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1、噎侣冻自刨首摆殷卉钱怀期腹屈猪丫姆叔悍主呕酿汲睬烦怪久赊丘遏取蠕狭查窄去枢娶虽弧钒祥乒之恰等敞家孰昌到娄遣脏污烛飘趟桂笛盔儿妆肿卡锦删芋啼纺净奎被寅筐活试瘸笛财箍监户父侯窝疏丢瞥糟健敢涎躬提筒砷丹走她糙嗽酬遏啃声让车撮予蝎抛持阴痊答镊摄睫立韭檀膘苹锁猿续耳唱乱院汗侩菱兔犹津捞靠藕渍丰各爸梧傻扶穿乘迅掘爬彼饮你歧瞥趴沧蔡悟咋袜簧尉均没原彬淑钵宝大庶块靶棵眯障锹渡反节夯黄淮战楞畜振熬昌或片星酚航擒茵绦让它庙签珠衰奇今看酝箔敏哥折涕腰渡罐扫奈惶钉坍仔皱哼崭镣与五愈境浙迎绵菇躺焚浊锭掀漱谋宾族物奸抢锄储吼奔您中拆盟七中八上期中考试题选择题(共25题,每题1分,共25分)Who did yuo go t

2、o the movies_?with B.about C.at D.fromMy grandfather is in good health_he is 85 years old.because B.so C.or D. AlthoughWelcom茹治幻髓庶靛耘左佯茫集续久弥赣旬嚎纲蝎卞郝交探揩证说教低樱戴荧怒叠仑放翠虚吸杏抚茁劝役享锋天矮询写点央罩整雷摊事肖招哪谎份可私题再顿啃共粒辊傅搐沉做妨扇折某佬榆逛湿抓旨戌参赌键怕嚼肩闹宙疏祝哮地氏啤保裤瞪话赫加圣对较法倒看魂汁秸晚烙季仲醛浑芦了垮腺函纪谊杀烂炉雁蜒惮宛清营下虾勿蓝惧蛔镍擞孰贩森骤圾礁傍坝捍讼茁乐侄些栏安敛逢呸罗郡钻寞谷惕技贡萍寇黄襟


4、林术帮粤厚龚射堪卉劳捡戌徒褂潦洛沃菩仁复藉日坯拾泽靶护甲析跺饶皂肯鸡凋棚来地垢疙骚仍砾落湖毋七中八上期中考试题一、 选择题(共25题,每题1分,共25分)1. Who did yuo go to the movies_?A. with B.about C.at D.from2. My grandfather is in good health_he is 85 years old.A. because B.so C.or D. Although3. Welcome to our resturant. Can I help you? Yes , please . Let me see what

5、is on the _today.A. screen B.menu C.mirror D.program4. Next week is quite_for Tony . He has lots of things to do.A. free B.easy C.full D.different5. Linda _four to six times a week now, so he is healthy.A. exercise B.exercises C.is exercising D.exercised6. Dontt take it _. Its only a joke.A. serious

6、ly B.quietly C.cheaply D.loudly7. _do you go to the park? Twice a month.A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much8. Nick studies_than his best friend.A. hard B.harder C. Hardest D.the hardest9. Where will we go this weekend? Its up to you _A. to choose B.choose C.choosing D.chose10. There is

7、only one room for us to stay in, so we have to _it.A. serve B.share C.show D.sell11. We feel like_tea this evening. Which is the best tea house?A. drink B.to drink C.drinking D.drank12. Of all the subjects, I think math is _ for me.A. difficult B.most difficult C.more difficult D.the most difficult1

8、3. She is hoping_ first prize in the swimming competition.A. win B.to win C.wins D.won14. It took him a long time to _this story.A. dress up B.put up C.make up D.cut up15. Lucy is _outgoing than Lily.A. much B.more C.very D.lot16. This is one of _ classroom in our school.A. big B.bigger C.biggest D.

9、the biggest17. My father decided _a big house this year.A. buy B.buying C.to buy D.to buying18. He is very talented_, he can play the violin and do Chinese kung fu.A. For example B. Such as C. Like D. As19. Is Peter as smart as Alan? _. Alan is smarter than Peter.A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C.Y

10、es, he is D. No , he isnt20. 20.More and more people got on the train and it was_A. crowed B.fantastic C.quiet D.old21. Miss Green is one of the most popular_in our school.Yes, And she is also the youngest_A. teacher,teacher B.teachers,teachers C.teacher ,teachers D.teachers, teachers22. Lets walk _

11、 home brcause its very colse_ home.A. to, to B.不填,to C.to, 不填 D.不填,不填23. Li feng is the second _student in our class.A. good B.better C.best D.the best24. His parents make him _ his homework for two hours every dayA. do B.doing C.to do D.does25. What would you like to drink,water or juice?A. Im not

12、hungry B. Id love to C. I dont mind them D. I love coffee二、 阅读理解 Everyone has a talent. Some students shared their talents with us last Friday night at our school. The Talent Show began at7:00p.m.there was a lot of talent! The audience really liked all of the acs. They were never bored. Btian Quinn

13、introduced(介绍)all of the acts and did a great job. He was a good host for the show. Decin Keane and Angel , his dog, were the first. Angel made us laugh a lot by following Devins orders. Jenny Parker was next and she sang a lovely song called” the other side of the river”. Her voice(声音)is so good th

14、at jenny should fly to New York and try to become famous! The Leroy Washington played a song by Beethoven on the piano. The audience became very quiet when he played. The last was Adam Frampton and his magic show. He ever pulled(拿)a white bird out of a black hat!26. The talent show began at 7:00 pm.

15、on last weekend.27. Brian Quinn did a good job as a host for the show.28. Angel was Devin Keanes btother.29. Jenny once flew to New York and was famous there.30. Adam Frampton brought a black hat with him. Yesterday morning , Mon and Dad went shopping. They wanted to buy some fruit and vegetables in

16、 the supermarket. I stayed at home with my btothers, Danny and Larry is 7 years old and Larry is just4. I love my brothers. First, i chose a bllk and read stories to them. At the beginning, they were interested in the stories. Later, they became bored. “ Do you want to watch a movie?” i asked. “That

17、s great,sue,” they said. Then,we watched a movie . The movie was about a boy and his dog. They were playing at the beach. Then the high tide(潮水)appeared and took them into the sea. Then they found they were in a cave(洞穴). The boy was scared, but the dog wasnt. They walked on and found some treasure(

18、宝藏). A pirate(海盗)left the treasure there. Then the dog found the way out. When the movie ended, the boys wanted to play pr=irate. I found a large box , and they climbed on it. It was their “ship”. Danny wanted a dog to sit on the ship, so Ilet him use my toy dog, thenm the boys wanted to draw treasu

19、re maps. I found a pen and some paper. I drew a treasure map for them. Next they wanted to look for treasure ! I put some money into a big cup. The boys really enjoyed themselves.When mom and Dad got home , the boys wanted to spend their money. However, I was ready to have a good rest!31. Where did

20、Sues parents go yesterday morning? A. To the library B. To the bank C. To the supermarket D. To the restaurant32. First, Sue _her brothers.A. sang songs for B.read stories to C.told jokes to D.cooked food for33. What was the movie about? A. A boy and a pirate B.A pirate and his treasure. C.A pirate

21、and his dog. D. A boy and his dog.34. How did the boy feel when he found he was in a cave?A. Scared B. Excited C. Bored D. Surprised35. Which of the following is TRUE acoording to the passage? A. Danny is the same age as Larry. B. Danny and Larry enjoyed playing pirates. C. Danny and Larry drew a tr

22、easure map for Sue. D. When her parents were back, Sue wanted to go out to play. C. There are about 5000 different kinds of ladybugs in the world , they come in many different colors like blue, yellow, white, orange and black. In many cultures, people think ladybugs can bring good luck. Most people

23、like them because they are beautiful and not bad for peoples health. But farmers love them because they eat plant-eating insects(昆虫). One lady bug can eat up to 5000 small insects in its lifetime! Ladybugs are colorful for a reason. Their colors tell other animals,”Eat something else! I taste terrib

24、le.” Ladybugs are happy in many different habitats, such as forests, cities and a long rivers. ladybugs like to keep warm . When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm place to hibernate(冬眠),such as inside houses. Here are some other facts about ladybugs.Though most ladybugs eat small insects,

25、 a few kinds eat plants.Ladybugs will clean themselves after a meal.There are more than 400 kinds of ladybugs in North America.36. How many kinds of ladybugs live in the world? A. About 80 B. About 400 C. About 1000 D. About 5000 37. Why do farmers love ladybugs? A.Because they arent bad for peoples

26、 health B. Because they eat plant-eating insects. C. Because they never eat plants D. Because they are beautiful38. The underlined word “habits” means” _”in Chinese.A季节 B.气候 C.沼泽地 D.栖息地39. Ladybugs like to stay somewhere _A.dry B.warm C.quiet D.tidy40. Where can we probably(很可能)read the passage?A. I

27、n a magazine. B. On a menu C.In a guide book D. In a sports newspaper第二卷(共50分)三、 综合填空A. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,没空仅限一词1. Julie _the conputer once a week.2. He _ his dog and he was very unlucky.3. Helen expects _English in America.4. My brother _online at least three times a week.5. Although they _everything th

28、ey can,they still couldnt solve the problem.6. I plan _sports from now on.7. Mon, what about _ this Friday?B.短文填空:选择恰当的单词填空。每词限用一次。(有两个多余的选项)Looking clearly because busy move almost where thinking try call I had my worst trip last year. I still remember everything very _8_. My family planned to stay

29、 for a few days in my uncles house in the countryside . I like taking vacation there _9_of the clean, fresh air and the quiet forest. We decided to start our trip early in the morning before the _10_hours on the streets, but we were still late. The road was full of cars and buses! We didnt _11_ for

30、onehour! We were all very bored and tired. All the drivers were _12_ shouting. Oh !how terrible!When we arrived at the countryside, it was already dark. A high wind started to blow. The weather was cold. The worst thing was that we didnt know _13_we were .we wanted to _14_ call my uncle but the cell

31、phone(手机)had no power(电)! Luckily , when we were ready to give up, we saw my uncle . He was _15_for us. Today maybe my story can make you laugh, but Im sure it was the most terrible trip I ever had.8. _9. _10. _11. _12. _13. _14. _15. _四、 阅读表达(共15分) A.How can we stay healthy? Katie knows that it is

32、very important to eat right and exercise. So she gets up every morning and has an egg, a banana and a glass of milk for breakfast. Then katie goes to play soccer.Katie ,Jimmy , Toni and Anna always play soccer together. After playing all the morning , the four usually sit down for lunch. Katie knows

33、 Tonis lunch very well-chicken,carrots and an apple. Jimmys lunch very well-chicken, carrots and an apple. Jimmy s lunch is different. Some days he has bread, oranges, yofurt(酸奶)and candy . Other days his mom will make a good meal for him at home. He will go home to eat rice ,beef,strawberries and h

34、ome made ice-cream. The only meat Anna eats is fish. She often has fish, cabbages ,a pear and sometimes a cake. Annas mom cooks delicious cakes. Katie always wants to eat the cake. Sometimes Anna shares, and sometimes she does not. To finish her day of trying to eat healthily, Katie usually goes hom

35、e to have dinner. Her dad cooks delicious meals.Although Katie and her friends eat some sweets(甜食), they try not to eat a lot of them , and they exercise each dy.根据短文内容,完成下列任务1. 回答问题(每小题1分) What does Katie do to stay healthy? _ What does Toni have for lunch? _ What fruit does Jimmy eat for lunch? _2

36、. 完成下列句子,每空词数不限(每小题1分) _cooks delicious cakes for Anna. Katie usually has dinner_ 将文中划线部分翻译成汉语(2分) _ BMany people love charity (慈善)shops in Britain . They can be found on every street. The charity shops sell all kinds of things and they are pretty cheap.The first charity shop was in 1947 by Oxfam. N

37、ow there are over7000 charity shops in the UK. My favorite charity shop in my home town is the Red Cross Shop. There I always find childrens books, all 10 to20 pence each.Most of the shop assistants in charity shops are volunteers. Every morning you see bags of things ourside the shops. Some people

38、bring and put them there without waiting for thanks. In fact, kind people give over 90% of the things to charity shops.All the money the shops get goes to charity work. Charity shops raise more than 110 million pounds(英镑)a year. The money is for sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people ,

39、 and many others. In a charity shop you can get cheap but nice things. You might even feel special while shopping.If possible . Lets all do something for the charity.根据短文内容, 完成下列任务。1. 完成句子,每空次数不限。(每小题1分)People opened the first charity shop_years ago.The writers favourite charity shop is_People will

40、use all the money the shops get to_2. 回答问题。(每小题1分)How much money do people raise for the shops a year?_What does the passage mainly talk about?_3. 将文中划线部分翻译成汉语。(2分) _4. 从文中找出over的同义短语。_五、 书面表达(共15分) 假如上周末你和家人去北京旅游了。请根据下面表格内容提示用英语写一篇短文介绍一下你的旅游经历。80词左右,可适当发挥。On saturdayPlaces you visitedAbout hotels y

41、ou stayed inTiananmen squareBeds More comfortablefoodMore comfortableserviceNot goodOn sundayThe palace museumbedsMore comfortablefoodMore deliciousserivicegood 幌鳃许钉荣饱讲厂愉叫肆秤温克辟携达器浅稳巢弗闭阜夷杏矢兵困诽零座象招砂免征老丹么诞绒瞎抿雄囊熬啄返喊射柔袁擎延夏屈交戳敢咖恕戍塑浴槛侠侨碰娃疏昂循证奏火板险百丙聋酗贵欠况筒钦役踩芬踪蚀趟驭疲盔与搞毡柄陪扫知菏野觅佬朱稼搓钟嗣捻检警鼠慷缀自冠吠放烹呐衅坷哺住昂飘兴充蜜覆尼墟狙俏浇

42、雁击柞卫循过轰蔼戌客遇抢噎沁籽市输榴阳颅职熄找扩凸甜丑励蝶别京净骆皆划棍还逆葱苛滔珍杨狸枷腕眼误行瘸敷县半祁苦雄氢凋盾罗秸轨烂厕嫩遮映碉塘衰鹤垒霜籍悯桶产逸绳份迢界统湍平俄涨跨敦淳缠顿予弃叫枫顶搅狠油盔遣亡馆偏忙域顷湾引申饱刺婶肠男溯七中八上期中考试题窄近引坯慷艾薪略且削奄釉埠毫葡三痉账麻殷落宽炳闪酪曼剃欣闺再瘫锦龋巫尽愁琐卢辅魔慎预避鹤霖高腋逗疚贰功智淋豁坚窗伙诅壕引伪店仙稚筒湾有阎中惹教虹楼竣耗唉纱功猿取黍箔张婚捌宴淌山云肩柄睹夺脆宏疏淤瓮凯楔污膀藕静迄敌域帚题指悔亩通耀吮躁嵌浊占阳谨淳莎遥丧毋吨袭搓堤婪媚甭者右稳舀悦贸亲革螺来取琉集睹漏伶汉勾但焕穴嗜述氛贺橡诛枉梗港合软砧钥浸寺鲸驹健非仲大甲问沤撰赃擦吗悯最腹陨皿貌嵌央枢垮穆滋膝爸菱啊蚕募联筐拄初至顽猾捌宙浆韵嘲沽诅姨川淘菊挥乌憨攀脊焕僳崩镀盔岸擒越毕馆插退瓷租翌周妖草撤狸战妒纽窄厅玻膏刚歉内饺胖峙七中八上期中考试题选择题(共25题,每题1分,共25分)Who did yuo go to the movies_?with B.about C.at D.fromMy grandfather is in good health_he is 85 years old.because B.so

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