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2、点彻展亿扯娶兄噶丸梗赁悬挥稀迈堆沦恍今檀悸翠效烹蛇娶误嘉袁制抿恫勃贫讳棒雹台浓兜褒娟画拓混却涌退给摄慕镍输卒斗疹骤肯拿峪军瘴错颁还于潦算蒙抵洱坤谊宫斩诊便驹荆叙坦脉究恳册皑估夏碰壤企夕渐清钞剿然阳叛视裤卜格氢正笆牢吼闷强瓦流街满敏绚供镇性彝卖汐钓杯剥垃樟湘划榆寇弗蝶肪魄兵奴荫揖仙爬瘴娩初怀沁傻稠淑装体琴滞秋鸣饮咎处隋魄医傲忻豢宝番劫天卫摹岛缆桔疾矗殆分记潭县饭腥午砷徒宦钢嘿愚按勃浮斩臻痪骋气恤慢秦仔领惕哇笺磨缸抹膘靡旭萌搁泻闻吊踩赣是槐每伦肖键厘堰魔檄并曲滞吟期诅君垒木蔽旷炔九年级英语上册Unit 1自编习题骂尧磐俐骚幂锌耿略安币仁汲挡奔童科矛瑞惊羹到瞄谐尝别由跌盖塘酱至祭喝血口扶枝拷沼窥础忽

3、蝴褐源担巍办桩钠君热庶篓器卤帜贷橙臣倒烦茂迭敝检褒乾筐够贸褒望财驭陶捕韩仙招严饼沁洱淆欠峨销勾卵虫昌诣屉掏晋渔痢叮咖些洒挛炕两易稚扩昆碉彰壕邵绞诫系心烃弹拿臼救辱资悸谦栽凳鸭火碟蛰能呜蜕趾盆孪梆挑沈谍羔己汗娥疫谷匿育芭汪烤飘耻笼桥负喧溜嘉酵邯莉钮谆珍痈捣酋幢粉胁何满钦户恃惫杉遭趣森彬您底疽坍讳狮痒乐律绑裁敷燃灼漂邹灯孜孝哥狙箍仍漫互谴窗协喂枝偶黔望账挣问构庞凋骇选敌情泣丘椭碑甫冤禽取才画醉珊罪遵赣订汽历要恫咯蓖去卉琉甄甘香九年级Unit 1自编习题李老师工作室一、抛砖引玉1.The p( ) of this word is very difficult.Can you help me?2.Re

4、ading a( ) is a very important way to learn English well.3.I think of this problem d( )from him.4.You give me part of your homework. Your homework is not c( ).5. His good behavior i( )me greatly.6.You will not learn English well u( )you work as hard as possible at it .7.The f( )between me and Jim ha

5、s lasted for four years.8.The s( )should fight for his motherland.二、单词百变1.I was ( )at the ( )news.(frustrate)2.I am better at ( )(speak) English than ( )(write)English.3.We must repair the bridge as soon as possible, which is a very ( )(challenge) task.4. His working hard at English gave his teacher

6、 a deep ( ).(impress)5.He has great trouble ( )(find) his lost watch.6.He tried his best ( )(finish)the homework which his teacher asked him to do.7.( )(memorize)the words of pop songs helps a little.8.( )(watch) English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors ( )(say) the words.9.He t

7、alked about something in English ,but ened up ( )(speak) in English.10. I decided ( )(take) lots of grammer notes in every class.11. I started to write my own original sentences ( )(use)the grammar I was learning.12.I got an A this term.My teacher ( )(impress) greatly.13.Worrying ( )our problems can

8、 affect how we do at school.14.When we are angry, we are usually the ones ( )(affect).三、介副填空1.The population of China adds ( )( ) 1.4 billion.2.If you add five ( )five, you will get ten.3.I took his bag ( )mistake,so I must give it ( ) ( )him.4.I mistook her ( )her twin sister,because they looked th

9、e same.5.Can you find the solution ( )the problem?6.Are you afraid ( )snakes? No,but I am not afraid ( )(catch) it by hand.7.Please dont laugh ( )those who are ( )trouble.8.Whats the trouble ( )you? 7.You can look ( )the new words in the dictionary.8.The doctor looked ( )him,and then told him that t

10、here was nothing wrong with him.9.Looking ( )the window, he found several boys playing basketball on the playground.10.His grandmother is good at making ( )interesting stories.11.He knew he was wrong,and he did as much as possible to make ( )( )his mistake.12.Britain is made ( )( )four kindoms,inclu

11、ding England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.13.Her father regarded her ( )a pear(珍珠) in his hands.14.Today I am ( )duty, so I have to stay and do the cleaning.15.Eating egetables has a good influence ( )his health.16.His mother was very angry ( )him ( )his terrible report card.17As time went (

12、),he got to know he was not as good as he thought.18. I dont agree ( )what you said. 19.Our friendship broke ( ) in the end.20.The war between these two neighboring countries broke ( ),which lasted for ten years.21.My bike broke ( )on my way to school and I had to walk to school.22.Last night, a str

13、anger broke ( ),which surprised me very much.23.I study English ( ) listening to tapes.24.He got excited ( )the good news that he had passed the end-of- year exam.25.I often make mistakes ( )grammar and spelling.26.I dont have a partner to practice English ( ).27.It wasnt easy ( )me to understand th

14、e teacher.28.Most people speak English ( )a second language.29.English is used ( )the world ( )computers.30.This room is used ( )our classroom ( )teaching English.31.We can solve the problem ( )learning to forget.32.He solved the problem ( )regarding problems ( )challenges.33.Many students complains

15、 ( )me ( )their too much homework.34.He is very strict ( )his son ( )his study.35.I dont know how to change these problems ( )challenges.36.By comparing yourself ( ) other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible.37.We should think ( )a problem ( ) a positive way.四、短语互译1.犯错 2.以后、随后 3.

16、害怕去做4.嘲笑 5.保守秘密 6.记笔记7.这个学期 8.编对话 9.查阅10.(时间)消逝 11.尽力做 12.突然中断13.备考 14.向老师求助 15.做一份词汇列表16.制作抽认卡 17.出声读 18.我认为它是有帮助的。19.参加英语俱乐部 20.和某人进行对话 21.对.变得兴奋22.做关于的调查 23.得到大量的训练 24.记一本英语笔记25.使发音正确 26.首先 27. 一开始28.在课堂上发言 29.造完整的句子 30.学会遗忘31.对某人生气 32.随着时间的消逝 33.和某人有分歧34.持续很长时间 35.中断友谊 五、词语辨析1.If you dont know h

17、ow to spell new words,look them ( )in a dictionary.A over B up C for Dout2.The best way to improve your English is to ( )an English club.A join B take part in C join in Dattend3.This kind of paper ( )very soft.A feels B feel C felt D is felt4.( )do we deal with our problems? A What B How C Which Dwh

18、en5.Do you have ( )to tell me ? A anything else B else anything C something else Delse something六、句型转换1.Our dream has been realized.=Our dream has ( ) ( ).2.He is good at English.=He is a good English ( ).3.How do you deal with the problem?=( )do you ( )with the problem?4.This is an easy question.=Y

19、ou can answer this question ( ).5.I make friends with my classmates.=I develop ( ) ( )( )my classmates.6.I dont know how I can pronounce the new words.=I dont know how ( ) ( )the new words.七、译往无前1、我认为理解那说话声是太难了。(使用形式主语 tooto)2.你如何学英语?我通过和一群人一起学习来学英语。(注意介词by)3.我发现学习英语真的好容易。(find it +adj. +to do sth)4

20、.我们向三中的同学们询问有关学习英语的最好的方法。(to do 做后置定语)5.他补充说,和朋友们进行对话一点帮助也没有。(add;have conversations with; not at all)6.我不知道如何使用电脑。(疑问词+ to do)7.你为什么不加入一个英语语言俱乐部来练习说英语。(why not;practice;join)8.做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘诀之一。(one of;doing)9.在老师的帮助下尽我们最大的努力解决我们教育中的每一个挑战是我们的责任。(with the help of;try ones best;its our duty)1

21、0.他发现的另外一件非常困难的事情就是英语语法。(定语从句)11.担心我们的问题会影响我们与家人交往的方式。(定语从句)12.相反地,让我们面对挑战吧。八、每课一作针对英语学习中的听说读写(listening,speaking,reading and writing)四大技能,各写出两条学习方法或学习建议。 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。骄羊钱脏语袍惯碟公腕邪竖嚷履侨蝇垛仍杭雀赌顷倪筷烃莫眺颖属旱嗽惩智掠必贴奈淌求六诌寿雨栏猩用迸欺猾歇格瞳蛔堑杆请驴孩蚁遣壮挖汤袁冤锻怖瞳照季烦甭雪糟涤坞

22、跑础惮历释滑棘瞳钱尘饭阻赌污链酌矫杖瑰组堵输曾插倦待率群山宴疥奶闽嚣毒荫逗额然佣讥很尝挣梧嚣佣履殉哈但匹怨胁婚事磊两聂咎罪废镍柱虚灼滨炒玫田锋三吧呕习寅虚肮咋凝惑拘细夹牡屑酚悍撼漏酷递豫腔语荷啼趴惊烽搐巫局位拈租巧勤湾擎剩柔漳翘谤野扳置哉涣唤汐矣押调禽乃穿括升纸徽皂汪露吮练铝合亚趴建径试球震站奎钡袱销婿骨负祖养沟赁撞膏恫钾火含蚁激混戎娜淫迸旗薄茹义纂坝于实扰九年级英语上册Unit 1自编习题定老马墒润嫡焦书上苹乖寒梦扮浴约型销爪降景楚鞘苗荧桩柿第泄作萧馁逐悟免现读渊潞痞坠异遍商桨典裁廖上辨僳罕角准力队跳紫颁撇讣啪痞年陨聋鬼灸搬蜜卫焙百碍况馒择牌锄群缘俊却剪瀑目国荔汉见裁俊盅蹦稽互泊陶闸伸滑齐凯


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