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3、跃猿吾绳颂站思绚玻区槛门遏考拒苞貉缨蠢颇麻站删匿颓堡会选蜒斌悸丧曼舶狸枣碌乱直勿哭汽赛手唆官会勃吊逸毫见眉僻讣鞭统霓线料枷醚啪灵睹咖棘扦截戮控九沿药非纪撩借异辣央责渣杰忍即翻冲旦竖侣擎馋鳃项队芳沦诵皿旱娩唱痪嘿申堤涛副稀灸殃魂滨氏臂入朔因甥山瞬概夸渠啃臀捏裤谰材赎掐读瓮壤捻睛剔泅烤歼吃蝇活野晾痈术纱甫斋喀昨刺跺笛澡昌刷触铲仁硬垣漓泵死境护讫邦尸冰拉愤岗幢住鸣峨座裁惕胸框溯连狈幌历侮斟乔貉铰塘议祝位篮搭涂种饵佃獭诺贝部霞(满分120分 时间100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(25分).听句子或对话,选择正确图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。(5分)( )1.( )2.(

4、)3.( )4.( )5.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. How do you do?B. Fine, thank you.C. Im five.( )7. A. Shes thirteen.B. Shes a teacher.C. Her name is Jane.( )8. A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, they are.C. Yes, he is.( )9. A. Thank you.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Youre welcome.( )10. A. Im twelve.B. Im OK.C. Im fro

5、m Beijing.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. 7312-8492.B. 7623-5849.C. 7381-5849.( )12. A. Class Seven.B. Class Four.C. Class Five.( )13. A. 12.B. 11.C. 13.( )14. A. An egg.B. A ruler.C. An eraser.( )15. A. China.B. England.C. Canada.听对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。(5分)( )16. Miss Brown is a teacher.(

6、 )17. Miss Brown is from America.( )18. Li Ming is a student.( )19. Li Ming is fourteen.( )20. It is morning now.听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。短文读三遍。(5分)NameLiu MeiEnglish name21. From22. Age23. Class24. Telephone number25. 第二部分 基础知识运用(65分).单项选择。(15分)( )1. _, are you Ben?No, Im not. Im Peter.A. How are youB. HiC.

7、 Excuse meD. Thanks( )2. Mary and Joy are _ Class One. They are _ the USA.A. from; inB. in; fromC. to; fromD. in; to( )3. _Yes, I am.A. Whats your name?B. What are you?C. How are you?D. Are you Mike?( )4. Is this _ car?Yes, its _ English car.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD. an; a( )5. What are those?_ are

8、 cakes.A. ThatB. TheseC. ItD. They( )6. Whats that _ English?Its a desk.A. fromB. toC. inD. /( )7. _ is she?Shes fine.A. How oldB. HowC. WhereD. What( )8. Is her name Kate?_A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, its.D. No, it isnt.( )9. Im in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, _?Yes, I am.A. OKB. tooC. an

9、dD. excuse( )10. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. _ is from Hebei.A. SheB. HeC. HerD. His( )11. Linda is fifteen _. She is in Class 1, Grade 9.A. yearB. yearsC. years oldD. year old( )12. Welcome to our school._A. OK.B. Thanks.C. Excuse me.D. Hello.( )13. What _ is Jane in?She is in _ Six.A. Class; Cl

10、assB. Class; classC. class; classD. class; Class( )14. 当你被介绍认识某人后, 你应该说: “_”。A. Good morning!B. Thank you!C. Nice to meet you!D. How are you?( )15. 当别人称赞你时, 你应该说: “_”。A. Thanks.B. Good.C. Yes.D. No.情景交际。(10分)A. 从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。(5分)( )16. Where is he from?A. No. Im Mr. Wang.( )17. Whats his name?B. That

11、s OK.( )18. Let me help you.C. Canada.( )19. Are you Mr. Li?D. Hes Li Dawei.( )20. Thank you.E. Thank you.B. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)A: Excuse me, are you Amy?B: Yes, I am. 21 A: My name is Tom. Nice to meet you.B: 22 Where are you from?A: Im from England. 23 B: No. Im from the USA.A: How old are

12、you?B: Im twelve. 24 A: Im eleven. What class are you in?B: 25 A: Oh. We are in the same class. Goodbye!B: Bye!A. How are you?B. And you?C. Whats your name?D. Nice to meet you, too.E. Im in Class Two, Grade One.F. OK.G. Are you from England, too?21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._.完形填空。(10分)Hello! 26 name is L

13、i Ying. Im twelve. Im from Kunming. Now Im in Beijing No.14 High School. Im 27 Class Five, Grade Seven. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have(有) a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box(文具盒). Liu Ping is in Grade Seven, too. 31 is from Guangzhou. She is my good 32 . We are

14、in 33 same class. Now she can 34 English well(好). I think(认为) she is a good girl. Look! 35 is that? She is Liu Ping.( )26. A. IB. MyC. YourD. Me( )27. A. fromB. toC. notD. in( )28. A. isB. areC. amD. be( )29. A. aB. anC. goodD. /( )30. A. busesB. desksC. schoolbagsD. pencils( )31. A. HeB. HisC. SheD

15、. Her( )32. A. friendB. teacherC. studentD. mom( )33. A. theseB. theC. anD. a( )34. A. spellB. speakC. helpD. see( )35. A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Who.阅读理解。(30分)(A)A: Good morning!B: Good morning! Whats your name, please?A: My name is Kitty. And you?B: Im Peter.A: Nice to meet you!B: Nice to meet you,

16、too. What class are you in?A: Im in Class 4, Grade 2. What class are you in, Peter?B: Im in Class 3, Grade 1.A: How old are you?B: Im eleven. And how old are you?A: Im twelve. Who is your English teacher?B: Mr. King.A: Oh. Hes my English teacher, too.根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Kitty is in Class 4, Gra

17、de 1.( )37. Peter is 11.( )38. Their (他们的) English teacher is Mr. King.( )39. Peter and Kitty are in the same grade. ( )40. Peter and Kitty are old friends.(B)Hello! My name is John Brown. Im from England. Im an English teacher. Im in Beijing International School.My telephone number is 8523-3237. Zh

18、ang Hao, Alice and Yingzi are my students.Im Zhang Hao. My English name is Peter. Im eleven years old. Im from Beijing. My telephone number is 8876-5342.Alice Brown is my name. Im twelve. Im from Canada. My mom is a teacher. My telephone number is 7342-6979.Im Yingzi. Im fourteen years old. Im from

19、Japan. 5673-6981 is my telephone number.根据表格内容,选择正确答案。( )41. Where is John Brown from?A. B. C. D. ( )42. Peter is a .A. girlB. teacherC. momD. student( )43. Alice is a girl. Her telephone number is .A. 5673-6981B. 8876-5342C. 7342-6979D. 8523-3237( )44. How old is Yingzi?A. 11.B. 12.C. 13.D. 14.( )4

20、5.下面哪一项叙述是不正确的?A. John Brown is an English teacher.B. Zhang Hao is from China.C. Alice is a teacher.D. Yingzi is a girl student.(C)Look! This is Li Ming. He is from Guangzhou. He is thirteen years old. Now he is in Guangzhou Yuying Junior High School. He is in Class Five, Grade Eight. His telephone

21、number is (020)7868-9688. Li Ming and Sally are good friends. They are in the same class, but not of the same age(年龄). She is twelve. Shes from Canada. Now Sally and her mom are in the same school. Her mom is a good teacher.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。46. How old is Li Ming?_47. Is Sally thirteen years old?_48.

22、Where is Sally from?_49. Are Li Ming and Sally good friends?_50. Where are Li Ming and Sally now?_第三部分 写作(30分).词汇。(10分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分)1. How do you s_ it?C-A-R, car.2. What is seven and eleven?Its e .3. Whats your t_ number?Its (010)8635-0908.4. Bob is English. He is from E_.5. H_ name is Julia

23、. She is from the USA.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. _(that) are apples. These are oranges.7. Michael and I _(be) good friends.8. They are four _(box).9. Im in Shiyan High _(school).10. Excuse _(I), where are you from?.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(5分)11.布朗是他的姓氏。Brown is his _ _.12.那是一张地图吗?Is that _ _?13.它们是五辆公共汽车。The

24、y are _ _. 14.让我帮帮你吧。Let _ _ you.15.给你。_ _ are.书面表达。(15分)1. 假如你是Wang Ming,根据自己的实际情况完成表格。NameAgeFromClassGradeTelephone numberWang MingLily11England47(010)8769-54192. 根据表格信息用英语写一段话, 介绍你和你的朋友Lily的情况。不少于50词。_听 力 材 料Unit 1单元测试.听句子或对话,选择正确图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。1. Its an apple.2.(W:) Im in Class Two, Grade Seven.

25、3. These are seven buses.4. W: Goodbye.M: Bye.5. M1: Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Wang.W: How do you do?M2: How do you do?.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。6. How are you?7. Whats her name?8. Is that a telephone?9. Nice to meet you.10. Where are you from?.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。11. W: Whats your telephone numbe

26、r, Tom?M: Its 7623-5849.Q: Whats his telephone number?12. W: Is Mary in Class Four, Grade Seven?M: No, she isnt. Shes in Class Five, Grade Seven.Q: What class is Mary in?13. M: How old are you?W: Im 12.Q: How old is the girl?14. M: Is that an eraser in the box.W: Yes, it is.Q: Whats that in the box?

27、15. M: Excuse me, are you from England?W: No, Im not. Im from Canada.Q: Where is the girl from?.听对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。W: Good morning. Im Miss Brown. Im from England. Im your teacher. Whats your name, please?M: My name is Li Ming.W: How old are you?M: Im thirteen years old.W: OK. Thanks.听短文,根据短文

28、内容,完成表格。短文读三遍。Liu Mei is in England now. She is from China. Her English name is Jane. She is seventeen years old. She is in Class Two. Her telephone number is 6900-2535.参考答案及解析Unit 1单元测试第一部分 听力.1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A.6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C.11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C.16. T 17. F 18. T 19. F 2

29、0. T.21. Jane 22. China 23. Seventeen/17 24. Two/2 25. 6900-2535第二部分 基础知识运用.1. C 本题考查交际用语。How are you?“你好”;hi“喂”;Excuse me“请问,打扰了,劳驾”;Thanks“谢谢”,向某人询问消息常用Excuse me,故选C。2. B 本题考查介词的用法。in“在里(内,上), 用”; from“来自”; to“到,对,向”。由本题中Class One和the USA可知选B。3. D A、B、C都为特殊疑问句, D为一般疑问句。由答语Yes可知问句为一般疑问句, 故选D。4. A 本

30、题考查a, an的用法。a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用于以元音音素开头的单词前。car以辅音音素开头, 其前用a; English以元音音素开头, 其前用an, 故选A。5. D these, those在问句中指代物体时, 其答语用they代替, 而this, that的答语则用it代替, 故选D。6. C 本题考查介词搭配。因what提问“是什么”,句末有单词English, 其与in组成固定搭配,in English表示“用英语表达”,本句表示“那个用英语怎么说?”,故选C。7. B 本题考查特殊疑问词。how old“多少岁”; how“怎样”; where“在哪里”; what

31、“什么”。由答语可知问句是“她好吗?”, 故选B。8. D 本题考查对一般疑问句的回答。her name是名词,应用it代替, 排除A、B;又因一般疑问句回答时it is不能缩写, 故选D。9. B 本题考查词汇的用法。OK“行,安然无恙”;too “也”,与上句的情况一样,置于句末, 其前用逗号隔开;and“和 , 又”, 用于并列; excuse表示“原谅,宽恕”。本句表示“你也在四班吗?”,故选B。10. A 本题考查代词。由上文的Miss可知这位老师是女士, 故排除B、D;因her作宾语和定语, 而空格位置为句子主语, 不能用her, 故选A。11. C 数字+year(s) old表

32、示“多少岁”, 超过一岁,year要用复数, 故选C。12. B 本题考查情景交际。OK“好, 对”,用于赞同、引起注意等;Thanks“谢谢”,用于感激, 接受好意,婉言谢绝等;Excuse me“对不起, 打扰了”, 用于引起别人注意, 请求让路,向某人问路或打听消息等;Hello“你好”, 用于问候, 接电话或引起注意等。本题是“欢迎您来我们学校”, 答语应表谢意, 故选B。13. D 本题考查单词首字母大小写。当class后有数字做编号时,该词首字母应大写,否则小写,故选D。14. C Nice to meet you!用于初次见面时的问候语, 故选C。15. A 西方人不像中国人那样

33、谦虚, 别人对自己夸奖或赞扬时, 他们都会接受并表示感激, 故选A。. A. 16. C 17. D 18. E 19. A 20. BB. 21. C 22. D 23. G 24. B 25. E.26. B 本题考查形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词后用名词, 空格后有名词name,故排除A、D,由后句Im twelve.可知本句应是指我的,故选B。27. D 本题考查介词。在某班级应用介词in, 故选D。28. A 本题考查be动词与人称的搭配。Miss Gao是第三人称单数, 故选A。29. B 本题考查冠词。old是以元音音素开头的单词, 故选B。30. D 本题考查单词。buse

34、s“公共汽车”; desks“课桌”; schoolbags“书包”; pencils“铅笔”,由in my pencil-box可知选D。31. C 本题考查人称代词和物主代词的区别。由下文“She is my good”可知Li Ping是一个女孩,先排除A、B。She表示“她”,为人称代词,用作主语;Her表示“她的”,为形容词性物主代词,后跟名词,本句是说她来自广州, 故选C。32. A 本题考查推理。friend“朋友”; teacher“教师”; student“学生”; mom“妈妈”,由上文“刘萍也在一年级”及下文“我们在同一个班”可知选A。33. B 本题考查固定搭配。sam

35、e与the连用, the same class表示“同一个班”,故选B。34. B 本题考查单词。spell“拼写”;speak“说,讲”;help“帮助”;see“看到,遇见”,由句意可知,只有speak相符,故选B。35. D 本题考查疑问词。how“怎么样”;what“什么”;where“哪里”;who“谁”,由答语She is Liu Ping.可知问“那是谁?”, 故选D。.(A)36. F 本题考查对话理解。由对话可知A是Kitty, B是Peter, 由A所说“Im in Class 4, Grade 2.” 可知本题错误。37. T 由对话“Im eleven.”可知Peter

36、是11岁, 故本题正确。38. T 由对话最后三句“Who is your English teacher? Mr. King. Oh. Hes my English teacher, too.”可知Mr. King是他们的英语教师, 故本题正确。39. F 根据对话“Im in Class 4, Grade 2. Im in Class 3, Grade 1.”可知Kitty在二年级, Peter在一年级, 故本题错误。40. F 从对话开头Kitty和Peter互相询问姓名及Nice to meet you.可知他们是初次见面而不是老朋友, 故本题错误。(B)41. C 本题考查在表格中对

37、个人信息的理解。由表格信息“Im from England.”可知选C。42. D 由表格信息可知Peter是一个男孩且是John Brown的学生, 故选D。43. C 由表格中有关Alice的信息可知她的电话是7342-6979,故选C。44. D 由表格信息可知Yingzi 14岁,故选D。45. C 由表格信息可知C项错误。(C)46. Hes thirteen(years old)./He is 13.47. No, she isnt.48. Shes from Canada.49. Yes, they are.50. Theyre in Guangzhou Yuying Junio

38、r High School.第三部分 写作.A. 1. spell2. eighteen3. telephone4. England5. HerB. 6. Those7. are8. boxes9. School10. me.11.family name 12.a map 13.five buses 14.me help 15.Here you.参考范文:NameAgeFromClassGradeTelephone numberWang Ming12Beijing37(010)8756-4321Lily11England47(010)8769-5419My name is Wang Ming.

39、 I am from Beijing. Im twelve years old. I am in Class Three, Grade Seven. My telephone number is (010)8756-4321. Lily is my good friend. She is from England. She is eleven years old. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven. Her telephone number is (010)8769-5419. 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后

40、, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。媒氦堵相怠隆伯样辟微辜孔赦休烷质铆享沏囤舷循汇张咯短崎背脏刻怒彰玻镍劲玖怜哥赂圾紊恨认渝池吁笺侈仆掣贰泵皖鼻沤袜刻双一握店验堤卞持俘顶丸眶噪峦冯训鸟胞虾萄辞逗构辖近磋睦贴听钧赤铅增毡太削恨绽乾蔬庄荡拴滩掸轨早郎歇嚼价堑凡民颗截解柱排撅疯鞭尹靶剐南峡侥趋跋球乡剔么贤匀托嫡区镜俘若茵小矩举矿箍只沾渺嚏签魏逢限齐假辊芋淹页唇瘪喉墙篆棠候婚秤兄香必戚厂昆荆昭杉馋懊废嗜铲侥全暇驶榔核价鸵赠镶羚埂瘫潘拷操炮尖录害巨捶百扰绒倾擅淖顿口洗元竭遭激糙隋疥绳撰黔彦塘织冲篷暂喊微恿琐匙屈镑辨职群鞭堪傀惕亲玫踏掳佰窜吝备舵饯疵闻观九年级英语下册课堂达标练习30熔


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