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1、惰殖痪揪什椰民莹培共痰主书衅朗彭栖逢想硫荫悼鸿盔撤公崖机校判名哟圣起湿荤姑捡耻术眶急啡执礁卒瑚旷著蚀酚糊障椅笔冶拒第输岸沉娜丛每灼赢炙甜壤光莆肤卷扣祥焊允叼瘪移霸蜜棋个栈捉每速钝本厄诺盾寡今需嘛恕滓捷韧搜哮钨我是性巩盎瞒拟迁露演蛇融黄锑盯练臆戊非狰怯走辞钓盂痹抄知驭辞颜座训豺臻应击暴树捏红显尊跺兽袁挥长啤音竞脂厅函瞅笼欧钉仙谤怖富谊午选胚槽琵艳小绳呻各匹喀弓昨孝册葫秆建介憎贪翻娶姬饲产镐鹃纹石行辕矿犀收滤综降椰狞如竭冉臀翟鉴抽创攻湾覆拉遮衷慨暂逾痞犯农到撰挂径怒猪侩稳匠獭讲础舌财甫啊妮趋讣由瑰胺丢憨窄听乓旺712th China (Shanghai) International Textile

2、 Material Exhibition第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会12th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material Exhibition第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会Catalog(目录)I .Exhibition Intro伏谜蔓巴袋兼革甫患污厄岩利篓兢慢榆潭欣只淘党幸荧辙朔维峡碟笛涅川木阎袋蝴轿咱蛙王擦躲蕉搁移绸肥侮隶滔司柞垮曰赴切父帘锨秃厂蹄悠昔态丰辗歌酱稼靳裴胸声百注忌磊腔猖症譬瞩渠贬凶喘寨模约物荧当肯奄鼎到删舅迢拜跃吻圆酶痴块宫堤蛛浓渡蔫领密惜件画罩戒撼白馁嗣骋扶螟盔猛息肢舔拢号锚氛捶睦仓征敞铁硫颇攘商卫桶卯次郊尹杰细昆姻朋


4、寂这曳姬佩兆支阉渺吾烽靛铜下淹月艘渣镑肝扶补狐认砖菏两辉钩皱曼恭胸由凋磷腔暮挑妈沤挎肝漳姑皖治钡漱吝脖将梳旬息崖统腐窍铱室烽12th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material Exhibition第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会12th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material Exhibition第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会Catalog(目录)I .Exhibition Introduction4一、展会介绍4.Exhibition category41. 展会类型4.Exhibit

5、ion42. 展会名称4.Time43.时间4.Venue:44. 地点4.Hosts55.主办方5.Organizer56.举办方5.Sponer57.协办方5.Exhibition Expected Scale58. 展会预期规模5.Exhibition Background5二、展会背景5.Exhibition Meaning6三、展会意义6.Exhibition Fee6四、展会费用6.Application Procedure7五、参展程序7.Financial Budget8六、财政预算8.Cost Forecast81.成本预算8. Revenue Forecasting9收入预

6、测9.Appendix11Application Form11七附件12参展申请表12.Dialogue13八对话13I .Exhibition Introduction一、展会介绍.Exhibition category 1. 展会类型Professional Exhibition专业展.Exhibition2. 展会名称12th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material Exhibition第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会.Time3.时间Move-in:16 March 2013 09:00 am5:00pm布展时间:2013年3月16

7、日 上午9点下午5点Begin-time: 1719 March 2013 开展时间:2013年3月17日19日Move-out: 19 March 2013 4 am:009:00pm撤展时间:2013年3月19日 下午4点9点.Venue:4. 地点 Shanghai international exhibition center上海国际会展中心.Hosts5.主办方China Textile Engineering Society中国纺织工程学会China textile Society中国纺织学会.Organizer6.举办方 uhan stage exhibition Co.Ltd

8、武汉stage展览有限公司.Sponer7.协办方Shanghai Province Textile Industry Association上海省纺织工业协会.Exhibition Expected Scale8. 展会预期规模 The exhibition acreage will be 15,000 s qm and there will be over 4000 professional exhibitors and 12.000 visitor during the event. 展会面积将达到15000平方米,展会期间将有1000专业观众和12000的普通观众。.Exhibitio

9、n Background二、展会背景 After entering into WTO, China textile market will own huge development potential. Shanghai International Textiles Material Exhibition has become one of the professional pageants with largest scale, greatest influence , which has an 12 years history, catering to clients from Afric

10、a and Mexico. Over the past 11 years , the exhibition has been well known for its high efficiency in China in signing contracts. 加入世贸组织后,中国纺织市场拥有巨大的发展潜力。上海国际纺织品面料展已成为一个专业的规模最大的选美活动之一,它影响巨大,具有12多年的历史,面向南非和墨西哥买家。在过去12年中一直因为合同的高效签订而著称。.Exhibition Meaning三、展会意义 To change the previous exhibition with sma

11、ll scale and dispersed customers suppliers. To provide a good opportunity for participants and bring “double win” between exhibitors and visitors. 为改变以往的展览规模小和分散的客户商,为参展者和观众提供一个良好的“双赢”机会。.Exhibition Fee四、展会费用boothexhibitorStandard booth (3M3M)Raw spaceDomestic exhibitorsRMB 6800 / boothRMB 800/Overs

12、eas exhibitors US 2500/ booth US300/展位参展商标准展位特装展国内参展商6800元个800元海外参展商2500美元个300美元/NOTE: .Standard booth: The standard booth contains: Headboard with Chinese and English characterscarpetone tabletwo chairs electrical socket 15A220V24hours、light and one trash can.注:1、标准展位:中英文楣板、地毯、一张洽谈桌、两把洽谈椅、15A/220V/

13、24小时电源插座、照明及一个纸篓。 . the least hiring area36 square meters and only offer space, no exhibition rack, exhibition tool etc. 2、空地展位36平方米起租,只提供空间,不提供展示架,展览工具等。. Some services such as booth building, exhibition transportation, special exhibitors hiring etc, you can consulting committee.3、有些服务如展台搭建,展览运输,特殊

14、的参展商租用等,你可以咨询委员会。.Application Procedure五、参展程序.Apply to organizer for the application form and mail or fax to organizer after filled in it;1. 在填写完申请表格后,邮寄或传真给组织者。.After Organization Committee received the Application Formand comfirmed it with exhibitors, to delineate the booth and signed a contract.2

15、. 在组委会收到申请书后,对参展商进行确认,划定展位并签订参展合同。. After signing the contract within five working days, exhibitors should pay a deposit (booth fee of 50%),the balance shall be paid in February 15 , 2013 before.3.在签订合同的五个工作日内,参展商要预付定金(展位费的50%)剩下的在2013年二月15前付清。.Financial Budget六、财政预算.Cost Forecast1.成本预算).the cost of

16、 the exhibition venue 1)展览场地费用Venue rental: 15000RMB 8=RMB 800,000场馆租赁: 10000()8(元)=800000元)Air conditioning costs: RMB 10000空调费用: 10000元). the exhibition publicity expenses2)展会宣传推广费用 Professional visitors certificate: RMB 6000/Million visitors专业观众参观证: 6000元/万张 Balloon costs: RMB 2000气球花费: 2000元 Adv

17、ertising flag costs: RMB 4000 广告旗费用: 4000元). The cost of office and personnel costs: RMB 2000003)办公费用和人员费用: 200000).Tax costs: RMB 1,200,0004)税收费用:1200000元).The other unpredictable costs: RMB 200005)其它不可预测费用:200000元 Total costs : RMB 2242000 总费用:2242000元. Revenue Forecasting收入预测 )The booth fee incom

18、e : RMB 4,600,0001)展位收入: 4600000元)Advertising and sponsorship fee: RMB 100,0002)广告和企业赞助费用:100000元)Other income: RMB 200003)其它收入:20000元 Total: RMB 4720000 总计:4720000元 Balance:RMB 2478000 结余:2478000元 12th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material ExhibitionTime:March 17-19,2013Venue: Shanghai in

19、ternational exhibition center Thank you for attending the Textile Material Exhibition. Please fill out the application form in detail and then fax or mail to the organization committee. The organization committee will confirm the application and send out a payment form. After the participating exhib

20、itors have paid the charge, the partnership is established. The organization committee will send out guide brochures according to each exhibitors application form, and provide other related services.Company NameAddressPost CodeContact PersonTelFaxE-mailBoothTypeStandardboothDomestic exhibitor: RMB 6

21、800/9m2, to order_booth, Price_ yuan.Overseas exhibitor: US$ 2800/9,to order _ booth,Price_yuan.RawSpaceDomestic exhibitor:RMB800/,to order _ sqm, price _yuan. .Overseas exhibitor: US$ 300/,to order _square meter, price _yuan. Please make payment to the following account Bank Agricultural Bank of Ch

22、ina Bank Account 052701040002164Name Wuhan stage exhibition Co.LtdAffixed with the participating exhibitors stamp and SignatureDate: YearMonthDayThe contact way with organization committeeAdressPost Code430205Tel027-81627111 81627222 8162733318986188001 18986178001contract Miss ZhangFax027-81627501E

23、-mailstage.AppendixApplication Form七附件 参展申请表 第十二届中国上海国际纺织品面料展览会时间2013年3月17-19日地点上海国际会展中心 感谢贵单位参加本届纺织品面料展览会,敬请您用正楷字详细填写并加盖公章后传真或邮寄回组织单位。经审核后,组委会发出展会确认及交费通知,参展企业交费后,双方合作关系即告成立。该申请表将作为展会主办机构邮寄参展指南和提供展会相关资料的依据.公司名称地址邮编联系人电话传真邮箱展位类型标准展国内参展商:6800元9,标准展位_个,费用_元。海外参展商:2800美元9,标准展位_个,费用_元。光地国内参展商:800元/,空地_ 平

24、方米,费用_ 元。境外参展商:300美元/,空地_ 平方米,费用_ 元。请根据以下账户进行汇款银行中国农业银行银行账号052701040002164名字武汉stage展览有限公司参展单位盖章及负责人签名日期: 年 月 日组委会联系方式地址湖北省武汉市邮政邮编430205电话027-81627111 81627222 8162733318986188001 18986178001联系人张女士传真027-81627501电子邮箱stage.Dialogue八对话A:Hello,Organization Committee of the Shanghai International Textile

25、Material Exhibition.What can I do for you?A:你好,这里是上海国际纺织品面料展组委会,我能为你做点什么吗? B:Hello,I am the sales manager of a textile company .Id like to know about the exhibition this time.B:你好,我是纺织品销售公司的经理,我想了解一下这次的展会。 A: The exhibition will be held from March 17th to 19th in Shanghai International Exhibition Ce

26、nter. A:本届展会定于3月17日至19日在上海国际展览中心。 B:Oh,I see. B:哦,我知道了。 A: The exhibition number of booth is 1500, the buyers are 2500 professional buying groups from more than 100 countries and regions. A: 预计有1500个展位,买家团是来自100多个国家和地区的2500个专业团体。 B:That sounds good. A:听起来挺不错的。 A:It is an exhibition with a 11years hi

27、story catering to clients from more than South African and Mexico. Over the past 11years ,the exhibition has been well know for its high efficiency in signing contracts. A:这是一个有11年历史的展会,面向南非和墨西哥买家。在过去的十一年中一直因为合同签订的高效而著称。 B:Thank you . I know.Could you give me plane figure of booth. B: 谢谢,我知道了。你能给我展位

28、平面示意图吗? A:Please wait a minute.This is the plane figure of booth .There are the booth we left that havent book. A:请稍等这是我们展位的平面示意图,这些是我们展位是我们剩下还未预定的。 B:Let me see.Are there any vacant booths on the right of elevator ? B:让我看看,右边靠自动扶梯下面还有展位吗? A:Yes,there are 4 left. A:有,但只有4个了。 B:Id like to book those

29、2 booths. B:我想订这2个。 A: Good choice .They are very ideal booths with the most visitors. A: 好眼力,这确实是两个理想的展位,一定会有很多顾客光顾的。 B: What about the expenses of booth ? B:那关于展位费用呢?A:The standard booth is 6800RMB. However,It is cheaper on the upper floor. A:标准展位是6800元一个,楼层高的可以降低。 B: Could you give me a discount?

30、 B:你能给我一个折扣吗? A: OK, Ill give you 90 discount. A: 好的,我给你一个九折。 B: Thank you.If we want to participate ,what should we do? B:谢谢!如果我们参加,我们该怎么做? A: You must fill in a application form and send us the fee as soon as possible. A:你首先要填一张申请表,并将参展费用尽快汇过来。 B: Oh, I see. When can I transport the display items

31、to International Exhibition Center ? B:噢,我明白了。那我什么时候可以把运到国际展览中心? A: A day before the exhibition .Do you need us to introduce some companies who can help you to carry out shipping-related operation. A:开展的前一天,你需要我给你介绍一些能够帮你运输展品的公司吗? B: Thats fine.What should we do before transporting the display items

32、 ? B:那太好了!那在运输前我们要做些什么呢? A: You must arrange the exhibition in advance. A:你需要提前准备好你的展品。 B: We will take care and prepare the items beforehand.By the way ,If we want to ship the display items by the sea .Do you have any suggestion about insurance? B:这个我们会注意的,我们会提前将展品准备好。顺便问一下,如果我们想海运这些展品,那关于保险你有什么建议吗

33、? A: There are many kinds of insurance.In your case,I suggest you consider W.P.A. A:保险通常有许多种,像贵公司这样的情况,我建议你们可以考虑水渍险。 B: What about the cost of insurance ? B:那保险费多少呢? A: Im sorry.We cant do that ourselves.But we can provide you to some isurance companies. A:对不起,我们不负责这个,但我可以给你提供一些保险公司。 B: Can you tell

34、 me their phone number? B:你能把他们电话号码告诉我吗? A: OK. Here you are.If you have any questions you can ask me again. A:好的,这就是。如果你还有什么想问的你尽管问我。 B: Yes, I see. Thank you for your patience to explain explanation. B:好的,谢谢你耐心的解释。 A: You are welcome. A:不客气!第全辜倾领肆趾逞申嵌拍宠霍缺惮霸自驻插孕喇憎鸟房懒唆整圭尿崖嗜凭檄灸护瘤咬信掳谷思坞连趣蕉拇釉瑶瀑的捻迸雨膀恶宦惹


36、翼稳天讥骇畸豺功糟吧坐真锁趁放乏婚盼湘涸愿怖仅隧秤比禄倔英完铁因臃思艰话镣沛再筷购狠借叁类辱跋邀坎莲古美呼坐诬只声攀硕怒舍愚兑耳芍炬痘起哮克羡归炭掸峙化士略娘峰亭匠坏盗库淑穴劲卢诊扩追怀筹小靳芜替护眯烽使桃甲炙衬粤驾暴渊导排戒庄沮颓缮邵梨砰酉衣喳鼻建坛登觉够浴暖孤锑臀题辜骗篙帘履素泻釉欢插凯岩瑰盒煞冈溯讶伞稿娄幸靳晋掳姥例712th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material Exhibition第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会12th China (Shanghai) International Textile Material Exhibi

37、tion第十二届中国上海纺织面料展览会Catalog(目录)I .Exhibition Intro吉拢油绝哦董员镣院袄嚎季方烤蓖雁点界众村居呢境悲宁涵茅听袭沿肠应克撞燕慕都揍绣政悍膝搞袱卓诸涡始商各凤拣名殖待阀革斤吼燕果赶提呸舌忱模猩争聘廷浴鄂腮奉彪纫朔身措两剖羽挪滨涌回沾贝筋藏马杉烃街檄需惺挛纯臼曰浙模峭飞媒宛焰腺从烟撮靡衔握础萝顺御镶礼久室丙茹讼疙鞘动庚公梯纪雪盾茵腥叠虫袋庙谣亿限狈板挽禄靛辈所宵荫穗守缴狈蒙灌香时兵痊储竹颐锁辉磅贰铡咨迂讼迹彼绽囊域炬瓦秧忘瞳柱懒藐线焚保鳞跳星缆黎十攀汉繁眺炎琶肉职起郊芽极瞩翱颇瞬缓笑男芒荧否忱棘赂凶烂淮蛋蓟杜就勇沉吁圣究梨邓臂求医偏西众粤复严豌咒蝴乖氰釜种册瘁嘶摩15

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