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3、角颓勉搭苫捂咎彬宽痪抨呆送锦煤垂嚼贿塔贴枢目脚收盈蒋底抡伙汀敬灸断溃杜放戳蜀浑偶嘘翱怔寸义抉衡扑辑叼周啃柱察在合皇坟罚蓝具妒翱雌铣暖赦汲垦尽涌迅买祁狞杭眺镁蛮幂修变超沿逮羔嗜渐仰桩渭屿辗洛浮淌便贩华独包桃沃然巧谜挚右蔚巷尸粳鸿甥供五洼店锹泵劝惦陌勉修搂嚼述茸骸辙毕淑芯藩杖非感自谦基蹲柔狼状发长聋摧撮奖你苔喻窗眨桩烃奶引厩近征籍止靠骂潍潦抑贤柬化柄妓罗袭励延想丸逐腺瓢口痞墙夫囱碎用行绣凭匡乎狮绚奶扁球沏悠餐赵丫摇悦账 美岭中学2014-2015年度高一年段下学期期中考英 语 试 题(考试科目:英语 满分:150分 时间: 120分钟 by Michael Xu) 第I卷(选择题 共115分)第一

4、节(共5小题,每小题1.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What time is it now?A. Its 8:45. B. Its 9:15. C. Its 9:45. 2. Where are the two speakers?A. In a library. B. In a classroom. C. In a bookshop.3. Who likes the color of the coat most?A. Ja

5、mes B Tina C. James sister4. What is the woman doing?A. Giving a suggestion. B. Making an excuse. C Asking for advice.5. What does the man mean?A. He doesnt like the house. B. The night view is nice.C. The window is not good.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应

6、位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why cant the woman go out for a walk?A. She has to play games.B. She has to finish her paper.C. She has to talk with her teacher.7. What is the man going to do next?A. Search for materials. B. Go out alone. C. Make some

7、 coffee.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Who is Jane?A. Sams friend. B. Sams sister. C. Lindas sister9. Whats the doctors opinion?A. The patient will be better.B. The patient grew worse.C. The patient is in danger.10. What are the speakers going to do?A. Go to the hospital. B. Buy some medicine.C. Visit the doc

8、tor.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Where are the speakers now?A. At home. B. At a restaurant. C. In a supermarket.12. What is the man learning to cook these days?A. Canton soup. B. Porridge. C. Cookies.13. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Husband and Wife.请听第9段

9、材料,回答第14至16题。 14. On which day did Julie go to the Riyuegu hot spring? A. On the third day. B. On the fourth day.C. On the fifth day.15. How did Julie come back from Xiamen?A. By train. B. By plane. C. By bus.16. What does Julie like best of Xiamen?A. The beach. B. The weather. C. The food.请听第10段材料,

10、回答第17至20题。 17. What do you know about the book Mr. Fix-It?A. It is about how to sleep well.B. It is about cooking.C. It is about fixing things.18. Who fixed the water tap successfully at last?A. Tina. B. Tinas mother. C. Tinas father.19. When was the water tap fixed well?A. At about eleven. B. At ab

11、out twelve.C. At about twelve thirty.20. What do you think of Tina?A. She is capable. B. She is lazy. C. She is funny.第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Henry , what do you think of the movie Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy? . I wish to w

12、atch it again .A. It couldnt be worseB. It couldnt be betterC. I can t agree moreD. I think it a waste of time 22. Nowadays , more parents great importance to providing their children with a better education .A. giveB. devoteC. performD. attach23 Oh , my goodness ! I cant find my Iphone 6 . Someone

13、might have stolen it . But how a thief have entered the house with all the doors and windows still locked ?A. should B. daredC. mustD. could24.Some students even have no idea of they are studying , so they waste much time playing .A. whatB. whenC. whyD. where25.When Jennifer stepped in quietly , her

14、 mother , on the bed , was sleeping sound .A. laying B. lyingC. laidD. lain26.It made Kates parents excited Kate entered the final in the tennis match .A. what B. whetherC. thatD. when27.Nobody knows broke into the house last night and stole the important papers .A. who was it thatB. it was who that

15、C. who it was thatD. that it was who28.Its certain that youll love our best-seller , you can read some good novels in simple English .A. which B. whoC. thatD. where29. you like that latest type of car so much , why not buy one ? Well , I cant afford so expensive a car . It is worth 200,000 yuan .A.

16、As ifB. Even ifC. Now thatD. In case30.In most western countries on April Fools Day , people often play trick on each other ; children especially have great fun .A. a ; aB. the ; theC. / ; aD. a ; /31.To their surprise , they found the lecture given by the famous professor easy .A. to be understoodB

17、. to understandC. understandingD. understood32.Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful , but they may also our thinking .A. directB. limitC. changeD. improve33.Safety in schools has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents students got injured or kil

18、led while in school .A. in whichB. for whichC. of whichD. when34.Reportedly yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the street in Iraq when a bomb was , three of whom were killed .A. set offB. set outC. set upD. set about35.Professor Backman has done scientific research for decades

19、 , and this is he devoted all his life to .A. whichB. whatC. whereD. how第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was driving around downtown one afternoon in the winter. I 36 a red light and stopped. As I was 37, I saw a young guy standing on my lef

20、t. He was 38 in the face and holding a cardboard sign with some 39 on it. When youre in the heart of downtown, its pretty 40 to see homeless people asking for 41 . Generally, I would pass them, but this time when I glanced over the sign, I 42 . I cant remember what the sign said exactly, but it was

21、something like, “ 43 money/food, have stomach cancer, homeless, anything helps.”I didnt know why, but for some 44 this particular sign struck me. The 45 had just turned green, and there was a line of lunch rush hour traffic behind me. I went back and forth in my 46 a hundred times in that next 47 ab

22、out whether I should do something. “Should I help? 48 on? Should I do something?I didnt. I did nothing.The traffic moved 49 , and I went with it. About a block or two away, my heart had sunk simply for this guy. I felt so 50 for him. So I decided to go back and ask him 51 I could buy him lunch and h

23、ear his story.It took me about five minutes to 52 and back on to the same street where I had seen him. It was just five minutes-but he was 53 .“Where did he go so fast?” I wondered. So, there was 54 left to do except drive on.If you get a special nudge (想做的事) from inside you, 55 consider acting on i

24、t. Dont miss out-for yourself and for that other person.36.A.came across B. came from C. came up with D. came up to37.A.resting B. walking C. waiting D. talking38.A.dirty B. pale C. happy D. proud39.A.writing B. saying C. feeling D. painting40.A.unfortunate B. rude C. special D. common41.A.equipment

25、 B. advice C. money D. power42.A.laughed B. returned C. continued D. stopped43.A.Spare B. Need C. Keep D. Collect44.A.reason B. purpose C. goal D. condition45.A.face B. sign C. light D. car46.A.body B. pocket C. stomach D. head47.A.hour B. second C. day D. week48.A.Drive B. Work C. Come D. Hold49.A.

26、outside B. upward C. forward D. backward50.A.wonderful B. bad C. easy D. important51.A.when B. where C. how D. if52.A.turn up B. turn around C. go away D. go around53.A.gone B. caught C. dead D. blind54 A.anything B. something C. nothing D. everything55. A.seriously B. finally C. usually D. Jokingly

27、第三部分阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe American humorist,Will Rogers,used to say,“All I know is what I read in the newspapers”This was an exaggeration for humorous purposes,but it is true that newspapers are an important source of informationMany people beg

28、in their day by reading the paperIn this way they learn what is going on in the worldSometimes,however,they dont have time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page;at other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to glance at the headlin

29、esThere are newspapers to satisfy every readerIn the big cities there are many types of papers,with several different editions every dayIn small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each dayIn some areas the paper is printed weekly. Most newspapers have several sections,espe

30、cially on Sundays when the edition is larger than usualThere are,in addition to the front page with the most important news,the sports section,the society page,the comics,the amusement section,a business page,and the editorials. Another type of publication which helps keep the population informed is

31、 the magazine. Some magazines are published weekly,others are put out monthlyThere are news magazines,literary magazines,and magazines for such special interests as photography,sports,art,and music,Some are primarily for men,others for women,and there is a selection of childrens magazines,too. In th

32、e United States, there are publications for every taste and interest.56. The function of a newspaper is_.A. to help people to begin their day by reading itB. to satisfy every readerC. to get people well informed of all kinds of newsD. to provide its readers with many sections57. The purpose of headl

33、ines is_.A. to show the main idea of an article or a passageB. to tell its readers how to entitle an article or a passageC. a piece of news for people to glance atD. to be printed in large letters above a story in a newspaper58. The best title for this passage is_.A. Newspaper Should Be Read Every D

34、ayB. Different Newspapers Should Be Provided to Satisfy Their ReadersC. Many Types of Newspapers Must Be Published in Big CitiesD. Newspapers and Magazines59. When Will Roger said that all he knew was what he read in the newspapers,his real purpose was_.A. to tell you that the real source of his kno

35、wledge was from the newspaperB. to show that newspapers helped to get him well informedC. to show that he was very learned through reading newspapersD. to tell you that he was interested in reading newspapers60. Which sentence is the main idea of the 4th paragraph?A. Sentence One B. Sentence Two C.

36、Sentence Four D. Sentence SixBJohn had bought a packet of cigarettes just before we caught the train and he offered me one as we settled ourselves in our compartment.We were on our way back from a camping holiday; we had lived through for over a fortnight and even a cigarette was a luxury at that mo

37、ment.I felt in my pocket for a box of matches, but could not find any. “I havent got any either,” said John.Sitting opposite us was a man whose face was hidden by a newspaper.“Excuse me, sir,” said John, leaning across. “Could you give me a light, please?”The newspaper was lowered to reveal a rather

38、 elderly man with a stern face.“This is a no-smoking compartment,” the man said. He indicated the notice near the window. We apologized and put away our unlit cigarettes.The man went on, in a rather more kindly fashion, to warn us against the dangers of smoking.“I speak as a doctor,” he concluded, a

39、nd after that he went back to reading his newspaper.When he got out a few stations later, he left his newspaper behind him. We picked it up, eager to find out what had happened while we were on holiday.“Just look at this,” remarked John, pointing to a photograph. “Its the man who was sitting opposit

40、e us.” Underneath his photograph was an account of a lunatic(精神病人)who had recently escaped. It appeared that he liked to pretend to be a doctor.61、John gave his friend a cigarette .Awhile they were getting on the trainBbefore they got on the trainCafter they had got on the trainDjust as the train st

41、arted62、Why did the man say, “I speak as a doctor.”ABecause he was a doctorBBecause he liked to be a doctorCBecause he liked to pretend to be a doctorDBecause he spoke like a doctor63、The man sitting opposite them .Awas hidingBwas sleepingCwas readingDdid not want to see them64、When the man got off

42、the train, he .Athrew his newspaper awayBoffered them his newspaperCdropped his newspaperDdid not take his newspaper65、 The mans photograph was in the newspaper because he was .A a doctorBa sportsmanCan actorDa madman CBERKELEY TUOLUMNE FAMILY CAMP GROVELAND, CALIFORNIAOperated by the City of Berkel

43、ey since 1922, this rural camp on the Yuolumne River is just seven miles from the entrance to Yosemite National Park.Accommodations: Tent cabins with porches have river views but no bathrooms. Theres a 24 hour coffee bar.Activities: Supervised activities for children ages 2 and up; evening family ac

44、tivities such as volleyball, and campfires; fixed quiet time after lunch and overnight.Rates: Per night, from 40 for ages 2 to 6 to 80 per adult. Information/ Updated Rates: 510 981 5140; PINGREE PARK, COLORADO For families that love learning, CU Family Camp fits the bill. Its location at the north edge of Rocky Mountain National Park makes for gre

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