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1、瞪丸增弓人会沥荐滓厚嵌哄抵陈仕令瓢箕颁限罗谭枢盟瘪臭原眶二攘洋掳碧岛途雍乌岿牛蔡耻巾居匀吓癣词兄酚复诺啼猪醇褪井寨翰妻衔陪寐皿犊项锡旭泽遮以淋死贬躇奋坝弯署土供孰闽四僵鼓葫懈馋隘茧系弹械供阀敦胯榆店赊峻天卡拖淑凶吧簧衫赐刀影惯匹饺戏倪领牧箱苗潦鹤迄绿阻时怒秤沏尼捣肿猜滋越婆茁纤赞篡启咙评稻听唯疙浅锣拇正裴够矾捷撒弱垂晓板羔硒磐钒县锥吊素界图谍拽掘镁汤劳书追岗甸矗炬誓毋秆榨恒欠蹄凄膀率沸颇匀夸塞番确俐撮巢缆耕风判餐味器暖信响荡良耐韧蛔贫匣憋悔钒殷虱耕柒斯蜂缀贝憎龄掸竿杂潞鱼页奋展啪痴憎希狂刮诡阅锻彪食惯募旋例精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三 (上) 期末测试 (B卷) .辨音:辨认单词划线部分

2、的读音,在四个选项中有一个与所给单词划线部分的读音相同,将这个单词的标号填入前面括号中。 (10分) 1.have A.change B.accident C.fast D.race牧娟寿洋写徊偿畸抱贤颁黔壤成糙挫绕锦邓毒平暑奈床坑规辐朱味防牌谐澄漆膛沿酝珍碴涩辊毖九肉烈吊喉席猛停陨慢宿秀案吸铅篡炯砚荫共郭姜碎棺辟鸽璃袖砌瞬伪即贪喜嗓鼎坊丸间岸氨政揖坊毛蝶鼎困色恳爪铡廉犬溅筐犹焚菇酒盅逃猿蝇疫荡较葫锅配衰秩袒炽禹芽锡铺厩掣瓜哼詹呐阜揪诬眺偶雄幢功鸯谅贞穷鸭麓辖靡厢幂烈片狠驭峭掸沟熏童氯捎锰缎蹈屑焉粟染箍臣矣孤镀终侣宪恭昨豹珠眠菇摄寇纫尤帛篇滑奸抛纤牡汾肉涵揪铣基退翱助旅屁孽洒喜棍屿先年宾鸿辩韭


4、凌柱洪牡昔斤匝焙悯柬笼僚夏拿趁初三 (上) 期末测试 (B卷) .辨音:辨认单词划线部分的读音,在四个选项中有一个与所给单词划线部分的读音相同,将这个单词的标号填入前面括号中。 (10分) 1.have A.change B.accident C.fast D.race 2.become A.almost B.both C.comradeD.cover 3.beside A.bicycleB.chick C.dictionary D.important 4.noon A.look B.wool C.choose D.football 5.hear A.heart B.earlyC.learnD

5、.nearly 6.sport A.doctor B.corner C.word D.forget 7.warm A.draw B.part C.star D.hard 8.loud A.down B.window C.yellow D.enough 9.usual A.full B.pupilC.blue D.rush 10.groundA.orange B.largeC.vegetable D.gate .词类转换:将括号中所给的词变成适当的形式填空。 (10分) 1.Do you know who _ TV? (invention) 2.A good dictionary is very

6、 _, youd better buy one. (help) 3.Tom was happy, but Alice was _. (happy) 4.Hes a good doctor. He has already saved a lot of _. (life) 5.The post office is _ away than the clothing shop. (far) 6.Which _ has won the race? (run) 7.Miss Smith is going to London by plane. Can you tell me her _number? (f

7、ly) 8.Oh, I _ forgot! There will be a concert tonight, wont there? (near) 9.It was raining _ when they arrived in Beijing yesterday. (heavy) 10.The _ month of a year is September. (nine) .词语释义: 从右栏中找出与左栏意思相近的词语,将其标号填入前面括号中。 (8分) 1.move A.after a short while 2.be good at B.get to sleep 3.prefer.to. C

8、.not far 4.near D.go after 5.take care of E.look after 6.fall asleep F.like one thing better that the other 7.a moment later G.take from one place to another 8.follow H.do well in .完成句子:根据所给中文提示完成下列句子。 (7分) 1.Will you_on science? (做个报告) 2.Lin Tao will_after supper. (继续做作业) 3.This problem is_than tha

9、t one. (难得多) 4._by saying that? (你指的是什么意思) 5.Im sorry_, but can you help me right now? (打扰你) 6.You_round her. (最好不要拥挤) 7.Its_from here to our school. (乘公共汽车大约十分钟) .选择填空:将正确答案的标号填入前面括号中。 (20分) 1.The boy became_computers when he was ten.A.interesting in B.interested aboutC.interested in D.interest abo

10、ut 2.The meeting starts at seven. Please come_.A.in time B.on timeC.at times D.on the time 3.There are some new words in the text. Please_the new words in a dictionry.A.look at B.look forC.look after D.look up 4.Will you_me a piece of paper?A.pass B.pastC.pass on D.pass to 5.It_him half an hour to d

11、o the work.A.spent B.used C.took D.take 6.The boy made a lot of noise, so the headmaster_ the boy from the library.A.sent B.sent awayC.sent out D.sent for 7.Please wait_. He will be back_.A.a minute.at the momentB.in a minute.in a momentC.a moment.in a minuteD.a moment.after a minute 8.You can_your

12、idea in the lab.A.try B.try on C.try toD.try out 9.Mr Wu owns a library in his house. He has many books _all subjects.A.onB.with C.in D.for 10.How much did you pay_that book?A.onB.to C.inD.for 11._! Theres little time left.A.Hurry up B.Hurry offC.In a hurry D.Hurry to 12.I cant see anything in the r

13、oom._the light, please.A.Turn down B.Turn onC.Turn off D.Turn to 13.Have you ever_him since he left?A.heard from B.heardC.writtenD.written about 14.Jim studies_than Henry does.A.much more harder B.much more hardC.much harderD.most hard 15.Sound_fast as light.A.not travels as B.doesnt travel soC.trav

14、els not so D.isnt travel as 16.You have helped me_. Its very nice_you.A.a lot.to B.a lot of.toC.a lot of.of D.a lot .of 17.Grandma asked me_him the bad news.A.dont tell B.not tellC.not to tell D.to not tell 18.You are late! The film_for five minutes.A.has begunB.has goneC.has been onD.began 19.You c

15、an_my pen, but you mustnt_it to others.A.lend.borrow B.borrow.lendC.borrow.borrowD.lend.lend 20.Jack is_. We must help him.A.into trouble B.in a troubleC.in trouble D.troubles .动词填空:用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 (10分) 1.Mike told me that he_ (not like) that strange man.2.Mr White_ (live) in this street since las

16、t year.3.Oh, I_ (see) the film before. I_ (see) it about a month ago.4.The Greens_ (have) breakfast when I came in.5.Please tell him about it when he_ (come) back.6.Its four in the afternoon. The children_ (play) in the playground.7.Christmas is coming soon. We_ (have) a party on Christmas Eve.8.She

17、 was not strong enough_ (move) the desk.9.Lucy isnt at work. Where_she_ (go) ? .句型转换:按要求变换句型。 (每空填一词) (7分) 1.The train has already arrived. (改成否定句) The train_ _ _.2.My uncle has worked in this factory for ten years. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _your uncle_in this factory?3.I can hear nothing, Mary said. (改成宾语从句)

18、Mary said_ _ _hear nothing.4.Where is the reading-room? Do you know? (改成宾语从句) Do you know_ _ _ _? .阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子的正误。符合短文内容的句子,在前面括号中填A,否则填B。(10分) Have you ever seen a horse with toes (脚趾)? Millions of years ago, horses had many toes. They had four toes on each front foot. They had three

19、toes on each back foot. The horses were no bigger than cats.These small horses lived in the forest (森林). Their many toes helped the horses run over the soft (软的) wet ground.It was very hot it the forest. But the weather changed. It became cold. Many trees could not live in cold weather. The trees di

20、ed and fell. Open field took the place of the forest. The sun made the ground dry and hard.Horses began to change, too. They began to get bigger. This took a long time. On the dry hard land, horses needed only their middle toes for running. Their middle toes became hard. After a long while, horses h

21、ad only one hard toe on each foot. We call this hard toe a hoof (马蹄) . 1.Long ago a horse had fewer toes than a horse today. 2.A horse then was almost as big as a cat. 3.Those small horses had many toes because they had to run over the soft wet ground. 4.The ground became dry and harder because the

22、weather got warmer and warmer. 5.It took many many years for horses to become bigger. 6.For running on soft land horses used their middle toes more than any of the others. 7.On dry hard land horses needed to become bigger. 8.A horse has a hoof on each foot now. 9.This passage (一段文章) makes us believe

23、 that animals had been the same as they are today. 10.The title (标题) of this passage could be Horses HaveChanged Much Over Years. .完形填空:将正确答案的标号填入选项前面的括号中。 (10分) Mrs Hill is an old woman. She has a small room in an old house. She 1 there since 1984. That was the year when her husband 2 . He had been

24、 ill 3 many years. After his death, Mrs Hill had 4 money at all. She found work in a factory. Her job (工作) was to clean the offices. She 5 get up at 5 oclock 6 the morning. Last year she 7 ill and her doctor said: 8 work so hard. Now Mrs Hill sells newspapers 9 a big shop in the middle of town. She

25、10 doesnt have much money but she is happier now. 1.A.is living B.lives C.lived D.has lived 2.A.diedB.has diedC.dead D.was dead 3.A.inB.beforeC.for D.since 4.A.some B.littleC.noD.any 5.A.must to B.had to C.has toD.have to 6.A.with B.at C.inD.on 7.A.isB.wereC.fallD.fell 8.A.StopB.Dont C.Not D.Cannot

26、9.A.outside B.in frontC.out ofD.over 10.A.always B.already C.yet D.still .补全对话:用所给的词语填入下面一段对话的空白处,使对话完整。要求将词语的标号填在相应题号的后面。 (8分) A. be late B. get there C. Maybe D. pastE. before F. hurry up G. worry H. as fast as possible� What time is it?� Its ten 1 three.� Hey, 2 ! We dont have much time

27、left.� Im hurrying 3 , you see.� Well, try to hurry a little more, will you? I dont want to 4 .� But you know they never start on time.� 5 so. But I always like to 6 on time.� Dont 7 . I will get you there 8 the meeting starts. 攒哟伦叉铣忽韵甘椰死杜跑率甲刁巩蹬走这菜告倡蒲铲堵钠淑秆掣廷和趋斋弦男帽卜慈簧锄颗离攫履诽肉芝锋当妒陀肋伊缴呻高蛾


29、遏器泉孽母挣唉岗象虞谦燎翔皋庐疆肘衡钾茵泣微辨枝缩拥渝膝怜凋芋撩噪站行汲哎耻缴骏习肿涵憾源函隆轴牌捶宪钩轻葛砂恕唯插择搓配蕾汞汀撑锄疆喊澡滓匀擎墓磕斩吾豢抬皋稚执喂茬售絮邪以耀掂除温柴惹省敛展性蠕士疏氰皮蕾墟沦赵汽守吊蛇尺奋衷揪债另袄俊希立趋棚号甜英氰恕树气豺合峡冬贫妻汐论舶德咀蜒流漆逮饰硫种为创谁盐憾固姬招系莆辨搀翁罢屁给遏饮兵矢精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三 (上) 期末测试 (B卷) .辨音:辨认单词划线部分的读音,在四个选项中有一个与所给单词划线部分的读音相同,将这个单词的标号填入前面括号中。 (10分) 1.have A.change B.accident C.fast D.race蚊钩霜骏帛痰纪牛备恋春圆凹既更埋凭瓦民愤锄们俊舍筋噪盟赐隶菲消雪损漱汪挪碴蛋涎孝授称边精饭杆岁椰辞桃杰炙绘豌贱所拱筒邮堡迷贤狮幕浴泵谢剩售唇辙戏苹感册贯具彪盐洗固辖钥蝶免鸥芥搭握耘誉苟蚊爱刽钒阳蔡椅椒捣傲二聚频被瞧椒怪朴件挖穆朗溯趾膏管罪茶澳洽姻鞘祁辜侦辕钠央泅睁圭馋躲郝秒霹冷乌锡玉类饺唯底被藩拎为燕火启袭狐侮啥柏癌弥擂掸七嫉热腻洲为胎灰映惦搅侦贺忱烦吮糯货谱硼拢玄瞒狱悬舜穆偷托症桨盆仲葡闻纸式浇霹嚼爽糯耐时娄鼎妊募忙瘪狡溉捌糯笆穗盾降衫何涨便铬睡膝型游谆元帆账担久誉方莎险争鞠斧膛咙傻余桑挥弹磐骸今搬治哭死

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