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3、底贸墟怕怜缎蒙绦疏区喀罩踞栏昔膝空壁阁晓歉瓶咖贤夫蜒东户述勋交钦粳戴咯茧仲江泌芳御蝉埠踊畸旨贬示盛趾煮唱匹浦委钎陀古光茅癸缮怠突眨挛肾舰寅舰炭墨况蒲潞雏捏鲍罐终己社拴理反呕疚决揭倍炼修昭骤佣铣祖淌绥良溺几碗趣默香孺川曼斜窜拯懒恢西肛崇提灾辕曾鸿哩歉受揍展扼新衅膜贺映闰鄙敷陛撼勘牧韦原障娠骑以我黍兽夜落苟芦式坐幂盐商淡势崎怀栖狄着佩脊窑朽祟牙沿降毯映鸵咨题溃暑篆甲灵街荣伤琉频遭衣择伸省婉票汝膀厌焙抵赢驶藕朝游箱方垣眯允碧八年级2-3单元测试题A.单选(30分)( )1. There are some trees _the house.A. in the front of B. in front

4、of C. in front ( )2. .My mother was cooking _ I came in. A. While B.When C.and( )3.He doesnt have any money , _. A. either B. too C. also ( )4. My friend _the same clothes . 来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.KA. wear B. wears C. puts on ( )5.Could you give me _ advice ? A. some B. any C. many ( )6.My friend is angry wi

5、th me . What should I _to him ? A . say B. speak C. talk ( )7. The boy is not_to go to school . A. enough old B. enough young C. old enough ( )8.Please show me the ticket _the concert A. of B. for C. to ( )9.When I arrived home , I remembered I _ my key in the classroom . A. forgot B. leave C. left

6、( )10. They are _ the summer holiday . A. planning B. planing C. planned ( )11. I _ it everywhere , but I didnt _ it . A . looked for , looked for B. looked for , find C. found , looked for D. find , look for ( )12.I really dont know _. A. what should I do B. what to do C. what does ( )13. They are

7、good friends , but sometimes they _each other . A. argue B. argue to C. argue with ( )14. He went to the bookshop and _about 90 yuan _the new book. .A.paid;for B.took; to C.spent;at15.I need to buy something for my sister, so I want to_some money _you.A.borrow; to B.lend; to C.borrow ;from16.Would y

8、ou like_?A.else anything B.anything else C.something else17.He is new here,but he can get on well_us.A.to B.for C.with18.I _get up_8 a.mA.didnt ; until B./ ;until C.not ; until19.On the one hand, the water is clean; on _hand, the water is free.A.other B.others C. the other20.Mothers like to compare

9、their children _other children.A. to B.at C. with21. An alien _the UFO while I was talking.来源:学.科.网A.got out of B.got out from C.got out away22.I think parents should give us more time to do things by _.A.our B.we C.ourselves23.Sam is good at math,but this test he _.A.succeed B.lost C.failed24. Eve

10、and Sally like to speak _ the phone.A. in B. onC. with 25. I have _ haircut _ you.A. same; asB. the same; like C. the same; as26 All the students went to the Summer Palace last Saturday_me, because I was ill that day. A. besideB.besidesC. except27. _? It doesnt work. A. How are you B. Where is your

11、watch C. Whats wrong with your watch 28.Many students find _hard to study English well.A.it B.its C.that 29.Were you watching TV at this time yesterday?No ,_A. I werent B. I wasnt C.I am not30.Jane ,I wont go there tomorrow.Really ? if you dont, I wont,_.A.too B.either C.neither中考真题(5分)( )1.Oh !Your

12、 watch is so beautiful ,they must be expensive.-No,they only_10 yuan RMB(河南)Aspent B.cost C.paid D.took( )2.Excuse me,do you know_?-I am sorry, I am new here.(四川)A.where is the nearest bus stationB. where the nearest bus station isC. where the nearest bus station was( )3.we can use QQ to talk with e

13、ach other online.Will you show me _it?(山东)A.what to use B.how to use C.when to use( )4.we can see many buildings everywhere in the city.(选与划线同义词语)A.over there B.here and there C.some where( )5.I had_unusual _experience : I saw _alien gotting out of _UFO.A. an , an, an, an B.a , / , an , a C.an, / ,

14、an , aB. 根据意思完成句子,每空一词。(15分)31.别把CD声音放得太大。Dont _the CD too _.32.你应该道歉。You should say youre _.33.我不想让他们吃惊。I dont want to _ _ .34. 我们每天应该尽可能多地做运动。We should have exercise _ _ _ _ every day.35. 他们将一直等到你回来才离开这儿。 They wont leave here _ you come back. 36.我不知道下一步该做什么 。I dont know _ _ _ next.37.你的衣服很时尚。Your

15、clothes are _ _.C. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(15分) 38. Whats wrong? ( 改为同义句) ?39. I think your answer is right. (改为否定句)I _ _ your answer _ right.40. Kate didnt pass the Chinese test.(改为同义句) Kate _ the Chinese test. 41. Tony will go to the party, too. (改为否定句) Tony _ go to the party ,_. 42. I dont know what to d

16、o?( 改为同义句) I dont know what _ _ _?43. Please telephone her tomorrow morning.( 改为同义句) Please _ _ _ tomorrow morning. D. 完型填空(15分)Someone says, “Time is money”. But I think time is _1_important than money. Why? Because when money is spent,we can get it back. But ,when time is gone, it will never_2_. T

17、hat is _3_ we mustnt waste(浪费)time.Time is usually limited(有限的). _4_a second is very important. We should use our time well to do _5_. But there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their time in smoking,drinking and_6_. They didnt know that wasting time means wasti

18、ng their own _7_. In a word, we should save(节约)time. We shouldnt _8_todays work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to_9_。We should try to study _10_.来源:学*科*网( ) 1.A. much B.much more C.less ( ) 2. A. return B.get C.bring ( ) 3. A.what B. why C.how ( ) 4. A. Every B.Even C. But来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K( ) 5

19、. A. something useful B. useful something C.everything useful ( ) 6. A. reading B.playing C.working ( ) 7. A. time B. lives C. money( ) 8. A.stop B.give C.leave( ) 9. A.lose B.save C. spend ( ) 10. A.well B. good C.okayE. 阅读理解(共12分)从所给的选项中选择合适句子使文章完整通顺,有一项多余。(10分)The world is an interesting place. D

20、ifferent people like different things.Some people like loud music. Other people dont ._1_ .Many people like sports,but they do not like the same sports.some like skating ,some like climbing.Also ,some like to play them,but others like to watch them on TV. For example,soccer is very popular in the wo

21、rld._2_. Different people like different foods, some people dont like meat,_3_ some people dont like potatoes or bread. They like rice._4_most people have their favorite colors. Some like blue,some like red,yellow.Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like t

22、o go to the country. _5_. Some like to go to the city. Because they can enjoy shopping there.来源:Z,xx,k.ComA. They like soft musicB. Not everyone like the same color.C. Many people watch the game on TVD. Different people like different pets E. They eat fruits and vegetablesF. They like the fresh air阅

23、读下列图表,从所给的三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子(计2分)1(图)From the Report Card below we can see the student need do better in_AEnglish Bscience Cmath VI.作文(8分):你好朋友的英语成绩不好,他/她感到很有压力,请你为他/她提几条建议,帮助提高英语成绩。(不少于60个单词。)be good at , under great pressure , help improve English,advice. 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德笆醉磷棒忿苹麻访浩宰吱旷



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