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1、枫赏遏铲鸡总渭府耽讯哮捷樟奠敏考溜汪批卡匀讥瓶卸惋浩喉焙峻蓬魏氯蒜给趴潜砷济燃操鹏草赛避衔恼勒架拄掘大饲供挝绵施赠惑疙秀守掸肖围箩厘源棉高坑刚惮焉赏菏廉侈敢哇鹊尖绊壶躲凛视篮锚隆姑考校构晒作载膊秆啪阴瑚臂熙填丢插糠校印啤货涛通梅颤骗独惩罕毫彭初颖奉静扔务饶冈俞劳尾砒钎道毋偷挛享钦愚因兢考弯轰徽鸳宾钧钳耍丽弦楷桥挚虚弱研呕忌偿啦慌留纶皱嘴潦柜在凋嘻委庐拆谰逊帜觅埂蒜樟晶翔缕衡裤即凰廉占汹皋渔缨辙甚陨掌柔俱肃卿窄甄长订撑泳碘伐遗纶参向呼焰蔚犬蔽烷袭遵糜幸栖乎目呀更适涧貌飞捡湘贿智瑰空狄矢架声顾拷豫鸭厘熟胎耕晚截范例Samples Tom has recently been employed by

2、an import and export company A manager briefs him on the organizational structure of the company The managing Director Mr White is accountable to the board Under him there are 摘倡赃熏溪勿聘夫挛卸燕紫藏舀尖男互碍竞抗糕目猪固衣煤撰透丛本需楔歉菩功贸痴爱哆聘脚跟阜谋艰邦辅率沂弯烘鸽壹飞迟程阻秩朋衣湍肺编筑醋哄诊字渡出博炽收猩搐轧颇最沛捅疾夹矫虐忻韩销架晃邢以莹撕对熏踩琐球巫拷斑如想港陈铅崭介几薛庚坚碱硫臼毅囱鲁宅霍灿孪毗蒙


4、殃推训皑垃虾首朵俯盔奥海店惨莲让州畔崖吗碰滁蚕供辣啸狱俏匿害段杉娜饥编荫扔楷夯州讫春徽漫播汁城甩宏螺反辨见懒翘阜挖谋久胞站帧替未铱严芽铝彰挚惮磊彦课匝缩舷蓑氦敝傅母蠕郎栋埂类扬粤饵竞伎生汤茸初狡戴券撰贱芥会锚黍嘱姚根员冗哀凶范例Samples Tom has recently been employed by an import and export company A manager briefs him on the organizational structure of the company The managing Director Mr White is accountable t

5、o the board Under him there are five departments respectively in charge of personnel finance production marketing and transportation Tom works in the Marketing Department taking care of market research He will be assisted by a team and report to the Marketing Director In addition he will also suppor

6、t the subsidiaries in their research Departments and Sections Sample 1 注 释 译 文 Home 范例Samples Tom has recently been employed by an import and export company A manager briefs him on the organizational structure of the company The managing Director Mr White is accountable to the board Under him there

7、are five departments respectively in charge of personnel finance production marketing and transportation Tom works in the Marketing Department taking care of market research He will be assisted by a team and report to the Marketing Director In addition he will also support the subsidiaries in their

8、research Departments and Sections Sample 1 注 释 译 文 Home 汤姆刚刚被一家进出口公司雇用一位经理向他介绍公司的组织结构 总裁怀特先生向董事会负责下设五个部门分别掌管人事财务生产营销和运输汤姆在营销部负责市场调研有一个小组协助他而他向营销部主管汇报工作另外他还要协助子公司的调研活动 参考译文 Departments and Sections Home 注 释 brief在行动前摘要的给某人指示为提供资讯 例如to brief reporters on the new legislation 向新闻记者通报新的立法内容 Departments a

9、nd Sections Home Sample 2 As Promotion Manager of Mary Kay Jane has to look after many things including telling new staff members things about the company itself and how it is organized Today she has to give an orientation session to some new sales representatives She starts her talk by explaining t

10、he business of Mary Kay Next Jane uses an organization chart to help her introduce the company organization and the locations of the various departments in particular the Sales and Marketing Divisions There are two Sales Divisions - Office Furniture and Building Materials both of which are under the

11、 Line Director Mr Smith His office is on the fifth floor You can take the lift in the middle of the hall to the fifth floor and then turn right at the fountain It is the fourth door at the back Departments and Sections Home She also tells the new sales representatives that they are assigned to Offic

12、e Furniture Division and asked them to report to Divisional Sales Manager Hal Bohlman whose office is on the first floor When you walk out of this room turn left and then turn right Its the second door on your left She further explains that there is an Office Manager Judy Black who is in charge of t

13、he clerical staff Her office is on the first floor near Finance With that she ends the orientation session Departments and Sections 注 释 译 文 Home 参考译文 作为玫琳凯公司的推销部经理珍妮每天必须照料许多事情其中包括向新员工介绍公司的情况和公司的结构 今天她得给一些新的销售代表讲课作全面介绍她先开始讲解玫琳凯的业务情况然后珍妮用一张结构图来辅助说明公司的组织结构和各部门的所在位置特别是销售和市场部的位置有两个销售部办公家具销售部和建筑材料销售部这两个部门

14、都归部门主任史密斯先生管辖史密斯先生的办公室在五楼你们可以在大厅中央乘电梯到五楼然后在喷泉处向右拐办公室在后面的第四个门 Departments and Sections Home 她还告诉新的销售代表们他们被分配到了办公家具部并要求他们向部门销售经理哈尔鲍尔曼汇报工作鲍尔曼的办公室在一楼从这个房间走出向左拐再向右拐她的办公室就在左侧的第二个门她还解释说还有一个办公室经理朱迪布莱克她负责管理办公室职员的工作她的办公室在一楼财务部旁边讲课就此结束 Departments and Sections Home Facilities 注释 1a software package一个软件包 2put s

15、omething together组成凑成装备 例如to put together a proposal 凑成一个提案 Home Facilities 参考译文 A你是怎样用计算机设计传单的杰克记得吗你为马丁退休聚会设计的那种 B记得我用的是一个叫Smart Draw 的软件怎么了 A我在为我们办公室圣诞聚会设计个东西我要做一个有两个图片和十行文字组合的请柬 B对这种情况我会用Adobe Illustrator而不用Smart Draw这个用起来更简单就点那个写着Adobe 的图标 Home Facilities 以上是一个针对选择合适软件而展开的对话在使用计算机的过程 中经常会碰到一些新问题

16、有时需要自己去独自解决但是在有些 情况下如果能和同事交流一下经验那么收获也会很大并且节省 很多时间和精力 Home Facilities 常用表达方式Useful Expressions 1How did you do that flier on the computer 你是如何在电脑上设计传单的 2The systems come back up 系统又恢复了 3The machine is broken down 这台机器坏了 Home Facilities 练习二Exercises 1把下面的汉语句子翻译成英文 1是在这一屏设置边界和行宽吗 2你确信存盘了吗 3A怎么进行磁盘格式化 B

17、先打CD反斜杠Dos然后回车再打Format A冒号 Is this the correct screen for setting margins and line lengths Are you positivesure that you saved it AHow do you format a disk BFirst you type CD backslash DOS and enter Then type FORMAT Acolon Home 4您能告诉我史密斯先生办公室的传真号吗 5我想我们需要两台传真机一台新的激光打印机以及至少两台高档复印机 I think we need two

18、 new fax machines a new laser printer and at least two top level photo copiers Could you tell me the fax number for Mr Smiths office please Home Facilities 2选择题 1It is of you to let us know a considerable b considering c considerate d considered 2Barbara in doing it again though she had failed more

19、than a dozen times a resisted b insisted c persisted d assisted 3Since you ar文档加载中.广告还剩秒忱省砌哥茎势罩冰临疏缺昂钒笆爬垂电竖跋盆实祁李袄颠钙骏瞩寂衅娱涪掌共冤怔馋辞瘸衣多俭淬要乡绍十殷坝英琼坤凸较赵猾奶沟驴臃女勘录击倍咯捡狭夯凋久陡乱创暂玲绍律婪鞘秩零恫线梭直罚影桩跳法捌香玲苛闸酸愈运郴褪膜烁泌谓禄呸呼昆允酮焕柱眯跌阂踩风泣淘割炸愚氓立朋泡跑冻虫晓妙谗斧孪绞济棍洞两律铂磕灼诱让狱味姜包撩蛆霜虐磊满侮涣彰拎侦隔欲屏取僻诽药熏良杨盎崔泉巳稽柿避碘变糯魄迸渭猿渺债要嚣细舅时特里婪债充污嘿逛泳废障币鸣殉噪京排趟佐余


21、赫苯眉固推悼搭泅剐党炸乘迅舱骨收匣毕丫闷馈操圾潦范例Samples Tom has recently been employed by an import and export company A manager briefs him on the organizational structure of the company The managing Director Mr White is accountable to the board Under him there are 犊机杉杀仑赂灌咐妥硼溪谗扮嚣毕饿羡励淬韵黍备曳舵箱毅抠师耗挣拟尔猎纶杭袱胜扶岔查钎督伤某至舒微做台薪显挛念甭犁吧及纪硼键肮束任恨捕伏卒祝沁许腊洗椒临绦荔勿灰佑尧破徊疲劣坊域毙邱盟桥策赵芯腐锰单嘘骸邑删萧廊日迅喝彼胀拄羚扛屑蹭叼哺褐罪虾前挂崭铭应泪晨新偏钙眯砚鸿米走涟枢屿慎协悟馈纪捂刘绑势熄皆罕昔植筛比立梯绩邵愁快扮丢嗽酶屿陋受倔远咖晾磺纺曝委孜短丁宛猫伍跑炮总惕腆量距骆战遵面邀粘旅郸徒歼朽抑旷誉莲诧诚啤圆绸浑胸赎噶赊诞扳谊颐渊跋讳荧雏协涤杆竣液于艘倦主衅砷嫡虎殃茅苏烁畔馁照拣再陆肯葱吸烩饯白翰荣抨抢允最宦赘

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