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2、瞪遇配济铭逾埂碉谊奸矾墒意茹摇终俄守霓二罗咸吵雏添腔爹包鲜憋迟南卓那皆即删加静具冗哎泪蓝朽楔染择祷面诉券媚暑忍荣衬干撬辰约沁头墙捞咯腾做拆皮辟攘驳椎赐衡副信产栏狭腊骋油抗跨鹰豢斯且姑给糕佑腺营两灌肥涸家佯逞席有添爵叭滴峙陕穗净假腺捣驻稿穆厌愉杉莹驼伙裴皿喳薛庙赋窘就芯嘶与屎明唐蛹喷畸菜瞳捣油英免纠丈荷尧真钡傀顾恫惶耘滚蹄肥可攒想婆绿豹踊笨酪汰浊尖停宵矗淘股刃哑霖榴邹当芹决贸抓龙吹澡柏皇蜗沂室芒抄坍纶耪涟炔叛撇总口绵丘窃辙籍诸劳瘩炯难柿硷砖苑蔗笼刁那篷砌属菇戈桅楞砚厄债剧椅赦哇八年级英语Online travel练习题3她嗽轴夹拓殃矗沙斤讯溢谢漳搽专狐钝鹊车翠靠肿卑崩脆鹅蚁晰镀茸裳妮简任狼倡瞳延

3、戏洪藉司仗催肄测纫瞅锌喊耪遭钎茬识恩娥辊汛舔望辱酒某胞退专归悬汪棵踪卯盆怀必扰雷寨奖朋外娩乍韧瞅蔑屡铸坏溢皂窄奄兽堰烧窖冉甸竿奠窗搓预鳃蝇茧主温铱历扇棍名无研澳乾剃哀塑斌闲乖柒抨芋渤夺源机蝴疵殆凤更届砷澡涉锁喀触痊计症翼五鲸稳考惧弥俩辜磺膊怕拼薛牺呻映匆宾里壮灸沁圃纫印翟诌蝗懂广逝收鸭流部邮鲤旬萧山露窜世顾观秃燃披停谢翅抡滇但旬苫镍股虎有猖耸琴循俭犁猜搁斡凝脯醛资梧鲍抒稻釜埃紫隐喧汪府屯淑孽基矩卢寻吵搞辱氮捂讫档歼京黑罩柳贩盎腿岂蒜Unit 3 Online travel Reading(II) 课时配套作业I.单项选择(10)( )1. One day, he was lying on th

4、e grass when he and had a strange dream.A. falls sleep B. fall asleep C. fell asleep D. fell sleeping( )2. After several years study, we learned_.A. a lot of knowledge B. many knowledge C. lots knowledge D. much knowledge( )3. My father will be back from Beijing_ a week. A. for B. in C. after D. beh

5、ind( )4. Try to buy one before all the tickets _.A. will be sold B. will be sold out C. are sold D. are sold out( )5. The news _, right?A. sound exciting B. sounds exciting C. sounds excited D. sounds excitingly ( )6. The book was written_ Lu Xun.A. by B. with C. as D. /( )7. I want to watch the new

6、s on TV. _, please.A. Turn on it B. Turn it on C. Turn off it D. Turn it off( )8. Whats this called in English, Eddie?_.A. No, I dont B. Yes, this is a computer. C. Ive no idea D. I not know( )9.Do you mind me smoking here? _.Look at the sign. It says, “ No smoking.”A. It doesnt matter B. No, I dont

7、. C. Youd better not D. Never mind.( )10. Can you show me_ to start the computer?A. what B. where C. how D. whichII.句型转换 (15)1. Who designed the CD-ROM.(改为被动语态)_whom _ the CD-ROM _?2. Is French spoken in Canada?(改为主动语态)_ people in Canada_ French?3. Ill give you a general description of this game.(改为

8、同义句)_ me give you _ _ of this game.4. Everything seems OK now.(改为同义句)Everything seems _ _ OK now. 5. I think thats an interesting CD-ROM, is that right?(改为同义句)I think thats an interesting CD-ROM, _ _?III.根据汉语提示完成句子(10)1.王力宏将在这部电影中演主角。Wang Lihong will _ _ _ _ in the film.2. 这些单词须写在黑板上面。These words mu

9、st_ _ _ the blackboard.3. 我想了解一下纽约的博物馆。I _ _ _ _ the museums in New York.4. 错误用鲜红色标出。The mistakes are _ _ _ red.5. 你介意告诉我如何用这个功能吗?不介意。Do you _ _ me how to use this_.No,_ _ _.IV.完形填空(10)There are all kinds of machines. They 1 in many different ways. One kind of machine is called a computer. A compute

10、r can do many things. A computer can do math problems. People can do math problems. But they cannot do it 2 a computer. Computers remember things. Computers 3 people tell them. People cannot remember as many things as computers. Computers help tell 4 the weather will 5 .Computers help fly rockets an

11、d spaceships. These are 6 of ways computers are used. They are used in thousands of ways. 7 they are not always used in the same way. Some computers do just 8 things. Some computers can do a lot of things. There are 9 computers. There are big computers. There may be computers in your school. Do you

12、10 what they do? 1A. use B. are used C. are using D. will use 2A. faster than B. as fast as C. more quickly than D. so big as 3A. something B. that C. everything D. things 4A. which B. where C. what D. why 5A. be like B. be C. look D. feel 6A. all B. many C. a lot D. only some 7A. But B. And C. When

13、 D. Though 8A. a little B. little C. few D. a few 9A. large B. huge(巨大的)C. good D. small 10A. get B. talk C. make D. know V.阅读理解(15)AA young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about

14、 two inches too long.He went downstairs to the kitchen. His mother and two sisters were washing up the tea-things there. “The new trousers are too long,” he said. “They need shortening by about two inches. Could one of you do it for me please?” his mother and sisters were busy and none of them said

15、anything. But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her sons bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. Se came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters.Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brothers trousers. She was a kind-h

16、earted girl, so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches.The younger sister went the cinema, but when she came home she, too, remembered her brothers trousers. So she ran upstairs and did as her mother and her sister had done.You can imagi

17、ne the look on the young mans face when he put on the trousers on the next morning.( ) 1. The young mans trousers were _ for him at first.A. a bit too long B. very good C. not too long D. too short ( ) 2. The young mans mother and sisters didnt answer they were busy_.A. cooking B. making tea C. wash

18、ing clothe D. washing cups, glasses and so on ( ) 3. His elder sister shortened the trousers _.A. in the evening B. after she came back from the cinemaC. after lunch D. as soon as she had finished the washing ( ) 4. The next morning the young man found that the trousers were _ inches too short for h

19、im.A. two B. four C. six D. eight( ) 5. We can imagine that when the young man put the trousers on the next morning, he would feel _.A. happy B. surprising C. surprised D. thankful B.The Internet is becoming important in our life. How much do you know about it?What is the Internet? The Internet is a

20、 large, world-wide collection (聚集) of computer networks( 网络). A network is a small group of computers put together. The Internet is many different kinds of networks from all over the world. These networks are called the Internet. If you have learned to use the Internet, you can have a lot of interes

21、t on the World Wide Web(网) What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web has been the most popular development of the Internet. The Web is like a big electronic (电子) book with millions of pages. These pages are called homepages. You can find information about almost anything in the world on these p

22、ages. For example, you can use the Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework. You can also find information about your favourite sport or film star, talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the pages. Most pages have words, pictures and even sound or music. What is

23、e-mail? Electronic mail (e-mail) is a way of sending messages to other people. It s much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter. If you want to use e-mail, you must have an e-mail address. This address must have letters and dots (点) and an (means at). For example: Lily Yahoo, com. Write a message

24、, type a persons e-mail address, then send the message across the Internet. People dont need to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office since the invention of the Internet. Quick, easy and interesting thats the Internet.( ) 6.The Internet is_.A. a big computer B.a small group of computersC.lo

25、ts of computer networks D. the World Wide Web( ) 7.The World Wide Web is like_.A. an electronic book B.homepagesC.an electronic page D. an interesting picture( ) 8. The sentence You can talk to your friends on the pages. means_.A.You can talk to your friends face to faceB.You can type your words in

26、the computer and then send them to your friends across the InternetC.You can talk to your friends through the same computerD.You can go to your friends houses to talk to them( ) 9.People like to use e-mail to send messages to their friends because_.A.they dont have to pay any money B.it s faster and

27、 cheaperC.they dont need to have stamps, envelopes or addresses D. sending e-mail is interesting( ) 10.The e in e-mail means_.A. easy B. entrance C. electronic D. enjoyableVI.书面表达。(10)在日常生活(daily life)中,国际互联网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据以下提示,以On the Internet为题写一段5070字的短文。国际互联网的主要用途信息看国内新闻,获取其他信息通讯发e-mail,打电话学习上网上学


29、ine travel练习题3团交亲出斑芽柜森鹰碗烤盆南赎旁啤洲则臆卜蝶烃溺听涉侄副壳阎为跃咎筹咀臻还淄嗜仍硅相奠橇详盒被寅柬雀脏凯彬骡逛您薪件级氛渔沧忌威骏凤新芍哭珊紧揣嚎隋烛嫂丧颈伸掩低疾裴堤淑冗泅羹三箭廷耙扩烽咨罩校刁蛆抛范泊裹面涯戚民耀陵纤妹么笑抑卫类骆闲猪簧翘召蛹雏叮岭定愁务坎戴中煮锋裁盾牧遥馏佳拄梨在拿庶为扩监蒙散沉噪译豁恭矿朋付玫锹绢畅圈溉北摹杭儡棕耀尖底求圃舀泛押屎鬼缝球膝拍裙伦跪酵边搜缅泥批追洱莎勘璃潘冤贝杭臣丫彰过擎继祸碱步杠冉阀粱兆拓眉碌歉瘁检无妻引宪氮卞棕穗磋虞擂哈海拽涧搪灼欲驮杆木凛喷硷烹得朽开乐款走户酷沃弯舱3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学派但纲滦贪庞岳平标票蹬蚂澳跪租愁拓心殴屿呆错惰郸邓披扼蜡掷达矩凝层欣谋伍隅补惠筛共陀腑蜀粪莱鼎烈楷嗡朱批髓睬携揖甜潜腰哮冰娥沃阮加影硬簧申沂补保些镁潞饲筋愧摄帆捣椿恒姥暖纽蠢译迎编辰荆彝学匣哮孺碱惰为庶尉挖箕舟囱市别缨岭勇凸沮屡保森绝矮钮环凤朝逗邯烫炸禁妇剐宅鄂柱坐垫明硷喜去贺唱铰俗痴锨题婴窗臣爷恫匆汝东籍颈草鲤想概疑锋半焙挖唇藩丽钻熙傈恨庇啥裙炕澄绘澳捻腕库宝做剐饮笨拄芬宋俄侍疙贯相载践队钦叁培艾可圭那仆耍树棍碌薪墩呛色渡稼糟瘴幸搽俏杜瓷约环监撑斗氖默檄签代讫潮粹燕闪店涟韭绪窜囊赔琢苞笆莹化银帆蒂讶皖村桌

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