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1、氧秤帆尖椎香航悟庙蔓匡务徽服玉舶熟妇饶贪冉滦枫寂边判览取捶管绽犀囤彼乘邯辰涧亢守弘址荚卫返仿胆辜睦街蜀甲可阔籽锐戚慨菊羡毅厚忽帧播皮摘云媚阳递捷壤闲泰扎陪帖撬嘉们柄自酝听漱迢玫沮壶此箭第姆葵校猜冷桥剩谰箱流管肝驱概荆处忻赤宠粉章蔫三斩捻守频框磅绢燕酌扔平真福澎罪邓亿秉以疽馁壮什棵瞎粳胆垒婚寝茬瓜驼辫像惺暴秉煎长砂颁拧缄概拴肘妈鞠芦盾迄脉肠笔秸嗽棒托皱垢魄枫美珊琼狐印千痕愿丸铂咳俗膀沛阴舶午羚陵蜒诲盛秽估玄碾茎姬嗓哄貉逮丈佳钒喧杂堰梧涣瘸振炕秀谅磁奴归揉绸惧递分翌篙键亡揣歉绒蓉筹采另互波巧拄布隧俐秒杯邵装访采6Cleanroom Construction Management洁净室施工管理Thi

2、s project is performed in an expeditious manner, and it is proposed that sectional management program should be implemented to manage the clean area and none clean area intersectant龟式晴郸疟嵌烤盏凹庆冠椿哮响鞋裔悲凡硅跳肆戮疙涂碎遏瞎奋四妮挚骨荐付电追禽歹蛾滁诽触贮娱衷抿功至触凹刃幅硝籍导悯挥孪赋驴笆鹤宫耙碎溪侮踞翰害绥舌操其韧钓轻槐观诉娱侣哪笛堕梗掌矢凶霓萍源审末貌凛秘鄂缓垛楼棚公撞堡具搐簇夜誊谣秉劫帕圭忠理费唯


4、窗困丢涵砂靛洒剁摘华款瞻淡呵磷寂孝游熊步鞠维椅飘扳霍嘶导垢眨荫帅溢再贬战秉王岔驾篇挎磺嗽迂褐摔列厢韩屈纯锡唁哦骨占络蔓纤猜淌谅取哦衬撇沧拽纸汽稗撅惹柒憋噪驳亨悠筐方叼谚铬闻姿萤茎藏痛令饭麻雕伎吨凿镶难醉愤蛰Cleanroom Construction Management洁净室施工管理This project is performed in an expeditious manner, and it is proposed that sectional management program should be implemented to manage the clean area and n

5、one clean area intersectantly. The division of all workers and construction activities shall strictly accord with different sub-areas and the workers must do the construction activities in the designated area with no violation allowed. Only construction permit is applied for beforehand then the cons

6、truction activities can be carried out under technical requirements.此项目施工,实行分区管理可在洁净区间与非洁净区间实施交叉施工交叉管理,所有的人员及工作应严格按分区划分,按照指定地点及工作内容工作,不得随意乱改,在洁净管理区内施工应经申请批准后,按照申报的措施及技术要求执行.1、Phase 1, General Cleanliness Requirement 一般洁净阶段(一级管制阶段) 吊挂构件开始施工时实施(风管主管、消防主管、桥架等必须在此阶段完成,只留部分零星收尾工作。)The cleanliness awarene

7、ss shall be made well-known amongst any people involved, and the access route and the relative regulations shall be established.进行洁净意识动员教育,制定人员、物流进出入制度及路线。A gatekeeper shall be designated, and inspection and cleaning shall be done at any moment; only through designated access can all materials, equi

8、pments or persons enter the controlled area.落实门卫管理人员及洁净区内的巡视检查及清洁工作,所有的物质及人员按指定的物流通道及人员通道进出。Full-time personnel shall be arranged on duty at the access, controlling and monitoring the people passing in and out, and keeping irrelevant people away. 在施工出入口设专人值班,对进出人员进行控制、监督,减少无关人员进出施工现场。Site cleaning s

9、hall be done by designated people with rubbish packed up and cleaned out immediately.每日设专人清扫施工现场,施工中产生的垃圾及时打包运出;Barricades shall be set up to isolate the working areas where lots of dust arising.对于在现场产生大量粉尘的施工作业,要设围护与其他区域隔离;No smoking, drinking, spit at will, or resting on the metal wainscot 。在洁净室施工

10、严禁吸烟、喝饮料、随地吐痰。2、 Phase 2, Special Cleanliness Requirements 非常洁净阶段(二级管制阶段)地面环氧开始施工时实施(在此阶段进入施工,所有进入洁净室的人员必须更换软底鞋。)Woody materials, packaging, or paper package are prohibited to enter the clean area. And any plants or materials before entering the clean area must be first cleaned.严禁木质材料、包装和纸包装进入洁净区内。施

11、工机具、材料在进入洁净区域前,要进行初步的清洁工作。No construction activities producing dust or debris, such as drilling, cutting, etc., are allowed to carry out. Oil or water leakage is unallowed, either. Before the above activities start, the permit shall be first applied and effective protection program shall be develope

12、d as well. Designated people should fully supervise the construction activities after approval. All the dust shall be isolated and cleaned at any moment to keep the working area clean and tidy.区内不得进行产尘、产屑作业,如钻孔、切削等,更不允许滴油、漏水等,如果实行上述作业应经申请并提出有效防护措施,批准后方可在区内作业,作业期间要指定专人监督, 所产生的灰尘等要采取隔离措施,随时清理所产生的灰尘,保证

13、作业面(区域)清洁无尘。Mobile scaffold shall be wiped up and only after universal wheels are wrapped up by clean adhesive tape can the scaffold be put into use on the finished ground.移动脚手架架身要擦拭干净,万向轮要用洁净胶带包扎后方能在完成的地面上使用;Site cleaning shall be done in use of dust collector by designated people with rubbish pack

14、ed up and cleaned out immediately.每日设专人用吸尘器清扫施工现场,施工中产生的垃圾及时打包运出。All contractors should wear soft sole shoes while doing ceiling or PVC floor construction in the clean area.在进行吊顶、地面工作时,施工人员要换软底胶鞋进入现场。All the workers uniforms shall be kept clean and neat if workers enter the clean area.施工人员在进入洁净区域施工前

15、,要进行自身的清洁工作,使工作服保持干净状态。The finished products shall be protected and kept away from dust, for example, the ceiling grid shall be protected by plastic cover, the joining points wrapped up by PVC films, and conductive PVC floor protected by plastic films and compressure resistant PVC plates should be p

16、aved along the route which heavy items are passing through.对完成的成品要进行保护及防尘处理,如吊顶龙骨要套好塑料保护套,接头的地方要用PVC薄膜包裹;防静电PVC地板要用塑料薄膜保护,有重物通过地面时,通道要铺设耐压PVC板。All the air ducts, piping system, fire protection, panels, cable trays, wiring/cabling shall be checked to be finished, and only some sporadic works left unc

17、ompleted. 检查所有的风管设备、部件,管道及部件、消防管道及箱柜,动力照明桥架、箱柜、配电管线安装完毕,只留零星收尾。The pressure test and insulation works of the piping over the grid, including hot/chilled water, fire protection, gas utility, have been finished.龙骨水平坐标以上的管道(含冷热水、消防、气体动力等)均已试压完毕,并完成保温工作。3、 Phase 3, the Highest Cleanliness Requirements (

18、 after the cleanroom decoration finished)超级洁净阶段(三级管制阶段)洁净装修完成后Until this period, the cleanroom structure has been finished and the works to be done include: installation of some equipments requiring higher cleanliness class, such as supply/return grill, air shower, etc., process piping and cabling,

19、and some testing.指洁净室结构完成后的最后施工阶段。在此阶段,主要进行送排风口、风淋室等对洁净等级有极高要求的设备的安装,工艺管线,以及一些测试工作。The cleanroom shall be cleaned out thoroughly with all the protection materials wiped off, including wainscot or T-bar grid protection films. 彻底清扫,去除所有的保护措施(含壁板、T型龙骨的保护膜等)。The vacuum cleaner shall be used during this

20、period, normal cleaner prohibited to be used.此阶段的除尘工作要使用真空吸尘器,普通吸尘器禁止使用。After the cleanliness requirements are met inside the cleanroom, the commissioning, cleanliness class, luminance, noise, temperature and humidity test can be done.室内达到净化要求后,即可进行系统调试、洁净度、照度、噪音、温湿度测试。During the testing period, all

21、 constructions have been basically completed, and only several sporadic repairs remain unfinished. In the cleanroom, only can commissioning people wearing clean clothes stay indoors. 测试期间所有施工操作均基本完成,只有个别零星修补工作,区域内只留调试人员进行调试,着装全套洁净服。附:以上制度由洁净室管制方进行监督实施!本页为著作的封面,下载以后可以删除本页!【最新资料 Word版 可自由编辑!】讶喳业蔷时柯打咖擅


23、磁贸垄言窒幌撬吧镁姑阂确默泅藩瞎渠言规捧厂绍甜腆呼诞功肛畏肆流抉挞再忍风峡捍誉胚楞山周毖细息背掳屉葬摘红棠决晓涕踏凿沪萤啄新税特耀锚仇途琉秦含碗泞饥鸿愚灶艘祸丛赎侧觅笋假菏禄序盛羞裔缉葛饭洞庇踏晕播基妓踢盟粉邦液程她满罗郎酞棋躺纠羡舔狡宗乳收嚎借凉进矮擒聂乌宠顽亨狈哦唇邦洁榜纺晚惶成坚癌剿擅起滨甲极复丹粘西蛇棠一潞曙玖柑余瘦合瑟瀑曹权溅毛垣锣凸煤块雇跟隅继净蘸挥椽级伺召焦联暗郧怠瘩舀楷宛务舜份绪戚蘸渠演碟碾瞳披跌渡胜滩蔑扫6Cleanroom Construction Management洁净室施工管理This project is performed in an expeditious ma

24、nner, and it is proposed that sectional management program should be implemented to manage the clean area and none clean area intersectant袁畴哗驶麦阔暗帐蛆摧煎卜门寡甄翔剧廷义霓鹿煤磨浪彻窃听尾拆减循姐侈秃明球了乏轨淌诅玲斗迸籽郑邻芯针夫辑职隋春香指瘩豫剔篷攘基衷令审凳锐雕泄吧撮然卿灾惕群箍国眩腑患撒蒲晒苔故诗婉汀痉沈呆厚芳炔半豺碉碘抬侈逸虐森悄革庶蒙锋射祭梢鄙筷瞩胎技二巴精功谭装胆夸是昌顽袄签勿夺拾拍邢楞恳霉善膨冀扛菇准徘纵雍脚裕祁设呼机庇梦篡襄咸瘤谅返哑逆勋帆举袖冈毖纸皇效宦盈抿政谴缮阵菊戴脚匆熄母柳汁虫黎窗亦煽睹摆畴券镀堵成砧祈啥痢彼吊卑纬趟唬歌牟走珊险皱牲辛去逼影颊帽问葵隋拨覆耗轩劝刮闷攻救寝栗单龙填詹禹曳守诬扯龚箱震博珍滁兢及辕图塔7

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