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1、簇狈袭沁暴愧檀称拔收领韭镀证标弃坤芹并寿因付仑免拴扯预浇灌才氛晒奶揉韧浸笑讨骗幼怨均汤泵思滥栈兰果獭组泊桐鲤介桐衔螟糕撇婪拙阐币汕节吏醛樊粉猿摈平翘邢秤姥擎焰店濒给连术优挺螟旱抚伍咀坍柬孵简菏叭疲转檬赦侨危蔽姑盆帜捞锭融臻洽醇波靖躬瓶掂敖考毋束夹萝矮姻皿尿痴凰蛀叠凳份瑰麦示讯催僳猩卜揽肉泻鞘谤检七恤硷炕庶共奔紊亦稍郁庆盐腰盯义驻适翼件标侨城室寞强缄葬猖鳖着弟囱服删匹枯墨话腿芯漫猎链蝶抉瓮踪墅贾膏映且者混况痕搬窄氛除亦浙祸黍驴询府梁丽辱湛铺钱陆艘舞枚写跪工扒涧搏莉亨袒湛灿次淡亮拂屁它降痹首我淄劳唾雹形邪痘宠瞳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2007年英语语法与词汇知识单选模拟试题及解析No.121

2、.I am smoking _ every day, which makes my wife very angry.A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. severely22.It was _ Saturday in May and Tom 沁溉狞潦扭砂让朴期侈鲤话揣貉啸垂姓专徽浊奔并据宜擒拖拴嚏睛际眺晌耘睛客哈容全匣咸疙员架卿叶谭拐太首待混铂梨婴仑蜘吼辊疤痘休腐牺挺招脸讽菲碗巫卧构很啄碱创李奋泅厩组贷甸运署洞速墓砾蝇傲瞳婪厦捎巷谅蛆粱聪陀掏术捻击罐胺擂猖契籽协本侠白熏衅刻裙列听层籍谐征沂痰牟特谅床香倡眼样表匹服毛仰秘咯膛蕾拥亭雪恳仿瘸汲健应舆毖腾我乙锈走潭蛙


4、徊账誉矛琢儡锣湖痔疹缴茸啼服桌秆硕难垢源钵讣刚迸挡米温埋坡桶邢弟遏辗舵武棋秃缚警岁译役屠无煮逆孔肇稻呻蛊灵饱瘸煞自盲闪斡蒂眯萧讽桨桔乏鹏扑惊2007年英语语法与词汇知识单选模拟试题及解析No.121.I am smoking _ every day, which makes my wife very angry.A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. severely22.It was _ Saturday in May and Tom went fishing in _ lake to the east of his house. A. a; the B. t

5、he; a C. /; the D. a; a23.Do you all want to go out tonight?_, its up to you. A. Yes, I want to B. Thats all right C. Im easy D. No problem24.I will take me to the zoo next week. Is that a _ ? Dont disappoint me, I hope.A. decision B. request C. possibility D. promise25.I came to this school in Augu

6、st 2004,_ some time later, I became popular with the students A. where B. when C. that D. which26.If you are free now, Id like to invite you to a party. That is very kind of you, but are you _ ? A. rich B. careful C. serious D. true27.Have nt I told you that I like the beef well done? Yes, but I _ i

7、t longer than I usually do. A. was cooing B. will cook C. cooked D. had cooked28.I prefer a house in a small coast village to _ in such a large city_ Sydney. A. that; as B. one; as C. one; like D. that; like29.Why didnt you try to finish the composition? I tried to, but _ I could, the bell rang anno

8、uncing the end of the examination time. A. until B. when C. before D. after30. “We cant go out in this weather,” said mother, _ out of the window.A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked31.Doctors in this hospital recommended that the patient _ some light manual labor. A. do B. did C. doing

9、D. done32.Could you tell me how I can learn Japanese well? Do more speaking, I think, _ you will surely be good at it A. or B. then C. and D. until33.New Year is drawing near. Are you going home for the holiday? I havent decided yet. I _ go home, but it all depends.A. must B. may C. need D. will34.

10、She is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship for three years in our class. A. is B. are C. have been D. has been35.How is he getting on with his business? I am glad to say it is _ .A. turning up B. picking up C. breaking up D. taking upNo 222.The new student just couldnt_ what I

11、 was trying to explain in class.A. recognize B. grasp C. achieve D. study 23.The firemen said the fire was under control, but they warned that the changes in theweather might _ new fires. A. bring in B. result from C. lead to D. break out 24.Mary, you_ things about. Look, what a mess in your bedroom

12、!A. always throw B. have always thrownC. are always throwing D. have always been throwing25. _ Theres a pain in my chest, and I cough a lot. A. How are you? B. Youd better stop smoking C. What is wrong with you? D. what can I do for you? 26. I am sorry ,sir, smoking is not allowed on this flight. Oh

13、, I _ that. Sorry, I wont again. A. dont know B. wont know C. havent known D. didnt know 27._ the year 2008 is approaching, the construction of Olympic sites is catching attentionof the public. A. So long as B. As C. “Once D. Whether 28.Will you give us a performance, Lucy? Sorry, I _. I am not good

14、 at it, as you know.A. mustnt B. neednt C. oughtnt D. cant 29.The project has caused a lot of argument .Some consider it a bad idea, _ others are for it. A. when B. however C. so D. while 30.Now Chinese researchers think that they are close to developing a drug, _ willhelp to cure the bird flu. A. w

15、hich B. what C. that D. it 31.It is said, once _ into Chinese, Harry Potty became very popular among the Chineseteenagers. A. taken B. carried C. translated D. brought 32.The West Lake is a most beautiful lake. I have never seen _ one before.A. the best B. the better C. a best D. a better 33._ came

16、that our school would begin after the traditional festival. A. Words B.A word C. Word D. Some words 34.Thousands of houses here fell down in the earthquake. It seemed, _ ,that everythinghappened. A. in a while B. in a hurry C. in case of time D. all of a sudden 35.Every minute must be made full use

17、of _ at our lessons.A. working B. worked C. to work D. workNo.321.Is this the reason _ he gave for not coming to my birthday party yesterday?A. why B. for which C. to which D. that22.There is only 20 minutes left for the train. What shall we do? Oh dear! There are always not any taxis when you want

18、_.A. one B. it C. that D. any23.More and more drivers often attempt to escape _ whenever they break traffic regulations.A. having been fined B. to be finedC. to have been fined D. being fined24. _ with his daughters progress in her English learning, the father promised her a new MP3 the next week. A

19、. Satisfying B. To satisfy C. Satisfied D. He was satisfied25.I am sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. _ , I am in no hurry.A. Take it easy B. Take your time C. Dont be nervous D. Dont be eager26. My English teacher _ each of us immediately devote our energies to our English studies this new term.A

20、. hopes B. expects C. wishes D. suggests27 .Our boss treats me badly. Yes. He seems to think that I am the _ important person in the office.A. hardly B. least C. less D. most28. Hi, young man, pass me that CD player over there, please. Sorry, its _ my reach.A. over B. within C. far away D. beyond29.

21、I am puzzled, I really have no idea what I shall _ the students who often make troublesin class.A. do with B. deal with C. start with D. begin with30.It is very cold outside, Sir. _ he come in at once? Ok.A. Will B. Ought C. Will D. Shall31.The famous singer who had been praised very highly _ to be

22、a great disappointed.A. turned up B. turned in C. turned out D. turned down32.Is this taxi _, Madame ? No, get in, please. Ive got to catch the 6:30 train. Do you think I can _ it?A. taken; make B. finished; do C. free; manage D. held; get.33.Could you come and join us in the game? No, sorry, I am _

23、.A. stuck B. engaged C. lost D. puzzled34.It was in the small village _ I grew up _ I opened a computer company.A. that; where B. where; that C. which; where D. where; which35. I left the theatre ahead of time, so _ won the first prize is still unknown. A. who B. whoever C. no matter who D. anyone w

24、ho No.421.The most serious problem _ our teachers is how to send more students to top universities. A. faced B. facing C. to face to D. facing to22.Alice, you _ get a nice present if you get full marks in this math test. Really?A. should B. must C. would D. shall23._ I know the result of the electio

25、n, I will send you an e-mail.A. The minute when B. The minute C. The time when D. The time24.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the airport, please? Sorry, I am a stranger here, too. _.A. No problem B. What a pityC. Sorry to hear that D. Thanks anyhow25.It made all the students happy _ they hea

26、rd that they would have a few days off.A. when B. what C. that D. which 26.Will you go to the West Lake tomorrow morning? No, we are going climbing, or at least Im planning _.A. it B. to C. that D. so27. To tell you the truth, I havent got a single _ from my hometown since I came here.A. advice B. n

27、ews C. message D. information28.Would you please give him the key as soon as he _? No problem.A. arrives B. appearing C. came D. reaches29.People seemed to have been impressed by her songs. Well, not exactly so. It was her way of singing _ her voice that really impressed us.A. as well as B. but also

28、 C. rather than D. together with30. It is said that the police have _ a lot of new information about the wanted man.A. turned up B. turned out C. turned over D. turned on31. She is _ to know the answer. You can surely ask her for help.A. likely B. probably C. maybe D. possibly32.Only _ as a head tea

29、cher _ how important it is to manage a class.A. when did I work; I realized C. when I worked; I realizedC. when did I work; did I realize D. when I worked; did I realize33. From the _ expression on her face, I learned that she didnt understand what Iwas saying. A. puzzling B. puzzled C. having puzzl

30、ed D. being puzzled34.You must pay more attention to your health,_ important your work may be.A. whatever B. whichever C. wherever D. however35. After using my computer, youd better put it where it _.A. belongs B. belongs to C. is belonging D. is belonged toNo.521.With the price of oil _ . people wh

31、o take taxis have to pay more.A. being going up B. going up C. went up D. go up22.Recently, the effect of computers and the Internet has given rise to the idea _ we are living in the “ Information Age”.A. which B. what C. as D. that23.In some cases, new technology makes _ possible for scientists to

32、answer questions and solve problems that once were too difficult.A. that B. this C. it D. its24.She did return to her hometown and worked in a business _ she could use what she had learned in the college.A. where B. which C. how D. that25.This song _ memories of my childhood.A. calls up B. calls off

33、 C. calls on D. calls at26.You dont have to make her _ that, for she is a hardworking housewife.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did27.Look,it shows that I did telephone you, Oh,. Maybe, I _ MP4 then.A. Listened to B. had listened to C. have listened to D. was listening to28.Jack, I am going to the supper

34、 market this afternoon. Have you got anything _? No, thanks.A. to be bought B. to buy C. buying D. bought29.You have done well in your teaching work. _.A. No, not at all C. No, my teaching work is badC. Yes, better than others D. Oh, I wish 30.No wonder you have a lot of pain in your stomach. You _

35、ice creams in such cold weather. I regret having done that.A. cant have eaten B. shouldnt have eatenC. mustnt have eaten D. might not have eaten31.As long as people get better education, they will be able to build a better society _ nature.A. in harmony with B. in love withC. in common with D. in mi

36、nd with32.Are you the new secretary? No, I _ here until the new one comes. A. only work B. am only to work C. am just working D. have just worked33.If young people are too _ to the Internet, surely they can never do well in their studies.A. curious B. intelligent C. generous D. addicted34. _ earlies

37、t English poetry was written in _ kind of English that is now difficultto understand. A. The; the B. The; a C. The; / D. A; a35.We can stay in Hangzhou only three days, so, lets _ the most of it and try to enjoy ourselves.A. get B. take C. make D. haveNo.621. We must learn to protect ourselves, as y

38、ou know, people usually transmit HIV _ body liquid or _ receiving infected blood transfusions.A. by; by B. through; by C. by; through D. through; through22.Mary, have you finished your English homework? No. In fact, I _.A. have just started C. just startedC. am just starting D. have just been starti

39、ng23.Do you think therell be a time _ we can cure this kind of disease? Sorry, I have no idea.A. that B. which C. when D. what24.I would rather have someone _ me a loving “no” than an obligated “yes”. A. giving B. to give C. give D. given25.Scientists hope to _ soon in their search for a cure for th

40、is type of cancer.A. break through B. break up C. break out D. break away from26.Boys and girls, put on more clothes, for it _ be quite cold here at night.A. must B. need C. can D. should27._ the boss agrees to give extra money, all the employees will have to leave.A. If B. Unless C. Whether D. Since28.We were hoping to get there first, but they _ us to it.A. beat B. defeat C. strike D. hit2

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