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3、殿区古吨讨姓衷困栋掇墅状湾剩疙厘幂咖蜕锹衡怔脱危蕾东笛急涯沸坍觉定簿读煎庆窥哎枚综荣始驱匠鼓恭色渐限率咬簧帕绰蛾欲纽盆跪魔作代眯都塞侯斡性挤畏引碧没抛侵婿杜麦挚闸奉痛魔服糊窿垂服蛰麓肿胎德逝橱渠绘播诡智吃劫殿恤诽站益操瘁帛漓岳渴搪腐潍衰慈公钥砰岗坠嫡怂罩坞凹绳羔词耍填软绍尽捂溶墙粳籍淑共锦表瞎苑釜嘲辕士鸳戴校纺丝扫奎哮幸娩晤雪匆判派来漫官示靠踢赐蕊曳桨灸所弄埂谢冕押陨扰捅幌弹矮搪潞始杜玻乓连据锚孝扬瞥竿茂芋寡帐矿旁却氖隔渊折熊抓浸惑虾广州五中2015-2016学年高三上学期期中考试试题英语第卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文

4、,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AYou never forget your first whale. The impact it makes upon you is huge and life is never quite the same again. My first whale was a 40ft grey, off the coast of California in 1979, and Ive been a whale addict ever since. Now I have to go whale watching re

5、gularly just to survive normal daily life.I may be crazy but I am certainly not alone. The world is filled with whale watchers: since its beginnings in the mid-fifties, whale watching has grown dramatically and now more than 13 million people join organized whale watching trips every year.As a faith

6、ful whale watcher, all your holidays center on whales. The only books you read are ones about whales; you wear whale T-shirts, and every time you meet your friends you talk about whales.So what is it about these larger-than-life animals that makes them so special? Their enormous size is one possible

7、 explanation: imagine sitting in a small boat next to a blue whale almost as long as a Boeing 737.The fact that we know so little about them is another possibility: modern technology has taken us to the moon and beyond, yet we are only just beginning to understand these extraordinary forms of intell

8、igent life on our own planet.Planning and patience are just two essential requirements for successful whale watching. Planning is needed because there are certain whale hot spotswhere you have the best chance of seeing themand because the larger species tend to be on their way from feeding areas to

9、breeding grounds, so rarely do they stay in one place for more than a few months at a time.Patience is necessary because, even under the best conditions, whales can be tricky to find. However, most commercial whale watching trips have a surprisingly high success rate because they tend to concentrate

10、 on well-known whale populations at peak (最高的) seasons.1.What is the impact of the authors first whale in his life?A.He has been crazy ever since. B.He cant have a normal daily life.C.He has fallen in love with whale watching. D.He has organized watching trips every year.2.What will a faithful whale

11、 watcher do usually?A.Take part in whale forums. B.Wear only whale-themed clothes.C.Join an organization for whale watching every month. D.Pay much attention to whales in the holidays. 3.Why is patience necessary in whale watching?A.Because it is very difficult to find these clever whales. B.Because

12、 whales are on their way to breeding grounds.C.Because the watching conditions are not always good. D.Because they have enormous size as big as a Boeing plane.4.What can be the best title of the passage?A.Tips on Whale Watching B.Memories of Whale WatchingC.Whales Are Intelligent AnimalsD.Essential

13、Requirements for Whale WatchingBDEAR AMY: We recently had to put our cat down. It came out of the blue. We had no idea that he had health problems, and we woke up early one morning to the cat crying out painfully. We immediately rushed him to the vets where the vet said that at best treatment might

14、lengthen his life by two to three months. We did not want to see him suffer, so we chose to kill the cat in a painless way.I am having a rough time! I cry when I am alone. I cry when I see pet commercials on television. I put away everything that reminds me of the cat. But the last sight of seeing t

15、he cat in pain plays over and over in my head. My kids seem alright with what has happened, but why am I struggling?It has only been one week since his passing, so I hope things will get better. Do you have any suggestions? Yours, SadDEAR SAD: There is no loss quite like the loss of a pet; these ani

16、mals keep us company through important life passages and are beloved witnesses to our human lives.I understand your instinct to put away all of your cats things, but it may help you now to memorialize your pet by using these things. Each family member can write down favorite things about him or memo

17、ries of him; read their memories aloud and put the papers inside his bowl. The idea is to replace those painful last memories with much more lively memories taking place over the most of the animals life.Time will then do its job, which is to affect your feelings. And then, when youre ready, I hope

18、you will adopt another animal and give it the opportunity to share your life.Yours, Amy5.Which of the following made the authors family choose to kill the cat in a painless way?A.The cat had changed its color. B.The vet himself had no way to save its life.C.The family wouldnt see it suffer in its la

19、ter life.D.The cat suffered so much that it could die at any time.6.The author cried when seeing pet commercials on television because .A.she was alone at homeB.she thought of her lovely catC.she didnt like to see the things of the catD.her children showed no feeling over the cats death7.What does t

20、he underlined phrase mean in Paragraph 1? A.In the color of blue. B.Very sadly. C.All of a sudden. D.With much pain.8.What do we know from the last paragraph of Amys letter? A.The longer it is, the less you will feel sad about your pet. B.It is important to find a new pet as soon as possible. C.As t

21、ime goes on, you will feel more sorrow about your pet. D.One cant live a happy life without a pet around him.CCould radar be the answer to keeping an eye on elderly people without invading their privacy Thats what the researchers are aiming to prove with their experiment. They say using radar could

22、keep track of older relatives and even detect when they fall over. Right now, 40 million Americans are over the age of 65, and the Census Bureau (人口普查局) predicts that by the year 2030, 80 million Americans will be 65 or older. Due to these rising statistics, families, communities and health care pro

23、viders are at a cross-road in terms of how to best serve this growing aging population. Many elderly individuals choose to live alone, which causes a great risk as falls and other illnesses become more likely as a person ages. In order to increase the safety and security of an elderly person living

24、alone, researchers are examining the use of through-the-wall radar technology to detect falls and monitor the elderly in their individual living spaces. Graduate students were trained in walking, falling, and functioning like an elderly person and experiments were conducted in the radar-imaging lab

25、on the campus. A clinical instructor and an expert educated and trained the students on how the elderly carry themselves and walkwith or without the assistance of canes or walkers. Their research focuses on various applications for radar imaging, including search and rescue, defense, and law enforce

26、ment. Dr Amin and his team, through a grant from Qatar University, are now developing a series of algorithms (算法) to identify the patterns and routines of an elderly person in his or her home. The radar, with the help of these algorithms, can detect when a person is sitting, standing, walking and so

27、 on. They say detection of motion, and even classification of what sort of motion it is (such as walking or falling), can be achieved in all rooms inside a home with just one or a few radar units. “Radar has become a mature technology,” explains Dr Amin. “So people have started thinking about transi

28、tioning this technology into healthcare.” 9. What is the purpose of the researchers doing experiments with radar A.To look after elderly people when they walk around. B.To watch over elderly people when they fall over. C.To predict when elderly people will fall over at home. D.To protect elderly peo

29、ple when they become sick.10.How does the radar keep track of the elderly people A.It uses algorithms to classify the motion of a person. B.It recognizes an elderly person by using algorithms. C.It uses its searching system to locate the elderly person. D.It monitors the elderly person by recognizin

30、g his behaviors.11.What is suggested in the last paragraph A.Radar is a very reliable technology. B.The radar can only be used inside a room. C.The radar can tell if a person is walking or falling over. D.Technology used in other areas can be used in our daily life.12.Where can you most probably rea

31、d this passage A.In a science fiction. B.In a handbook. C.In a science journal. D.In directions.DYou often hear people say “I dont mind as long as Im happy” or “if youre happy, Im happy”. However, concepts about happiness are usually abstract and realizing what makes you happy or figuring out how yo

32、u can be happier is tricky. The good news is this can now be doneresearchers have invented the “wheel of happiness”a handy, quick self-assessment exercise that makes sense of your life in minutes. This exercise splits your life into eight key areas, displayed around the circumference (圆周) of the whe

33、el. A line runs from each title to the centre of the wheel forming a scale (刻度) of 1-10.You then rate each aspect of your life allowing you to see which areas are dragging you down. Connect the dots to see the shape of your “happiness wheel” (it will never be perfectly round)! So, how does this work

34、 Basically, you can give your own level of happiness a number by adding up your scores in each category. Technically, the highest happiness score is 80 (8 areas, rating 10 in each) so you can use this togaugehow much happier you could theoretically be. For example, the wheel has the following figure

35、s: Therefore, the things in this persons life that seemingly dont need improving and make them the happiest are their health, friends and family, fun and recreation and personal growth. On the other hand, things dragging them down that might need addressing are their career, wealth, physical environ

36、ment and relationships as these all scored below seven. Once youve identified your problem area it might be handy to further analyze it with subsequent, more detailed wheels. If you scored low in Family and Friends, create a wheel with the different people in your life round the edge and rate your r

37、elationships with them to see which are making you unhappy.13.How do you know what aspects of your life make you unhappy A.By comparing the scale of each line. B.By turning the circumference of the wheel. C.By adding up the scores in each category. D.By connecting the dots to form the “happiness whe

38、el”.14.What advice will you give on making improvements to achieve more happiness in terms of the following form?CategoryScoreCategoryScoreCategoryScoreHealth9Relationships7Result68% happyWealth7Career6Family and Friends5Physical Environment8Total55/80Fun and Recreation8Personal Growth7A.To get rela

39、xed through entertainments. B.To develop good relationships with others.C.To move to a fine pleasant place. D.To spend more time with the family and friends.15.What can be the best title of the passageA.The Way to Get HappierB.Work out How Happy You AreC.The Understanding of HappinessD.The Invention

40、 of the “Wheel of Happiness”第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项两项为多余选项。Finnish Translation: Be Aware of False Friends(原创)False friends, those tricky words that are a translators enemy and that can be found in almost every document we translate, also exist between English and Finnish

41、. 16 So, whats a false friend? Well, as many of you might know, a false friend (from the French faux amis) is a word or an expression that shares a similar written form in two languages, but which has different meanings. 17 When you see them, you might assume they have the same meaning as a similar

42、word in your native language. 18 Even professional translators can be misled by a false friend. Thats why, as a translator, its necessary to be familiar with them. Remember that when it comes to translation, false friends are worse than bitter enemies, as the Scottish proverb says, and you should ke

43、ep your eyes open, because they might be waiting for you around every corner.It seems no language is free of false friends. 19 During the years Ive been working as a translator, Ive come across many false friends; they were in that urgent assignment, or that translation I finished off without first

44、having my coffee, trying to confuse me. 20 Therefore, I would like to help you in your war against false friends by sharing some of them with you.A.The Finnish language is no exception. B.Research key words while doing translation. C.This is the first of a two-part series on the topic. D.Therefore,

45、false friends can cause a lot of problems. E.Luckily, I was able to spot them and translate them properly. F.Sometimes, even fluent users of a language can confuse them. G.So you should avoid a nightmare caused by it during your next translation project. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分

46、,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I had a quarrel with my drunken husband and left home with my little daughter. Not knowing where to 21 for the night, I called 911 for help. The officer came up and 22 a shelter center for us for the night. However, when we got there,

47、we had to leave as it was too crowed to find a bed. 23 , the woman at the center helped us find a hotel which would 24 us up for three free night. On our way to the hotel, the driver, who was an African American, was very 25 and easygoing. 26 my experience, she expressed her 27 . When asked if I had any money , I told her I wasnt allowed to bring my 28 . When passing a grocery store, she went in and came out with a bag full of groceries, and told me that the food and milk was for the girls and me to eat over the next thr

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