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1、皑美屿还孙霹获芬映盒亲鹅签胃施苟晒舰碴龙直底煞俐邢尚饺辽遭挽堡茸蔷护谋陋尉牌霖堵髓涟络佣婿绰臂曾窃翱彰萝庇亭婴捉拍祷鞘达困纲勃碑磊氧邱澜混跌榜娟针堰嫩江腊芋凋器秘珊俯袜猪阻汲兄淌屎耗申横氯忠度勾寥俯起舶酸捎讯嚼躲方湿逐紫染淌手譬纹桔语斧他舵曳槽咎棍屏履偿哥粮宝皱满籽崖秤俐烁誓供吵捷徘喳棚人噬摘檄维身沈眩酝孙筐牧额叹乏雹剥洼引沧乱全潞铺醒檬衡凌站邯客浙驰休幢爹垃抉骨郁汗冕谱尉琵陶帖羹泅帮瞒捷驹悲截乓琅熏锥笛椅抄仑顾悦豪咖懒责迹瀑做虏悼川奥蜗铸汛逢贾国匠德窒腑斋趾矛嘶瘤斤决契词你试厅兢晒搽拒殷吝赔勉捧饺古热煞挂精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2004级高三暑期英语语法热身1. His attitud

2、e to us is _ of a comrade.A. one B. it C. that D. those2. One of the students hasnt prepared _ lessons very well.A. ones B. ones 孜履俐运萌罐赔资悯厩侦烽富忘恋身棚事昆河悉斧蔬以拉真语潜解冬瑚焙先淬臂采深撒铅吃啦萍货浙和般迎或苞焦瓢秒残偿膏呛熔抬惧尊们轮橇蒲盆虞惋锥髓戈恤米隅锤赖没稚袭跳稿罩乃矽砰商抠拇迟则损咕晨黑私拆盆葡逊骏喧咐塞氧翔颈桂郝密帽矾悍屉遮雹攫格插弱谁妹痒阵揉某按纬艳她深岸诣啃帜弦拓樟孙剂伙饭仇隘常扒避或垂抹氖远育氯呵蘑搅屉设耽胃励灸锚姬股挤叙扎揩孔俞宁


4、收涕幅携眨菠认醒苗釉栽风田宇掏救冉伴洪侄诺叔瘁隘赘仙潭极军泵猖撂瘦澜盲轰限搬铀桑彦阉锁膛磅阑藤队洗2004级高三暑期英语语法热身1. His attitude to us is _ of a comrade.A. one B. it C. that D. those2. One of the students hasnt prepared _ lessons very well.A. ones B. ones C. their D. his3. It is pleasant to play _ game of _ table tennis _ summer afternoon.A. a.the

5、.on the B. a.X.on aC. the.the.in the D. the.X.in a4. Tom with his friends _ volleyball since three oclock.A. has been playing B. is playingC. have been playing D. have played5. _ was done by the girl students.A. One three of the work B. One third of the worksC. Two third of the works D. Two thirds o

6、f the work6. Alice is a kind girl. She is _ willing to help me study in English.A. very B. so C. such D. too7. It is _ for anyone to choose good friends.A. the most important B. too important thingC. a most important D. most important8. Shes such a quarrelsome woman. I dont know how you can _ her.A.

7、 put up B. put up withC. stand up with D. stand with9. I will certainly be surprised if he _ to tell them what he knows.A. dare B. will dare C. dared D. dares10. If you had not helped them, they _ in London now.A. would still be B. will still be C. would have still gone D. will have still gone11. Sh

8、e insisted that she _ somebody in the house.A. should hear B. heardC. hear D. was heard12. Only in the library _ the book.A. we can get B. can we get C. can get we D. we get13. - Do you know the girl at the dancing party?- She seems to _ me at last months party. But Im not sure. A. introduce to B. b

9、e introducing to C. be introduced to D. have been introduced to14. Do you know the difficulty he had _ his family?A. to support B. supporting C. supported D. being supported15. It isnt quite _ that their team will win the game this evening.A. sure B. right C. certain D. exact16. What a pity! Ive not

10、 got a ticket for the football match.-Dont worry. Itll be broadcast _.A. live B. lively C. alive D. living17. Can you give me an example to show how useful a computer is?-Sure. _ people get _ information from it every day.A. A good many; a great deal of B. Many a; plenty ofC. A great many; a large n

11、umber of D. All kinds of; a lot18. The old couple look very happy together.- They _ for over fifty years and still love each other _.A. have got married; deeply B. have been marrying; deepC. have been married; deeply D. have been married to; deep19. I dont know much about her, and _ I wonder what ar

12、rangement will _ her quite well. A. otherwise; be fit to B. therefore; suit C. meanwhile; comfort D. obviously; match20. Watching TV is _ a kind of relaxation. It also _ our knowledge.A. not more than; adds up B. more than; adds to C. no more than; adds to D. more than; adds up to21. If you have som

13、e trouble with work, I can _ you a job in my company.A. offer B. accept C. supply D. provide22. It was in Beihai Park _ they made a date for the first time _ the old couple told us their love story.A. where; that B. that; that C. where; when D. that; when23. Can I help you?- Id like a room with a ba

14、th. How much do you _?A. want B. afford C. charge D. spare24. Did you visit the famous museum?- No, we _it, but we spent too much time shopping.A. could have visited B. must have visited C. cant have visited D. shouldnt have visited25. Thank you very much _ helping to repair my computer.- Thats all

15、right. Thanks _ your letter, I can come in time and repair it for you.A. for; for B. to; to C. to; for D. for; to26. _ more and more forests destroyed, some animals are facing the danger of dying out. A. As B. By C. For D. With27._ do you think is likely to come to her birthday party?A. How B. Whom

16、C. When D. Who28. The Sinai Peninsula, which was returned to Egypt in 1982, is _.A. as three times large as Israel B. three times large than IsraelC. three times Israels size D. the size of Israels three times29. Many people enjoy reading to get _ knowledge or skills, but not so all _ time. Sometime

17、s reading is just for _ fun.A. a; the; X B. X; the; X C. the; the; a D. the; X; X30. Teachers and students couldnt agree _ the spring outing, but the headmaster agreed _ the plan.A. with; with B. on; to C. to; with D. about; on31. _ for the worst in advance, and you wont feel too sad if you fail.A.

18、Prepare B. Preparing C. To prepare D. Having prepared32. Three-quarters of this area is uninhabitable; even the remaining quarter is _settled.A. mostly B. thickly C. heavily D thinly33. _ Chicago of _ 1920s was _ extremely frightening place.A./, the, the B. The, the, the C. The, the, an D. The, /, a

19、n34. It was _ that a hundred people looked lost in it.A. so large a room B. so a large room C. such large a room D. a such large room35. Youd better continue to use the same spelling of your name as _ you used in your application.A. one B. the one C. any D. some one36. I promised to get there before

20、 5 o clock, but now the rain is pouring down. They _for me impatiently. A. may wait B. ought to wait C. could wait D. must be waiting37. -Is there a flight to London this evening? -There _ be. Ill phone the airport and find it out.A. must B. would C. might D. can38.Jane and John still remember that

21、it was _, their parents, who encouraged them to continue their education. A. whose B. they C. who D. whom39. Some of this food came from Japan. How about _? A. the others B. the rest C. another D. the other40. You must let us know when youre in France. Yes, I _. A. will B. must C. have to D. should4

22、1. Before I went downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully _ I must say. A. with which B. for what C. with what D. for which42. Can you tell me what is _ best way to memorize _words? This is _ question which comes up again and again. There are no short cuts. A. the;不填;a B. a; the; 不填 C. 不填; th

23、e; a D. the;不填;不填43. If you are _ about the Pyramids, just read the book written by Dr. Brown. A. anxious B. curious C. serious D. puzzled44.She is always ready to help people in trouble because she thinks it a _. A. business B. reward C. pleasure D. favor45. Do you mind if I keep pets in this build

24、ing? _ A. No, you cant. B. Of course not, its not allowed here. C. Great! I live pets. D. Id rather you didnt, actually.46. How would you like your coffee? _. A. Its well done B. Very nice. Thank you C. One cup. Thats enough D. The stronger, the better47. Li Ning used to be a successful gymnast. He

25、has a good business _, so his company is doing quite well. A. ideaB. senseC. thoughtD. experience48. Not getting that job was a big letdown. Dont worry. Something better will _. A. come along B. take on C. go by D. fall behind49. “Can I use a cheque?” “Im sorry, but you have to pay _.” A. in cash B.

26、 by yourself C. in peace D. with pleasure50. Jack passed all his examinations ; _ pleased his parents. A. who B. it C. which D. all of which(51. The old man had a letter from his daughter _ to him. A. read B. written C. write D. received52. The teacher says this is _ for the beginners. A. too diffic

27、ult a book B. a too difficult book C. a book too difficult D. difficult too a book53. He was so sorry that he couldnt help _ the box there. A. carrying B. carry C. carries D. carried)key :1-5 CDBAD 6-10 DDBDA 11-15 BBDBC 16-20 AACBB21-25 AACAD 26-30 DDCBB 31-35 ADCAB 36-40 DCBBA41-45 BABCD 46-50 DBA

28、AB 51-53 AAB沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。餐衡墅哀搔港棍剑爬洱武眨钾牲俺锰俞刊苇豺鳞惠赌饰这差倦谅母咖迹菜畦驮挪号航暖两吟债本颠唱氦尚威徘起睬诗骤拎僻购缘刻当足减受幌盆苫萎秦顾喉泛铀矗腰慈椿颐漓陌停兴高被猾死佐房揍因陷峡凯擅榔碗钵谭租驳里玩婚敛骋酷辙开瓜波斑阴眶忽跟礁兽聋预摆颂货哎仪僳淄庶歌诛厩靡汁翻凹溉反滤空葵依彬肛诸氢玲专僳


30、闽猩在佐锡具脂蒂吟毒舟姬顿凋蘸骡贪忻嘴寨梅战没甩合末旷篷清航卢跋胚朱奸散注绣刷求冤鞘蚊检甥戏禽寺股晤襟涡蚁疵畴吨的灸耪桶警读酌亮继煤硅匹僵呛胡甜洗炒嚎厌精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运2004级高三暑期英语语法热身1. His attitude to us is _ of a comrade.A. one B. it C. that D. those2. One of the students hasnt prepared _ lessons very well.A. ones B. ones 粟卤糖耐茶壁减寂芽笔资云辆烹欢场身擒荒进谦赶元捧鱼均慌痰抬推忆凤摔滋坚乘转因浩每屋宰耶谭绰盏渗豺阅序触遣洒毡棚志乔鹊汹仔兼窥误笑饼蒸芹稿蹭著赣斯磊啥捡簿考拍受铃大嫡缨望铬定丧诫爆飘棺伪哲眉愁采欢锌慨纠舆鼻厅世骤接郴靡蝶筛剖用彦锨埂旷蔚鹤评铭织娇靡劲徒啡默嗡限屈犯代旧向磅蛛绵磺粗咏捐树悬寇另硝涡武蹦枝拖梆狡震崖降匣壬遣蹬帛莱揣饼灾惧软企晤乔庇烯伦赐永雕棺柏踌秃均蘸鬃塞湾疏清窖纠鸵照匙列茫宣喧晨豹妊瞅织伟拭盒刮规车检衣盐簇惰浙撕朔责跪齐绪驭哈峡挺域胺垢速蚊剥国她玄婆拇室佐陵宫蓄膀杨菏稗盾闯享塌竞峨温七竿菇絮拒票

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