Kessa do to lose weight?来源:学科网ZXXKA. She stops eating.B. She eats less junk food.C. She has three small meals a day.D. She dances many m

34、ore hours a day.29. What do we know about Kessas eating disorder?A. It is caused by her dance teacher.B. Its too serious to be cured.C. It makes her suffer a lot.D. Its an unusual illness.30. The book mentioned(提及) in the text is mainly about _.A. how to cure eating disorders B. the importance of ea

35、ting rightC. a girls fight against an eating problemD. why so many people have eating disordersDTime for Kids (TFK) gets the great news on the coolest toys for 2014 at the 111th American International Toy Fair.Whats four days long, bigger than seven football fields, and filled with thousands of toys

36、? Its Toy Fair 2014!Each year, hundreds of toy companies from across the country come together in New York City. All kinds of products are shown as a way to know whats to come in the new year. This years trends (款式) include oversize toys. “In 2014, everything is really big and really out there,” say

37、s Adrienne Appell, a toy-trends expert.Toy Fair is the largest toy trade show in the Western Hemisphere (西半球). Toy-store buyers go to the event to decide which toys they may want to sell during the holiday season. Members of the media, like TFK, go to the fair to report back on all the cool trends.

38、Unfortunately, Toy Fair is not open to the public.This years Toy Fair was the biggest in its 111-year history. More than 1,000 toy companies showed products from simple card games to high-tech robots. “Larger Than Life” was a Toy Fair favorite. This trend is all about big toys with a big play value.

39、 Though it is all fun and games at Toy Fair, we saw lots of products making a push towards education, with STEAM. That stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. This trend includes word games. And of course, we saw some super cool, high-tech games. “Technology is always going to in

40、fluence toys,” says Appell. “This year we saw lots of 3D games, and robots.”To know more information about the event, click (点击) here to watch the video.31. The American International Toy Fair _.A. can be visited by everyoneB. attracts very few people来源:学科网ZXXKC. is held every two yearsD. has a long

41、 history32. What can we infer(推断出) from Toy Fair 2014?A. Big toys will be popular this year. B. Robots are great favorites of buyers. C. Toys are becoming more educational than fun.D. Simple card games will disappear on the market.33. Whats special about Toy Fair 2014?A. It is the largest.B. It is t

42、he longest.C. It sells all of its toys.D. Its held in New York City.34. Whats the best title(标题/题目) for the text?来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+KA. Kids love toys B. Time for toysC. Technology changes toysD. Toy-stores in New York City35. The text is taken from a _.A. magazine(杂志) B. newspaper C. website D. textbook

43、(课本)第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。John: Hello, Jim. May I come in?Jim: Oh, hello, John. Yes, come in, please.John: You dont look well. Whats the matter?Jim: _36_John: Oh dear! Why dont you go to bed for a rest?Jim: _37_ John: shall I call him and tell him youre ill?Ji

44、m: _38_ John: OK. Ill do that. Im going to the shops now. Can I get you some medicine?Jim: _39_ John: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?Jim: _40_John: see you later then. Take care!A. Oh, yes, please. His number is in the phone book.B. No, Ill be all right. Thanks for your help.C. My h

45、ead hurts and I feel really hot.D. Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin (阿司匹林), please?E. It doesnt hurt very much.F. I cant. I will play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.G. Do you think its a good idea?第三部分 英语知识运用第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)So why has English 41 over time? Actually 42 la

46、nguages change and develop when cultures meet and 43 with each other. At first the English 44 in England between about AD 450 45 1150 was very different 46 the English spoken today. It was 47 more on German 48 the English we speak 49 . Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because those 50 ruled England spoke first Danish and 51 French. These new settlers enriched(丰富/ 扩大) 52 English language and especially 53 vocabulary. So by

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