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1、第1页定义定义:在复合句中由从句表示状语称在复合句中由从句表示状语称作状语从句,它能够用来修饰作状语从句,它能够用来修饰谓语(包含非谓语动词)、定谓语(包含非谓语动词)、定语或状语,或是整个句子。语或状语,或是整个句子。第2页准确掌握每一个连词含义是准确掌握每一个连词含义是掌握状语从句关键。掌握状语从句关键。同时要注意主从句时态呼应。同时要注意主从句时态呼应。第3页状语从句普通分为九大类状语从句普通分为九大类状语从句类别状语从句类别:时间状语从句 地点状语从句 原因状语从句 目状语从句 结果状语从句 条件状语从句 方式状语从句 比较状语从句 让步状语从句第4页1.时间状语从句:时间状语从句:引

2、导时间状语从句连词有:引导时间状语从句连词有:when,while,as,the moment,before,after,till,until,since,as soon as 等。等。请注意请注意 when,while,as 区分区分第5页When -当当时候时候,通常通常指某一特定时间点,主句与从指某一特定时间点,主句与从句动作同时发生。句动作同时发生。When I opened the window,I saw him come up.When I have time,I will go to see you.第6页When I came home,I met an old school

3、mate of mine.He said he would tell her about it when he saw her.*注意:注意:在时间状语从句中,主在时间状语从句中,主从句都是未来动作或状态时,从句都是未来动作或状态时,习惯上主句用未来时,从句用习惯上主句用未来时,从句用普通现在时。普通现在时。第7页When-正在正在时候,突然时候,突然。通常主句是进行时或。通常主句是进行时或 be about to 时,在翻译时候,时,在翻译时候,when 能够译成没想到或突然。能够译成没想到或突然。I was walking along the street,when I met him.I

4、 was about to fall asleep when my sister came in.第8页One evening,little Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door.第9页When 当从句是进行时,主句当从句是进行时,主句是普通时,往往表示不满。是普通时,往往表示不满。Someone knocked at the door when I was having breakfast.When I was leaving the house,the postman arrived.第1

5、0页When the children had gone to bed,she began toprepare her lessons.When=after第11页While-在在期间,往往期间,往往指一段时间。指一段时间。While we were in America,we saw him twice.While we were talking,he came in.Strike while the iron is hot.第12页While-表示一个不满情绪,表示一个不满情绪,意思是这边在干某种主要事,意思是这边在干某种主要事,而另一边在享受等。而另一边在享受等。We are clean

6、ing the classroom while they are playing the football.The soldier faces the powder while the beauty powder the face.第13页While I am washing the floor,you can be cleaning the windows.第14页As-一边一边一边一边,伴随伴随She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.As she grew older,she became more beau

7、tiful.第15页As-当当时,指一个动作时,指一个动作紧接着一个动作发生,从句通紧接着一个动作发生,从句通惯用进行时。惯用进行时。As I was going out,it began to rain.I saw Mary as she was going on the bus.第16页As he was eating his breakfast,he heard someone knock at the door.Someone patted me on the shoulder as I was standing before the shop window.第17页The momen

8、t-一一就就 =as soon as,immediately,-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes,I gave her the moment I saw her.第18页Not until-直到直到才才He didnt leave the office until he finished the work.=He left the office when he finished the work.Not until 能够和能够和 when 交换交换第19页Before-在在之前之前The passengers s

9、hould arrive at the airport an hour before the flight departs.Did you work as a stewardess before you come to this company?第20页It was not long before I forgot it all.(It was/will be before 是惯用句型是惯用句型)He ran off before I could stop him.第21页After-在在 之后之后The customer left the ticket counter after he ha

10、d a quarrel with the ticket agent.The plane took off after the air traffic controller gave clearance.第22页Since-自从自从,通常主句通常主句用现在完成时用现在完成时I have never been there again since I graduated from the university.The captain has traveled almost everywhere in the world since he became a pilot.第23页It is just a

11、 week since we arrived here.(It is/has been since是惯是惯用句型)用句型)第24页As soon as-一一就就Jack went to school as soon as he got well.Ill ring you up as soon as I get an answer from him.第25页No sooner than-一一就就No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.no sooner than 用于句首用于句首要求倒装要求倒装Hardly whenScarcely wh

12、en第26页Once you see him,you will never forget him.Once -一但一但就就第27页Every time,each time 每次每次whenever 每当每当Each time he came to town,he would visit our school.Whenever we met with difficulties,they came to help us.第28页 2.条件状语从句条件状语从句引导状语从句连接词有引导状语从句连接词有:If,unless,as long as,in case,provided that,on cond

13、ition that第29页If-假如假如If you dont hurry up,you will miss the plane.If it snows tomorrow,the flight will be canceled.If you leave at 6 oclock tomorrow morning,youd better get to bed now.第30页Unless-假如不假如不,除非除非=if notWe cant get there on time unless we book the earliest flight=We cannot get there on tim

14、e if we dont book the earliest flight.第31页Dont trouble trouble unless trouble troubles you.He will not join us unless he changes his mind.第32页As long as-只要只要We will succeed as long as we keep on trying.You cant play games as long as you remember the rules.A man is not old as long as he is seeking so

15、mething.第33页As(so)far as-据据所知所知As far as I know,he speaks English very well.As/So far as I know,he is an expert on DNA.第34页In case-假使假使,假如假如The plane cannot take off in case it rains.Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.第35页Provided that 假如假如,有时省略有时省略 thatThe plane will be in good condi

16、tion provided that it is taken care of carefully.You can become a stewardess provided that you are in good shape and you have got the proper education.第36页On condition that-条件是条件是He said that he would come to the meeting on condition that no one asked him to speak.The mother promised to the son to b

17、uy him a toy airplane on condition that he passes his English test.第37页注注:主从句动作发生在未来时,主从句动作发生在未来时,则主句用未来时则主句用未来时,从句用普通从句用普通现在时。现在时。If he arrives tomorrow,I will be waiting for him at the airport.He said he would not leave unless it was fine next day.第38页3.地点状语从句地点状语从句 地点状语从句只有两个连词地点状语从句只有两个连词:Where,

18、wherever第39页Where-在在地方地方Put the medicine where you can easily get it.Where that high building stands,there used to be some low,deserted houses.Where there is a will,there is a way.第40页Wherever-不论哪里不论哪里He follows her wherever she goes.Wherever you are,I will be right there waiting for you.第41页4.原因状语从

19、句原因状语从句 because,as,since,now that,和和considering that,seeing that 这六个连词都用于表示这六个连词都用于表示表示原因表示原因,但在语气上一个但在语气上一个比一个弱比一个弱.第42页Because-因为因为,通常从句放通常从句放在主句后在主句后.Mr Smith was very upset because he couldnt find his luggage.He said that he couldnt work because the computer was out of order.第43页I succeed becaus

20、e I willed it,I never hesitated.I do it because I like it.第44页As-因为因为,通常放在句首通常放在句首As it is quite windy today,he decidesAs he is honest and modest,all his friends like him.第45页Since-既然既然 因语气较弱因语气较弱,常译为既然常译为既然Since everybody has come,we can set off.Since the purser didnt tell us what to do,we can rela

21、x.第46页Now that-既然既然Now that you are here,you can join us.Now that all airlines offer discount prices,we should do the same.第47页considering that-顾及到顾及到 Considering that they are just beginners,they are doing quite a good job.第48页seeing that-因为因为 Seeing(that)quite a few people were absent,we decided t

22、oput the meeting off.第49页5.结果状语从句结果状语从句引导结果状语从句连词有:引导结果状语从句连词有:that,so that,sothatsuchthat第50页So that-太太以至于以至于 so 后面应用形容词或副词后面应用形容词或副词,有时有时省略省略so只用只用thatBoeing 747 is so large that people like to call it jet bomb.The flight scheduled so early that nobody wanted to look on it.第51页So that-因而,方便,为了因而,方

23、便,为了 有时有时so 能够省去能够省去Can you move your luggage a little bit away so that I can put mine in the overhead bin too.Speak louder please so that the people at the back can hear you.第52页When you skin your customers,you should leave some skin on to grow so that you can skin them again.第53页Such that-太太以至以至于于

24、 使用方法与使用方法与sothat相同,相同,但但such 后面应用名词。后面应用名词。The foreign visitor was such a fast speaker that nobody could understand him.第54页The Canadian airlines hangar is such a huge building that it can hold two medium-range jets at the same time.第55页 6.目状语从句 引导目标状语从句主要连词有引导目标状语从句主要连词有:that,so that,in order that

25、,for fear that,lest第56页Lets take the front seats(so)that we may see more clearly.(So)that-方便方便,从句中经常从句中经常使用一些情态动词,如:使用一些情态动词,如:can,could,may,might,should等等 第57页in order that-为了为了,与与so that 相同从句中经常使用一相同从句中经常使用一些情态动词,如:些情态动词,如:can,could,may,might,should等等 School was closed early in order that the chil

26、dren might go home ahead of the storm.第58页for fear that-生怕生怕;为了预为了预防防(某事发生某事发生)He took the name down for fear that he should forget it.The instructor emphasized on the issue three times for fear that the students did not pay enough attention to the problem.第59页in case -万一万一 Better take more clothes

27、in case the weather is cold.You should bring a dictionary in case you need it.Please take an umbrella in case it rains.第60页Lest-以防万一以防万一The man decided to tell his boss the fact lest he would be angry with him.The manager of the workshop asked his staff to work overtime lest they wouldnt finish the

28、task on time.第61页7.比较状语从句比较状语从句 引导比较状语从句连词有:引导比较状语从句连词有:Asas,not so(as)as,.than,the more the more.第62页Asas-像像一样一样If you dont want to miss the flight,you need to be at the airport as early as possible.My grandma told me that her eyesight was as good as 10 years before.Cultivation to the mind is as ne

29、cessary as food for the body.第63页Not so(as)as-不像不像The job is not so difficult as I thought it would be.The flight was not so/as harmful as the captain predicted.第64页than-比比怎么样,怎么样,用于事物间比较,用于事物间比较,more 后面后面用形容词或副词用形容词或副词People believe that being a stewardess is better than most of the other jobs.I pe

30、rsonally think that the American movies are more interesting than Chinese ones第65页A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face;a beautiful behavior(is)than a beautiful form.第66页The more,the more-越越 越越The more he listened to that song,the less he enjoyed it.The more things a man is ashamed of,the

31、 more respectable he is.第67页8.让步状语从句让步状语从句 引导让步状语从句连词有:引导让步状语从句连词有:Although,though,as,even if,even though,no matter,however,whatever,while,whether第68页Although,though-即使即使 although 和和though 能够交换,能够交换,但但although 常放在句首。常放在句首。Though能够用于倒装。能够用于倒装。Although it was raining,the plane managed to take off.Alth

32、ough it was not his fault,he took all the blame.第69页Though he did his best,he didnt succeed.Child though he was,he did quite well.第70页As-尽管尽管 as 引导让步状语引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装。可与从句时,句子通常倒装。可与though 交换。交换。Busy as he is,he never misses a football match.Hard as she works,she makes little progress.第71页Even if/e

33、ven though-即使即使Even if you dont like your boss,you should do your work.Even if you are not fond of flowers,you shouldnt miss the chrysanthemum exhibition.第72页Even though I might be wrong,I will go my way.Even though his dean didnt mean it,he still felt embarrassed.第73页However-不论,不论,however 引导让步状语从句时

34、,句子引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装通常倒装He couldnt get there on time however fast he drove.The father couldnt make his daughter smile however hard he tried.第74页N o matter(what,when,where,how)-不论(什么,不论(什么,何时,何地,怎样)何时,何地,怎样)The old man wouldnt believe anything no matter what you said.Please tell me the result no matte

35、r when you get it.第75页He wouldnt forgive me no matter how hard I begged him.I will find you no matter where you hide.第76页Whatever-不论不论Whatever other people may say,she wont change her mind.Whatever you do,it wont affect our plan.第77页While-尽管尽管While I have sympathy for you,I cant help you.While its n

36、one of my business,I will watch you.第78页Whether-不论,常与不论,常与or not 连用连用Whether he is good or not,the company decided to send him abroad.Whether his proposal is practical or not,the department plans to adopt.第79页9.方式状语从句方式状语从句 方式状语从句常由方式状语从句常由:as,as if,as though第80页as-与与 一样一样 Do in Rome as the Romans d

37、o.Leave things as they are.第81页as if,as though-好像好像,由由as if或或 as though引导从句中可用引导从句中可用虚拟语气虚拟语气 She stood at the door as if(=as though)she were waiting forsomeone.第82页1._ you decide to take up,you should try to make it a success.A.If B.Whenever C.Unless D.Whatever第83页2.It is foolish to take a taxi you

38、 can easilywalk to the station.A.before B.that C.unless D.when第84页3.Ill accept any job,_ I dont have to get up early.A.even though B.though C.in case D.as long as第85页4._ problems you have,you can always come tome for help.A.What B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Which第86页5._ much advice I gave him,he did exa

39、ctly what he wanted to do.A.How B.Whatever C.However D.No matter第87页6.-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes.I gave it to her _ I saw her.A.while B.the moment C.suddenly D.once第88页7.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_ great it is.A.what B.how C.however

40、D.whatever第89页8.I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class.A.since B.so that C.as if D.unless第90页9.John plays football _,if not better than,David.A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as第91页10.-What was the party like?-Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A.after B.when C.before D.since第

41、92页11.Dont change your mind,_ happens to you.A.which B.what C.whichever D.whatever第93页12._ he comes,we wont be able to go.A.Without B.Unless C.Except D.Even第94页13.Nobody believed him _ what he said.A.even though B.even if C.no matter D.because第95页14.I was watching TV _ suddenly the lights went out.A

42、.when B.while C.as D.for第96页15.Take your umbrella with you _ it rains.A.if B.as ifC.in case D.as long as第97页16.No sooner _ entered the office _I heard the telephone ringing.A.had I,when B.I had,than C.had I,than D.I had,when第98页17.I had hardly arrived _ he started crying to go home.A.as B.for C.when

43、 D.until第99页18.It wont be long _ you regret what you said.A.since B.when C.before D.till第100页19.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_.A.will arrive B.arrives C.is going to arrive D.is arriving第101页20._ the day went on,the weather got worse.A.With B.Since C.While D.As第102页

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