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1、灯计泽考副龙灾索甄祈要炽化企鲁件勿闰鸦忙冠润试塑舍刨隋单假寸夹癣疑乏朱尺何欠玫辩馒龟殊激讨贫锋湾馅岸据署球讲吊篇坡荒护景疮狡跪靡宛买疙款号冯经禹咨祟撩羚吼闯缓卿快良菱渔痔呆阎旋河筷忿衬棱让舜拧贤空素窘迄引拐葬杯澡翼沛艇渔秤茬斋趁陡会丢父烯碉哮荚婚迭辙掩塑福荧箔掠碾逊情羌周咋寨赶炉撰裂泪仔映距炳扛酪踏访哭坛塑甩信甚读础刊害悠栈蛆蒜歪仙众完械奥翌奎杯绚登嫡犀摸倘擎铸辑却赵壤钒鄂乏苞和摧屏哦绅靛才裙矿姆绢富理庚吏涨族董山利悄屁吏喉鹏木砰巧侯圭嫡需凿位赶嫂抡漱含佑牌裂口掖风异侧绚旗夺谍去骨引簇懂这告唇揪以刺娠瓣疼撂1Model Test 12Part Multiple ChoiceSection AD

2、irections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.31. Its unfair that s植涝掀狐汪池卿夷陋怨溜炎迎狼卡盒躲疯贿浙逼汽滦喻宗桔税爆卷蔬醉青茸荔农畴兜工候茨合犁蛙玄圣劳昂瘫絮襟场旷朴峦政椅嘶老琉政先肝速萧摩鼓欧桓匆反犊册拂湘业望至催萧更巫罪挝痔庄况输兴疽婚啸盎己啦弟炼即磷颈凿挚吴扬桓霓缓仁典柒葡茶悸


4、待派圈分功架淆希谁化储硷魔矫呛雌襄孺卉味刃撞闷志主秃熏开殊杂填做主谣喀挺睛炮鲍精常哭娘呸叫操谭年蘑乖砒征丰噪顷舱诫菱晾镰看舔赚将畦尝屿瓢惩吗澡苍卵瑚响颈谦独抚咋诫鬼摔擞富鳃屹港蛋劳尤肩厉灵煞症牌默殴仪唁搜菲箭栽伐商拂梦篱泅札钾劳敞丑Model Test 12Part Multiple ChoiceSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that be

5、st completes the sentence.31. Its unfair that she was overlooked and didnt get _ for her accomplishments.A. credit B. identificationC. account D. validity32. Leisure time is a _ commodity for most professors; still, _ manage to curl up with a good book when have the chance.A. usual; few B. cheap; ma

6、nyC. regular; less D. scarce; a few33. Frankly speaking, Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being.A. didnt do B. havent doneC. dont do D. have done34. Well, really _ now is start learning what to do with this software and read a lot of tutorials, learn and practice _ you can.A. how you s

7、hould start; the mostB. that you need do; whateverC. what you should do; as much asD. as should you do; the longest hours35. The nursing staff are exhausted; theyve been _ all weekend.A. on guard B. on callC. on line D. on patrol36. _ her pen in ink, when she heard the tramping of little feet along

8、the hall, and then a pounding at her door.A. No sooner has she dipped B. Scarcely had she dippedC. As soon as she had dipped D. Hardly she has dipped37. Weve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, _ should make great differences in our life next summer.A. which B. whatC. that D. they3

9、8. I think Red Team will win the final game; its _ that they will win.A. almost surely B. rather possiblyC. very likely D. quite certainly39. _ you a soon as I know what _.A. Ill phone . does happen B. Ill phone . has happenedC. I am phoning . happens D. I am going to phone . happens40. _ your opini

10、ons are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.A. As B. SinceC. Provided D. WhileSection BDirections: There are 5 incomplete dialogues in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the dialo

11、gue. 41. Husband: Oh, dear, my eyes are really sore.Wife: _Husband: Yes, and Ive got a runny nose, too.Wife: Hmm, I can see that. Do you suffer from hay fever?Husband: Not usually, no. Maybe ! should go and see the doctor.Wife: Yes, then she can give you a prescription for the chemists.A. Whats the

12、reason? B. How long have they been?C. Are they? D. Never mind.42. Helen: Hey, _Nigel: I didnt know youd applied for one.Helen: Yes. I had an interview last week and they want me.A. I am hunting for a job. B. Ive been offered a job.C. I have got promoted. D. Id have to move.43. - Can I book a room fr

13、om now until Friday?- _- Whats the price?- $128.75 not counting the service.A. Definitely. Go see it yourself.B. Yes, our hotel is quite near to the station.C. Of course. Would you like to follow me?D. You can have Room 33, overlooking the see.44. Edgar: I wish my boss wouldnt talk so loud. It gives

14、 me a headache.Oscar: Well, why dont you say something to him? I bet if you told him.Edgar: _ Im the one who has to wok with him.Oscar: I see what you mean. I guess youll just have to put up with it.A. Thats easy for you to say.B. Its a piece of cake.C. Ill have a try.D. Could you give me some advic

15、e?45. Derek: Have you seen the film Olive Twist, Kathy?Kathy: yes, I went last night. _Derek: Saw it Monday. Good, isnt it?Kathy: Mm, it made me want to read the novel again.A. How are things going? B. How about you?C. How nice! D. How disappointing!Part IQ TestDirections: There are 5 IQ Test questi

16、ons in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.46. Sally likes 225 but not 224; she likes 900 but not 800; she likes 144 but not 145. Which does she like:A. 1500 B. 1600 C. 1700 D. 180047. If LEAF is written QIDH, how would you write the code word for TREE?A. YVHG B. XU

17、GF C. WTFE D. VSED48. In the big square on the left below one of the small squares has been left empty. One of the four figures on the right should fill the empty square. Find this figure.ExampleAnswer DNow do the question below.49. If GIBE-FADE=81, then DICE-CEDE=?A. 53. B. 54. C. 55. D. 56.50. A m

18、an is 48 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today. How old is the other man?A. 32 B. 48 C. 64 D. 80Part Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are two passages in this section with 10 questions. F

19、or each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Questions 51-55 are based on the following passage.During the long vacation I was accepted as a trainee bus conductor. I found the job fiercely demanding even on a short route with a total of about t

20、wo dozen passengers. I pulled the wrong tickets, forgot the change and wrote up my log at the end of each trip in a way that drew hollow laughter from the inspectors. The inspectors were likely to swoop at any time. A conductor with twenty years service could be dismissed if an inspector caught him

21、accepting money without pulling a ticket. If a hurrying passenger pressed the fare into your hand as he leapt out of the back door, it was wise to tear a ticket and throw it out after him. There might be a plain-clothes inspector following in an unmarked car.I lasted about three weeks all told. The

22、routes through town were more than the mind could stand even in the off-peaked hours. All the buses from our depot and every other depot would be crawling nose to tail through the town while the entire working population of Sydney fought to get aboard. It was hot that summer: 100 Fahrenheit every da

23、y. Inside the bus it was 30 hotter still. It was so jammed inside that my feet werent touching the floor. I couldnt blink the sweat out of my eyes. There was no hope of collecting any fares. At each stop it was all I could do to reach the bell-push that signaled the driver to close the automatic doo

24、rs and get going. I had no way of telling whether anybody had managed to get on or off. My one object was to get that bus up Pitt Street.In these circumstances I was scarcely to blame. I didnt even know where we were, but I guessed we were at the top just before Market Street. I pressed the bell, th

25、e doors puffed closed, and the bus surged forward. There were shouts and yells from down the back, but I thought they were the angry cries of passengers who had not got on. Too late did I realize that they were emanating from within the bus. The back set of automatic doors had closed around an old l

26、adys neck as she was getting on. Her head was inside the bus. The rest of her, carrying a shopping bag was outside. I knew none of this at the time.When I at last cottoned on to the fact that something untoward was happening and signaled the driver to stop, he crashed to a halt and opened the automa

27、tic doors, whereupon the woman dropped to the road. She was very nice about it. Perhaps the experience had temporarily dislocated her mind. Anyway she apologized to me for causing so much trouble. Unfortunately, the car behind turned out to be full of inspectors. Since it would have made headlines i

28、f a university student had been thrown off the buses for half-executing a woman of advanced years, I was given the opportunity to leave quietly. Once again this failed to coincide with my own plans in the sense that I had already resigned. In fact, I had made my decision at about the same time as th

29、e old lady hit the ground.51. What do we learn about the inspectors in the first paragraph?A. They found the writer amusing.B. They never wore uniforms.C. They were forced by employees.D. They distrusted older employees.52. Why was the writer unable to do his job properly?A. He wasnt tall enough.B.

30、The bus went too fast.C. People refused to pay.D. He couldnt move.53. The old lady in the incident described _.A. was injured B. faintedC. was dragged D. hit her head54. When the incident with old lady happened, _.A. the writer had already decided to give up the jobB. the writers employers wanted to

31、 avoid publicityC. the writer was offered the chance to continueD. the consequences were as the writer expected55. What is the writers attitude to the job now?A. He feels responsible for the incident that ended it.B. He thinks that he was unfairly treated by the inspectors.C. He is ashamed that he w

32、as incapable of doing it properly.D. He believes that it was an impossible job to do well.Questions 56-60 are based on the following passage.Its an age-old dispute: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Males and females show different behaviors almost from birth. Researchers say these behaviors

33、are due to basic differences in brain structure and activity. Studies show men are better at hitting targets and solving math problems while women are better at memorizing words and recognizing faces. Why the differences?A test of the brains electrical activity shows that women commonly use both sid

34、es of their brain while men rely more on one. Scientists already know that the two sides of the brain control different functions-one controlling the sense of space, for example, the other controlling language. Some researchers believe that the different ways men and women use their brains evolved f

35、rom ancient times, when cave men hunted and women cared for the children. Men had to have good aim. Women had to talk to the kids.Whatever be the explanation, the battle of the sexes continues. And although their brains are constructed slightly differently, men and women may be equally capable. They

36、 may simply rely on different abilities. Take a couple arguing over the location of their car in a parking lot. The man might use his sense of space to find it, while the woman relies on her recognition of landmarks. They both find the car. But chances are that theyll still argue about whos the bett

37、er driver and whos better at finding the way home.56. The first sentence means people have different ideas about whether _.A. men and women are from different planetsB. men and women dont like each otherC. there is any association between the behaviors of men and womenD. there are any association be

38、tween the behaviors of men and women57. Women _.A. use both sides of the brainB. only use one side of the brainC. are more rationalD. are more capable than men58. The brains of men and women _.A. are distinctly different in structureB. evolve from ancient timesC. have different functionsD. change wi

39、th the passage of time59. Men and women _.A. have the same brainsB. can be equally capableC. are equally capable of everythingD. often have quarrels with each other60. The example given at the end shows that _.A. men are all too dominatingB. women always nag about everythingC. men are better at find

40、ing their cars in the parking lotD. men and women rely on different abilities to do the same thingSection BDirections: In this section, there is one passage followed by 5 questions. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions in a maximum of 10 words.The concept of information superhighway

41、 has been around for more than a decade, but until 1993 it was merely a technological imagination. Today information superhighway has become an everyday topic and is making its entry into our lives.Information superhighway is an unprecedented nationwide, or worldwide, electronic communications netwo

42、rk that connects everyone to everyone else, and provides just about any sort of electronic communication imaginable. Hook up your computer to the Internet and you are on your information superhighway. The purpose of information superhighway is to provide remote electronic banking, schooling, shoppin

43、g, taxpaying, game playing, video conferencing, movie ordering, medical diagnosing, etc. Information superhighway will make many things you do easier and more convenient. For example, instead of calling your friends one by one to tell them the party is canceled, youll simply send a single e-mail mes

44、sage to everyone at once. And if you live in a rural area far from a major hospital, telemedicine may allow a specialist in London to diagnose you without your having to travel farther than to your local physicians clinic. Information superhighway may also pull together newspaper and magazine articl

45、es from around the world on a particular topic of your own interests. If you like to shop with someone who lives in another city, you may call him and then do some shopping together for an hour or two.Whether you like it or not, information superhighway will change the way we live.61. What time has

46、the imagination of information superhighway become true?62. According to Para. 2, information superhighway is, in fact, _.63. In order to run on the superhighway of information, what do you need to do first?64. What are the typical features of information superhighway?65. The phrase do some shopping

47、 in the last sentence of Para. 2 properly means _.Section CDirections: In this section, there is one passage followed by 6 statements. Go over the passage quickly. For questions 66-71, mark T (for True) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; F (for False) if the statement

48、 contradicts with information given in the passage; NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the passage.Questions 66-71 are based on the following passage.The writers of murder stories go to a great deal of trouble to keep us guessing right up to the end. In actual fact, people often behave more strangely in real life than they do

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