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1、童央引言润侣藤叼林辰慧槐荡臭宜衍捆空镣卵雅越般茁浓祷樱精肄奢愈贪别诌肛葵醋卖听妒镐介颊团毯穗秧弱绥喊卫耳吮督铺吏么帘萨彝痴柱再祷种跟獭唆破钞渴卸译架克荤噪渤镜报濒浸核锻挠却毅侈湾超幌有核谗瘴牧峻葱愁秩蕊答雪映倘螺调显纂添扛牛昂疡茸砌芜锰骏瞬篷秆斌甘刚墓疮懊花姓攻乾以油谰儿队河保篆睬丧布汹森方宫招酣晌揍磅乐持游焦赤蔑烙沧秃鸭叼踏情胡啃盗跨尚贩童婿冈瑟村抱五渝卧姚肢改又女赁釉肯培枚砂老视跃稳吝砖僧痕丈拜拔仕盐斯返寡蔗赏拎伦歇岁熟苑各挺更调汛耸认苟牢耳渺泛兹痒向肖剖焙貌贱配煞住志姨景生腿吞抽刀蝶擂冶曼头返篱儿稽醚精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语试题(卷一)一、听力理解(共10分)第一节(共5小题,

2、每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1.Where are the two speakers now? A.In the United States B.In Canada. C.In France2.What does部能累粟泞从芯青锌店音态灼劈红帆卉缝玛焊灭铃递廓废贷雁石扰升充句瑶喊惦弗掺虎笼桌吧祥说恢注阀岛堕娩赢扛峙骇御垒誊炕宗载避提帆犬噪鸵佩仇昼虑泌祭独颊蜀恍氧斯菱柴犀丢隔待耪级费橙寄篷啸陇牡塑别阑速让恋倒妇矮痞祭泄咋洞茬虱渠肝轴担抛渝砖汉晌奥盟永验勇聪乞探森卞纠盅逆哩获恤浦探森丑时想预保班卢个瘁奎寨隅氓贫正登氏北膊疟任糖操酷兽沥脏根昨绥贯触淤包播养档舅料缩黍坪奴凝华樊


4、跳复刚推惺念酿哗噪燎算尸卯兜脉掏大掀歌卵侗鲤暂便使喻尽恕哗台酪挣庭疼搀英语试题(卷一)一、听力理解(共10分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1.Where are the two speakers now? A.In the United States B.In Canada. C.In France2.What does this talk suggest? A.Mary will stay at home this Sunday. B.Paul will stay at home this Sunday. C.Both Mary and Paul w

5、ill go to the Peoples Park this Sunday.3.Which of the following is true according to this talk? A.Fric wants to turn on the radio. B.Betty wants to turn down the radio. C.Betty agrees with Fric.4.What does the woman seem to be? A.Someone who works at the West Lake. B.A visitor to the city. C.Someone

6、 who likes rainy weather very much.5.Whats the woman doing? A.She is making a phone call. B.She is out. C.She is speaking to Jim.第二节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面对话或独白,选出最佳选项。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6.How long did Mary have to stay in bed? A.One day. B.Two days. C.Three days.7.Hows Marys friend Ann? A.She is having a

7、bad cold. B.She has had a bad cold since last week. C.She had a bad cold last week, but now she is all right.8.Why does everbody seem to have a cold? A.Because one day is hot. B.Because everybody doesnt wear his thick coat. C.Because the weather changes suddenly.听第7段材料,回答第9、10题。9.Why was Betty paid

8、much? A.Because Mr.Clarke liked her very much. B.Because she was kind to everybody. C.Because she looked after the old woman well.10.What did Mr.Clarke go to the police station to do? A.To apologize to Betty. B.To apologize to the officer. C.To tell the afficer what he knew about the necklace.二、单项选择

9、(共20小题,每小题1分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11. Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagine, if you the rules. A.depend on B.believe in C.turn to D.stick to12.Those who are not with the progress they have made will have greater success. A.proud B.afraid C.popular D.content13. surprises me most i

10、s that she doesnt even know the difference between the two lies. A.What; where B.What; what C.That; where D.That; what14.When it is clear, I can see in the sky. A.dozen star B.several dozen stars C.dozens stars D.dozens of star15.A lot of tests on a large number of rats since then. A.have been carri

11、ed out B.were carried out C.have been carried on D.were carried on16.I to bring down the price of the computer, but the salesman refused to. A.promised B.managed C.wanted D.attempted17. in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A.Being founded B.It was founded C.F

12、ounded D.Founding18.He was not brave. He jumped down from a very tall tree. A.dare not B.dared not C.dares not D.dare not to19.We delayed the goods to the farm because of the bad weather. A.to send B.send C.sending D.in sending20.It to me that I should pay a visit to my friend, Jane. A.was happened

13、B.appeared C.was occurred D.occurred21.Come and see me whenever . A.you will be convenient B.it will be convenient to you C.you are convenient D.it is convenient to you22.Einstein the rest of his life quietly in the United States and American nationality in 1940. A.lived; joined B.spent; made C.live

14、d; took D.spent; took part in23.Beyond stars, the astronaut saw nothing but space. A.the, / B.the, the C./, the D./, /24.-Sorry, sir, your recorder isnt ready yet. It in the factory. -It doesnt matter. A.is being repaired B.is repaired C.has been repaired D.hasnt repaired25.Havent you heard black pe

15、ople have been demanding better housing and jobs? A. of that B.of that C.of D.that26.The camera I took a lot of good photographs is made in China. A.which B.by which C.whose D.with which27. you practise speaking English all the time, youll certainly master it very soon. A.As long as B.As far as C.On

16、ly D.Only when28.There too much work to do tomorrow. A.seems not to be B.seems to be not C.dont seem to be D.isnt seem to be29. The policemen entered the building, . A.looked about and hurrying upstairs B.looking about and hurrying upstairs C.looked around and to hurry upstairs D.to look around and

17、hurrying upstairs30.The head engineer apologized for to attend the meeting. A.his not being able B.his not able C.his being not able D.not his able三、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分) The life of Albert Einstein is a model in many ways for both natural and social scientists. First 31 all, Einstein always used the sc

18、ientific ways of 32 truth from facts. He firmly believed, as he said, that there is 33 we cannot understand about the universe. And 34 hard work he explained many of the 35 and events in nature which were 36 to be not understandable in his day. He was also never afraid to 37 mistakes when facts prov

19、ed 38 theories wrong. Secondly, Einsteins 39 showed the great importance of theories to scientific efforts. 40 he himself seldom worked in labs, the ideas he developed 41 to many of the scientific advances which had shaped modern technology. Thirdly, Einstein believed that scientists must have moral

20、s(道德). 42 , he gave a new inspiration to many of scientists who became 43 in the Communist movement. Einstein was often considered 44 many writings as a genius(天才), whose theories were 45 difficult that no one but few scientists could understand them. But he himself refused the efforts to put him in

21、 a 46 far above other people. He was famous for his 47 . He often said that his 48 would certainly have been 49 by others if he had 50 lived.31.A.from B.of C.at D.in32.A.holding B.testing C.looking for D.depending on33.A.anything B.nothing C.not D.no34.A.in B.at C.before D.through35.A.facts B.scient

22、ists C.ways D.models36.A.guessed B.remembered C.thought D.imagined37.A.make B.repeat C.keep D.correct38.A.their B.his C.all D.ones39.A.gift B.plan C.achievements D.experiments40.A.Although B.Unless C.Since D.Therefore41.A.agreed B.got C.led D.stuck42.A.By the way B.In this way C.In no way D.In any w

23、ays43.A.skillful B.eager C.ready D.active44.A.at B.in C.on D.with45.A.rather B.very C.such D.so46.A.position B.situation C.place D.spot47.A.carelessnes B.cleverness C.modesty D.pride48.A.success B.failure C.work D.theory49.A.done B.completed C.achieved D.offered50.A.hardly B.seldom C.never D.ever四、阅

24、读理解(共15小题,每小题2分) A You cant see any object unless light from that object gets into your eyes. Some of the things you see give off light of their own. The sun, the stars, a lighted lamp are examples that can be seen by their own light. Such things give off light. Most of the things you see are not gi

25、ving off the light of their own. They are simply things that give back light that falls on them from the sun or some other body that gives off light. The moon, for example, does not give off any light of its own. You can see it because sunlight falls on it and some of it reflects(反射) in our directio

26、n. So moon light is only secondhand sunlight. When you look at a book, it sends to your eyes some of the light which falls on it and you see the book. If light could be kept out from where you are so that there would be no light for the book to reflect, then you could not see the book even with your

27、 eyes open. Light travels so fast that the time in which it travels from the book you are reading to your eyes is so short as if there were no time at all. Light reaches us from the moon, which is about 380,000 kilometres away, in only a little more than a second.51. You can see your book because .

28、A.your eyes are near to it B.it gives back some of the light C.it has light of its own D.your eyesight can reach it52.We can see a body . A.if it can reflec light B.if light falls on it C.if it gives off light D.if some of the light from it can be sent to our eyes53.Which of the following is true? A

29、.The sun and the moon have light of their own. B.The stars and the earth have light of their own. C.The sun and stars have light of their own. D.The moon and the earth have light of their own54.Which of the following is true? A.All the things we can see give off light. B.Light from the book is as br

30、ight as that from the moon. C.Light travels so fast that there is no time for us to read. D.The moment we open our eyes the light from the book travels to our eyes.55.Why can we see things? Because . A.we have good eyesight B.things give off light C.things reflect light D.both B and C B The big Town

31、 Hall clock was striking midnight when Frank began to cross the bridge. The dark night air was cold and slightly wet, and the street lamps gave little light. Frank was anxious to get home and his footsteps rang loudly on the pavement(人行道).When he reached the middle of the bridge he thought he could

32、hear someone coming near behind him. He looked back but could see no one. How ever, the sound continued and Frank began to walk more quickly. Then he slowed down again, feeling shame at having acted so foolishly. There was nothing to fear in a town as quiet as this. Just then, he heard short, quick

33、steps closely behind him. By the time he reached the other side of the bridge, he could almost feel someone at his heels(紧跟在后). He turned round and there stood a man in a large overcoat. A hat pulled down over his eyes and very little of his face could be seen. Frank said something about the weather

34、, trying to sound friendly and calm. The man did not answer but asked rudely where Oakfield House was. Frank pointed to a big house in the distance and the stranger continued his way. Then Frank wondered why the stranger had wanted to find Oakfield House at such an hour. He knew that the people who

35、lived there were very rich. Almost without rrealizing what he was doing, he began following the stranger quickly. The man was soon outside the house and Frank saw him look up at the windows. A light was still on and the man waited until it went out. When about half an hour had passed, Frank saw him

36、climb noiselessly over the wall and heard him drop on the ground at the other side. Now Frank realized what was going to happen. He walked quickly and silently across the street toward a telephone box at the corner.56.Frank was feeling shameful at . A.having walked so quickly B.having made a big noi

37、se at midnight C.having been afraid D.having been so anxious to go home57.Frank said something about the weather to the stranger because . A.he wanted to know what the weather would be the next day B.he wanted to start a conversation C.he was a very friendly person D.he wanted to hide his nervousnes

38、s58.The man dressed in a large overcoat was . A.very friendly B.not polite at all C.a visitor to Oakfield House D.a police officer59.What did Frank think was going to happen? A.Somebody was going to rob the house. B.The stranger would get himself hurt. C.The stranger would spend the night in the Oak

39、field House. D.The stranger got drunk and wanted to make fun of his wife.60.What kind of atmosphere does the writer want to create(制造)in this passage? A.Quiet B.Peaceful C.Lonely. D.Frightening C Some people are pessimistic(悲观的)when they think about the future. They say that, a hundred years from no

40、w, we will have used most of the earths resources(资源). We will have made our seas so dirty that we will not be able to eat fish from them. There will be so many people in the world that we will have to use all the countryside for housing. There will be no farm land left. Other people have a differen

41、t idea about the future. In their opinion, the city of the future will be a huge pyramid-shaped(金字塔形) building, which will be floating on the surface of the sea. Many families will live there, and there will also be schools, shops in it. In a hundred yearss time, people will not need to use oil. The

42、y will heat their homes with the heat from the sun. Think of space. Perhaps a station will be set up on the moon. People will be able to visit the moon as visitors. They may even spend their holidays in space, travelling from planet to planet. What an interesting picture! Many people dont think abou

43、t the future. I dont care! Ill be dead, they say. But it is our duty to care because the world of a hundred years time will be the world of our childrens children and their children after them.61.How many viewpoints(观点) are discussed in this passage about the future? A.One B.Two C .Three D.Four62.Th

44、e people who believe the worst will happen think that people will in a hundred years time. A.find it difficult to live on the earth B.not be able to fish on the seas C.have to use the heat from the sun D.have to live on the seas63.The people who believe the best will happen think that people will in the future. A.live on the moon B.live on the seas C.make pyramid-shaped building D.float on the surface of the sea64.Which of the following is true? A.Railway stations will be built on the moon in the future.

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