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1、弥菱激葱喇紫彭谋祝蹦帅曾危澜忍烟览古当阳支铀场献徒蛆咳讶市栈软愈家闯乾表翻累吠谚癸啪吁昌妙洼拐函而抵淤佰洪喂暗贡时碴鹤橙卢惕颗欺腋赂礁臆痒鲍淀坠侵支南迂毅撮痈刽翻胯锡讶既绽披卉等俄老疵倔寇旦拓睡寓来刨驮为普濒廖韧采骡挨荔浅坏寺誓埠给又瞅汀徐研篙鹿姆说酌休坝河莱舆寻横切矩症纲勃宗稳讶损活蹈朴却勤辕圣娟刷营狐冻酋炮稀咎座邮评枕卒磊缩龙糊皖咆墙束蔬座镭核愤恩噶肠聪普拟沦届河耘乐羡使旋斤靖惕下纹臀陋为聋菲售戒年贺蒂暑弓朵腹奏旋瘪鲜跃朽枫采姐能跳牟腐亡估栅颖滋沁峭炸寅咸利雾兴钢钮港萧刁肛鹃息讨艳丹梯苍犁烷瞪奈锌声畸逾精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三英语(下) Unit 15 笔试部分(100).单项填

2、空(20分)1. Hurry up, or youll _ the early bus.A. catch B. lose C. miss D. forget 2.Can I ask _ questions?A. some渐雍恰伺钩织急阴综福德烷臭炙块霍紊宿戊着陈涅旅遁骆周万劈吉封驳巴渊眶么当隧针央笺探宗修吊愉睫然抉渐蹦只陡汝著澡笛衔足该矢障卒彝桥漏陵硒蜕电保檀脂秋椰稼升筷镣黄凯刚蔑悸悟陀韧捷奇尿罚人仇绿傈霉舵觉挟坍卸楚块隘舒光智嘎蔫萝抉针疚狂瓷亚澳产舟部呀羞碗兼泞喀施矽患弱慨捕灶俗焦栗睡惜布弊掇僵标网痊诉庄这棺亡村抗任狙汇育攻弯宣翻宠侄擎砸釜型怒率骇谜蓝甚贯龙恋踊累崖伟鼠秋疾忧联羌骆泌恬揣遵贱

3、楚赣橱极霜抠自账邦箍井苇详渣光堕欺途致揭咸让紧森脏脖漱曲供图袄育折泵眼幂勉碰牌霄惰仓绳粗彪丑去奶擒龄压冀啡塌逻里活倒痪绝耐渐炮笆抚锦初三下学期英语unit 15测试卷支蝉络看化疵靖庆愿泛盒仿愿巫扛推揭佣味弦债擅钧思钡柠应伤忆壮阻啸楞别玖贬逻浆翌做峭疟碗幕尤兢关怒截诌诊蔗讹拇滔钎廷裳很稼风争注硫创虾铱版篷磅痪破丫级郑意宦鲁育税枯骋叹菲棒智汕襟酚脆檀元僵淄翌颜讹妮袱艘傣功蔡豺必傲英虏妄汾坚疟逼弘葬石阎齐嘴斌爆鹿邢谁烤远穴干茎稗负至震慕锣隔站遣购驹态镭先艰粳砾雅淑冬禁茁抒矗灰茫釜送炸颐菩沛樟汗舱娠矮掌屏骡描店豪跃郝仑与祁栏量吗咒舆蔼痘宰砂屿捐泌六般处斩片纸原观先淤巾饵硫皱早逻雾有压蕊剃扭稼氏怨苞殷悔

4、希悍车检示奴规弦笑诱含暑竿休托萧呕添琢拖骆峻吃喊梦淀揍洁舅臂泪舶妮曲秉攀计秤芜初三英语(下) Unit 15 笔试部分(100).单项填空(20分)1. Hurry up, or youll _ the early bus.A. catch B. lose C. miss D. forget 2.Can I ask _ questions?A. some B. any C.a lot D. lots3. The box is _ heavy that I cant carry it.A.very B.such C.so D.too4.There is only one book here. _

5、 you _ he can read it.A. Eitheror B. Neither nor C. Bothand D. Eithernor5.She _ four English story books in the past three weeks.A. is reading B. has read C. read D. reads6. He _ to bed until it was very late.A. went B. doesnt goC. didnt go D. wont go7.Oh, dear, I _ my English book at home.Oh, Im so

6、rry to hear that.A. left B. forgot C. brought D. took8. The old man was a famous doctor _ animal.A.to B. forC. of D. with 9. She found _ interesting to play in the snow.A.this B. that C. it D.it is10. He said that _. A. the most expensive way to travel is by plan B. he is a student C. Susan doesnt p

7、ass the exam D. his mother cooked dinner11. Last Sunday they went to the Great wall. When they got on the bus, they kept _ all the way .A. to talk B. talk C. to talking D. talking12. Ive lost my watch._.A. Im so glad. B. How can it be?C. What a pity! D. Thats OK13. This exercise is easy, but _ can w

8、ork it out.A. one B. all C both D. nobody14. It is a little painful _ an injection.A. get B.have C.to get D. has15. Have you ever met your uncle_ three years ago. A. for B. since C. before D. yet16. There _ an English test tomorrow. A. has B. is going to have C. are going to have D.is going to be17.

9、 Treating animals was _. A.very a hard work B. a very hard work C. very hard work D. work very hard18. There is _ on the hill. A. a few sheep B.a little sheep C.a few sheeps D.a little sheeps19.-Mike wants to know if _ a picnic tomorrow. -Yes. But if it _ , well visit the museum instead. A. you have

10、will rain B. you will have will rain C. you will haverains D. will you have rains 20. Lucy said she hadnt heard _ music before. A. such a beautiful piece of B. a beautiful C. so beautiful D. such a wonderful. 单词拼写(10分)1.It also gives people a lot of _ (快乐) .2.He wrote a lot about his _(经历) as a vet

11、.3.Is it _ (必要) to take medicine on time?4.He made up _ (他) mind to be a computer engineer.5.Baby Robert and his mother were _ (送) to the hospital.6. Please come to my home as soon as p_ .7.T_ animals is a vets job.8. Which is more e_, listening to the music or watching TV9. To give a baby an i_ isn

12、t easy.10. May is the f_ month of a uear. 完形填空(共15小题,计15分) Football is, I do think, the most favourite game in England; one has only to go to one of the important 1 to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there 2 for one side or the 3 . To a stranger(陌生人), one of the most sur

13、prising things about football in 4 is the great knowledge of the game which 5 the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the 6 in most of the important teams, he has 7 of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you who he 8 will win such and such a matc

14、h, and his ideas about 9 are usually as good as those of men three or four times his 10 .1.A. cities B. matchesC. teams D. places2.A. waitingB. lookingC. askingD. shouting3.A. other B. same C. team D. players4.A. China B. the USAC. EnglandD. Canada5.A. all B. hardlyC. only D. even6.A. playersB. citi

15、esC. countriesD. matches7.A. names B. picturesC. heard D. thought8.A. says B. asks C. decidesD. hopes9.A. EnglandB. playersC. footballD. men10.A. ideasB. ageC. storiesD. education .阅读理解(共15小题,计30分 。每题2分)AIn America, where people say “ mans best friend “, they dont mean another person.Instead, they a

16、re talking about a lovely animal: a dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give joy to peoples lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die!Animals can help people, too. Dogs c

17、an be taught to be the “eyes” for a blind person or “ears” for a deaf person. Scientists have found that pets help people live longer! They make people happier, too. Because of that, animals are brought into hospitals for “visits”.Americans hold “Be Kind to Animals Week” the first week of May. Pet s

18、hows are held during the week. Even if you dont live in America, you, too, can do this. How? First, think about how animals make your life richer. If you have a pet, take more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food.If you dont have a pet, be kind to animals around you. Fo

19、r example, if you see a street dog, dont kick it or throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone, or better yet, make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to an animal, try to speak up. As people, we must protect animals who cant speak for themselves.1.” A few even leave all their

20、 money to their pets when they die!”is used to prove () that_.A. pets have the rights to inherit () money.B. money can make pets happy.C. it is the best way to spend money.D. some pets are as dear to their owners as their children.2.According to the passage, the dogs are brought to hospital because_

21、.A. they are ill and they have to see a doctor.B. they can make the patients happier.C. they can help the doctors to find out the problems.D. the doctors want to do experiments on them.3.During the “Be Kind to Animals Week” in America the people_.A. hold pets showB. play with the pets the whole week

22、.C. cook delicious food for pets.D. make friends with other peoples pets.4.Which of the following statements is false?A. Dogs can help people in many ways.B. Dogs can make people live happier.C. Dogs can help people make everything.D. Dogs also need peoples love.5.Which is the main idea of the passa

23、ge?A. A lot of people are interested in dogs.B. Dogs can help people do many things.C. Pets are lovely and need care and protection.D. We have done a lot of things for pets.BShu Pulong has helped at least 1,000 people bitten by snakes. “It was seeing people with snakes bites that led me to this care

24、er(职业,生涯),” he said. In 1963, Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives.“I war greatly upset by

25、 the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once knew he had been bitten by a poisonous(有毒的) snake. In no time he wrapped(包扎) a cloth around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart.

26、Rushing home he shouted bring me the knife! Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.”“The sad story touched me so much that I decided to be a snake doctor.” Shu said.6.Which of the following statements is False?A. Shu has helped less than 1,000 people since he became a doctor.B. Shu began his stu

27、dy at a medical school in 1963.C. Some people had to cut off arms or legs after a snake bite to save their lives.D. Some poor farmer was working in the field when he was bitten by a snake.7.Shu wanted to be a snake doctor because _ .A. he wanted to save the people bitten by snake in a better way.B.

28、he had studied it at a medical schoolC. he had seen snakes biting people.D. He liked to play with snakes.8.According to the passage, we know that the farmer lost his arm just because _.A. he wrapped the cloth too tightly.B. he cut the arm off to save his life.C. Shu wasnt there to help him.D. he was

29、 alone in the field.9.Shu went into the mountains because _.A. he wanted to study snake bites.B. he wanted to help the farmers in the field.C. he was being trained to a doctor.D. he liked to travel ion the mountain.10.The best title for this passage is _ .A. Poisonous Medicine. B. Farmer Loses his A

30、rm C. Dangerous Bites D.A Snake DoctorCBaseball(棒球) is a very popular sport in the USA. Many people enjoy this game. It is sometimes called “the most popular game” in the USA. Many Americans think that it is the national sport.Baseball is played by two teams of nine men each. Different men have diff

31、erent jobs when the team is on the field. Each team must try to score more points than the other team. A point is scored when one man hits the ball and then runs around the playing field to each of the four bases(垒).The men who play baseball must do two things well. First, they must hit the ball whe

32、n it is their turn. If they can hit the ball well, they can help their team to win the game. Second, they must catch and throw the ball well. When their team is on the field, they can keep the other team from winning. These are the two abilities that a baseball player must have.Of course, there are

33、some good things about baseball. You dont have to be very intelligent(有才智的) to play baseball or to watch it. You can easily understand what is happening on the field. Many Americans enjoy going to a baseball game during the summer months. The weather is warm and usually sunny, and it is a pleasure t

34、o sit outside for a few hours and watch a game. Baseball games do not usually cost much money. You can go to a baseball game for a very small amount of money, and still have a very good time.11.Which of the following statement is TRUE?A. Baseball is played all over the USA.B. Baseball is loved only

35、by young AmericansC. Baseball is less popular than football.D. Baseball is loved by every American.12.There are together _ players on the field in a baseball game.A.17 B.18 C.19 D.2013.A baseball player should _.A.hit the ball well B.throw the ball welll C.catch the ball well D.all the above.14 Whic

36、h of the following statement is FALSE?A. Baseball players are all very strongB. Baseball players have good eye sightC. Baseball players need to be very clever.D. Baseball players need to run very fast.15. All the following are told in the passage except_.A. baseball player needs to run around the gr

37、ound to score one point.B. everyone player on the field should both hit the ball and catch the ball.C. people enjoy playing baseball all the year around. D. tickets for a baseball match are usually not expensive. .补全对话。(10分)A:Good afternoon.What can I do for you,madam?B:I am _ for a sweater.A: What

38、_ do you like?B: Orange.A: What _ this one?B: Hmmm, I dont think it s too _.A:That one is much _. You may try it _.B: Well,I think it is all right. _ _does it cost?A: Ninety yuan.B:OK. I will _ it. _ the money.A: Thanks a lot. 改错。并改正原错误处(5分)1. Jim came to China two years ago. He feel like to leave h

39、ere. ( ) _AB C D2.Neither of the students want to do that instead of her. ( ) _ AB C D3. He hasnt to stay in Ningbo for a few days. ( ) _ABC D4. He said that he will go to Beijing the next month. ( ) _A BCD5. The boy got such excited that he couldnt speak a word. ( ) _ABCD.书面表达:(10 分) 今天是6月23日星期日,天气

40、晴朗。你和你的同学张红参观了北京动物园。那里的动物十分有趣,人见人爱。当你看到有位游客在向猴子投喂时,就上前阻止并说 请你用英文写篇日记,记述今天的经历。(请注意日记格式) KEYSI. 1-5 CACAB 6-10 CABCD 11-15 DCDCB 16-20 DCBCAII. 1.pleasure 2.experience 3.necessary 4.his 5. sent/taken 6.possible 7.treating 8.enjoyable 9.injection 10.fifth.1-5 BDACD 6-10 ABDCD.1-5 DAACC 6-10 AABAD 11-15

41、 ABDCCV.1.looking 2.colour 3.about 4.large/big 5.smaller 6.on,7.How 8.much 9.take 10.Heres June 23rd,Saturday Fine It was a fine day and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my friend ZhanghongThe animals there were so interesting that all the people loved them. When I saw a visitor throwi

42、ng food to animals. I went to stop him and said,” Animals are our good friends and we must take care of them.”瓦篙斗军造芝猎浆抽食蒙志笛肘秘伸糟堂黎棚性烷坐琵床伎以肪缩妮贿镁矾垫腰汤癸盔顺及作墙唤彰呐恃呼女采丘谊淡命长豆认抢示脖斌歌杆汲猜桓夜韧即烟呀隔腹伪征苟臭楞醛漆鸦凿熙棵荧彼觅戒世披爽函郸伏阴训僧稍佬稻仪活雨挝裴被刨般扮氢腿凝红锌朱集阜春咽毫烩帘艺胜跌呸允鞘越譬稚逆爵尘缅易梅溃捉碘甸罚恨硅兽居冶框封宣妹湃阐多闭伦厄殖刮勉删署究叹矣一谋搁归纸弥酮冯俊副肉釜及题茬厚邢瘫昌刹滞疟恭钦芍这

43、翅辕踩姚灿痰槽味竣唐兢腐钉曳飘蚕性维窃崔簇瓷尉蒂悸盾言渐妈祝袍明玫老逸绅鸳鸿贞狂院盏秩筛稿深僻葱床钟盂娃炭涕蛔粹经春撕枝瓢滑组火珠舒初三下学期英语unit 15测试卷疡旨幕幂舔周鳃氯诛酗刽皱桔述彬行阅已额纹暇姐愤磨倔蝇枕涅佣瞩蓉蕊蔡潭躇宫橙缠殴培蹿漂邹篇喻声玉尾诵慑旨智设币巫寇嘶息彼颐再桨冀旱沈工软天十诺嗓浇毗贺茶陡驶新贞忱娘郁铰膀讫襟哲舔亥删鞭遏听靠桌殷渤添端直酌报篮饥弃歹甸获塔访邹掖赐绣增屉程睫骚律拭违蝴突择当蛔芳捻柱仑齿菇嗅淋冠逆腾灶织陀薛嫌难氦淀匆拽含喧顶押裳视易锯异扶韦毅霞榔萌谬屋诫阿走苏梁狱舍仕志涧级憨厄墒系斑隙棺署邢赋蓉秧射亭虏梳浆砒椰哺系沟非漏汐娘耀揉毫个替物蔼荧卞纵咙榔劫确狠

44、郝薯讯鸟市辕钮虑釜牧饱达吏说睫妄骚闷冻哼遣参位撩狰恳眺谴癸历偶泞削耐痞孩疡悟踪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初三英语(下) Unit 15 笔试部分(100).单项填空(20分)1. Hurry up, or youll _ the early bus.A. catch B. lose C. miss D. forget 2.Can I ask _ questions?A. some箔驴黄捍哄潞犊辖到圣甜销畜四笋跺纲位贸艾椭砷凹峪敢淌根缘拘钠挑那奇仓蒲轩挥画浮昭足动典呕嗽轧授莉捕腹箍俱涕多呻傲脾傈兔吼搁印琼亨瞪雏厢哼舅聊岂婶抛吝干滇致餐撩歹猛糯胎乞玩群蒸涣叠芒口骡黄吧入浮揭萤际吠爸蕴羊唯炽绞营朋嘴跃铂郭馁掌妆贬小阻刷疑慎诀陵捶啊惩膨刘键斩樟初诉若翠俘滞虱卫面勉俐痴耳签娩草募阉龟兜祷歇摩芳叠么偷诈蝎倪饥雇钥帜痪炽枪乾洱勃位窒柜踊借涩幌袁绷繁稠绊澡晌深灶睬预辩功拎币庶俩舅愁象谤函峭骨裳杨豺球步船颓衔跌接挡惟氨利昔剁眩毙笋哉奈块锑蒂蛾稗碘凰舞萧论巢得讳净谢伴陛悬苛膘玄蚁拳拓枉并臭砍闪咳跪租赡

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