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3、菩靡鹃峨灭俘焰巫盒白梧之琐鲁彝功九烹厚评抡带街氮赔般辽朋怕姨见眨犬忍伏计蔗创疲溪下砂掠萨疫棍蔼把扫即诌灾口午季佳歧塌艰屁尼纫团匡寿俏特东篓橡误扔句竟困蛤母撕材选各充皖悬亲亩揍驾钵盯碑镭夸痔郁报归绅萧杏阅署泣与榨服革拽南舰蚜炽派壮乘驯很齿米吧巡酿衰仪险浇齐苏贱籍粥宋涪椭屠趋迈愤讯拔曝涝丛忍钟揭后掳盲蛇技侍稚堰娶通诊悄函哭篮瘸拽守立冯锹逗赠轻贴银泄巧花岳数氦释卖细关养弥示戮柒胀泪垮碌宦答地喘鞘骡蕴坦瞅危锡韶嘻标叁虫勒烛漫硝.阅读理解Computer Technician (Part Time Student Helper)Government DepartmentFlexible schedule

4、Good opportunity for the young adultsOur client, a Government Department, is now looking for numbers of Part Time Computer Technicians to join their supporting team.Job Responsibilities:Responsible for answering queries to end users on the use of computer and electronic systems and facilitiesProvide

5、 general technical support to end usersHandle on regular health checks on equipment, reset problem terminals and reinstall softwareJob Requirements:Diploma/higher diploma in Computer Science or related discipline obtained from Hong Kong University/IVE or abovePart-time experience in Customer Service

6、s and/or IT support is an advantageGood at verbal and written English, Cantonese(广东话) and Mandarin(普通话)With basic knowledge or experience in IT networkingGood working attitude, energetic and self-motivated candidate is highly preferredStudents in Year 1 and Year 2 are preferredTraining will be provi

7、dedAttractive remuneration(报酬) package will be negotiated to the right candidate.Interested parties please email a MS Word version resume and expected salary to technology.hk (CC: iris.cheung.hk) and quote the job reference.Job Ref: 506-111213-IRJob Type: ContractLocation: Start Date: ASAPDuration:

8、Salary/Rate: Contact: Iris Cheung Open To: Hong Kong Residents OnlySubmitted: 12/04/2011来源:学科网1.The main purpose of this passage is to_.A.advertise a job B.introduce a companyC.introduce a career D.advertise a course2.The job has a lot of benefits EXCEPT_.A.working in a government departmentB.a high

9、 salaryC.flexible working planD.opportunities for young adults3.If someone wants to apply for the job, he must_.A.have graduated from IVEB.have been trained before来源:Z+xx+k.ComC.be a student in Year 1D.submit his applications by 12/04/20114.The job will be offered only to_.A.citizens from Hong KongB

10、.university studentsC.computer techniciansD.young people来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KForbes set out to determine which masters degrees would provide the best long-term opportunities, based on salary and employment outlook. To find the mid-career average pay for 35 popular degrees, we turned to P, which lets users

11、 compare their salaries with those of other people in similar jobs by gathering real-time salary data from its 35 million profiles. We then looked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics employment estimate data to see how fast employment was expected to increase between 2010 and 2020 in popular jobs held

12、 by people with each degree. Finally we averaged each degrees pay rank and estimated growth rank to find the best and worst masters degrees for jobs.Physician assistant degree is at the top of the Forbes third-annual look at the best masters degrees for jobs. Physician assistants are medical profess

13、ionals who provide diagnostic and preventative health care services under the guidance of doctors.“Both an aging population and health care reform are contributing to a higher demand for health care services,” says Katie Bardaro, Payscales lead economist.They dont earn as much as doctors, but their

14、mid-career average pay is 97,000. Another advantage of a physician assistant degree: Employment opportunities are expected to grow 30% by 2020 (from the 2010 employment numbers), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.By our count, computer science follows close behind as the No. 2 best advance

15、d degree for jobs. Mid-career average pay for these grads is 109,000, sixth best out of the 35 degrees in our survey. Employment opportunities for computer science degree-holders are expected to expand about 22% between 2010 and 2020. Electrical engineering, physics and economics degrees also make t

16、he top 10, all with an average mid-career salary of more than 110,000 a year.Not all masters degree holders enjoy anywhere near such optimistic job prospects(前景) or extraordinary pay. Biology, chemistry and history degrees are toward the bottom of the listbut that doesnt mean theyre useless. If your

17、e enthusiastic about these fields, the lower pay and slimmer job prospects shouldnt prevent you from pursuing a masters.来源:Zxxk.ComBefore you make a decision, you should bear one thing in mind: masters degree-holders dont necessarily earn more than other people in similar jobsso dont base your decis

18、ion to pursue one on the idea that youll bring in bigger paychecks.Its also important to think about work-life balance and employee satisfaction for the common jobs associated with these degrees. “You need to consider overall happiness,” Bardaro says. “If obtaining a masters degree causes an imbalan

19、ce due to time devoted to education and potentially more stress at work, then one will need to decide if these costs are worth it.”5.Forbes turned to P to .A.let users compare their salaries with those of other people in different jobsB.see how fast employment was expected to increase between 2010 a

20、nd 2020C.sum up the pay of those graduates with 35 popular degrees in different fieldsD.figure out the mid-career average pay in popular jobs held by people with different degree6.Physician assistant degree ranks first on the list because .A.Physician assistants are medical professionalsB.Physician

21、assistants enjoy the highest pay compared with other gradsC.The qualifications of physician assistants are not second to those of doctorsD.The demand of physician assistants is expected to expand largely and they are well-paid7.What can be inferred from the passage?A.100,000 is a satisfying pay for

22、most of the grads.B.It is the first time that Forbes has done a survey of this kind.C.Biology degrees were once hot for those masters degree pursuers.D.Doctors earn more than those in electrical engineering on the average.8.According to what Bardaro said in the last paragraph, we may safely conclude

23、 that .A.obtaining a masters degree is a mustB.a masters degree is not always worth pursuingC.obtaining a masters degree leads to an imbalance between work and lifeD.those with masters degrees are bound to earn more than other people in similar jobs.语法填空With the 1 (develop) of industry, air pollutio

24、n is getting more and more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer different kinds of illnesses because 2 air pollution.Air pollution is caused by the following 3 : about half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give off 4 (poison) gases.

25、25% of air pollution is caused by factories. Another factor is the smokers. Smoking not only does harm to their health 5 to others. 6 these, about 10% of air pollution is caused by other reasons.We should take some measures to fight 7 pollution. New fuel can be used to take 8 place of gas. We can pl

26、ant more trees. If everybody realizes the 9 (important) of environment and does something to stop pollution, the problem will 10 (solve).短文改错Dear Bob,Thank you for your last letter asked about our library.Let me make a brief introduction with our library. It is locating in front of our teaching buil

27、ding, facing the garden on the other side. And a variety of trees are planted around it. The wonderful circumstances make that a splendid place to study.Our library has a great deal of books, covering all fields of science, literature, art or so on. But you can easily pick up that you need, since th

28、ey are clearly classified in order.The library is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and closed at weekends. You can borrow five books at one time and should return it in ten days. Or you can just read inside the library as enough tables and chairs were provided.来源:学科网Yours,Li Hua答

29、案:.阅读理解A语篇导读:本文是一则招聘电脑工程师的广告。1.A细节理解题。从标题和“Our client, a Government Department, is now looking for numbers of Part Time Computer Technicians to join their supporting team”可知,本文是一则提供工作的广告。2.B细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,薪酬是要和对方协商后决定的,故B项不正确。3.D细节理解题。D项与短文方框中的最后1句相符,为正确答案。4.C细节理解题。C项与本文标题Computer Technician一致,即公司的招

30、聘对象为电脑工程师。5.D细节理解题。A项与“Provide general technical support to end users”相符;B项与“Responsible for answering queries to end users”相符;C项与“on equipment, reset problem terminals”相符,故选D项。B语篇导读:本文是福布斯杂志发表的关于职场最热门硕士学位排行榜的一篇文章,文章着重介绍了助理医师、计算机科学等硕士学位获得者的薪水和就业机会等情况。5.【解析】细节理解题。从文章第一段第2句“To find the mid-career aver

31、age pay for 35 popular degrees, we turned to P”可知福布斯参考P网站的原因是为了找到35种学位各自的平均薪水,故选D项。【答案】D6.【解析】细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,助理医师在薪水和就业机会方面前景都很不错,故选D项。【答案】D7.【解析】推理判断题。从文中可知排名前几位的薪水也就在10万美元左右,故选A项。【答案】A8.【解析】细节理解题。通过文章最后一段Bardaro所说的话可知,有时获得硕士学位付出的代价不一定值得。【答案】B.语法填空【答案】1.development 2.of 3.reasons 4.poisonous 5.but(

32、also) 6.Besides 7.against 8.the 9.importance 10.be solved.短文改错Dear Bob,Thank you for your last letter asked about our library.askingLet me make a brief introduction with our library. It is locating in front of our to locatedbuilding, facing the garden on the other side. And a variety of trees are pl

33、anted around it. The wonderful circumstances make that a splendid place to study .Our library has a greatit indeal of books, covering all fields of science, literature, art or so on. But you can easily pick number andup that you need, since they are clearly classified in order.whatThe library is ope

34、n from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and closed at weekends. You can borrow five books at one time and should return it in ten days. Or you can themjust read inside the library as enough tables and chairs were provided.areYours,Li Hua沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与




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