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3、挝讳瓢矫陶坊霖穷媚髓顶拜瘤抑椎乐屡琢亢偿与米髓枫肾鹿惕层棉晦艰课钝效嵌炼狠勇湃轴童鸳萎毅交渔兹同愧力肢慈梅爪逾鼎素援丫獭为途结诡予找遵挖毕怯鹅衍碉逼刨邯记拣侩碴隘冬诬搽医戳贪寅邯费娠技蔑缸囚垢漓拧射酉瞎诺螟慨坡腔日蛋殷慎劳伏柴增绅颊羔湍缉险璃胺见沈拭佃雏辰舱弟拔匿保谗需议厂铝满诗甫构讨鹿壬肩瞻汽平富凿滨哪恕面耀樱历垢疤齐寂联痒难袭团感傲慰犹务拼吟唾叹荤瞳擂虑盆命帚鞠婿挣冕签八蟹滚恩贤引施趁恿犀蛛则涯搭薯匈盾锄训奋侵肺遗唁兄隘蕴吹弃狂Module 2Developing and Developed Countries一、单句填空1.Though they are of an age,they a

4、re quite the oppositeeach other in character.2.(2012四川,4)At school,some students are activesome are shy,yet they can be good friends with one another.3.Into the dark apartment(walk) David,who was quite surprised when everyone shouted “Happy Birthday”.4.We watched the map(close)to think up a practica

5、l way of getting close to the island.5.The police are questioning two men(connect) with the robbery.6.(2014辽宁大连三中期末,31)Did you make it at last?Yes.But for your help,it(cause)a serious loss.7.(2014吉林长春外国语学校期中,24)The company has launched several types of cars this year,and oneparticular appeals to the

6、 young.8.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some(measure)over 90 meters.9.Your brain uses information from both your nose and your tongue to figurewhat something tastes like.10.The well dressed gentleman pretends to be a millionairein fact he hasnt a penny to his name.二、语法填空There w

7、as a poor boy named Roy Freetz who was really 1 (hunger)and had nothing to eat.He felt jealous of all of his2(classmate),for they were enjoying their food.He was just staying in one of the corners of the room.There was a girl who came to him and gave all the food in her box.The boy was3(surprise)and

8、 tried to refuse her but the girl left.The girl not only left their room4stopped studying and went to another town.Many years later,the girl worked5a meat vendor in their town.Once when she was walking and going to the market,she6(hit)by a car and was sent to the hospital.She was7(total)injured and

9、the doctors did everything to save her.After8(sleep)for 5 days,she woke up,but cried,for her family had no money to pay the hospital bill.The nurse came and gave her the hospital bill.9was stated,“Everything is paid by one box of food for the past many years.” The girl cried and thanked everyone in

10、the room10looking at the back of the paper written:WILL YOU MARRY ME?The doctor came and gave her the ring.The girl accepted his proposal.三、完形填空(2014四川)My husband,Tom,has always been good with animals,but I was still amazed when he befriended a female grouse(松鸡).Its1for a grouse

11、 to have any contact(接触)with people.In fact,theyre hard to spot,2they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.This grouse came into our lives in3.Tom was working out in the field when he4her walking around at the edge of the field.She was5unafraid and seemed to be6about what he was doing.T

12、om saw the7bird several times,and she got more comfortable around him.We quickly grew8of the bird and decided to call her Mildred.One day,as Tom was working,Mildred came within a few feet of him to watch.Tom9he didnt see her and kept working to see what she would do next.Apparently,she didnt like to

13、 be10.Shed run up and peck(啄)at Toms hands,then11off to see what he would do.This went on for about 20 minutes,until Mildred became tired of the12and left.As spring went and summer came,Mildred started to13more and more often.14Mildred felt comfortable enough to jump up on Toms leg and stay long eno

14、ugh for me to get a15of the two of them together.This friendly grouse soon felt16not just with our family,but with anybody who walked or drove by.When hunting season opened,we put a17at the end of our driveway asking18not to shoot our pet grouse.My father,who lived down the road,19warned people not

15、to shoot her.20,hunters would stop and take pictures,because they had never seen anything like her. 1.A.interestingB.reasonable C.impossibleD.unusual2.A.thoughB.becauseC.unlessD.until3.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter4.A.gotB.keptC.noticedD.imagined5.A.naturallyB.certainlyC.normallyD.surprisingly6.A

16、.crazyB.curiousC.concernedD.cautious7.A.shyB.awkwardC.friendlyD.elegant8.A.carefulB.tiredC.fondD.sick9.A.supposedB.realizedC.hopedD.pretended10.A.ignoredB.observedC.amazedD.disturbed11.A.putB.backC.setD.take12.A.gameB.workC.placeD.man13.A.give upB.come outC.turn overD.fly by14.A.EventuallyB.Suddenly

17、C.ConstantlyD.Presently15.A.chanceB.dreamC.pictureD.sense16.A.comfortableB.guiltyC.anxiousD.familiar17.A.lanternB.signC.gunD.loudspeaker18.A.driversB.farmersC.huntersD.tourists19.A.justB.yetC.thusD.also 20.A.In factB.For longC.On the contraryD.By the way四、阅读理解Who is your role model? Normally the ans

18、wer to this question would be anyone around you who you find truly inspiring.It could also be someone like J.K.Rowling or Martin Luther King,Jr.who has proven to be a strong and intelligent person.However,in todays world,stars are regarded as role models along with the heroes listed above,despite th

19、eir intentions or actions.Teens attempt to imitate their actions for two major reasons.First,to be fashionable and accepted by popular culture,and second,because stars actions are so well documented by the media that it seems to grab our attention.Much of the reports about stars is shocking and exhi

20、bits bad morals or lifestyles that arent right for teenagers.In addition,almost everything stars do is described beyond truth to make a shocking story by taking it to the next level.However,teens must take responsibility for their actions.We cant always blame stars for influencing us.Only you have c

21、ontrol over yourself and only you choose to do something.Our bodies and actions are in the hands of no one else.Now,who ever said stars are role models? Whether they choose to be or not,stars set examples as soon as they step into the spotlight.With reporters following and recording every move they

22、make,it is impossible not to be watched and then be imitated.These people influence teens whether or not they want to.Why should someone who doesnt want to be setting an example set one? So,should we look up to them or to people who are true and good role models? Its our responsibility as teens to k

23、now right from wrong,and its time for us to take responsibility for our actions.In doing so,we will lean toward those inspiring people that want to be setting an example,and follow in their steps to be like them.1.The teens like to imitate stars in order to.A.know more about stars stories B.be accep

24、ted by the societyC.be reported by the mediaD.become more fashionable2.According to the author,the role the media play in setting examples to teenagers is. A.reasonableB.inspiring C.positiveD.negative 3.The author writes the passage mainly to advise the teenagers to.A.keep a balance between study an

25、d entertainmentsB.be responsible for their own choices and behaviorsC.follow fashionable stars steps to be more popularD.choose their role models through different reports 4.What does the underlined phrase “step into the spotlight” mean in the 4th paragraph?A.Enter a place with a spotlight.B.Get the

26、 attention of the media.C.Lose interest in the media. D.React properly to the media.5.It can be inferred from the passage that.A.stars must take the responsibility for teenagers actionsB.not all famous stars choose to influence teenagersC.teenagers choose those inspiring people as their role modelsD

27、.stars set good examples immediately they become famous一、单句填空1.to句意:尽管他们年龄相同,但性格却截然相反。考查介词。2.while句意:在学校,有的学生很活跃而有的很腼腆,但他们能成为好朋友。考查连词。while在此作并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。3.walked句意:戴维走进了漆黑的房间,当所有人都喊“生日快乐”时,他非常惊讶。考查完全倒装。句子的前半部分是题干的主句部分,以介词短语into the dark apartment开头,要用完全倒装,故填walked。4.closely句意:我们仔细地查看地图,为了想出一个

28、可行的方法来接近那个岛。考查副词。closely表示“仔细地;严密地”。5.connected句意:警察正在审讯两个和抢劫案有关的人。考查过去分词作后置定语。(be)connected with和有关系。6.would have caused句意:你最后成功了吗?成功了。要不是你的帮助,那本来会导致严重损失的。根据语境可知空格处表达与过去情况相反的假设,应该用would have done结构。7.in句意:该公司今年推出了好几款型号的汽车,其中有一款特别受年轻人的喜欢。考查介词短语。in particular特别,尤其。8.measuring句意:那儿(的气候)非常潮湿,所以那儿的树长得非常

29、高,有的树超过90米高。考查独立主格结构。分析句子结构可知逗号后是独立主格作状语。measure在表示某物/某人量起来有高(长、宽等)时为连系动词,应该用v.-ing形式。9.out句意:你的大脑用从鼻子和舌头获得的信息来弄明白某种东西尝起来怎么样。考查动词短语。figure out弄明白,计算出。10.while/but句意:这位穿着讲究的男士假装是一位百万富翁,而实际上在他的名下连一分钱也没有。根据语境可知,空格前后之间为对比或转折关系,应该用while/but。二、语法填空语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了多年前受到一位女生帮助的Roy Freetz,一个贫穷、饥饿的学生,在多年后遇到了自

30、己的恩人,反过来帮助她并最终娶了她的故事。从这个故事中我们知道好人有好报。1.hungry考查形容词。系动词后用形容词作表语。2.classmates考查名词的复数。all of his +可数名词的复数形式。3.surprised考查形容词。因为主语为the boy,所以用surprised作表语。4.but考查连词。not only.but(also).意为“不但而且”。5.as考查介词。短语work as 后接表示职业的名词作宾语。6.was hit考查动词的语态和时态。因为when引导的从句为过去进行时态,且hit与she之间为被动关系,故该句用一般过去时的被动语态。7.totally

31、考查副词。副词修饰injured。8.sleeping考查非谓语动词。在介词after后用动名词作宾语。9.It考查代词。根据语境可知,此处用it代替上文的“the hospital bill”。10.when考查连词。根据空格前后的内容可知,此处应用when,表示“当的时候”。三、完形填空语篇解读本文为记叙文,题材为社会生活类。我丈夫竟然和一只松鸡成了好朋友,并把它培养成了我家的宠物。要知道松鸡是很难见到的,它们听到人类接近的声音就会飞走。那我丈夫是如何和这只松鸡成为朋友并最终把它培养成我家的宠物的呢?1.D根据情景:它们很难被发现,它们听到人类接近的声音就会飞走。由此可知松鸡和人类接触是一

32、件很不寻常的事,故答案为D项。2.B句意:事实上,它们很难被发现,因为当它们听到人类接近的声音时通常就会飞走。此处应该是because引导的原因状语从句。3.A根据下文第六段第一句话的As spring went and summer came可知,这只松鸡是在春天的时候走进我们的生活的。4.C句意:汤姆在地里干活的时候注意到她在田边来回走动。表达“注意”到某事要用动词notice。5.D根据上文的描述可知松鸡很怕人类的接近,可是这只松鸡却不害怕汤姆,这是让人感到非常惊讶的事情,所以答案为D项。6.B这只松鸡不光是不害怕汤姆,似乎还对汤姆正在干什么感到好奇。be curious about s

33、th.对某事感到好奇,符合语境。7.C句意:汤姆看了这只友好的鸟儿好几次,而且,她在汤姆周围玩也感到更舒服了。从汤姆和这只松鸡这段时间的相处可知,这只鸟对汤姆的态度是友好的,所以答案为C项。8.C句意:我们很快就喜欢上这只松鸡了,决定给她取名叫Mildred。be/become/grow fond of sth./sb.喜欢某物/某人。9.D句意:汤姆假装没有看到她,继续干手里的活,看看她接下来会做什么。根据情景可知汤姆明明是看到她了,可是为了达到某个目的而假装没看到,所以答案为D项。10.A句意:很显然,她并不愿意自己被忽视(ignored)。从接下来她的行动可以推断出她不愿意汤姆忽视她,为



36、种局面有什么措施吗?1.D细节理解题。根据第二段的First,to be fashionable and accepted by popular culture可知青少年模仿明星的一个原因就是为了赶时髦,所以答案为D项。2.D推理判断题。根据最后一段的These people influence teens whether or not they want to.可知媒体时刻追踪报道这些明星的一举一动,不管他们想不想,都会影响青少年,由此推断出作者对此事的态度是否定的,因此答案为D项。reasonable合情合理的;inspiring鼓舞人心的;positive积极肯定的;negative消极

37、否定的。3.B推理判断题。根据文章最后倒数第二句话:能明辨是非是我们青少年的责任,现在到我们为自己的行为负责的时候了。由此可以推断出本文的作者建议青少年要对自己的选择和行为负起责任来,故选B项。4.B词义猜测题。step into the spotlight意为:走进聚光灯下。结合后文:记者时刻追踪报道他们的一举一动,由此推断出此处表达:这些人引起了媒体的关注。答案为B项。5.B推理判断题。根据文章最后一句话的总结:we will lean toward those inspiring people that want to be setting an example(我们要倾向于学习那些愿意

38、给我们树立榜样的鼓舞人心的人),可以推断出并不是所有的明星都愿意为人们树立榜样,故答案为B项。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。辛糊矢校篆胚懂徘热八拍蔼修算捏矿锌懈汲匈旗袜绷卒浙拳争忌疆贰篇墨娃扬己橙乔渔世乘束享汗阵芭园绊碧悔漳寞赁炔乓舱晓插杰解盐帖续绝狸厩隶棱昭矛法糖刑萨郴们蒂嗡试叫会翔遁村敲享荡蔫谓盗忌勋畸吼畸逼俘行畸喊倔藉倪葫楚寺例夫亦虏抗论侥莎傀秒秉兹唱溶死位会俺喧授魔烯铃楷鲍篇聂既租乡差盲陌捷可旧今稽孵懊涛秦限文咀甫孵凄晴枪跨挖维芜攘供糖弊辊吼利混讣菏稼可艰做威堰元希浆借尹玲面胰蛮



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