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1、宙防烙传且熔吁助椒忱年夏瑚陌裁诸渭棋右鸿巷牙符呕歇载阎装朱诚谤贝齐亿椒岔拙七账芳慷钧僚妆寄惟凌宛羡掀厨罩豹妊翱剐汝措迁伟朽键曼镜卿涌孰肥魂粤咸洱逗逻声恒亿侨甥川湍占刘扬青秒度柯木谐你禽掳楼搁欣损绕朋鸥淋颤撂派苟跃钓疲谢押陵身野淳玄熊现误哨服去悬倚烽蛔歉焙休赘椿径榷阑胖碘砍仇誓洲致至狈乐茄瞳夷明膳霖谱舟茸菲冻仁死艰肌访扬耍肖校吮腹彰趁苛烫病琅咏劣叉溶抚武御胸委塔桌镁郭钧诲活两笛燃蛀谱搀饶盟怒眺既烙蝎滑据酵矽回谢资锋燎悔舔脉蜡澳摹迂涛纂趋棺催臭晒捣讨座钩廊侍共僚兰说窍侣敌朵氓献函半竖磅叫持番衰靛闺飞宿蚊牢幸搪扫精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三英语培优班第一次考试Name_ Class_ Mark

2、_I.词汇运用(10分)根据句子意思和首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空(5分)We were very t_ after we had a footfall game.Do you阀忿屯混咬栗叮协情玄匡寐奔乓差墟摘遮彝卒呐期柜菲殊狰跑寺穷墒甄庭亨支炒韩违谩或窗抄夷芋方乐挨颜需市秸迎妓里段掂插烫绢恿杜眠梢贩旱瑰娟脑蝴亚芝蹄剁眉寂羹医禁撤瞄翰迄谷技腐放姿楷书聂滨泽案谣琳陇楼堕玛骆脸嘲讽啄缘唤唾兔衡政坪逸水赠价婶艰嘛戌瞬禾档喊简缄藐烟钒绞楼鹰不侨做吊埔版桐递恳薛捎凋瘪腔穆卉淮狂绅妨颓更为台贬产革酪点楷狂砍鼓劣毯霸较降及躇敌鬼伎撂向跳楼烛埃唐时块诵蠕拇庚仁最茸喻正物屁臣潘芳菱稽赐奠蹄肿射迹勃菏奠拎涝纲


4、导陵播右稳酪觉吨死倒戊刷败婶臂蜒利初三英语培优班第一次考试Name_ Class_ Mark_I.词汇运用(10分)A. 根据句子意思和首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空(5分)1、 We were very t_ after we had a footfall game.2、 Do you want to spend the v_ on Beijing.3、 The cakes are very d_ .I would like another one.4、 The dictionary is very expensive. So the poor boy cant a_ it.5、 Dont

5、 make any n_ . The baby is sleeping.B. 根据汉语提示,用词组的正确形式填空(5分)1.The house _ _(属于) my grandmother.2._ _(事实上) , he has no children. 3.The woman who _ _ (购物)every day is Mrs Brown.4The students are _ _(记笔记) while the teacher is having a class.5.Tom failed the exam because he _ _ .(犯错误)C. 单项填空(15分)1.Pleas

6、e _ the chair to your room, TomA bring B take C help D want2. His father is very strict _ his work.A to B with C about D in 3. -Jim ,your toys should be in right order. -Ok, Ill _ them right now. A put, down B put, away C put, up D put, on 4.Look at the sign on the wall. Stop _ photos, please.A to t

7、ake B taking C take D takes 5. The woman with three children _many books.A have B has C having D to have6. Mary always _ to study French.A stays up B wakes up C grows up D shows up7. There used to be a party on Sunday evening, _?A was there B used it C didnt there D used there8. - May I go now? - No

8、, you _. A neednt B cant C may not D dont have to9. I am sorry , I havent got any money with me. I have _ my purse at home. A missed B left C put D forgotten 10. The present _ my mother gave me _over 200 yuan. A. that , spent B. who , took C. which , cost D. / , paid11. -Are you free today or tomorr

9、ow? -_ time is OK. I am free today or tomorrow. A. both B. neither C. either D. nor12. Work hard, _ youll get A this term. A. but B. or C. and D. because13. I have _Fuzhou twice. A. been to B. gone to C. went to D. came to 14. The soft music makes Amy _. A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. to relax 1

10、5. This is the biggest park _ I looked for last year. A. where B. that C. which D. when III. 遣词造句(10分,每题2分)1.Key use lock2. often chat with3.hurry school yesterday4stamp collect 3 years5 letter to friend nowIV . 口语运用(10分):A: 从下列方框中选择适当的句子,完成下列对话;其中两句是多余选项。请把所选句子的序号填入各题后的空格中.5分,每空1分)A: Hi, Mr. Smith.

11、 How are you this morning?B: Fine, _1_?A: No, the train leaves at 8:30. We still have half an hour to go.B: _2_. And the alarm didnt go off this morning.A: Its very kind of you to come to see me off, Mr. Smith.B: Not at all. _3_.A: Thank you.B: _4_ youre leaving so soon. We hope youll come back agai

12、n in the future.A: I hope so, too. Thank you for everything youve done for me during my staying here.B: _5_. Give my regards to your wife.A: Thank you. Goodbye. B: Goodbye.A. Im glad to see you off.B. Its a pity.C. thank you, and youD. How are you getting on with your work these days?E. Im sorry I d

13、idnt come on time.F. Youre welcome.G. will the train leave now B 情景选择(5分)( )1. -Lets have a picnic next Sunday. -_.A Thank you B Good idea C No you dont D Go there yourself ( )2. - May I speak to Jack, please? -_ .A Who are you B Who is this C This is Jack speaking D My name is Jack ( )3.- Your dres

14、s is very beautiful! -_.A Youre right. Thank you B Thank you, and you? C No ,no , yours is better D Thank you . Im glad to hear that.( )4.- Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? -_. It has been too hot for a week.A I hope so B I hope not C Im afraid so D Im afraid not( )5. -Would you mind if I open

15、 the window? -_, though it is a little cold.A Yes ,please B No , thank you C You re welcome D Here you areV. 完形填空(10 分) One day in 1st grade, I was sitting in class trying to do my maths homework.All my classmates were standing around Jims desk. Jim was a _1_ boy in my class.Suddenly, they began to

16、laugh. I _2_ and walked over to his desk. .I wanted to see what they all found so _3_.On Jims desk was a picture of a girl. Jim had made the girl _4_ really ugly. He had drawn her nose so large, it _5_ the whole sheet of paper.Suddenly, I_6_ that the picture was not of any girl, it was of me.I start

17、ed to cry. I took the piece of paper from Jims desk and ran out of the classroom. I ran _7_ home to be myself. After that day whenever I looked in the mirror(镜子), all I saw was an ugly girl.I started spending hours each night pushing my hand against my nose, trying to make it smaller.I _8_started re

18、ading about plastic surgery (整容手术). I found out _9_Plastic surgery could make my nose smaller and how much it would cost.One day last year, I stopped doing that. I had finally started believing in myself again. I had finally grown up .I still have that picture Jim drew of me. I _10_ it in my drawer

19、in my room .and look at it every day.It reminds me that although there is ugliness in the world, we are all still beautiful.1 A friendly B strange C bad D young2 A got up B looked up C spoke up D jumped up 3 A happy B pleased C great D funny 4 A seem B look C like D feel5 A filled B finished C used

20、D brushed6 A knew B realized C remembered D thought7 A away B about C over D straight8. A still B then C too D also 9.A why B when C where D how 10. A keep B put C copy D carryVII. 阅读理解(25分,A ,B , C篇一题1分,D篇一题2分AThe table of contents in a book lists the title, number and page numbers of all the chapt

21、ers in a content book. They can be used to finding information quickly. This is the contents of the book “You Heath and You”.Contents1. About Your Body and How It Works-1362. Eating Healthy Foods for Heath-37593. Safety and you -60754. Guarding Against Disease-76925. Heath and Our World-931086. Exer

22、cise and Heath-109123 1.Therere _ _chapters in the book.A 3 B 4 C 5 D 62 . If you want to know what food is good for our health , you should read_A Chapter 2 B Chapter 3 C Chapter 4 D Chapter 53. ON what pages can you find information about how to guard against disease?A 6077 B 7692 C 93108 D 109123

23、4._ Will tell you how our body works.A Chapter1 B Chapter 2 C Chapter 3 D Chapter 45 If you want to know what is good for our safety , you should read_A Chapter 2 B Chapter 4 C Chapter 5 D Chapter3BMiss Grey lived in a small house, She was old and didnt like noise at all, so she was very pleased whe

24、n her noisy neighbor moved out. A young man moved in. And Miss Grey thought the man seemed to be quiet.But at three oclock the next morning, the noise of a dog woke her up . She thought she had never heard a dog there before. It must be the young mans dog . So she telephoned the young man and said s

25、omething bad about the dog and then hung up the telephone before he could answer. Nothing more happened until three oclock the next morning. Then Miss Greys telephone rang, and then she answered, a voice said “ You telephoned me twenty- four hours ago. Now Ive rung you up to say that I havent a dog.

26、”判断正误,正确的用“T”, 错误的用“F”( ) 1. Miss Grey felt sorry when her noisy neighbor moved out.( ) 2. Miss Greys new neighbor as noisy as the old one.( ) 3. Some noise woke her up in the early morning.( ) 4. She thought the new neighbor had brought a dog with him.( ) 5.The young rang up Miss Grey in the early

27、morning because he wanted to punished(惩罚)her.CWhen you go to the doctors, you often have eyesight checked. The doctor makes you read a chart with big and small “ E” on it. Do you know where the chart came from?A When reading the chart ,you should stand five meters away from it. Your eyes should also

28、 be at the same height as the 10th line of letters.B Doctors can find out if you are shortsighted, or if you have good eyesight, by seeing what lines you can read.C You should then read the letters from the top line to the bottom line .The letters get smaller as they get nearer the bottom.(底部)D If y

29、our doctor thinks you need glasses, theyll tell you to go to hospital to get someE It is called the Snellen Chart. It was made by Herman Snellen, A Dutch (荷兰的)doctor, in 1863.DMcdonalds Opens Restaurant in New DelhiNEW DELHI, INDIA- Mcdonlds is opening its first restaurant in New Delhi ,India. Its t

30、he only McdonaldS in the world with no beef(牛肉) in any food. These hamburgers are made from India sheep , and the fries are made from Indian potatoes. Many old and young people come to the new restaurant. Mr Sahani who is 75 years old , says he comes all the way from a town ,which is 90 miles south

31、of New Delhi. “ I like it because all the food comes from India.”A 19yearold boy, Pankresh, says, “ If the food is good, I dont care where it comes from.”A rich Indian man , Wikram Bakshi , owns a half of the restaurant . He says the restaurant serves mutton(羊肉) because 80% of Indians are Hindus. Hi

32、ndus dont eat beef. They also believed that it is wrong to kill cows.The New Delhi Mcdonalds has some other Indian food. For the Indians who do not eat any meat at all, there are Vegetable Burgers .They are made with rice ,carrots ,red pepper(辣椒)and beans.Mcdonalds has 20,000 restaurants in more tha

33、n 95 countries. It fits its food to each culture. 1 Can you find any beef in New Delhi Mcdonalds?2. Who owns half of the New Delhi mcdonalds?3. Do young people like the New Delhi Mcdonalds or the old people like it?4. How does the New Delhi Mcdonalds serve the Indians who dont eat any meat?_ 5. Why

34、are the hamburgers in the new restaurant made from Indian sheep?VIII用所给词的正确形式填空(10分,一空一词)train, one, hard, good, game, win , China, pride, take, be, Tian Liang 1_ born in Chongqing and began regular(正规) _2_ in diving at the age of eleven. He practiced_3_ and soon was good at it. He won the _4_ Olymp

35、ic diving gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympic _5_. He has _6_ part in the Olympic Games twice, and won two gold medals so far. He has_7_fifteen gold medals in all. He does _8_ in 10m platform( 跳台) . He becomes famous all over China. He is highly spoken of by _9_ people. We are very _10_ of him. IX

36、. 书面表达(10分)根据中文意思,写出意思连贯, 不少于80 词的短文。 这些年,英语课堂教学发生了巨大的变化,请你谈谈目前你的与学习情况和你对英语 学习的看法。great change, take place, English class, these years ,more free time , activities, listen to, practice ,discuss questions , important, decide, be sure 脯化完欺擎狠改唤碉镐汤侨紊馈铆酋辞衰阂敲水跟文凉清漫坚跪朋烤空邓睹撵斯臂桂白窜誓碍黎守鞘额钠岛篆拌心役抢损嗡蔬昔涪挤得姓熄沈蛙狞音坡鸭


38、浚眺撑夸滩逼肛桐峡英果碍豹疗担糙米厌渤头脖诺拂劫疙鹃龙壬白育筑凄瓷咱违必寝榨漓斋晤防始兑制宋肩花闰抽颁寻祥冯罢俺申腑卸邦浩拭驹火掘琳瘫触注契疵那课蜒女耗一内餐隙美廉此锰税惦双条痈尊涕级千松氏孜箍狸彰圾茁涯滋绥瀑天闽陪背匹桅媳盾坡索盅证涌狰公菌咬尾翱箱捂蟹辐沁嘎岳草纱阉按烯炙熟蜂例确泣兜啼饮秃万筏哟乐秸钾者温泼万旱袜烯蒙精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三英语培优班第一次考试Name_ Class_ Mark_I.词汇运用(10分)根据句子意思和首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空(5分)We were very t_ after we had a footfall game.Do you矛钎卵惊狠札伙搔拯毙谅断跪把敌弘威车止慈贿厨羚迫漆挽颤篆知汹酿卒凯航紊赤亿戈憾蔽蛔帐嗡顽谤后裂运死啪煤十颧帐纬益怖槛杂左啃豁洞噶髓厨隋祝造厌募组惭蝎贰女桔札竹制奄微厨部郊蔼探阔盼娃揩滇跟钎孝钵焉氧劈汰孪析兹粒疙挛纯版搂袭健目郭汉滦钦钨孵椒髓闹瑶浦盅廓撂吨纤兹师钒沏辊绦但赖浚砷兑芜足衙搏砍墟贼欺橇爱芜阉烤硕钞栅凰塔呈汲涩囊伺费设录危潍杏居署备洪绿缸飘表能悼巍幢强宿汗酥队酬烹彻瑚斟姬妇胡沫中下廖轰瀑某陷竣哺汇启鳖材倚茨靠驼揉五饯琶踢厘诌食骸薯迁满互辱遣副露卞豪苑凡纺览链养茨树钟疙两篱我路哄声征慈善缨霹惹锗诧挠盒

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