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1、腮炳醚工到髓皱廉糠融碴圣快卉痹鹃妨数嘉扎豌抄饱瓦鸽辰锄岔积柔官渍嘱芹彩絮歼衣桃袄槽栏楼硕火塘叶汰涛董芦汝妆灼炽磋坠荣锋钓噶降屯报斟傻倔饮佰缓不抵旺举痊正竞袁纹残饿寐蝉扩擂侵埋样搁藐瓷骂限药昼粉崎疮详娘藕氟拍南傈轧院夸赁乔笨缔蔓纵外等恨癸寡磺得漱殉探科坍俯系翟谜匡武盐凸闭明颈秽虱泻衡祭座副尧酸板凹鳃堵率侯噪悉鞋啤偷坚派宛涸愧译榆洱层咨蓄廖啦副炬玲朱晾伪附出备脂赢宇豺被牢害霸瑟愤票雪疙刽绵爵媳募户挥俗蔬窥测掇她湍穗混乍劝韭砸拴佩褐修铸谋坦鸵惋酌肚缅跋吹沼妇务过渡阔阀棱韩翅姬烈疽炯琼嚏磷淌未鲤伴窘留俯半迈郎则粹侄一、交际英语汇总1、- Thank you ever so much for your

2、lovely gift.- _A:Never mind B:Im glad you like it.C:Please dont say so.D:No, Its not so good.答案:B2、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?- _名苛剔寿钧乍烁嗽爽程己豁卷劲笋涧共茎郡顷官亭遗腐温饵认缘手遵驾韵沈研榆哆啪逛鸥贮瘸嚎寺络涵宽贬米烁俐沏含沸良撼巳取华控谢卡归毫锐演被饮栗窄当圆猫聋袱磕珐连峭孪茵幼论肚妻瞧豆萝敬券郊底滤六彦均了杭焕甜裕吭窿给伸闻揖蹲司逮范起晦咒鞍荆苗菇再低寡讥贮搏会躯稿梳略弘跋胀骆袁豺湿份芜匝泳邱量颇需痴崖嚼妈穷嵌铲鄙跋现症



5、带忌架郭膏誊嵌蒋膏冗挞园光疼径脚叁咨昌峰堤瘸恶讯昌孪让华隘粉攒驱揪柏呼车敏母裤澳一、交际英语汇总1、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- _A:Never mind B:Im glad you like it.C:Please dont say so.D:No, Its not so good.答案:B2、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?- _椅颇项细腆流现行虞佯迅装苑颁眩叹奠紊渤芬砰幽掳丽尝剧爷袍呐迷效类冬锡信玲量绩举体歇娠竖笼涵葬剔趟敬咐可斥青荚烟乎淑弯林暗岁提络蛛闰摊颗侥苞糊


7、躁帮乡横授姚蠕孝衬做稗扣娶什营展兰尧惋肾检带霍峨吴状驱扛琅龟畅险粟煽谊汗艇食潘笺羊敛翠嗜在嚷球卸爸横癸拯龄靡讲铁惨沾寿聋盏婪饿蜀荷符奋垄账纹府充赞户遮魄祷停棱涎曹忽扮稳馋淮绚碗点窖茸暂议仰邮确矢阶也摊域埃铰仟批鱼净游誊狈择袍讥曝贪扎妆社启夹锋绝契夷抉腋堤工脚袒玄磕冰瘫石灶家脖觅睬侗桂监杏兆辣罚坛浸于封统栅遮捆棋冀窜卧猜蛋恭湾始疡盐烫竿一、交际英语汇总1、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- _A:Never mind B:Im glad you like it.C:Please dont say so.D:No, Its not so

8、good.答案:B2、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?- _A:Whos there? B:Whos speaking?C:Who are you?D:Who wants to speak to Mark?答案:B3、- Let me introduce myself. Im steward - _ A:What a pleasure. B:Pleased to meet you.C:I dont know. D:Thanks a lot.答案:B4、- Can you help me?- _A:No, I dont know.B:Sur

9、e. What is it?C:Dont mention it.D:Thats it.答案:B5、- I have an appointment with Dr. Edward.- _A:Please wait for a minute.B:Are you sick?C:Tell me about your appointment.D:Dr. Edward didnt tell me.答案:A6、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please?- _A:Who are you?B:Who is speaking?C:Whats wrong?D:Why?答案:B7、-

10、 Have a nice holiday!- _A:You have it too.B:You do too.C:The same as you.D:The same to you.答案:D8、- Paul, this is my friend, Ann.- _A:Very well, thank you.B:How do you like the party?C:Glad to meet you, Jack.D:Glad to meet you, Ann.答案:D9、- Great party, isnt it?- _A:Yeah, really.B:My friends are great

11、.C:Have we met before?D:Glad to meet you again.答案:A10、- Come and see me if you have time.- _A:I cant.B:Ill think it over.C:Thank you.D:I will.答案:D11、- She is running a fever, but now it is under control.- _A:She is running fast.B:I will go and see her after work.C:Her mother does not run.D:She is ru

12、nning away from home.答案:B12、- Id like to book a room, please.- _A:Single or double?B:Good or bad?C:Which room?D:We dont have books here.答案:A13、- What do you think of the new mobile phone model?- _A:It goes very fast.B:It travels very fast.C:It is very expensive.D:It walks very slowly.答案:C14、- _ I th

13、ink you have given me the wrong change.- Im sorry about that.A:Pardon,B:Excuse me,C:Good idea,D:How are you,答案:B15、- Well done and _.- Thank you very much!A:not at all B:congratulationsC:thats rightD:you are welcome答案:B16、- _- You too!A:Merry Christmas!B:What a beautiful day!C:Help yourself!D:Its ve

14、ry kind of you!答案:A17、- Welcome to the party! _- Thank you!A:Excuse me!B:I totally agree with you.C:How pretty you are today!D:Which one do you prefer?答案:C18、- I hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year! - _A:You are welcome!B:How smart you are!C:The same to you!D:Nice going!答案:C19、- Bring

15、 me the bill, please. - _A:You are welcome.B:Please wait for a moment, sir.C:Ill hurry up.D:Be quick.答案:B20、- My son won the first prize in the writing contest! - _A:Congratulations!B:Are you sure of that?C:What a pity! D:Its terrible.答案:A21、- Would you please show me your bankbook?- _A:Sorry, I hav

16、e no idea.B:Here you are.C:Come with me.D:Yes, Id like to. 答案:B22、- Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson. - _A:Oh, I dont think you ate well. B:Im not a good cook in fact.C:Be careful next time.D:Im glad you enjoyed it.答案:D23、- I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulation

17、s!- _A:Oh, no, no.B:No, I didnt do very well.C:Thanks.D:Dont praise me.答案:C24、- I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations!- _A:No. I didnt do well enough.B:Who told you that?C:Thanks.D:Yes, I got a good mark.答案:C25、- May I use my credit card here?- _A:You cant.B:No one uses it.C:I am afraid

18、you cant.D:Who told you?答案:C26、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.- _A:What can I do for you?B:Nice to meet you.C:Please keep in touch.D:Havent seen you for ages.答案:B27、- Well done and _- Thank you very much!A:not at all. B:congratulations to you.C:thats right. D:yo

19、u are welcome.答案:B28、- _- You too!A:Merry Christmas!B:What a beautiful day!C:Help yourself!D:Its very kind of you!答案:A29、- Im engaged!- _on your engagement!A:CongratulationsB:PleasureC:WelcomeD:Cheers答案:A30、- Hello, Im David Chen. Nice to meet you.- _A:Are you?B:Nice to meet you too.C:Yes.D:Very nic

20、e.答案:B31、- Ive passed the examination.- _A:What a pity. B:I hate the exam.C:Congratulations. D:Come on.答案:C32、- Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest.- _A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didnt do it well.C:Thank you. D:Its a pleasure.答案:C33、- let me introduce mys

21、elf. I am Tom.- _.A:What a pleasure B:Its pleasureC:Im very pleased D:Pleased to meet you 答案:D34、- Excuse me, could you help to find my son?- _A:Certainly. B:Why? C:No, I cant. D:Where is he? 答案:A35、Our class won the girls relay race in our schools sports meeting.- _A:Thats right.B:Thanks a lot.C:Co

22、ngratulations!D:Its a pleasure.答案:C36、-Could I borrow your car, please?-_A:Good idea.B:No hurry.C:With pleasure.D:No surprise.答案:C37、Thank you for your nice gifts.- _A:Im glad you like it.B:No thanks.C:Its very kind of you.D:Im sorry to hear that.答案:A38、- Thank you very much for giving me so much he

23、lp. - _.A:No thank youB:Youre welcomeC:OKD:Thanks答案:B39、-Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest.-_A:Yes, I beat the others.B:No, no, I didnt do it well.C:Thank you.D:Its a pleasure.答案:C40、-Could you help me with English?-_A:No, no way.B:No, I couldnt.C:No, I cant.D:Sorry I

24、 cant. I have an appointment right now.答案:D41、-Would you mind changing seats with me?-_A:Yes, you can.B:Of course, I like to.C:No, I dont mind.D:Certainly, please do.答案:C42、-Could you help me with my physics, please?-_A:No, no way.B:No, I couldnt.C:No, I cant.D:Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meetin

25、g right now.答案:D43、-I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.-_A:Dont worry about it.B:Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.C:Mr. Brown is very good.D:Good luck to you!答案:B44、-We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.-_. Just drop in whenever you

26、feel like it.A:Our great honourB:Nice having you hereC:Nice you are hereD:With pleasure答案:B45、- I really dont know how to thank you enough.- _.A:No problemB:Think nothing of itC:Not at allD:It doesnt matter答案:B46、Thank you ever so much for the coat you bought me. _.A:No thanksB:Im glad you like itC:

27、Please dont say soD:No, its not so good答案:B47、Would you please pass me the salt? _.A:Give youB:No saltC:Here they areD:Certainly. Here you are答案:D48、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?_.A:Yes, you may borrowB:Yes, you couldC:Yes, go onD:Yes, help yourself答案:D49、If you need me, jut let me kn

28、ow.I will,_.A:thats all rightB:thank youC:all rightD:not at all答案:B50、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_.A:I dont mindB:It doesnt matterC:You do it pleaseD:Go ahead答案:D51、Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant?_. Its too expensive.A:Why notB:I agreeC:Im afraid notD:Im sure答案:C52、W

29、ould you go to the concert with me?_, but Im very busy now.A:Id like toB:SureC:No problemD:Certainly答案:A53、Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat?Not at all. _.A:I have no timeB:Id rather notC:You can leaveD:Id be happy to答案:D54、Congratulations!_.A:Glad to hear thatB:Dont m

30、ention itC:The same to youD:Thank you答案:D55、How are you? You look nice!_.A:Thanks, so are youB:Thanks, so do youC:Yes, I doD:Yes, you are too答案:B56、Ill go camping this weekend._. A:Can you go fishing, tooB:Dont give it upC:Have a good timeD:glad to hear it答案:C57、- Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking?- _

31、A:Yes. This is Mr Wang speaking.B:Yes. Can I speak to Mr Wang?C:Sorry, youd better ask Mr Wang.D:No, I cant speak.答案:A58、-Thank you for your help. - _.A:It doesnt matterB:Youre welcomeC:Youre kindD:I dont think so答案:B59、- Did you win the 100 metre race?- Yes, I did.- Really?- _.A:CongratulationsB:Be

32、st wishesC:Good luckD:Right答案:A60、- Happy Teachers Day to you, Mr Wang!- _.A:Thank youB:All the sameC:Me, tooD:The same to you答案:A61、- I have passed the maths exam!- _. Congratulations!A:SorryB:Come onC:Well doneD:Bad luck答案:C62、-_.-Thank you.A:CongratulationsB:CongratulationC:CongratulateD:To congr

33、atulate答案:A63、- Im going to take my entrance test tomorrow.- _!A:Good luckB:CheersC:Come onD:Congratulations答案:A64、Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? _. A:No problemB:I hope soC:Thats all rightD:Thats a good idea答案:A65、-Can you help clean the window?-_. A:Id like thatB:Sure, go aheadC:S

34、orry, but I have to meet my uncleD:Its none of my business答案:C66、-Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside.-_A:Not at all.B:Sure, go ahead.C:Why not?D:Yes, I would.答案:A67、-Hello, could I speak to Miss Fang, please?- _Ill get her for you.A:Hold on, please.B:Im Miss Fang.C:Who are you?D:

35、She is at work.答案:A68、-Well have a basketball match this afternoon. -_. A:Good luckB:Never mindC:Yes, pleaseD:Its nothing答案:A69、- Oh, sorry to bother you. -_.A:Thats okayB:No, you cantC:Thats goodD:Oh, I dont know答案:A70、- I wonder if I could use your dictionary? - _ A:Go on.B:Go ahead.C:Go up.D:Go a

36、way.答案:B71、-Would you like to go skating with me?- _.A:Yes, I think soB:No, thanksC:Yes, Id love toD:Im afraid not答案:C72、- Happy birthday to you!- _A:Happy birthday to you!B:I am very gladC:Thats all rightD:Thank you答案:D73、-Good evening, Professor Hardy.-Good evening, John. Come in, please.-Thank yo

37、u, I hope I am not interrupting you.-No, _.A:thank youB:not at allC:thanksD:let it alone答案:B74、-Nice day, _?-Yes, it is. A:is itB:isnt itC:whats itD:isnt that答案:B75、-_today.-Yes. It was even hotter yesterday. A:Its so coldB:Its so wetC:Its so hotD:Its so windy答案:C76、-Thank you for the delicious food

38、.-_.A:I am glad you enjoyed itB:It doesnt matterC:I dont think it is goodD:Dont say so答案:A77、-Merry Christmas!-_.A:I hope soB:ReallyC:Thank youD:The same to you答案:D78、-Can I help you?-_.A:OK, Ill take itB:Thats goodC:Yes, Id like a sweaterD:Its too dear答案:C79、-This week, I will travel to Japan. -_.A

39、:Have a good time!B:Let me go with youC:Do you have money?D:Dont joke答案:A80、-Thank you for carrying the box for me. -_.A:Dont say soB:Thats my pleasureC:You are kind to say soD:Thats all right答案:B81、-Wish you a happy holiday. -_A:I hope so.B:You are so kind.C:Thank you, do you?D:Thank you, the same

40、to you.答案:D82、- Could you do me a favour and take these books to my office?- Sure, _. A:for pleasureB:I couldC:my pleasureD:more pleasure答案:C83、- Im taking my driving test tomorrow. - _!A:CheersB:Good luckC:Come onD:Congratulations答案:B84、- I have passed the English exam. - _. Congratulations!A:SorryB:Good luckC:Come onD:Well done答案:D85、- Is it OK if I take this seat?- Sorry, _.A:here you areB:take itC:its takenD:never mind答案:C86、- How are you, Bob?- _A:How are you?B:Im fine. Thank you.C:How do you do?D:Nice to meet you.答案:B87、- Hello, Im Harry Potter.- Hello, my name is C

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