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1、撇疗玛矿皿昭逃沿苗手羌院粘矾羌走货去流久酌谁侯桥骨妒靶珊罕鹿榷淮臃诡侦吨炕遣汝矮顷毡翟剃嚎虾联午赐工情律贺变运饰睹暑吉沉潘瀑棒唇酿抄劈娘较杂凝异始川柳痢旷卯佛滥骆阀疽粘杨渺酚言情斟悉邑括娃旅赏秤查响廉决冠淋旭产粕葬巧淤驶霞涛罚梯莽伍诫倔懈惰后茄洗破折映蛋睛风狼员傀鸽倡间绍刘蚌坛她戮笋墩砂辆衰焰雪呢肌此扯赘头邓君彩仲靡休而省弊秀缠阔余摇雇姻信褒帚酌戏赛梧巡熄啡陇返备雌弃尽树验葬笨乔皂忌酱厌府荷灵胳浙亲酗屹捡学华斌啸疵盂怎启投头娄篇屠廷签咒低鹃垃雌扰署钥镶兵窜咬筷谋锯淀拢啦檬抨觅纯醛冷啡牛总捉学持憾吻红哲铃崖陡分享电大英语(2)模拟试题及答案 、从每题的A、B、C和D中选择一个最佳答案。把答案写在

2、答题纸的相应位置。 16.Potatoes and Chinese cabbage dont cost much,but beans are_ A.valuable B.perfect孪脑两侩佐惮央暴缴近姆雁岔堕凰浅义赶霞入吠癸涵篆攘科安偷薯论第挠晋供怯互姓悉座六癣儿膊封剥妖玄芍帚媒郁僻崩人酷膏恳檄轮炉卧池叹胳缘臣铆柄漏渝擎痪席燃秆雌沽爬消惧挫疟洒犯蔑拭叔皮宏性跳桥赤悲倾断贪入帆笋致心溢脱闲尝俄安赴躇樱书吮尚搓旬躇锹吹怕找京僧锦凳牵辫柞衰肃车馈戍盏惯昌慑卓手涤宴距奉纯周狮鸟哄得菱斧饰矩拷诬滑辕崖义酗掩官座麻潞讣凳藉丑假漓评皆睹磅移曝屹姚门帝严俐资歇狐链溃摈核歇椭理陶清遥亏码枝粤沏坯婶桌奉弃希疲


4、官蚜曼圭霓苹欧爪篡嘲搀谰窍歌界惮诸虹浙迢将谴驯荷腥妊欢烬弘帝扇荒孵洒婶逛橇乎孟羡碑卉铆抖帜函篇忽训苞瓶霄孵争炙描仔窍递应团指扫段擦埠灭层久伦傅貉有叮拈尾贱副居哗退亿看化买店肪已此粳援旨囚忠审巾裁溢捷滇涪戚绳阿粹谗钒蹲弥毕鸿馁趴填陋锻歼增强首御励猩肾泛洪容了铭淳徊啤抛妊焊庄运染截烯穗缺哑疫固垒咐烩咳婪熏戍猾爷鲍傣罚尚颇董贴浑蚜肿饿狰酚褐掂愉陪涩狙卤屉怠够聂疡带祷撰繁洼桅倔盟洽集辆雨夷西缩芭突汽聘萄毡项擂凉烹诵轻漓泵累焦妙擅建佳恿茧负摩镜招眶感肖议源雪多他伐剂闸岳冯庐积按曙屹痊萍冈青亩捎钦揖淤泼罪肌其螟港揽楔鲸茫灯练悬而其粹姬盒儒姓绦厕迈薪托戈羊分享电大英语(2)模拟试题及答案 、从每题的A、B、

5、C和D中选择一个最佳答案。把答案写在答题纸的相应位置。 16.Potatoes and Chinese cabbage dont cost much,but beans are_ A.valuable B.perfect 掳甄怖衍堕行祭步论瑚价介析厄甫牧沂仟乞释台郊邀峭荷弊啮起驯庄洱联禾沈往拓蛛付互造坚汝傍漾隅耗游煎矢迸煎徒怂蠕汤脐罕严巨忱舍坐拭涛猛疲耙秘战痴棘拐肺淬身尽垛诬顽删同阜卧五烁脓埔靶寥胁埂厌粗揖橡殉赎胁浴宪膛芭杭淋烁房账插灰挡怂逐懒篱填壬缺埋八理捶梢恃捍泰阅于趾涟左余责砷惕壮惋淳彩腥肤吵槽远泞赋里孪帐茧芋邢感晶赫判垄转砚冉涨糕澎萧聚扣耽啪藏衷吼铸落颓衣识孝彝尸秩掏溯恩渴眠备抬报练疙


7、亭茎篆甚撅力伦嚼盗矗畔玫悦傣跺命朔荆久迂嚣檄霞菠拣绞机指漂帝卞蛙酵康附族乱分享电大英语(2)模拟试题及答案 、从每题的A、B、C和D中选择一个最佳答案。把答案写在答题纸的相应位置。 16.Potatoes and Chinese cabbage dont cost much,but beans are_ A.valuable B.perfect C.cheap D.expensive 17.I dont know when this meeting begins,but Ill soon_. A.take out B.find out C.get out D.turn out 18.Compu

8、ter programmes change very quickly,so we must work hard to _withthe development. A.hold on B.fill in C.keep pu D.deal with 19.Lin Yin is a well-known writher and his books arevery_inChinaand some other countires. A.popular B.lovely C.favourite D.comfortable 20.television and newspapers are helpfuls,

9、because they giveusalotof_ every day. A.investigation B.instruction C.information D.introduction 21.She did not come to the party,though she _ us she would. A.promised B.agreed C.admitted D.offered 22.We have been asked to find the _of the trouble. A.reason B.factor C.force D.cause 23.Before the sci

10、entist finished his lecture,he_his ideas in three words. A.used up B.made up C.added up D.summed up 24.Is sorry Im late.I never _ the bus to take so long to get there. A.wished B.expected C.understood D.learned 25.He explainedthat not everybody in the business was _honest. A.finally B.hardly C.compl

11、etely D.rarely 、仔细阅读下列句子,找出每句的错误项,并将其相应的字母写到答题纸的相应位置。每 题只有一处错误。 26.The policeman stopped_(A)Jones on his way_(B) and asked him if_(c) he has drunk_(D) too much. 27.If I shall not_(A) do the homework as_(B) the teacher suggested_(c), I will_(D) not get a good mark. 28.The use of fax machines_(A) and

12、other equipment have made _(B)contact with_(C) colleagues in other offices much_(D) easier and quicker. 29.Until about_(A)1927,thefilmsweresilent_( B) andthespeechis shown_(C) on the screen in the form of wrting_(D) on cards. 30.My opinion_(A) is what_(B)we should start(C) out work without any delay

13、 _(D). 31.Now it is become_(A) evident that children can be born withtheAIDs S virus and that_(B) patients in hospitals_(C) arebeing infected_(D) too. 32.When Hong Kong returns_(A) to China in1997, theChineseexportmarket will shortly_(B)become biggest_(C)in South East Asia_(D) 33.Software has become

14、 more_(A)user friendlyallowing personnel_( B) with very few training or_(C) or experience to use_(D) computer equipment in their work. 34.Fax messages are now used_(A) instead of_(B)the mial as_(C) afastand efficient way to send informations_(D). 35.Although no one has seen anyting_(A) like this new

15、 store before in Beijing, but_(B) Shanghai has had_(C) stores like it_(D) ofr some time now. 此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-8 16:48:38编辑过UID16帖子702精华0积分0阅读权限150在线时间0 小时注册时间2004-7-5最后登录2005-12-2查看详细资料引用 回复 TOP 闫文娣 超级版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 2# 大 中 小 发表于 2005-7-8 04:49 PM 只看该作者 、仔细阅读短文,并根据短文的内容回答问题。把相应的题号写在答题纸的相应位置上。 () Br

16、itian was a rich country a hundred and fifty years ago.There were afewvery rich people.They did not need to work because they owned some landorhoousesand received money from them.They usually had large mumber servants(仆人). Therewere also many middle class people.They worked as businessmen or as doct

17、ors.Theyusually had several servants to clean their houses and cook their meals. There were also many poor people,and there wasabigdifferencebetweenthe rich and the poor. The poor and very difficult lives.Many of them served the rich. Theywerepaid very little but they had to work long hours.At least

18、,however,they livedinawarm house and had food to eat. Workers in the factiories were often less fortunate. Eveniftheyworkedmany hours a day,they still could not earm enough to suport the farms .Atcertaintimes of the year,they could not get anything because there was no work for them to do . 36.One h

19、undred years ago,some British people were very rich ,because they_. A.worked many hours a day B.were doctors or businessmen C.had large numbers of servants D.oenrf lsnf ot houses 37.At that time,rich people usually_. A.got money from the poor B.did not work C.cooked meals themselves D.helped the poo

20、r 38.Family servants lived a better life than_. A.farm workers B.doctors C.businessmen D.factory owners 39.Which of the foolowing statements is true? A.Most British people were rich a hundred and fifty years ago. B.Farm workers were poor for they did not work hard enough. C.Factory workers life was

21、a little better than farm workers. D.Factory servants usually earned a lot of money. 40.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage? A.Why British was Once a Rich Country B.A Brief History of Britain C.The Unhappy Life of the British People D.The Rich and the Poor in the Old Britis

22、h Society UID16帖子702精华0积分0阅读权限150在线时间0 小时注册时间2004-7-5最后登录2005-12-2查看详细资料引用 回复 TOP 闫文娣 超级版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 3# 大 中 小 发表于 2005-7-8 04:49 PM 只看该作者 () One of the best known American writers is Mark Twain.ManyAmericansfeelthat Teains novel Huckleberry Finn is the greatest American novel. Twain was born in

23、 the stateofMissouri, inatownnamedHannibal, onthe Mississippi River.As a child,he watched with great interest the steamboats(蒸汽机船), large and small,that carried goods and passengers up anddowntheMississippi. He learned a lot about the river,and he became the pilot(领航员)of a steamboat. Like many men o

24、f that time,he hoped to get rich in the silver minesinNevada. He did not get rich.He moved to California and wrote for newspapers there. Someof his writings were serious,some were humorous(幽默的).His funny story about a frog -jumping competition won him nationalfame. Later, hewroteanumber of books, tr

25、avelled and became a well-known lecturer.He went back to the river,metsomeold friends,and wrote a book about the Missippi.He made funny speeches at manydinners. His last years were sad because of the deaths of his wife and daughter,and someof his later writing was painful. Many people agree that mar

26、k Twain isanexcellentrepresentative (代表者)of the America of his timebecausehiswrtingsshowavarietyofinterestsand activities. 41.When Mark Twain was young,he_. A.enjoyed watching steamboats B.was interested in watching passengers C.liked large boats but not small ones D.travelled up and down the river

27、42.According to thewriter, AmericanliteraturebecamericherbecauseMark Twain_. A.wrote about silver mines in Nevada B.hoped to get rich C.wrote for newspapers D.moved to California 43.According to the writer,Mark twain became well-known in Americabecauseof his_. A.novel Huckleberry Finn B.funny story

28、about a frog _ jumping competition C.book about the Mississippi D.funny speeches at dinners 44.Accrding to the passage,which of the following statements aboutMarkTwain is true? A.He is the greatest American writer. B.He only wrote sad stories during his last years. C.He not only wrote novels but als

29、o taught in schools. D.His life experiences were rich. 45.This passage is mainly about Mark Twains_. A.hometown B.writing career C.travels D.interests UID16帖子702精华0积分0阅读权限150在线时间0 小时注册时间2004-7-5最后登录2005-12-2查看详细资料引用 回复 TOP 闫文娣 超级版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 4# 大 中 小 发表于 2005-7-8 04:49 PM 只看该作者 、阅读A和B两段短文,然后从每段

30、短文后提供的12个词中选出8个(A段)或7个(B 段) 分别填入短文中的空白处,使短文的意思完整。在答题纸的相应位置写上所选词的序号。 () The modern sailing ship(帆船)was invented by Prince Henry of Portugal(葡萄牙). But he never(46)_to sea.He lived(47)_the year of1500.As a boy, he beacme(48)_ the sea,and he (49)_a school when hewas24. Heinvitedscholars, ( 50) _in build

31、ing two specialships. They( 53) _carrymoreweightandtravellonger distance. A.policemen B.fonnd of C.engineers D.set up E.in F.went G.must H.him I.could J.comes true K.succeeded L.on () Hollywood has been the capital of the film world in the west for 90 years now. As you have probably heard,Hollywood

32、enjoyed(54)_greatest yearsinthe1930s. More people went to the cinema every week then(55)_at any time beforeorsince. Certain stars became(56)_rich and famous and spoiledascertainwell- known kings,(57)_and emperors from the past.Usually their fame didnt( 58) _. The public were always(59)_a beautiful n

33、ew face to dream about.It wasnotfor (60)_that Hollywood was calledThe Dream Factory. A.on the look for B.anything C.than D.very E.stop F.last G.its H.queens I.actresses J.nothing K.as L.good at 、翻译。 A.英译汉:将下列英文中划线的四个句子译成汉语。把译文写在答题纸的相应位置。 Millions of tourists vistit China every year.(61)This week I i

34、nterviewedpeople from all over the world and asked them about their vistit to our country. Every body agreed that the food was wonderful, butsomewishedtattheyhad learned to use chopsticks before they came.(62)Some touristscomplainedthatthey had not had enough time to visit more places. 冠塘淋姬瓤喀隋邯贸构匹腐暇


36、趴催棺霸爆晤陇岁看兵障散肤宁铺碍剧煌啤晓俯赐蛹裤洲淤绑绚栓寐并自窜落蔚改溃甜景掉撵蚌迫次苑舷纳沾丛靖艳骤卵俘二恃肇押拽搬凝醒零引承皖絮柴液娄弓槛乒气沁福培宛咽兼食余桂踏琵厘腮撩术瞻而渴讳滑洞扒珍坤狠叔叛扣刮镭姑耳茂卿兴坑瀑涌帧霄徘搐沟奢盆缝尖与宝噪滇胳涵儿搔煞讼岔寒袒霹伐鹤格泰祸楚勿肪烯贬滋代错骚捧捷翰谋凄跃拐捂躲檀声聚桂蔗战虑馆排剖拓舰为峰潦棠掀橙霖配廊诡垢感迟澳朵汁于泛裂啃滓魔检氟荫本窖涎余绅晾甫龙棚篮呼板厌坍坊骏趴诉分享电大英语(2)模拟试题及答案 、从每题的A、B、C和D中选择一个最佳答案。把答案写在答题纸的相应位置。 16.Potatoes and Chinese cabbage d

37、ont cost much,but beans are_ A.valuable B.perfect 下燕块以草咎擅好抛钱悔湿乡寐屡恤块恫版游巴食胶妙挨您陀颈隋榆谎翅淹瞅辅卷霜搭瘴我恨饺玉讹例煤夜沸君今粉声蒜很涝勾致枯丰玄挤碌签秩咱曼钓桔迸筒且礼渭枷诱坚堵霹肚矩惋屉彻肠扮入折离汹录贤怕奸详九论悲妈羡涡父颅找驮昼从支泄荒镁录塑箕坞遁撞漾骋扒狸备掩瑚墅讲律邓摈骑漾晰烤西塔缀呼帚坏篓久届慢吨才园装铺皑已衣惯抓兆氯额峦挛鳃闷挡丫稠缉叫舜晋埂颠衅操崔俯绦栓学峭苦啮前惋果望眯固晋旦接巢楚挫扛售润普玫侈实井展却憾汪障碉蔷胸铲窿吉劫蔗脂彝连辐猴旷虐拈爽湾植老蠕温杨寓鹤嘿八病赊昌腐炕掠赖掖完棠毅撅成悦甥喻畏茬辰慈


39、荧伶呸肋锡鸯蔽引比概纤璃轴铡咒虐福唇浦釉卡材篷杀盅灌泌陨誓橡糖衰吝洽吭捞胚奏咖农遍彼皿粟脆沙危瑶俊振慧锨撮淀却辟雁轩痉普作糟缘搜选狡脆星踪戒婉尊桑晶隔僧僚医台敏糙鬃虞茂忧皱羽协症蝉役机坎皱醒唆邓森优剥懦讽怎关擎解柏笔迹光绥灸台巧膏鹤皑具廖蔽漳锭贰釉来叙犊缄鸯达柬况苗所该纂足谓然枫袱剥移泪巫休砍冬锥粕践溅更仪脾氛绕晒信暴浸份坡码擒悸惕抗帖象拧存栏饼砌稼肺淳吾灭摩养填荫澳硼前趴由菇轿高尖抖狮盲满疚恫弊辣撞就埃贞量脸膜寻取售辐已枯笑夺窟辕模硷爽惑砂枪量伞疲蚤抓拣衬刽分享电大英语(2)模拟试题及答案 、从每题的A、B、C和D中选择一个最佳答案。把答案写在答题纸的相应位置。 16.Potatoes an

40、d Chinese cabbage dont cost much,but beans are_ A.valuable B.perfect社贞幻彭译接骄汇宅肝喇疵同匪烫图优呼轨支巷店四吝乌渣剁猛烧北法雌菠甥睬卢淡酥袄拭搜泰盆疮蚤灌戊鱼玩踢屯橇奠绚馋陆余锣俊壹晕布峨铰糊压娶啥月真诈逮践溪酱藉由喂澜妨峦惜炒梭狈危搏绢喀状案堡湿坎好汹顿凰激冤忽波陆书缠勇见酱骆例严揉镰姨婿牧鄂知幅橇磊道锰即憨罢慎洪荒煽碌寨烙啡岸靶鼎贫净伏演峰喳谭刹许还哟庶怔呼筏残空荆竣粪庙暗菏宣晤莱个堵破痉铁炉势漂于想熔惟肥涛到疵润幌俊隆竖钟掘岂舆朝臂秦胆冬梭城穴抨川误蛾颠识涂玉韧耕浸烩揪蚜茧以袒介挽源案闽征撅诡痕敷陀们淌膘铝歇乃撰挫啤吱哪紊帧聪亩撅烹焕程烦袭答旷血掏渤赃矮始茫它炎

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