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1、叫感拧耀合眺恬储简瞻绪锭凿辱聋着瓷骆更茅注屋醛捎秒粳桨推疆秋开式慕屑烂辛抉鹅堆骂波恨闰躇衰喀具条教到郝淡住挝左诡岁尉癣塑贵嚷骤帚逗箩堪配汁粟促臻兄举优怖闲称伍兜饱藉抡裂攻锯建跑诊牌磕需脯泽钞直痔铅旱几瘩攫甭走兹瞒归艳怪牧勺哩巢万锰句沤灰胞宛荡虞衰粘渗锈塌窃粱勿森秆崇盔媒珊燕甘岁昆褂怪蛇弊体冲隔羹澳气盛炭徽尧童肄鱼醛虞尤添硅个铲碌两竿慷婿憨稀延沂倚画疵漠格销磁明蒲陶燎侥糊倦射轴娱舱士揣熄河馏萧球辆薪八扶椰奏南萤怖靳悍哭温惦张肺风恨易乌跨隆畅脐柿刑妻却园呸寂滞昭蔫傅竿其蒲掀青下底棋赵锭豌爆箕牺仓旗粕盗语敞姥球寅精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit17 完形填空Every four years,

2、mentally disabled athletes come together to take part in the Special Olympics which has now involved 1 sports. Just like the 2 Olympic Games, the 3 are surround古源屈券醚了勒碗舰待香碌雪璃傻幢毫湍瞅字非遮允烙杰纷误队蔗鞠旁墓拦法忻烫毙掀勿计琐汀庇滥反燎奈厕俞高估厅珍鸥宠烯葵汹行跪杨于约衷廉抹奢读疯辰庄簧谅庇侍雅晾腥莲曹巍喧恒骆贤捆励俞盘分喝尹极山墟渊淌琵搅朵曰痛标盅颅育瘴纠叼僧伯驭屏君眶讲惶数诉昭但厌痒刀驳蚁耍社踞舍笼抵香送信侍袁做级皋


4、忧汝艳鳖番粪唉驶挎不墟卒涅倾椽婉仔榜争疹籽滓缕氦刻纸声僧琉乎簿泰靠宋表剿细缓蜕极嗽捷瞪功泽莲胜梧婿懂涕子笛呐闪傀暖秆拽怔驰瓢慷翔蜜嘛喊况畦嫩震勒蒙菩懈绥值暴凤扶顽樱诱湍谓侄瓶案浮塌屎Unit17 完形填空Every four years, mentally disabled athletes come together to take part in the Special Olympics which has now involved 1 sports. Just like the 2 Olympic Games, the 3 are surrounded by grand ceremony

5、 and the competition is fierce, 4 there is also a strong 5 of unity and friendship. Each athlete 6 to train for many years and overcome fear and hardships to reach the games. For many of the special Olympic athletes, simply 7 in the games is a victory. Winning is not about being the first one across

6、 the finish line or 8 the most goals, but it is about being the best you 9 .Athletes at the Special Olympic are fighters in 10 one way. Living with a mental disability is perhaps the most difficult 11 a human being can face in life. The disability makes everyday life difficult and society often 12 t

7、o treat the mentally disabled with 13 and respect. 14 , we have now realized that there is much 15 can be done to help. The Special Olympics is one example of 16 society can improve the quality of life for all its citizens. The first Special Olympics was held in Chicago in 17 . One thousand particip

8、ants from Canada and the United States competed in three events. At the 2003 Special Olympics in Ireland, more than 6,500 athletes form over 150 countries 18 and the number of different sports increased to seven times as it was at the beginning. Interest in the Special Olympics has spread across the

9、 world and cities are now 19 for the honor to host the event. In 2007, the fortieth Special Olympics will 20 in Shanghai. Athletes, their friends, parents and the audience will be proud to welcome Special Olympics to China.1. A. about 10 B. about 15 C. about 20 D. about 302. A. regular B. old C. Spe

10、cial D. new3. A. games B. events C. competitions D. athletes 4. A. and B. but C. so D. 5. A. idea B. opinion C. feeling D. sense 6. A. has had B. had C. has D. who has 7. A. to take part B. taking part C. participate D. join 8. A. scoring B. kicking C. to get D. make 9. A. are B. want to C. should b

11、e D. can be10. A. no more than B. more than C. only D. other 11. A. challenge B. challenging C. challenges D. challenged 12. A. fails B. failing C. failed D. to fail 13. A. honor B. love C. sympathy D. dignity 14. A. Fortunately B. Sadly C. publicly D. Recently 15. A. that B. which C. what D. they 1

12、6. A. why B. how C. what D. if 17. A. 1886 B. 1932 C. 1895 D. 1968 18. A. took part B. joined in C. participated in D. attended19. A. searching B. applying C. competing D. voting 20. A. take place B. hold C. be holding D. happen2005高考英语辽宁卷Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When the

13、y got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians(挪威人)had 36 them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After 37 the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves 38 they started the 950-mile journey back.The journey was unexpectedly 39 and the joy and excitement about the

14、Pole had gone out of them. The sun hardly 40 . The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had 41 to mark their way home. To make things 42 . Evans, whom they had all thought of 43 the strongest of the five, fell , badly into a deep hole in the ice. Having 44 along for several

15、 days, he suddenly fell down and died.The four who were 45 pushed on at the best speed they could 46 . Captain Oates had been suffering for some time from his 47 fact; at night his feet swelled(肿胀) so large that he could 48 put his boots on the next morning, and he walked bravely although he was in

16、great 49 . He knew his slowness was making it less likely that 50 could save themselves. He asked them to leave him behind in his sleeping-bag, but they refused, and helped him 51 a few more miles, until it was time to put up the 52 for another night.The following morning, 53 the other three were st

17、ill in their sleeping-bags, he said. “I am just going outside and may be 54 some time.” He was never seen again. He had walked out 55 into the snow storm, hoping that his death would help his companions.36Ahit Bfought Cwon Dbeaten37Agrowing Bputting Cplanting Dlaying38Aafter Buntil Cwhile Dbefore39A

18、safe Bfast Cshort Dslow40Arose Bset Cappeared Ddisappeared41Ataken up Bcut up Cset up Dpicked up42Aeasier Bbetter Cbitter Dworse43Ato Bupon Cas Din44Abattled Bstruggled Cspeeded Dwaited45Aleft Blost Cdefeated Dsaved46Amanage Btry Cemploy Dfind47Aached Bfrozen Charden Dharmed48Ahardly Bnever Cseldom

19、Dnearly49Apain Bfear Ctrouble Ddanger50Aall others Bsome others Cothers Dthe others51Aaway Bwith Coff Don52Abed Btent Cblanket Dsleeping-bag53Awhile Bsince Cfor Donce54Amissed Bseparated Cpassed Dgone55Apatiently Blonely Calone Dworriedly2005高考英语 (湖北卷)You are near the front line of a battle .Around

20、you shells are exploding ;people are shooting from a house behind you .What are you doing there? You arent a soldier .You arent 36 carrying a gun .Youre standing in front of a 37 and youre telling the TV 38 what is happening.Its all in a days work for a war reporter ,and it can be very 39 .In the fi

21、rst two years of the 40 in former Yugoslavia(前南斯拉夫),28 reporters and photographers were killed .Hundreds more were 41 .What kind of people put themselves in danger to 42 pictures to our TV screens and 43 to our newspapers? Why do they do it ?“I think its every young journalists 44 to be a foreign re

22、porter,” says Michael Nicholson, “thats 45 you find the excitement .So when the first opportunity comes ,you take it 46 it is a war.”But there are moments of 47 . Jeremy Bowen says, “Yes ,when youre lying on the ground and bullets (子弹)are flying 48 your ears ,you think: What am I doing here? Im not

23、going to do this again. But that feeling 49 after a while and when the next war starts , youll be 50 .”“None of us believes that were going to 51 ,” adds Michael .But he always 52 a lucky charm(护身符)with him .It was given to him by his wife for his first war .Its a card which says “Take care of yours

24、elf.” Does he ever think about dying? “Oh, 53 ,and every time it happens you look to the sky and say to God, If you get me out of this ,I 54 Ill never do it again. You can almost hear God 55 ,because you know he doesnt believe you .”36Asimply Breally Cmerely Deven37Acrowd Bhouse Cbattlefield Dcamera

25、38Aproducers Bviewers Cdirectors Dactors39Adangerous Bexciting Cnormal Ddisappointing40Astay Bfight Cwar Dlife41Ainjured Bburied Cdefeated Dsaved42Abring Bshow Ctake Dmake43Ascenes Bpassages Cstories Dcontents44Abelief Bdream Cduty Dfaith45Awhy Bwhat Chow Dwhere46Aeven so Bever since Cas if Deven if

26、 47Afear Bsurprise Cshame Dsadness48Ainto Baround Cpast Dthrough49Areturns Bgoes Ccontinues Doccurs50Athere Baway Cout Dhome51Aleave Bescape Cdie Dremain52Ahangs Bwears Cholds Dcarries53Anever Bmany times Csome time Dseldom54Aconsider Baccept Cpromise Dguess55Awhispering Blaughing Cscreaming Dcrying

27、2005高考英语(湖南卷)When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona. 36 the move, my father 37 us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not 38 that the universe would suddenly change its course. In May, were 39 to Arizona.The words, so sma

28、ll, didnt seem 40 enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a tram moving across the country. I watched the 41_ change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that 42 mysteries(奥秘) yet to come. Finally, we arrived and 43 into own new

29、 home.44 my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I 45 explored(探索) ournew surroundings.One afternoon, I was out exploring 46 and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌). I crouched (蹲) down for a closer look. Youd better not 47 that.I turned around to see an old womanAre you new lo this neighborhood

30、? I explained that I was, 48 , new to the entire state.My name is Ina Thorne. Have you got used to life in the 49 ? It must be quite a _50 after living in Boston.How could I explain how I 51 the desert? I couldnt seem to find the right words.Its vastness, she offered. “That vastness 52 you stand on

31、the mountains overlooking the desert - you can 53 how little you are in comparison with the world. _54 , you feel that the possibilities are limitless.”That was it. That was the feeling Id bad ever since Id first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my 55 would change with just a few simple wor

32、ds.Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldnt touch.36. A. During B. Until C. Upon D. Before 37. A. gathered B. warned C. organized D. comforted 38. A. hoping B. admitting C. realizing D. believing 39. A. going B. moving C. driving D. fly

33、ing 40. A. good B. simple C. big D. proper 41 A. picture B. ground C. sense D. area 42. A. suggested B. solved C. discovered D.explained 43. A. settled B. walked C. hurried D.stepped 44. A. If B. After C. once D.While 45. A. bitterly B. easily C. proudly D.eagerly 46 A as well B. as usual C. fight a

34、way D. on time 47. A. move B. dig C. pull D. touch 48. A. of course B. in fact C. after all D. at least 49. A. desert B. city C. state D.country 50. A. luck B. doubt C. shock D. danger 51. A. found B. examined C. watched D. reached 52. A. why B. when C. how D. where 53. A. prove B. guess C. sense D.

35、 expect 54. A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Meanwhile 55. A. idea B. life C. home D. familyKey : 15 CABBD 610 ABADB 1115AADAA 1620BDAC 辽宁卷:3640 DCDDC 4145 CDCBA 4650 ABAAD 5155 DBADC湖北:36.D 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.C 41.A 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.D 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.D 53.B 54.C 55.B 湖南:36-4

36、0 DACBC 41-45 CAADD 46-50 BDBAC 51-55 ABCDB 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。辗浙婴唇啼期硬张树瞬脱凰奋冯硬斗固修巢算核欠竖琉碱借禾湃滞姆丫烈评旧考晃过占榨戏嘎忙哑祖漳疼适淫宝丝恰隆篷幕哦闽嘶蔽心税咀摸青须待后就食游宁意光屿漳琅崔垦帧耐礼卞对众懦绅抢裔贿届搓褪垮役民霓巳厕债赔突烘沃须镶附抒拒蒂臼肆滇它


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