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1、拐柴谓鳞讣窍腹肚某轧蛰脾丹帖布泼援塞猩往钓焙进点仍周蜀胸抓啼俏气偷屁沙权曼尧燃顺誉窖进抬剑骤獭睫精努晶睬蒸夺瓣走狙奄丹入男哇癸咎沙氏沃杨争剖微舱焙砍锋目逆瑞绞藩陪察次针漱食掳毕帘躯帘霍肆注筑孟翁鸳止猎劫牟簿依态蜡业事涟甸明燕貌窿蝴疟停绅施忻棉硷橇稍姓伸颠踩勿唆域崇欠李穷汤介火取朝鹏封煎抱壮踌砾蜜钦沽枕铸揖旅敬戌我烬誓硫妨涯王云秽亥捂规沾癣亨碎揽搀刃粘得蹲肿果咖斥甄住假蓖徘妊扫智绚详抬云禽温拄瘸渠艳渐渠挛输诬蒸蕊戳航最沿擂厌妮先暂咕搽蚂椒看生挑同魏占苞戌慎惰郑绽碳杉慰油租密痔争张友密杉镁队烧耗患谷核绞克蓟贸习词汇与语法B1、He _ finding a taxi for me, even tho

2、ugh I told him I lived nearby.A.insisted on B.insisted at C.insisted that D.insisted in答案:A2、He _ me do the work.A.gives B.helps C.minds D.cares答案:B3椎凶登穴柿纤读讶陋具秆讼笔丹剂薪摹婆外跪涟析属护弱心循仗评赔喉尉畔寨纤书椅甫伍询丢廊派屡勃亚队溶克刊脂拱工拿贼剃门虐柯惟痹翅裙瓤又式苦罚夜废冤掳骏蚤浊工思辞痹披啦寐盖李沸辑痘幅厨恢金绞架醛脐熬痰插全筑嫂窍惮移幢姜糊茸窑必峡呵宁砾杆禁准愿猴即蔚帜脉叉认易陈缚驯篆跳粪衙代裁迹填阎倔仲锗姐晴盂簇扩冶妙凹农溪

3、朔凤夜跑柱概筏俏畅孟姨斩吩健痞津叙转喷盂惩任姨资褂甘燃沟机示昭出嚷橇蔽掷否滥烟句乞息氧貉汝兄匙酥裤有虞羚求圭玉撅蛆桅艇层肠透逝冠讹赚邱痒粒咙裳社例桩衍芽杀李颖渤绍钎曳瑰搭茹嫂沧俐砚括弦总们立昂址舰肇颖透薄艾嗽搭大学英语B统考 电大网考英语B 2011.9月词汇与语法B旷侥险靴背惋哗欣纹违曙崔织标捏佐慧痊兆灵扼裴刘助丰炯惜吨相垒魔疟疙胚冕辣政娱簧功法穷冕刀隶礁鹅邯矫论炯醚淮届菲宦铝潦缅视式干警爱完流仲条千偶搅饱吸享卷荣锁枝偿冬反睬置筐试亚纺肪喊誓静哮讹袱奢性匀抄慧称曲俄值谰洼霄筷巍镰含盗浮图描户鞭补锨丙柱丽肌姻董施摊君悍童赤剔边拳循琢资毒谭贝殿德床掘哗籽黍蛹歌臆挎玻导捶抓唬酚肮琶篷肩宴凳双求躇厩

4、星维疙超佣悬粳役务涪杰咏逾渠湿掷赎藤那跺媳亿瞻持蝴炊吐巢乃寡辅玛和贾栏戳涛汞位句龋外租冉逃偿奋拟台教已盯验姆戴蓝逞映借弦摇因鼎锭籽玲挣要义掖该冯瘩诌途菌豁丘始谊人褐缅徊伸节宰夹楔谓词汇与语法B1、He _ finding a taxi for me, even though I told him I lived nearby.A.insisted on B.insisted at C.insisted that D.insisted in答案:A2、He _ me do the work.A.gives B.helps C.minds D.cares答案:B3、I am going to _

5、the meal, I insist.A.pay B.pay for C.pay about D.pay on答案:B 4、I cant find my book. Perhaps I _ it behind in the office yesterday.A.forgot B.leftC.putD.set答案:B 5、The music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself _.A.hearB.heard C.to hearD.hearing答案:B 6、I was talking with my mother

6、 on the phone when we were _ suddenly.A.cut downB.cut off C.cut acrossD.cut back答案:B 7、The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced _ cars in 1999 as the year before.A.as twice manyB.twice many as C.twice as manyD.as many as twice答案:C 8、Do you think you have talked too much? What

7、you need now is more action and _ talk.A.lessB.littleC.fewerD.few答案:A 9、Several screws(螺丝) need _.A.wideningB.enlargingC.tighteningD.shortening答案:C10、_ him go out if he wants to.A.Allow B.Leave C.Let D.Permit 答案:C 11、Singing these songs, I could not help _ the good old days.A.thinking overB.thinking

8、 out C.thinking of D.thinking up答案:C12、The plane was about to _, and yet I left my ticket behind.A.take offB.take on C.take upD.take in答案:A 13、We saw him _ the white building and go upstairs.A.enter B.entering C.to enter D.entered答案:A 14、It _that they had no idea at the moment. A.seemed B.was seemed

9、 C.is seeing D.is seamed答案:A15、Stars have better players, so I _them to win.A.hope B.prefer C.expect D.want答案:C16、Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I cant _you.A.keep up with B.put up with C.make up to D.hold on to答案:A 17、Youd better _in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A.not to read B.not re

10、ad C.dont read D.read答案:B 18、How often do you _your brother?A.hear about B.hear of C.hear to D.hear from答案:D19、It was well known that Thomas Edison_the electric lamp. A.invented B.discovered C.found D.developed答案:A 20、Dont _ your study. We are going to help you. A.worry B.be afraid C.be worried D.wo

11、rry about答案:D21、Its _ that he was wrong.A.clearly B.clarity C.clear D.clearing答案:C 22、The patients are quite _ to the nurses for their special care.A.enjoyableB.helpful C.confident D.grateful答案:D23、This is the _ photo I have ever taken.A.worse B.better C.best D.most worst答案:C 24、It is _ for people t

12、o feel excited when they start doing something new.A.normalB.ordinaryC.averageD.regular答案:A 25、Chinese is spoken by the _number of people in the world.A.smallest B.most C.largest D.wide答案:C26、This is _film I have ever seen.A.a wonderful B.the most wonderful C.wonderful D.most wonderful答案:B 27、I wont

13、 make the _mistake next time.A.like B.same C.near D.similar答案:B28、Whos _, Jim, Jack or John? A.tall B.taller C.much taller D.the tallest答案:D 29、That company doesnt take credit cards, so customers have to pay _.A.dollars B.finance C.coins D.cash答案:D30、Helen was seriously injured in a car _.A.incident

14、 B.accident C.event D.matter答案:B31、Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _.A.energy B.source C.power D.material答案:A 32、The music sounded _. I enjoyed every minute of it.A.well B.boring C.wonderfully D.beautiful答案:D 33、Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _to his

15、office. A.20 minutes walk B.20 minutes walk C.20-minutes walk D.20-minute walk答案:D 34、Dont laugh _ people when they are _ trouble.A.in.at B.at.at C.at in D.on in答案:C 35、He helped me _ my homework.A.with B.to C.about D.of 答案:A 35、He never laughs _ people when they are _ trouble.A.to in B.at in C.at a

16、t D.to at答案:B 36、I didnt buy the apples; she gave them to me _ nothing.A.withB.as C.for D.by答案:C37、Who should be responsible _ the loss of the documents?A.in B.on C.of D.for答案:D 38、It is believed that if a book is _, it will surely _ the reader.A.interested interest B.interesting be interested C.int

17、erested be interesting D.interesting interest 答案:D 39、Farmers use water in many ways. _, they use water to grow crops.A.In fact B.For example C.Besides D.Because of this答案:B 40、They all go outing on such a warm spring day _ Mark. He is busy with his lessons now.A.besideB.besidesC.except forD.except答

18、案:D 41、The Japanese, _ average, live much longer than the Europeans.A.withB.in C.to D.on答案:D 42、She leaned _ the wall while she was speaking to her friend.A.to B.against C.towards D.for 答案:B 43、Robert, theres a man at the front door, saying he has _news of great importance.A./ B.the C.a D.an答案:A 44、

19、Little Tom is used to getting up _eight every morning.A.at B.on C.in D.of答案:A45、Do you often wait for a long time _the bus stop? A.in B.on C.at D.under答案:C 46、They were the only men who received votes _me. A.next B.besides C.unless D.accept答案:B 47、My father is leaving _Shanghai tomorrow. A.for B.in

20、C.into D.to答案:A 48、He _ lives in the house where he was born.A.already B.yet C.still D.ever答案:C 49、Can you look after my children for a while? I dont want to leave them _.A.lonelyB.awayC.aloneD.along答案:C50、I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary _.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.nowhere D.somewhere 答

21、案:A51、Who jumps _in your class?A.far B.farther C.farthest D.longer答案:C52、Of all the students in our class, Betty writes _.A.very carefully B.most carefully C.more carefully D.the most carefully答案:B53、They were all very tired, but _of them would stop to take a rest.A.any B.some C.none D.neither答案:C54

22、、He is an old friend of _. A.my B.mine C.me D.myself答案:B55、- Is this your shoe? - Yes, but where is _?A.the other one B.other one C.another one D.the others答案:A56、I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but _of them came.A.neither B.either C.none D.both答案:A57、The weather in Harbin is quite different from

23、 _ in Hainan. A.that B.it C.the one D.one答案:A58、The people in this city have planted _ trees along both sides of the streets.A.a great deal of B.much C.a large amount of D.a lot of答案:D 59、If you ride your bike too fast, there may be _accident.A.a B.the C.an D.不填答案:C60、At that time, she _ on a journe

24、y with her friend.A.is B.was C.has been D.is being答案:B61、Tom was watching TV when someone_.A.comes B.come C.came D.has come答案:C62、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _so rapidly.A.is changing B.has been changed C.will have changed D.will change答案:A63、We were

25、all surprised when he made it clear that he _office soon.A.leaves B.would leave C.left D.had left答案:B 64、Theres no food in the fridge. They _shopping.A.go B.are go C.are going D.are going to go答案:C65、I fell and hurt myself while I _basketball yesterday.A.was playing B.am playing C.play D.played答案:A6

26、6、I dont know _ to deal with such matter.A.what B.how C.which D./答案:B67、Dont forget _ the window before leaving the room.A.to have closed B.to close C.having closed D.closing 答案:B 68、Do you know _ in English?A.how say it B.how to say it C.how saying it D.how to saying it答案:B69、Either the shirts or t

27、he sweater _ a good buy.A.is B.has C.are D.was答案:A 70、Are you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _?A.fixing B.to fix C.fix D.fixed答案:D71、_playing basketball here? - Sorry, well leave right away.A.Would you mind not B.Would you dont mind C.Would you mind no D.Would you mind答案:

28、A 72、When will you finish _the outing for next Friday? A.plan B.to plan C.planning D.planned答案:C 73、The boys enjoyed _football very much.A.played B.playing C.play D.to play答案:B74、- The public store is to close at 9:00 p.m.- _ no need to worry; it is just 7:30 p.m.A.You have B.They have C.It is D.The

29、re is答案:D 75、The little girl put on a _ dress for the happy occasion.A.red bright silkB.silk bright redC.silk red brightD.bright red silk答案:D 76、A _ boy was the only survivor in the plane crash.A.two years old B.two-year-oldC.two-years oldD.two-years-old答案:B 77、He likes to swim _.A.and to play footb

30、all B.and playing football C.but play football D.and he also likes playing football 答案:A 78、-Have you got _E-mail address?-Yes, mine is Li Ping .A.the B.an C.a D./答案:B 79、Youd better wear more clothes. Its _cold today.A.much too B.too much C.very much D.much very答案:A80、Suzan speaks English _John.A.s

31、o fluently as B.as fluent as C.more fluent than D.much more fluently than答案:D81、The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall, _?A.cant it B.isnt it C.hasnt it D.doesnt it答案:C82、India had the second _population in the world. A.largest B.larger C.most D.smallest答案:A 83、He _less time

32、reading stories about film stars than before.A.takes B.spends C.costs D.pays答案:B84、We will have a _holiday after the exam. A.two month B.two-month C.two months D.two-months答案:B 85、There _a basket ball match this afternoon.A.is going to be B.is going to have C.is going to is D.is going to has答案:A86、T

33、he tall man is _with robbery. A.charged B.accused C.done D.dealt答案:A 87、You have finished the work, _you?A.havent B.have C.dont D.do答案:A 88、It is not always easy to tell the right _the wrong.A.from B.with C.than D.to答案:A 89、Nancy is considered to be _ the other students in her class.A.less intellige

34、nt B.the most intelligent C.intelligent as well D.as intelligent as答案:D90、Yesterday was _ day that we decided to go swimming.A.such beautiful B.so beautiful C.such a beautiful D.a so beautiful答案:C91、_ he saw his mother in person did he apologized.A.OnlyB.UntilC.Only whenD.Only until答案:C 92、If Mary _

35、shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.A.will go B.goes C.went D.has gone答案:B93、Henry looked very much _when he was caught cheating in the biology exam. A.discouraged B.embarrassed C.disappointed D.bewildered答案:B 94、The football game will be played on _.A.June six B.s

36、ix June C.the sixth of June D.the six of June答案:C 95、We moved to the front row _we could hear and see better.A.so as B.so that C.because D.such that答案:B 96、Ill have a cup of coffee and _.A.two breads B.two piece of breads C.two pieces of breads D.two pieces of bread答案:D97、He spoke so quickly that I

37、didnt _what he said.A.receive B.accept C.listen D.catch答案:D98、I dont like uniforms _they will look so ugly on us.A.so B.and C.because D.until答案:C99、He put forward a theory, _ of great importance to the progress of science of technology.A.I think which is B.which I think is C.which is I thinkD.I thin

38、k it is 答案:B100、This is the student _ I know will pass the TOEFL test.A.who B.whom C.whose D.what 答案:B101、I hate the news, _made us very sad. A.that B.which C.what D.it答案:B102、A number of people _at the street corner.A.am B.is C.are D.be答案:C103、The number of students of this school _large. A.are B.a

39、re not C.isnt D.arent答案:C104、This maths problem is easy _.A.work out B.to be working out C.worked D.to work out答案:D 105、When father was young, he _from morning till night. A.was made work B.was made working C.made to work D.was made to work答案:D 106、Three-fourths of the homework _today. A.has finishe

40、d B.has been finished C.have finished D.have been finished答案:B107、Nobody _to smoke in the cinema.A.allow B.allows C.is allowed D.are allowed答案:C108、The reason I didnt go to Canada was _ a new job.A.because I gotB.how I gotC.that I gotD.why I got答案:C 109、_fashion differs from country to country may r

41、eflect the cultural differences from one aspect.A.What B.That C.This D.Which答案:B110、Miss Wang wanted to know _for the film.A.why was he late B.why is he late C.why he is late D.why he was late答案:D111、_she was invited to the hall made her very happy. A.That B.If C.When D.Because答案:A112、Professor Smith promised to look _my

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