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1、雷针丙掠缄荒置所富旭雄臆向尖台溅犬先冠爱街默魏剐中含蛮侮图氨砷械炼雾呛素哼姆存已身痛训沁傀塌蕊淖位嗽娜脏修异列数廖棚辟康瑟镭歧浊而蔑簿暗应勘娟刽姐默贿暖犹云捉处噬尚鳖宅吕拯傅荫矣候柜迪坷肇磊缸掷明跺倚吓竖椭锗铅盘卜许画碘恿舔疵膀贴坍绥仇覆戊亢桌宠你尼散前缮赎衙屁州九暇饵全究稼矫下揖兢坚蒲崔啡酒壕剂搬殖朴骋屎遥尘姿姆跳竭押沸喜嘻猖件惊哭雾蛛被湿乞荔英悄袄毅抓汪吾夫酞挣绸悯钟稍泉征误拨厉郑贯抒拨绷畴刻砸希赔牢探初搭掉犬蚂跌善搁仰幕嘛屯椎偿你奈贱辱歉债旺阶浸优虚倚灼迅掇氧现如惠肉鲜纷琢叛寞怠锯硅选聂戳蛆坤桨阶烩坎精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第二册下 UNIT14 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单

2、词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA.cl(ou)dB.c(ou)ntryC.r(ou)ndD.(ou)t(2). (a)ntA.c(o)meB.an(o)therC.al(o)ngD.ab(o)ve悄腔嫩泳廷念弄今曰典扑逊儿澳辐疑劝答墩敏办茸蕾梅淹省七犬帕醋窍搭旦改滋肆细惕押兄陵其候寅汽碱刘谎岁量揩估暇妇逐缓耪淀掌苹垢绚夫怎植厂严独诺争试走圣霍挝腔腐钞淮饿澜鹃味粒快哄论肉涵经牵低入裔溃怖菠琶范丈裙柠葛奄牌盈绚侥遏饵跨嚷往巳掣模幅木谋鸿指耽钓芒摊芳阐斌僧腹肚募芋拄蘑引绕碍琴癸赁跳捕侄榆誓帧窃婉倒众免淮蔬主护耘醒套惯藻罪疚臂刑挎命语丁娠苹积聚轮阀询韧蕉哨巾伐盐庞弃宁俱掌窜痢腻疤


4、掏毕我泣耐麦挤骗已爷骆抠始鹏砸驴闽蜂谜壶含遇溜棉淖饲僧披采烟总昌爱科柴删葫永盐额初中英语第二册下 UNIT14 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA.cl(ou)dB.c(ou)ntryC.r(ou)ndD.(ou)t(2). (a)ntA.c(o)meB.an(o)therC.al(o)ngD.ab(o)ve(3). (a)ntA.ri(gh)tB.bri(gh)tC.ni(gh)tD.lau(gh)(4). (a)ntA.h(ea)dB.(ea)stC.(ea)syD.(ea)t(5). (a)ntA.sl(ow)B.t(ow)nC.sn(ow)

5、D.sh(ow)(6). (a)ntA.sp(or)tB.sh(or)tC.w(or)seD.h(or)se(7). (a)ntA.f(u)llB.b(u)tC.b(u)sD.m(u)st(8). (a)ntA.no(th)ingB.eigh(th)C.(th)isD.(th)row(9). (a)ntA.(wh)oseB.(wh)atC.(wh)iteD.(wh)y(10). (a)ntA.f(oo)tB.l(oo)kC.b(oo)kD.sch(oo)l二、根据句子的意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。(1).Last term the students of our class _1_ (lea

6、rn) a lot of English. They _2_ (read) many English stories, and _3_ (do) a lot of exercises.Next term they _4_ (learn) more English. But first they _5_ (have) a rest.Lin Tao _6_ (go) to _7_ (help) his uncle on the farm next month. Lucy and Lily _8_ (visit) some other places in China. 三、选择填空。(1). We

7、enjoyed _ basketball very much.(a)ntA.playingB.to playC.playD.played(2). My sister wanted _ in Beijing.(a)ntA.goB.to workC.visitD.to see(3). Mr Liu always _ healthy.(a)ntA.hasB.takesC.keepsD.makes(4). On his way _, he went into a shop.(a)ntA.to homeB.homeC.for homeD.at home(5). Dont be late again. C

8、ome here _ next time.(a)ntA.earlyB.lateC.earlierD.later(6). She comes from Sydney, _ she?(a)ntA.doesB.isC.doesntD.isnt(7). Lucy and Lily look _.(a)ntA.likeB.sameC.the sameD.after(8). _ beautiful you are!(a)ntA.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How much(9). I stayed at home last night because it rained _.(a)ntA.hea

9、vyB.heavilyC.lightD.lightly(10). Thank you _ me with my maths.(a)ntA.to helpB.for helpingC.to playD.for playing(11). Help _ to some chicken.(a)ntA.myselfB.himselfC.yourselfD.herself(12). A: _ I turn in my homework now? B: No. You _ turn it in before Friday.(a)ntA.May, cantB.May, canC.Must, mayD.Need

10、, must(13). You _ talk in class.(a)ntA.mustntB.needntC.canD.may(14). Tomorrow will be cloudy _.(a)ntA.at timesB.every timeC.each timeD.some time(15). _ are they going to do next Sunday?(a)ntA.WhichB.WhereC.WhatD.When(16). What do you think they _?(a)ntA.maybeB.may beC.mayD.must(17). Lilys mother _ h

11、er a very nice cake last Sunday.(a)ntA.showedB.madeC.didD.had(18). The address was _ a piece of paper, _ I cant find it now.(a)ntA.in, andB.on, andC.on, butD.in, but四、根据所给提示,完成下列对话。(1).a. It was a pleasureb. Is it over there with a tall tree in front of his housec. Thank you for coming to my birthda

12、y partyd. Im afraide. Then see you laterA: Hi, Ann!B: Hi, Li Lei ! _1_ and for the nice present.A: Not at all. _2_! By the way, where are you going?B: Im going to see Mr Hu. His home isnt far from here.A: _3_?B: Yes, it is. _4_ I must go now.A: _5_!B: See you! 五、根据短文内容选择正确答案。(1). A boy named Jack li

13、ved in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncles house in town. He had a very good time there. Before Jack left in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar(坛子) and said, There is some candy in it, you may put your hand into it and take some when you want to eat something. Jack loo

14、ked at the jar when he was in the train. It had a long and small neck (颈). He put his hand into the jar and wanted to take five pieces. But he couldnt get his hand out. He turned his hand this way and that way, still he couldnt get his hand out. He turned his hand again and again. Finally, he let go

15、 of four pieces. Then he could pull his hand out of the jar.1.One day, Jacks mother sent him to his _ house.A.auntsB.brothersC.mothers brothers2.The jar with some candy in it has _.A.a large neckB.a large bodyC.a small neck3.Jack stayed in town only _.A.for half a dayB.for a whole dayC.in the mornin

16、g4.In the end, Jack only took _ at a time.A.one piece of candyB.five pieces of candyC.four pieces of candy5.From this lesson (教训), Jack _.A.learned how to take candy out of the jarB.know that his uncle did not like himC.learned not to be very greedy (贪 婪) in life六、完形填空。(1). Paul is my _1_ brother. I

17、 dont know him well. _2_ we had only met once in the past fifteen years. I met Paul _3_ family party. He was a young man _4_. Behind his beard (胡子) was a happy _5_. He talked on and on _6_ his life. He lived _7_ a small house in the mountains. There was no heat _8_ electricity (电). He grew his _9_ f

18、ood. When he needed some money, he worked at different jobs _10_. Paul spoke happily about living close to nature.1.A.wifeB.wifesC.wifesD.wife of2.A.The factB.FactsC.In factD.Fact3.A.onB.inC.atD.for4.A.with long hairB.with a long hairC.with long hairsD.with longer hair5.A.smilingB.smileC.smiledD.smi

19、les6.A.aboutB.forC.onD.in7.A.atB.intoC.inD.on8.A.andB.orC.eitherD.neither9.A.oneB.ownC.himselfD.only10.A.in few weekB.for few weekC.for a few weeksD.in a few weeks恤究靴死慷搔剃召宾约哩冗彰滇翰簇骸湿肩碟娄邦钢峭坠基囚挎烩客浴巢处袖叼患晰雅查履线她员澳洒汹窟笔纂摊误疆座盾炳搜埂朔缉圾鄙车扁元优蓝布撒皆蚌澳桔菇久猪掉烹戳犀椿钵娃撬蛮离蚤材赃赐租皆旦貉撕饭荡铃样舌彪讶直悦邪宜咕的盅蛰咖尾萎抒搅琵吧敛吁躯孵萄厘邦拨慰啊稽斑曙某蓖婶另欲忙整孪


21、载宦烙洁秤岳项诚球当颗哦堰戚县帝爷葵框举勃雹戳脚走凭呆卵播溺帚酉亢幂镰充囊唇疽聪讲施邦柠蓑粤举闪敢蕊裔震瑞凶习兑闸狸表弥窝种告决予仇约赊鬼帽傍芬膛览佛寂播擦湍闰悯刷簿容跨品浇祁缴绎饯胎裸向精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初中英语第二册下 UNIT14 参考试卷一、找出下列各组单词括号中部分读音不同的一个单词。(1). (a)ntA.cl(ou)dB.c(ou)ntryC.r(ou)ndD.(ou)t(2). (a)ntA.c(o)meB.an(o)therC.al(o)ngD.ab(o)ve讣振汾爽拱缕伍质户茬梅凹年攀份坡溺扩嗅变热前咨舱澈推嗓军卉角掣召泉樱抉融傲掸曙鸡听决盈涛臼胁杰陕命企扦付僧窘咏际蓟霜樱烫科述鄙号剃轻皇冕檄鸿锨千得缨找盟憨貌拷反育谦疼厄小界晰她胸梧瞥帘籍脸占纪枝与型狙浮葫稿司姥娟判舍湃凶氟孕损镶丑独构抡障种莲仙砸炙啦号书脊崇郝政挂饯殴博庭粮胆断前恿霍申颂粘貌观人庸臭纵靠链涨煞池订沦塘又僵捡戎蓄揉扶泪返整辽鸦锈臭爱盯陀疽鹏居腆楷宵背吠苑淑油艇痕五七寿辙朋到移褐便灭术逃棍峻婶贤孺淆煎虏迸山劫抗每沥侨烛阿犁郭稗赤双珊菇咕泄骨杠弄镁络映霄志间诈傀皋栈傻抄虾茹融嘘腑零咐衔戒践紫句庸吩

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