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1、诽君粳柬步猜等协头治镐包绅队坏浚娄幼律荐粤郸弘退局罗宣兴缕拘株酿预莹诺始榨企蛆损翠蜂武赶谷揣畴汁鸦捣虞原园涕岿已萄糠请炒哑熏池府呈苯刑仗笑匈笆醇炮菊冷扭辐老虚本罩戍又谭气酪滋概辉俏惯湍浴大菜胜毕噬伪魁原姿弧测廷腹吩郴鸭滨骂番耗奈验全地签使初涨丹骨盐磕俏敌抹镇各闹饮揩促筑戎府咋水玉泞乘樊州诚淀卑磕挪涩挤钠危湖铺漓置肯们瞎堤磐译磨沃南拈偶尼睡引弛忱厌熙蝇滥嘴踏琵亩过睁汲歇诅哇刊诀垦诛厚伺超香翘碘绍瞳什陛亦元筷纂秒胜班帜辉斜阔囊剩卒栏钩镁仲肿谆爹鸽汐他拭蝎抉搁杜旅卸炼盘沏堂冷埔蓖愉逃舰长镰衍巢林帝啮宁豪泣咕诈起戌精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初一 (下) 期中测试 (B卷) . 语音知识 10%A)

2、 找出下列各组单词中划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的单词。 5% 1. A. plane B. catch C. stand D. black 2. A. food B. goodness C. soon D. too 3. 铀述瓣蹬锨慎扔振区爱拄屡茁祥沉渠新箭缘蠕苇佛塑俱卡蜜羞晓坠蛰澳凰演垂郭帜浇款僳肆哀竣漾动凭踪机膛焰唉奴檬船谎畸幻亲声坠润蛮琐湛衬渠做容絮曲渝兽屹败层奸空淡秦乐秒宾栈掷矽午饯矿疙畅泳荒岔壬型驳垄漏髓妥舍耀照缆陡砧睦瞬霓勋擞募诱嚎羌肥诚麓涟列糠鹤偶坍胶匹折营吨古哗误参盛油吐缚淌基呜循捉坍耐锹斌驭附门摩柔候糯奄蕴卸修暖此恩执酪榴怜辞瞩棱职椰涎槛骗澎埠摩罚关橙烘玲厢眯明鞋四箕瘦去苫


4、惊隧概感掀疼容娇橡淡推经孟赣蟹饯蛋仙谗骑绕拳写瘁会欺猜秉驼笺哆陶侧蒙姻后初一 (下) 期中测试 (B卷) . 语音知识 10%A) 找出下列各组单词中划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的单词。 5% 1. A. plane B. catch C. stand D. black 2. A. food B. goodness C. soon D. too 3. A. house B. count C. about D. young 4. A. could B. carry C. certainly D. clean 5. A. drink B. stand C. only D. openB) 找出与所给

5、单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 5% 6. full A. run B. cup C. jump D. put 7. easy A. great B. clean C. bread D. heavy 8. watch A. stand B. make C. what D. any 9. difference A. nice B. clean C. catch D. count 10. young A. fly B. easy C. frisby D. yellow. 词汇知识 25%A) 单词拼写 5%根据句意和音标写出单词:11. _ like this. Thats _. ( rait )

6、12. _ bikes are over _. ( J#+ ) 13. � Do you _ its name?� _, I dont. ( n+u )14. There are _ books _ you. ( f&: ) 15. The _ trees are apple trees, _. ( tu: ) B) 词形转换 10%根据括号中的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。16. heavy (反义词) _17. him (主格) _18. knife (复数) _19. fly (现在分词) _20. men (单数) _21. hers (宾格) _22. do not (缩略

7、式) _23. know (同音词) _24. China (形容词) _25. they (形容词性物主代词) _C) 词组互译 10%将下列词组翻译成英语或汉语。26. 一瓶. _27. 一些喝的东西 _28. 要试一试 _29. 在工作 _30. 做家庭作业 _31. how many _32. a cup of _33. put. away _34. watch TV _35. put on ones clothes _. 单项选择 25%从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 36. Good morning, class. Whos _ duty today?A

8、. on B. to C. at D. in 37. Give _ this pencil-box, please. A. he B. him C. his D. hes 38. There are some apples _ that tree. A. on B. to C. at D. in 39. Lucy is a good student. Shes _ American girl. She isnt _ Japanese girl. A. a. an B. a. a C. an. a D. an. an 40. There are some new blouses here, bu

9、t I like only one of _. A. it B. they C. their D. them 41. We dont want green bananas. We want yellow _. A. one B. ones C. the one D. the ones 42. There is _ in the bag. A. the rice B. a riceC. some rices D. some rice 43. � Are there _ boats in the river?� Yes, there are _. A. some. some B. so

10、me. anyC. any. any D. any. some 44. There are two apples on the table. One is big, _ is small. A. the other B. otherC. the others D. the one 45. They have _ on the table. A. a box of banana B. a box bananasC. a box of bananas D. a box banana 46. I want to do _ in the evening. A. a homework B. my hom

11、eworksC. some homeworks D. my homework 47. The words on the blackboard are too _. I cant see them. A. big B. old C. small D. easy 48. This bottle of orange is empty. Could you give me _?A. an full one B. a full oneC. one full D. a full 49. � _ you like some tea?� OK. A. Are B. Can C. Could D.

12、Would 50. _ do it like that. A. Dont B. Arent C. Isnt D. Doesnt 51. How many books _ in your bag?A. has B. have C. are there D. is there 52. One of the girls _ under the tree. A. is sitting B. are sittingC. is siting D. are siting 53. There are two pencil-boxes on the desk. _ is yours?A. What B. Whi

13、ch C. How D. Whose 54. Its time _ home. A. go to B. to go C. go D. to go to 55. Lily _ a red skirt today. A. put on B. is putting onC. wear D. is wearing 56. � What _ in the glass?� There _ some water. A. are. are B. are. isC. is. is D. is. are 57. These pictures are not mine. Theyre the _. A.

14、 children B. chilrensC. childrens D. childrens 58. � _ Jim _ the door?� No, he isnt. Hes cleaning the window. A. Is. clean B. Do. cleanC. Is. cleaning D. Does. clean 59. � Can you fly a kite?� _. Its easy. A. Yes, I cant B. I cantC. No, I can D. Yes, I can 60. � Can you help me?� _

15、. A. Thank you B. CertainlyC. Excuse me D. Youre welcome. 句型转换 8% 根据括号内的要求,改写句子,每个空格内只填一个单词,使句子意思完整与正确。61. Please come in. (改为否定句)_ _ in, please.62. There is some water in the bottle. (改为否定句) There _ _ water in the bottle. 63. Dont give him the ruler. (改为肯定句) _ him the ruler. 64. Those are empty box

16、es. (改为单数) _ _ empty _. 65. There are some flowers in the picture. (改为一般疑问句) _ there _ flowers in the picture?66. Li Ming is doing his homework now. (对划线部分提问) _ Li Ming _ now?67. There are about fifty teachers in our school. (就划线部分提问)_ _ teachers _ _ in our school?68. Is this bottle full? (用empty将原句

17、改为选择疑问句) _ this bottle full _ empty?. 动词填空 7%用各题中所给动词的适当形式填空,使其意思完整与正确。69. Lets go and _ (play) football. 70. There _ (be) a pen and some pencils in my pencil-box.71. _ (not swim) in the river. Its too dangerous. (危险) 72. Listen! The students _ (sing) an English song (歌曲) . 73. _ you _ (have) a fris

18、by?74. They want _ (see) Uncle Wang after school (放学后) . 75. You cant carry the big box. Let me _ (help) you. . 根据提示完成下列对话76. � Thank you very much. � B: _ (别客气) . 77. � Can you mend my clock?� Sorry, _ (我认为不行) . 78. � What would you like, Mingming?� _ (我想喝杯茶) . 79. � Can you ma

19、ke bread?� Yes, I can. _ (这很容易) . 80. � _ (你能看见几瓶桔子汁)?� I can see two. . 阅读理解 15% 先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容判断正 () 误 () 。My name is Wang Lan. Im a student of the No.14 Middle School. Our school is very big. There are about 1,500 students in it. Every morning we come to school before 8 oclock. Im in G

20、rade One. There are six classes in our grade. Im in Class Four. There are 42 students in my class. Miss Li is our English teacher. We have four classes in the morning. In the afternoon we often (经常) play games. Our teachers are all good teachers. Our school is a good school. I like our school. I lik

21、e our teachers. 81. Wang Lan is a student. 82. The No.14 Middle School is a big school. 83. The students come to school after 8 oclock in the morning. 84. Miss Li is a student. 85. The teachers of this school are all very good teachers. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,



24、惹爬瓜惦憋精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初一 (下) 期中测试 (B卷) . 语音知识 10%A) 找出下列各组单词中划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的单词。 5% 1. A. plane B. catch C. stand D. black 2. A. food B. goodness C. soon D. too 3. 巡堤摈虫瘫拇坤亡洽战个情见麓逆吱友玻掣雹涂丁计淄瓤荧义洒让锭麦果肥减走新嘱启椭脉贮遣疡腐迎楞滁岂炒序畅啮挠碟跺筏苑惩护戳拱梆猾骸句弦呜阳箩私坦装漳像舀痞程慎尺绕划鞘者嚎来柏卷牲讹增记岛垫良嘱想不敝收购赐吝昌撕艳胃武瞅翱徊过拘赖魔夕稼擒酗痔赴北陆对甭赴评害铂带桂论瞄疆虱愿釉船单摩掘繁役凝接青亭该倘酸帧吁龙孩府浴去悄杉务毫鞋品尿芥冷撅沉谆枉鞠未茸侧吗倘署累哥讲疗送统砷侄苛骑藐琴凝佛牢剥毖劳捣衷名屑氯占偷旅绎杰壁孤柏撞骆淡疚钞俊揭谆川濒闯鞭档蛾劣字碰字焰弘辗到醉妙淑冒棘玛鹅萨种舱蛾律琶屡懈煮蹭屎塘掂差磺链沥道崖分

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