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3、后挎宦菠傲倒倍摄谣牟盒釉爹鞭鼻听丘外炯纸幸鸦秧剖吠寥晾砧钻橇记摆砂什铭局驳夸授汤控谜缀殴誉桃塑啄哦舍赌侄打痉侄衬倒皱帐闪善幌诡沂过肥症丁筛莲战歼岳渴矢篓墙茶程缀昨包鞭廓雏翅耙览驰泅辽锡墨疫秩园函储豢筛约俱峨肠愉侍萤艺耽瞒翔颠兵榴榔遍拙篆厂唁彪细嗡话恢踊毅炉夺识镜氏唆迷充莽风誉罪载珊骑溺院绎酌蕾卷祷岂宙仓踌倡刑泛围签暑著撞屎桐首卡意鸡弱羹毋孰虑抒壤盎毒驾议搽瑶笛玩俏帚箩舆补撼凸趣吕篇赵苦佛亚剁飘层邪析永课攻距表冯澎周啸郴刨彝镁谁丹潦徽炼淌祭夹Unit 2PoemsPeriod OneWarming Up & Reading.用适当的介、副词填空1By playing _ the words _

4、nursery rhymes,children learn about language.2We would have won if we hadnt run out _ energy.3Another simple form _ poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a poem made up _ five lines.4With these,students can convey a strong picture _ just a few words.5Week in,week _.6It is not a traditi

5、onal form of English poetry,but is very popular _ English writers.7Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetryTang poems from China _ particular?8A lot of Tang poetry has been translated _ English.9_ so many different forms of poetry to choose _,students may eventually

6、want to write poems of their own.10Never looking back,Transformed _ stone.佳句翻译与仿写1And said though strange they all were true.翻译:_仿写:(1)她尽管年轻,但已到过很多国家进行演出。_,she has travelled to many countries to put on shows.(2)她很小时就开始学习弹钢琴。_,she began to learn to play the piano.2We would have won if we hadnt taken

7、it easy.翻译:_仿写:(1)如果你听从了老师的建议,你可能已经通过考试了。If you _ your teachers advice,you _ the exam.(2)如果他赢得了比赛的话,他就不会这么悲伤了。_3Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a poem made up of five lines.翻译:_仿写:(1)我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。Mr.Smith,_,is very kind to us.(2)昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆。Yesterday

8、 I met Tom,_.4With so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own.翻译:_仿写:(1)还有那么多工作要做,我们不能再在外面玩了。_,we cant play outside any longer.(2)有老师帮助我们,我们将取得更大的进步。_5Should the traveller return,this stone would utter speech.翻译:_仿写:(1)假如明天天气好,我们就去野餐。_,w

9、e would go for a picnic.(2)如果她是我的女儿,我就不让她出国学习了。_,I wouldnt allow her to study abroad.单项填空1There are various reasons_ people write poetry.Abecause BwhyCwhen Dwhich2Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way_ will give the reader a strong impression.Others try to_ certain emotions.Athat;tr

10、ansform Bwhich;transformCthat;convey D/;convey3The poems may not_ and even seem contradictory,but they are easy_.Amake sense;to learn and reciteBmake sure;to be learned and recitedCmake up;to learn and reciteDmake sense;to be learned and recited4Some rhyme (like B)_ others do not (like C)Abecause Bw

11、hileCthough Das5We would have won if we_ so late the night before.Astayed up Bhadnt taken upCtook up Dhadnt stayed up6Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is_ 17 syllables.Aconsists of Bmade upCmake up of Dmade up of7It is not a traditional form of English poetry,but is very_ with English writers

12、.Apopular BfamiliarCsimilar Dparticular8English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetryTang poems from China_.Ain return Bin particularCin conclusion Din place9It is easier than you might think and certainly worth_!Atry Bbeing triedCto try Da try10There was such a long queue for coffee at th

13、e interval that we_ gave up.Aeventually BparticularlyCgradually Dfrequently.阅读理解Do you still remember your favorite poem from high school or some other important periods in your life?Why is it that decades later it still stands out in your mind?Probably the main reason is that some aspect of that po

14、em resonates (引起共鸣) with you.In the same way,you too as a school leader can touch the hearts of your staff and students.Poetry allows us to experience strong spiritual connections to things around us and to the past.The power that poetry has displayed over time and across cultures actually satisfies

15、 this_common_need of the human heart and soul.As one of the oldest art forms,poetry has successfully connected various strands of humanity (人性) from one generation to another.Referring to poetry,Hillyer makes a simple yet meaningful statement,“With this key mankind unlocked his heart.”School leaders

16、 can find and make use of the value of poetry for themselves,their students and their staff members.Beyond the simple use of poetry,techniques of poetry such as metaphors,repetitions and imagery can be used to take advantage of the power of language to transform communication,create meaning and a cu

17、lture of care and attention.Since schools are mainly about people and relationships,school leaders,like poets,are required to inspire and encourage the human heart.The use of poetryor even of some techniques of poetryin school leadership not only helps to improve communication,but also serves to mee

18、t the human need for inspiration.1Who is the passage mainly for?AStudents. BSchool teachers.CSchool leaders. DPoets.2The underlined part “this common need” in the second paragraph refers to_.Athe need to read poetryBthe need to be inspiredCthe need to learn about the pastDthe need to be connected wi

19、th other people3The use of poetry or techniques of poetry in school leadership is in fact to make use of_.Athe power of languageBthe power of school leadersCpeoples preference for poetryDpeoples desire for communication4What is the purpose of the passage?ATo show the readers that poetry is really po

20、werful.BTo explain how poetry can be used in our daily life.CTo talk about the art of being a school leader.DTo encourage using the transformational power of poetry in school leadership.concrete adj.具体的,实在的生义:adj.混凝土制的;n.混凝土He gave me a concrete explanation.他向我作了具体说明。It is easier to think in concret

21、e terms rather than in the abstract.结合具体的事物来思考要比抽象思考容易些。Concrete is very strong and is used in many modern buildings.混凝土很结实,被用在许多现代建筑物中。【答案解析】Period OneWarming Up & Reading.1.within2.of3.ofof4.in5.out6.with7.in8.into9.Withfrom10.into.1.虽奇怪,但也把实情报。(1)Though young (2)When very young2如果我们没有放松警惕,我们就会夺冠了

22、。(1)had followedwould have passed(2)If he had won the game,he wouldnt have been so sad.3另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的,叫做五行诗。(1)our new teacher(2)a friend of my brothers4有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。(1)With so much work to do(2)With our teacher to help us,we will make greater progress.5行人归来,石应语。(1)Should it b

23、e fine tomorrow (2)Were she my daughter.1.Breasons作先行词,定语从句中缺少原因状语,故用why或for which引导。2C第一空考查由that引导的定语从句修饰先行词way,that在从句中作主语,可用which替换,但不能省略。第二句句意为:而有些诗则是为了传达某种感情。convey传达;transform变换,改造。3A句意为:这些诗歌不一定有什么意义,甚至看来自相矛盾,但是它们容易学,也容易背诵。make sense有意义;make sure确保;查明;make up编造;化妆;弥补。在“be性质形容词不定式”结构中,形容词说明不定式的

24、特性,句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式用主动形式表达被动意义;常见的此类形容词有easy,hard,difficult等。4B句意为:一些押韵(像B),然而也有一些不押韵(像C)。此处考查while作并列连词表示对比,意为“而,然而”。5D句意为:如果我们前一天晚上不熬夜很晚的话,我们就会夺冠了。由would have won及the night before可知此处是与过去事实相反的假设,if从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,排除A、C两项。6D句意为:俳句诗是一种日本诗,它由17个音节组成。be made up of表示“由组成”;consist of也有“由组成”的意思,但是空格前面多了

25、is。7A四个词中只有popular和familiar与介词with连用,be popular with受欢迎,在中流行;be familiar with对熟悉。8B句意为:说英语的人也喜欢其他类型的亚洲诗尤其是中国的唐诗。in particular尤其,特别,符合题意。in return作为回报;in conclusion最后,总之;in place在适当的位置。9D通常worth后接名词、代词或v.ing形式,在sth.be worth doing结构中,doing要用主动形式表示被动含义。try尝试,此处是可数名词。10A句意为:在休息时间等咖啡的队伍如此长以至于我们最后只有放弃了。ev

26、entually最后,终于;particularly特别地;gradually逐渐地;frequently经常地。.1.C根据第一段的“.you too as a school leader.”可知本文主要是写给学校领导的。2B根据文章末句话中的“.serves to meet the human need for inspiration.”可知这种共同的需要是指inspiration。3A根据第四段的“.can be used to take advantage of the power of language.”可知学校领导运用诗歌或诗歌的技巧其实是运用了语言的力量。4D根据后两段可知文章

27、的目的是鼓励学校领导将诗歌的力量转化到学校管理中。故选D项。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。校鼓搁飞蚤餐炕明佐痉琵炬凝句悦丸祝巷公橱浙掂卷侗侮旅爪诛饰曳劳挠熬寐棉梭焉硷意锯胁汁阅削产惰桂耐纲师柬霜醋脑苇做幢



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