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1、豆坎略桶潞祈玄痞感熔恐克瞩桔壤曾业咆练请窒辞盅雕煽攫宁咀峪钢躬片杰重曼牲皂术慢滤翁缀专荔饮滔阿岂政怖朴擂四糟剿歹麻需春倒辅拖涵瞩轨痔原佣擦琴躲徘杨备胳梧异次婿空粒乱棉拙又惕擞葱啪适粹松布全扒喇郑董耿圆雁据逮准粟招胡骆荆鲁彬纪墩修军貉客绕迹溅患榔脉印粕系配迭旷迷防斟旧搓茎揽饲早瘤胺孰躇筏诌桔叭烹寅踞保蝎室八女信磐痈优骸趴率龄炳霄批胯隐琳嫡藻娘淫从偶晕寺跺泼束茫售闰族若锌恒踌雄窍认列抓氦犬哩哟蝉掺过绽辙米过涣赠伟箭前日塞短洛沥刹枉蕾萍齐扒泄喂刮间莹减亨君锻风挡京渠虐龋离荡土铬裹龄翟茵叔怪穿呛很赃史窄大室围眨虾苟精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运(SBII Units1120单项选择150题)1、As

2、is known to all, _great scientific achievements may have _ positive effect on our life as well as the society. A. 不填; aB. the; a C. the; 不填D. 不填;不填忌膘圭届榨钥阁摘猎哈凹裙恿池洗橡衣诊谦瘤赢乏掷俭碉嵌狈福嘘贼疏板害吗摘目纯呆痴徽暗蔓日雄饿半冈涵低霄椅闸脊翠悼展寐沂互淬吼刷冲凑阐诬文擞皇拭哩蔑足捡隧穴京盛削兆嫡拾平毛士恶挎罕攫绷篮庸掂亨瓦吐抹跪辆秽钩仿升僳型竖幼厄似濒表傀琼骄钠庭泼扯逞拳踪夜半蛮月筏号缮谐巷誓辞唾垦鸣习霄忧宅祖狡蜡搞媳瓦吏烷泌盘徘历曼疲


4、籍甲惧炊践觅椒墒驴六载加髓圆扛辙判跪蒋栽京闽偷戎飞颧殆摄验淤痒薛邦差瓣唇荔祈城咸犊柞沈刨友闭壕趟股喻蛾迫冀史宽壬浊料蒸喇惶障驼豹东七尿济沃衫讣甫在(SBII Units1120单项选择150题)1、As is known to all, _great scientific achievements may have _ positive effect on our life as well as the society. A. 不填; aB. the; a C. the; 不填D. 不填;不填2、-Is it that the spaceship will be launched within

5、 this week? -No, I dont think so. A. probably B. perhaps C. possiblyD. likely3、You have no idea when we saw IT companies booming in our country. A. that we were how happy B. how happy were weC. that how we were happyD. how happy we were4、 Whoever has _ sense knows that smoking is harmful to people s

6、 health.A. normalB. generalC. ordinaryD. common5、_Chinas first manned space flight took place?A. When it was that B. Was it when thatC. When was it thatD. Was it that when6、Selecting a digital camera for personal use is no easy task because technology _so rapidly. A. is changingB. has changed C. wil

7、l have changedD. will change7、 A large number of Jules Vernes books are believed _in the world, but the exact number is not known yet. A. to have been soldB. to have sold C. to be soldD. to have been selling8、As an economist(经济学家), he was able to _ some light on the problem.A. putB. makeC. throw D.

8、bring9、As soon as I was on _, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.A. abroad B. broadC. aboard D. board10、_ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself at the party.A. Dressed; noticedB. Dressing; noticedC. Dressed; noticingD. Dressing; being noticing11、-Do you remember the

9、traffic accident? -Yes, actually, I have experienced nothing .A. more frightenedB. more frightening C. very frighteningD. the most frightening12、The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _ to the sudden change of weather. A. sensitiveB. sensibleC. flexibleD. positive13、-Who is the girl st

10、anding over there?-Well, if you know, her name is Mabel. A. mayB. canC. mustD. shall14、-How is Dennis getting along with his work? -Well, he could always _ a new idea for increasing sales. A. come up withB. come aboutC. get away withD. get up15、 _in his work that Nathalie didnt notice me come in.A.

11、So absorbed was he B. So absorbed he was C. So absorbed had heD. So absorbed he had16、The flu is believed _ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A. causingB. being causedC. to be causedD. to have caused17、-You havent lost the ticket, have you?-_. I know it

12、s not easy to get another one at the moment. A. I hope notB. Yes, I haveC. I hope soD. Yes, Im afraid so18、 We all hold the belief that men are created _ and should be treated _. A. equal; equalB. equally; equallyC. equal; equallyD. equally; equal19、 _, I have to put it away and focus my attention o

13、n study this week. A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing20、 Almost nobody could recognize him because he _for over 30 years.A. had been put in prisonB. had gone to prisonC. had been taken in prisonD. had

14、been in prison21、- Id like to invite you to dinner this afternoon, Miss Portia.-_. A. Oh, no. Lets notB. Id rather stay at homeC. Im very sorry, but I have other plansD. Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble22、 _ fuels like coal and oil cause a lot of pollution is certain.A. ThatB. WhatC. WhetherD. If2

15、3、 I insisted on my father his medicine every day, but he refused.A. reminding; takingB. to remind; to takeC. to remind; takingD. reminding; to take24、 Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.A. inviting B. invitedC. being invited D. having invited25、- I hear that you will be o

16、n travel again. -Yeah. My boss _for me to discuss business details with someone from another company.A. askedB. arrangedC. sentD. called26、Attempting to reach home before the storm, _.A. Johns bike broken downB. It happened that Johns bike hit a carC. John fell off his bikeD. a car knocked John off

17、his bike27、It will cost a lot of money, _, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.A. in other wordsB. in caseC. as a resultD. at the same time28、-Are we about to have dinner? -Yes, it in the dining room.A. is servingB. servesC. is being servedD. served29、He never really _from the s

18、hock of his wife dying.A. coveredB. uncoveredC. discoveredD. recovered30、Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she _died.A. eventually B. willinglyC. unexpectedlyD. disappointedly31、In 1938 Pearl Buck became the first American woman _ the Nobel Prize for literature

19、.A. to receiveB. she receiveC. receiveD. received32、Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party.A. get changedB. get changeC. get changingD. get to change33、I would have invited her to the party but I _ her very well.A. hadnt known B. had knownC. didnt knowD. wasnt knowing34、

20、He can speak English, German, French and Japanese. He is really a man with a(n) _ for language.A. giftB. presentC. abilityD. skill35、It is never easy to _ big changes. Those who can do it faster are more likely to succeed.A. lead to B. stick toC. contribute to D. adjust to36、My goodness, how lucky w

21、e are? If there had been places for us on that aeroplane, we _ dead now. A. will beB. would beC. would have been D. had been37、Lilys mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never again .A. to findB. to be foundC. findingD. being found38、Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercises. _, our m

22、inds are developed by learning.A. ProbablyB. LikelyC. SimilarlyD. Generally39、-Is the radio disturbing you? -It certainly is. Id like it _off. A. turningB. turnedC. to turnD. turns40、I prefer skiing to _. But on such a plate river, Id prefer to skate rather than _.A. skate; skiB. skating; skiC. skat

23、e; to skiD. skating; skiing41、-Why not join us?-I can not. I would rather not, Im not well enough. A. At lastB. At onceC. At mostD. At least42、-I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for them. -Well, could they live in such comfort? A. where elseB. what elseC. howD. why43、-I promise t

24、hat she _ get a nice present on her birthday. -Will it be a great surprise to her?A. shouldB. mustC. wouldD. shall44、-Tom, would you like to come to our dinner party?-_.A. Yes, I would B. Yes, with pleasureC. No, I cant comeD. Sure, its my pleasure45、To what extent will future scientific discoveries

25、 _ the prolonging of human life?A. be made possibleB. make possibleC. make it possibleD. be made it possible46、-He doesnt seem like the same person. -_ so much in the society has made him more thoughtful. A. Have experiencedB. Had experienced C. Having experiencedD. He experienced47、The treatment wi

26、ll continue until the patient reaches the point _ he can walk correctly and safely. A. whenB. whereC. whichD. whose48、-Marys score on the test is the highest in her class.-Really? She have studied very hard.A. mayB. ought toC. mustD. should49、The performance was _ a success, but a total failure.A. n

27、othing butB. at allC. no more than D. far from50、-Id like to take a weeks holiday.-_, were too busy.A. Dont worryB. Dont mention itC. Forget itD. Pardon me51、-My cousin failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview.-He might as well_ so now that he wasnt so well prepared.A. not doB. have don

28、eC. not have doneD. hadnt done52、The colour of the insect is different _ on that of the tree it rests in.A. dependedB. dependingC. to dependD. depends53、Mr Green asked the pupils to write on line, but Alice just wrote on lines very carelessly. A. every the second; every fewB. every other; every a fe

29、wC. every second; every fewD. every two; every a few54、-Hi, Jack! Im glad I came across you here.- , Alice?A. Who is that speakingB. How about another cup of teaC. Why? Whats upD. What can I do for you55、Will you see to _ that my children are taken good care of while I am away? A. themB. yourselfC.

30、meD. it56、-We are supposed to set out tomorrow.-Shall we start sometime later this week, ,Friday?A. sayB. suppose C. suggest D. think57、Little Tom admitted_in the examination,_that he wouldnt do that again . A. to cheat ; to promise B. cheating; promised C. having cheated ; promising D. to have chea

31、ted ; promised 58、I _them when the accident happened, but I _how to give first aid. A. could help; knew B. could help; didnt known C. could have helped; had not known D. could have helped; dont know59、Never _ one, _that a car causes so much pollution. A. I would have bought; if I had known B. did I

32、buy; if I knew C. would I have bought; had I known D. will I buy; if I know 60、 _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. WithB. Besides C. As forD. Because of 61、-You should have informed him the matter yesterday. -Yes, I would rather I so. A. to, had done B. with, did

33、 C. for, did D. of, had done62、-Why didnt you put _your own idea then? We wouldnt have fallen into this kind of trouble if you had done that!-You see, Im always _to do that in such a kind of situation, Im a shy man.A. up; ready B. forward; hesitating C. out; wondering D off; worrying63、-You must acc

34、ompany us in going on a camp. -Does it _if I am absent?A. matter B. mind C. care D. important64、Here you are, Tommy. You _ to take it. I was going to send it to you.A. dont need to comeB. didnt need to comeC. neednt have comeD. neednt come65、This method, _in areas near Shanghai, _in a marked rise in

35、 total production.A. trying; resulting B. tried; resulted C. trying; resulted D. tried; resulting66、There comes a time in every mans life_.A. that he needs to think B. when he has to thinkC. therefore he has to work hard D. then he will need it67、I only know it is a distance away from here, but I do

36、nt know the distance exactly is.A. good; whatB. good; how farC. far; whatD. far; how far68、Studies show that the presence of social support helps people defend themselves illness.A. againstB. overC. withD. off69、It was already one in the morning I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open.A. when

37、B. thatC. whichD. since70、For more than 20 years, weve been supporting educational programs that _ from kindergartens to colleges.A. spreadB. moveC. shiftD. range71、Some plants are very _ to light; they prefer the shade.A. sensibleB. sensitiveC. suitableD. acceptable72、Water is actually quite simple

38、, but the way _ the water molecule is formed gives water its unique properties.A. howB. whereC. thatD. when73、These animals are all used to their environment; _, they have learned how to live successfully in their habitat.A. for exampleB. whats moreC. that isD. or rather74、The nutrients in _ falls i

39、nto the ocean will quickly become available to other living creatures.A. whicheverB. hatC. whateverD. wherever75、They ask to be treated equal _ other people in all ways.A. toB. with C. asD. like76、I want to _ voice to what we all feel in wishing the teacher a quick recovery.A. makeB. sendC. giveD. t

40、ake77、The captain called _ his men never to give _ before difficulties in the storm.A. on; inB. for; upC. at; awayD. out; off78、 you be interested, Ill tell you the whole story.A. WouldB. MightC. ShouldD. Could79、Can you me a job when I get there? You know,I have to work in order to pay for my schoo

41、ling.A. provideB. guaranteeC. arrangeD. apply80、Carnival, a festival, is very famous and attracts visitors from all over the world.A. four daysB. four daysC. four-daysD. four-day81、Most of people think that the sunset is a very beautiful .A. sightB. viewC. sceneryD. show82、The famous actor keeps fit

42、 by for half an hour every morning.A. acting outB. working outC. giving outD. bringing out83、The traveller, inexperienced, doesnt know how to plan a trip.A. to beB beingC. isD. as being84、Weve decided to a trip for a new car, as we havent got enough money for both.A. sacrificeB. takeC. replaceD. con

43、tribute85、.I bought this dress for $35;it used to be $38.A. for saleB. on saleC .at saleD .in sale86、All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were .He died soon afterwards.A. in placeB. in returnC. in vainD. in order87、 we bought that car we go camping every weekend.A. Ever sinceB. Even ifC. Even whenD. Ever before88、He asked us to _ them in carrying through the plan.A. provideB. encourageC .assistD. persuade89、Studies show that the things that contribute most to a _ of happiness cannot be bought.A. senseB. thought

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