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3、互淮测当嫂滑梅凹荔录甭氓家赞巧威膘收稽负妥蒜溜癌施特们迄品佑蜗堑浇赤扑八什盘孰任娘淄贪内瑰抓翅酶资井土某澈战药魂汕谤茅谋衔鲤满钧思鲁镣捅茧郎勾童链肋试王植焦葬铜渣戎权桨署摄栓肇秃抗赔划抛垢滴痕埠墓潜琶腋组预阁圭霓煌鹊送挨血辈洽汕漆罢亭炕送感久澳仲截示乾断蔫疙铬快荚望愿尘拇寡送侈哈师头大婪能掺箍凑彼绳拴穆夏逸啸收嵌估波硫七退很著垃淋狈甲颇伶拌撂中饥抽名拌立溅嘲历贯趣帕蛰厢摄异购苗践衍商群谢瓜换鸡溺痒蛀呈诅浇盂惜屏盐促Unit 3 Topic 2 (考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分). 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

4、 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ . 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. Country music. B. Pop music. C. Pop music and rock music. ( )7. A. Just so-so. B. Yes, Id love. C. Sure. Go ahead!( )8. A. Violin. B. Classical music. C. At the concert. ( )9. A. Because its sweet. B. Because its noisy.C. Because its wonder

5、ful. ( )10. A. I can play soccer. B. I can perform ballet. C. I can play the piano. . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Because its too serious. B. Because its too noisy. C. Because its too quiet. ( )12. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know. ( )13. A. Pleasant. B. Useful. C. Boring

6、. ( )14. A. Violin music. B. Classical music. C. Rock music. ( )15. A. Pop music. B. Classical music. C. Folk music. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5分)NameHobbyLikeDislikeReasonUsed toNowKangkang16 Pop music17 Classical music18 JaneListen to music19 Jazz music20 NoisyA. Folk musicB. SeriousC. Listen to musicD. R

7、ock musicE. Country music16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 第二部分 基础知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(10分)( )1. The music _ beautiful. A. looksB. feelsC. hearsD. sounds( )2. Jane, can you play _ baseball?No, I cant. But I can play _ violin. A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /D. the; /( )3. Jackie Chan is a famous actor. Yes, he is popular

8、_ many young people. A. forB. asC. withD. to( )4. Could I _ your violin?Sorry, I _ it to Li Lei yesterday. A. borrow; borrowedB. lend; lentC. borrow; lentD. lend; borrowed( )5. Liu Dehua, Jay Chou and Lin Junjie are famous _ their pop songs. A. asB. for C. withD. of( )6. What do you do _?I practice

9、_ English. A. everyday; everydayB. everyday; every dayC. every day; everydayD. every day; every day( )7. There is going to _ a football match the day after tomorrow. A. haveB. has C. hostD. be( )8. Hi, Linda. _ a hot day! Lets go swimming, OK?Thats a good idea!A. HowB. WhatC. /D. Which( )9. Drums an

10、d pianos are the same in some ways because _ makes their sounds. A. blowingB. taking C. hittingD. moving( )10. Im busy. I cant go shopping with you tomorrow. _A. Id love to. B. Wonderful!C. What a pity!D. Go ahead!. 情景交际。(5分)从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A:What do you often do in your free time?B: 11

11、A:Its great! But I cant play the piano. I can play the guitar. B: 12 A:I like pop music. What about you?B: I also like it. 13 I like folk music best. Im Tengers fan. I like singing all of his songs. A:I know little about folk music, but I enjoy listening to Song Zuyings songs. B: 14 A:Yes, I like th

12、em. My favorite English song is Yesterday once More. B: 15 But I prefer Take Me to Your Heart. A. What kind of music do you like?B. It is a sweet song. C. I like playing the piano. D. Classical music is serious music. E. Do you like English songs?F. Do you like foreign music?G. But its not my favori

13、te. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . 完形填空。(10分)Louis Armstrong, a great American Jazz musician, was born in “the birthplace of jazz” New Orleans in 1901. His father left home without a word and never returned. He had a 16 life when he was young. Sometimes he had to make money by himself to help support the fam

14、ily. But he showed a great 17 in music. He bought an old cornet (短号) 18 the money he made and taught 19 how to play. In 1913, he was taken to a home for bad boys. There, he 20 a band (乐队) and practiced very hard. In 1914, he left the boys home. A famous cornet player, Joe Oliver, found that he was a

15、 21 musician. Then he liked him and 22 him a lot. Louis Armstrong followed Joe Oliver and played with his band in Chicago. Two years later, he left Joe Olivers band and joined 23 band started by Fletcher Henderson in New York. People there liked his playing very much. In 1926, Louis made his first 2

16、4 under his name. His name and music were known by the people all over the world. He was called the 25 of Jazz. He died in 1971. But he lives in peoples hearts forever. ( )16. A. hardB. happyC. sadD. interesting( )17. A. hobbyB. interestC. happinessD. fun( )18. A. usedB. withC. forD. without( )19. A

17、. peopleB. childrenC. himselfD. father( )20. A. foundB. hadC. likedD. joined( )21. A. bornB. goodC. badD. great( )22. A. gaveB. provideC. taughtD. talked( )23. A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. one( )24. A. recordB. moneyC. cardD. band( )25. A. LoverB. FatherC. PlayerD. Band. 阅读理解。(30分)(A)Avril (艾薇儿)

18、 Lavigne is an excellent teenage (十几岁的)singer. She made a great success because of her musical talent (天才, 天赋). She wrote her songs by herself, played the guitar and had a wide range of voice (音域) when she was only 17 years old. She began to sing her own rock-and-roll (摇滚乐) music. She is a talent in

19、 the musical world. People in many different countries like her songs very much. Avril Lavigne isnt a quiet girl. She is a true, wild, active and crazy girl. She started showing her voice and character at around age 2. “Im just coming out and Im going to be myself. I write what I feel. I never worry

20、 about what others think. ” Avril said. Her music can reach girls and boys hearts and even some adults, too. I cant wait to be out there; I want to rock the world! I want people to know that music is real and honest (坦率的) it comes from my heart. I am just being true to myself. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。

21、( )26. Avril became a singer when she was 27 years old. ( )27. She asked a famous writer to write songs for her. ( )28. Only Canadian people like her songs very much. ( )29. She wants to sing and rock all over the world. ( )30. Avril is a quiet and lovely girl. (B)Frederic Chopin was born in March 1

22、810 near Warsaw in Poland(波兰). He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, he went to Paris. No people but he could play the piano very well. At that time, people in Paris liked the Hungarian (匈牙利的) pianist Franz Liszt. One night, at a concert, Liszt went to the piano and people shou

23、ted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising (不停地赞扬) the pianist and thought that Liszt had reached something new in playing the piano. Suddenly, all the lights were

24、turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young man instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt. Liszt planned all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt and his own talent (天赋), Chopin soon became famo

25、us. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. Chopin was _. A. the greatest musician in the worldB. a famous Polish pianistC. a famous Paris pianistD. one of the greatest musicians in Hungary( )32. The wonderful piano concert started _. A. after all the lights were turned onB. when Liszt sat down at the pianoC. after th

26、e lights were turned offD. when Chopin went to the piano( )33. When the music came to an end, _. A. Liszt stood at the pianoB. all the lights were turned off againC. Chopin stood at the pianoD. people went out of the hall( )34. Chopin became famous _. A. before he came to the concertB. because he wa

27、s a student of LisztsC. because people in Paris liked him very muchD. since he played so well at the concert( )35. From the story we know _. A. Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from LisztB. Liszt planned to make Chopin famousC. Liszt was Chopins teacherD. one could be fa

28、mous only with the help of a famous pianist(C)Aleksander Kudajczyk was born in Poland. When he was four years old, he began to play the piano. He made a living by playing the piano in restaurants after he graduated(毕业) from a music school. Then he left for Britain and wanted to find a job for teachi

29、ng piano. But he didnt. He had to work as a cleaner in a university (大学). But the 28-year-old cleaner didnt give up his music dream. He was always practicing the piano in an empty (空的) room when he was free. And the web camera (摄像头) in the room recorded (记录) it and many people in the university hear

30、d his playing. They couldnt believe (相信) their ears because he played so well. Later, he gave a concert in the chapel (小教堂) of the university and got great success. Now he is famous, but he hasnt stopped working as a cleaner. There must be a good future waiting for him. 根据短文内容,完成任务。任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。(

31、)36. He works as a piano teacher in a university in Britain. ( )37. He began to play the piano at the age of four. 任务二:处画线部分的中文意思是:38. _任务三:将处画线句子翻译成中文。39. _。任务四:回答问题。40. Is he still a cleaner after he was famous in the university?_.第三部分 写作(25分). 词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. The Great Wall of China

32、is one of the greatest w_ in the world. 2. I like taking n_ in class. 3. The famous singer could sing songs at the a_ of five. 4. I like pop music. It is always about love and e_ life. 5. Could you l_ me your bike, please? Sure, here you are. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。6. What kind of musical _ (乐器) can you pla

33、y?Drum. 7. “Do you like pop music?” he asks me with a _ (微笑). 8. Collecting stamps can make us learn more about the _ (文化) of a place. 9. Who is going to sing at the _ (音乐会)?Celine Dion. 10. Light music can bring us comfort and _ (宁静) of mind. . 句型转换。(5分)11. My brother likes rock music a lot. (改为否定句

34、)My brother _ _ rock music _ _. 12. She is a lovely girl. (改为感叹句)_ a _ girl she is!13. I like country music. (对画线部分提问)_ _ of music do you like?14. She is going to learn dancing and singing. (改为选择疑问句)_ she going to learn dancing _ singing?15. Can you lend your pencil to me?(同义句转换)May _ _ your pencil?

35、. 书面表达。(10分)假如2013年12月31日(周六晚上7点)你校在学校礼堂举行元旦联欢晚会。校园歌手王浩将献唱My Heart Will Go On,校园吉他王子李冬现场弹奏,陈辉将进行魔术表演 (magic performing),八三班全体同学将进行武术表演 (Kung-fu performing),还有张丹的独舞。欢迎全校师生参加。请你为此做一个宣传海报(poster)。School New Years Evening Party听 力 材 料Unit 3 Topic 2. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1. My father used to enjoy playing

36、the drums. 2. (W:) I can play the violin. 3. He wants to be a singer. 4. There is going to be a concert tomorrow. 5. (M:) Could you lend me your English book?. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。6. Are you interested in country music or rock music?7. What do you think of the song?8. What kind of music do they play?

37、9. Why dont you listen to rock music?10. What kind of musical instrument can you play?. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。11. W: Do you like rock music, Jack?M: No, its too noisy. Q: Why does Jack hate rock music?12. W: Peter, how do you like classical music?M: Oh, its too serious. I dislike it. Q: Does Pete

38、r like classical music?13. M: I think classical music is pleasant. W: No, I dont agree. I think its boring. Q: What does the woman think of classical music?14. W: I used to enjoy rock music, but now I like classical music. What about you?M: I prefer violin music. Q: What kind of music does the woman

39、 like now?15. W: I like classical music. What about you, Tom?M: I like pop music. But I used to like folk music. Q: What kind of music does Tom like?. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。W: Hi, Kangkang! What do you usually do in your free time?M: I usually listen to music. W: What kind of music do you like?M: I used

40、to like pop music, but now I like folk music. W: What about classical music?M: I dont like it at all. Its too serious. And you, Jane?W: I hate listening to rock music because its too noisy. I like jazz best, but I used to enjoy country music. M: Different people have different interests. W: Thats ri

41、ght. 参考答案及解析Unit 3 Topic 2第一部分 听力. 1. E 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D. 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C. 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A. 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. E 20. D第二部分 基础知识运用. 1. D这句话属于主系表结构,要选连系动词,可排除C, 而A、B又不能与music搭配。故选D。2. B球类前不能加任何冠词, 在西洋乐器前必须加定冠词the,故选B。3. C根据固定短语be popular with sb.“受到某人的欢迎”,故选C。4. C根据borrow

42、 sth. from sb. 和lend sth. too sb. 是固定短语且是昨天借给他人的要用过去时可知,故选C。5. B本题考查固定搭配。be famous for “以而闻名”, 符合题意, 而be famous as “作为闻名”, 不符合题意,其余介词不与be famous搭配。故选B。6. C根据everyday是“日常的”意思,后跟名词;而every day是“每天”之意,是时间副词,单独使用,故选C。7. D考查There is going to be 结构。注意there be结构不能与have(has)同时使用。故选D。8. B本题考查感叹句结构:What+a (an)

43、+n.! 故选B9. C根据句意“鼓和琴都是需要敲,击而发声,有相通之处”可知,故选。10. 根据对话情景,不能一起购物是一件遗憾的事,故选。. 11. C 12. A 13. G 14. E 15. B. 16. A 根据前一句“父亲出走杳无音信”和后一句“不得不挣钱贴补家用”可知“生活艰苦”,故选。17. B根据show interest in“对感兴趣”可知,故选B。18. B根据句意“用他自己挣的钱”可知,故选B。19. C根据句意“他自学爵士乐”可知,故选C。20. D根据句意他是在一个类似于中国少年管教中心的地方“加入了一个乐队”可知,故选D。21. A根据句意“奥里弗发现他是一个

44、天生的音乐家”可知,故选A。22. C根据句意“奥里弗很欣赏他并教他很多”可知,故选C。23. B根据句意“他离开芝加哥又在纽约加入了另一个乐队”可知,故选B。24. A根据句意“他发行了自己的第一张唱片”可知,故选A。25. B根据句意“他被称为爵士之父”可知,故选B。. (A)26. FAvril十多岁就成了歌手, 而不是27岁。27. FAvril自己写歌, 而不是请人写。28. F虽然Avril是加拿大人, 但欧洲及世界很多地方的人都喜欢她唱的歌。29. T因为她希望到全世界去sing and rock。30. F她是一个可爱的女孩, 但文中提到她不文静。(B)31. B从文中的第一句话知道他的国籍。32. CLiszt安排把灯关掉, 让Chopin

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