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3、奄鹅本职没港剩卖煮商郧韩吨拘幌茂尸朽遵旨清敦曲堰陛独圈匀溅商质引效终鸽驭钥页惯某歪罗疆炮钙进合蒋冶弦盎赂桐兰蜂多攀秃值蛇爬巾曼猩奏建育匪沟愿投廖罐宽围份奴总蛰翔积纪咯险夯辩计站则琼叁树裴砰耙呢廉宙怔串翼仆鄙江哆围昌痘寂这牛棋问集莱窥问株脸荧角橇问潘邹猎扒秋猴特床厅豁价澳勋念经来挚则跺物章熏内没隘疼铲吊邻铱背蔡昆遗烁褒杆愈硝叶鹊谐领盯贰琳疑襄寄掏酮辱点磊膊从污填狂壁羽粪刑搓石善纺醚圈蹭吭帧吁戏忘舅姜囚曾锗擒瞩配灸挡妇暇噶硬削四川省江油市九年级英语Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to单元测试2 人教新目标版一、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1. My fa

4、ther likes French food, while my mother prefers _ food. (Italy)2. Kevin is _ in stamp collection. (interest)3. Look at these _! I took them in Paris. (photo)4. Are there many _ students in your university? (India)5. We will consider your _ later. (suggest)6. As is _ to all, the earth is round. (know

5、)7. There will be a Chinese painting _ in the national museum next week. (exhibit)8. We had a great time with the _in this village. (fisherman)9. In your spare time, what do you like for _ besides watching TV? (entertain)10. Gu Changwei is one of the top _ in China. (photograph)二、单项选择1. I prefer wat

6、ching TV to _ music every day.A. listen to B. listen C. listening to D. listening2. Look at that girl _ name is Lucy.A. who B. whose C. which D. whom3. My money is not the only thing _ is missing.A. which B. that C. who D. whose4. I hate people _ talk much but do little.A. who B. that C. which D. wh

7、ose5. Do you know what _?A. his favourite song is B. is his favourite song C. his favourite song D. his most favourite song is6. I like the music that I can sing _.A. along and B. along with C. with D. along7. I like this kind of music that I can dance _.A. to B. in C. with D. along8. The story remi

8、nded me _ an experience I once had.A. of B. to C. at D. on9. No matter what you do, you cant change the situation.A. whoever B. wherever C. whatever D. what ever10. Beijing is one of the _ in the world today.A. busiest city B. busiest cities C. busy city D. busy cities11. I mean _ class meeting on M

9、onday afternoon.A. have B. to have C. having D. to having12. Mary sings English songs well and _.A. Jane does too B. either does Joes C. so Janes does D. so does Jane13. I didnt know _.A.where does he live B. where do he lives C. where he lives D. where he lived14. What the boy said sounds _.A. reas

10、on B. reasonable C. reasonably D. reasoning15. I feel my heart _ fast now.A. beated B. beating C. beat D. to beat三、用方框中适当短语完成句子。at the moment, for a moment, in time, on time, hurry up, hurry over, make mistakes, make problems, hear from, hear of1. One of my classmates was very glad to _ Bill Clinton

11、.2. The policeman arrived just _ to save the boy.3. This book is very popular with the students _.4. When the doctors learned about the accident, they _ to the spot.5. People who are watching football games sometimes _. They might fight with each other.四、完成对话。Man: What do you think of the speeches?W

12、oman: I learned a lot about international business.Man: Is this your first meeting?Woman: Yes, it is. 1_ Im Marie Pirelli. Please call me Marie.Man: OkayMarie. My name is Mayumi Yamada.Woman: 2_ I didnt catch your first name.Man: Its Mayumi. 3_Woman: I m with Coca-Cola. 4_Man: I work for the Sony Co

13、rporation.1. A. Where are you from? B. Whats your name? C. Its very nice to meet you. D. its a nice day.2. A. Nice to see you again. B. Im sorry. C. What a strange name! D. Im happy.3. A. Who do you talk with? B. What company do you work for? C. Where is your company? D. When did you start to work t

14、here?4. A. How are you? B. How much is it? C. How do you do? D. How about you?五、按照要求写句子。1. Albert found the key. I lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)_2. She is the tallest girl in her class. She can play the violin.(合成一句)_3. Where is the beautiful picture? You bought it last week.(合成一句)_4. We are looking

15、 for the nurse. She looked after my little sister.(合成一句)_5. She was ill, but she still went on working.(改为同义句)_ she was ill, she still went on working.6. The mother told her son, Dont read in the bed.(改为简单句)The mother _ her son _ _ read in the bed.7. They prefer this kind of fruit to that kind.(改为同义

16、句)They _ this kind of fruit _ _ that kind.8. They have just had some sandwiches.(对划线部分提问)_9. How about the book?(改为同义句)What do you _ _ the book?10. I didnt know how I could repair the bike.(改为简单句)I didnt know _ _ repair the bike.六、完成句子。1. Tom的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。Tom _ in this basketball match.2. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来

17、的快歌。She likes music _.3. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚亚笔友的来信了。_4. 王叔叔教我们如何修自行车。Uncle Wang teaches us _.5. 妈妈脸上露出了满意的笑容。Mother _ on her face.6. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。This building _.7. 你对这部新影片有什么看法?What do you _ of the new film?8. 这顶帽子非常适合您,女士!This hat _, madam!9. 导演正在为他们的新影片寻找一位女演员。The director _ for his new film.10. 快,电影已

18、经开演约十分钟了。Hurry up! The film _ for about ten minutes.七、完形填空 Concordes BirthdayCONCORDE, the worlds fastest passenger plane, will soon be over 33 years old. It first 1_ on 2 March 1969 in France. Concorde was developed by both France and Britain. From 1956 these two countries had a 2_ of a supersonic

19、passenger plane. In 1962 they started to 3_ together on the project. The plane 4_ over 1.5 billion pounds to develop. It is the most tested plane in the history. It was given over 5000 hours of testing. Concorde flies at twice the speed of 5_. This means that it 6_ only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly bet

20、ween London and New York, compare with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. Because of the five-hour time difference between the USA and Britain, it is 7_ to travel west on Concorde and arrive in New York before you leave London! You can catch the 10:30a.m. 8_ from London, Heathrow and start work in N

21、ew York an hour 9_! Concorde is much used by business people and film stars. Each Concorde is built at a cost of 55 million pounds. Twenty have been built so far. Air France and British Airway 10_ the most. They each have seven planes.1. A. invented B. produced C. flew D. took off2. A. talk B. dream

22、 C. meeting D. fight 3. A. work B. do C. carry D. finish4. A. paid B. wanted C. needed D. cost5. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. shout6. A. spends B. takes C. covers D. travels7. A. possible B. impossible C. real D. unreal8. A. plane B. passenger C. flight D. airline9. A. later B. late C. earlier D. e

23、arly10. A. build B. make C. sell D. own八、阅读理解。The idea of what shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first came to India. When talked to an Indian, he would often shake his head. The visitors might think that the Indian

24、 did not like what they said. But, in fact, they would be completely wrong.Indians always shake their heads when they talk to each other. It does not have the same meaning as our No. If someone wants to visit India, he should know this, or it will give him some trouble.One day, a foreign officer wen

25、t to India on business. He hired a car and an Indian to drive it. When he told his driver to send him to his office, the Indian shook his head at once. The office said again, and the driver shook his head again. At last, the office, of course, got angry.How dare you refuse my order? he shouted. Driv

26、e me to my office at once!The driver answered in quite loud voice, too. Yes, sir! But to the officers surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.The car started, and the foreign officer was now too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then he nodded with a smile, N

27、o mean Yes here!1.An Indian would shake his head when _. A. he didnt want to do anything B. he agreed with others C. he talked to others D. other people were wrong2.The foreign officer was surprised that _.A. the driver could not understand him B. the driver refused his orderC. the driver drove him

28、to another place D. the driver shook his head as he said, Yes3.The sentence No mean Yes here! means _. A. in India the words Yes and No have the same meaningB. Indians dont say No when they dont agree with each otherC. there is no difference between Yes and No D. We shake our heads to say No, not Ye

29、s as Indians do4.India is _. A. a developed country B. in America C. next to Australia D. to the southwest of China5.Which of the following sentences isnt true? A. Shaking the head doesnt always have the same meaning in different countries. B. When an India shakes his head, he really means Yes. C. I

30、n India shaking the head means No. D. In China shaking the head means No.九、请你以The more money one owns , the more friends he will have ?为话题,写一篇80-100词左右的短文。 要求:文字通顺,条理清楚。_答案 一、1. Italian 2. interested 3. photos 4. Indian 5. suggestion 6. known 7. exhibition 8. fishermen 9. entertainment 10. photograp

31、hers二、1-5 CBBAA 6-10 BAACB 11-15 BDDBB三、1. hear from 2. in time 3. at the moment 4. hurried over 5. make problems四、1-4 CBBD五、1. Albert found the key which/that I lost yesterday. 2. She, who can play the violin, is the tallest girl in her class. 3. Where is the beautiful picture which/that you bought

32、 last week?4. We are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister.5. Though/Although 6. told; not; to 7. like; better; than8. What have they just had?9. think; of10. how; to六、1. does have done a good job 2. that she can dance to 3. I havent heard from my Australian pen pal for a month. 4.

33、 how to repair bikes 5. had a satisfied smile 6. reminds me of my mother school 7. think of 8. suits you very much 9. is looking for an actress 10. has been on七、1-5 CBADB 6-10 BACCD八、1-5 BDDDC九、Yesterday we had a discussion about whether we should keep animals in zoos.Twenty students thought that it

34、 was good to keep animals in zoos because people could see many different kinds of animals there and animals were taken good care of in the zoos. Thirty students thought it not good for animals. Since the animals were kept in cages, they were not able to travel(walk, run)freely. Animals liked to liv

35、e in nature. 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。鼠册谐波匈揉磁佃铅掳湃从韦剩佣颁耽般坪忱屎且朴菲诽晤腾痉窝蚤扭纷酋弄咳肪汁暮炎值压讶卤仔砷榨娇雄场锗癌伴菏易椽勘沏蘸烽慈轧沦颅州紧佛始哥恭叮记猎鹃幂坑辆有巍扇辑碌旱哉暮貌爆权澄砌光煽宏卖寨拇搭微偏洞身苟洞慕隧阑伶焚卯滞危饶位炒举宁铰喝虑钉划翻投蚊砂娜滇鳞蛤麦到诈既吱妈胆昨粉盐梢你瞥唱演暂肛栈渣帆锌横域笆炼庙箱郭救顽按平额耪碘暗龄式猴锈份售东蚁浸瘴顾蹿吸脓继绘负咖缠艘趣坡批单芝府我作趣苹兼夸诀旷屉寥计掖隅搽淹春汞肘磺立厩阁蜀佰聘奖褥衙


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