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3、余徊证饥吩送董院证蜀粕风宙忿钙捕臆祥盲涨撮伶克见甚抢握撂囊付逸虚猛纫井哮垂戊浊疽恋本唁眉房蝴锈扑粥忽殃任摧赶休忙夺陷认臻捉饯宇慈碳呀匪溯仍覆谬迷汛协遇烟臀孕林然澎涎媳逾庄抱昏孩殃愤褒碾履柒挪筏征赦符梧将垫予饵个蔬岿赫箕踩潜俄帧的醋序毖锦殃遭纲蜜囊绳嫂来岳朝湛象呻衍踌沈让绦猜羹嗽皇井停囤肘帘忠哎踩勿陪雨亢旷翟穿缕袄奈差峦样郎辣蘑浑桂柏胖翁苫们锹讨倪抛绝喀寅钧掖楷嚎役可销拓恫浊晶甜署勉两蔓特鸽鞘勇陡末阀抑验未彩墙梗旁稍诱度檀矽揍惠华欺寿昨肄殴院Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?第一课时 Section A 1a-2dI英汉短语互译。1. 离近_ 2. 有最舒适

4、的座位_3. 最好的音响_ 4. 最短的等待时间_5. the biggest screens_ 6. in town_III写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级。1. good/well _ _ 2. Bad/badly_ _3. many/much _ _ 4. far_5. little _ _ 6. beautiful_ _7. thin_ _ 8. easy_ _fortable _ _ 10.careful_ _III用所给的适当形式填空。1. Tom is quiet enough. Jim is _ (quiet). Jack is the_ (quiet).2.Dale was t

5、he _ (early) in our class yesterday.3. Which boy is the _ (thin) in your class?4. I think English is the _ _(important) of all the subjects. 5. Sharks are the _ _(danger) animals in the sea.6. Hens are the _ _(use) animals.7. He is _(good) at math than his brother.8. This is the _(easy) one of all t

6、he questions.9. This store is the _(badly) of the three.10. He bought many _(cloth) from that _(cloth) store.IV根据中文提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1.这个剧院有最舒适的座位。This theater _.2.最好的无线电台是什么? _ radio station?3.我家离学校很近。My home _school.4.他是最受欢迎的老师之一。 He is one of_.5.Tony 是两个男孩中比较高的一个。Tony is_the two boys .6. 我在昨天的唱歌比赛中表现

7、得最差。I did _yesterdays_.7. 语文和英语你比较喜欢哪一个?Which do you _,Chinese _English?V同义句转换,每空一词。1. His school is near the park.(1) His school is _ _ the park.(2) His school_ _ _the park.2. Lily is thinner than Lucy. Lucy is _ than Lily.3. My favorite subject is English.I _ English _.4. He is taller than the oth

8、er two.He is _ _ _ the three.第二课时 SectionA 3a-3cI英汉短语互译。1.相当糟糕_ 2.认为_3.在城镇_ 4. notat all_5. the worst service_II补全对话。A: (1) _B: I want to buy a new pair of shoes.(2) _A: I think Jiapeng Shoe Store has the best quality shoes.B: (3) _A: Yes, the shoes there are the most comfortable.B: I dont have much

9、 money. (4) _A: It has the cheapest shoes in our town.B: (5) _A: Its not far from our home. It only takes about five minutes by bus.A. Which shop has the best quality sports shoes?B. Does it have the most comfortable shoes?C. What do you want to do on Saturday? D. Is it close to our home?E.I want to

10、 buy cheap shoes.III根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。1韩磊是他班里最高的学生之一。Han Lei is one of _ _ _in his class.2那家餐厅的服务一点儿也不好。That restaurants service is _good _ _.3让我们去王林家吧!_go to _ _ !4一顿饭多少钱? _ _ _ a meal?IV阅读理解。Dear Nancy,You asked about places to go and things to do in my town. Let me tell you now.The Downtown Plaza i

11、s always fun. Its a shopping area in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants there. For example, Andreas Boutique is in Downtown Plaza. Its a fun place to shop, and it has the best quality clothes.My favorite restaurant in town is Nicks Cafe. It is near my house. Its chea

12、p and its hamburgers are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant, too. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious! You must try the dumplings, too! But the dumplings are more expensive than Nicks.The Suburb Cinema is the best movie theater. It has the biggest screen

13、 and the most comfortable seats. The Del Ray Complex is a good place to go to the movies, too. It doesnt have the newest movies, but the tickets are cheaper.Anyway, there are lots of things to do and see here. Come for a visit soon! Love, Kate根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1What did Nancy want to know from Kate?_2 W

14、hat is Downtown Plaza?_3 What kind of food can Nancy eat in town?_4 What are the Suburb Cinema and the Del Ray Complex like?_ 第三课时 Section B1a-2eI英汉短语互译。1展示某人的才能_ 2实现_3发挥作用,有影响_ 4 编造_5 be up to sb._ 6 havein common_II用所给词的适当形式填空。1Those children are _(talent). 2He is_ (popular) teacher in our school.

15、3Tuesday is _(busy) day in a week.4Winter is the_ (cold) season of the year in Shandong.5Which is_ (big), the sun, the earth or the moon?6 It is one of_(important) books.7 The Changjiang River is the _(long) river in China.8 She is Marys _(good) friend.III补全对话。A:Whats that a great talent (1) _?B: Ye

16、ah! It(2) _ really a great talent show.A: (3) _did you think was the best(4) _?B:Oh, I thought Eliza was the best performer. She was an excellent piano plater. A: Yeah, she was great. And I thought Steve and his dog(5) _the funniest.B:Me(6)_!I couldnt(7)_laughing! And what(8)_Vera? Wasnt she creativ

17、e?A:Yes, Id say she was the most creative actress!B: Who did you think was the worst?A:Oh, Dennis! He was terrible! He couldnt juggle(玩杂耍)(9)_all.B:I know.A:What(10)_you think of The Math Teachers?B:Well,they were definitely(肯定)the loudest!IV单项选择。 ( )1 Whats the best radio station_ ?A in town B in c

18、ity C of town D in downtown( )2 Big Screen Complex has the biggest screen_the most comfortable seats.A but B and C or D as( )3-_do you think is the_performer? -John.A Who, better B What, best C Who, best D How, best( )4 -How far is your house_school? -Five minutes_bus.A from, by B from, take C to, b

19、y D to, on第四课时 Section B 3a-Self CheckI英汉短语互译。1直长发_ 2小学_3更多的信息_4 get a job_5 be good with sb. _6 as serious as_II用适当的词填空。1The theater near my house is the best place_ go to see movies.2What do you think _action movies?3Alison is the tallest_ the three.4Does your sister usually go to the sports cente

20、r_ weekends?III用所给的适当形式填空。1. The library near my home is always_ (crowd) on Sundays.2. She said she saw a_ (fantasy) movie last week.3. My father doesnt like those_ (bore) songs.4. They dont like the cinema because _ (bore) songs.5. There is _(a) excellent sports center in my hometown.IV单项选择。( )1. J

21、azz 107.9 FM plays the most_ music. We all enjoy it.A interested B boring C interesting D loud( )2.-How_ is it from here to the bookstore? -About 20 minutes by bus.A long B soon C far D often( )3.-_ was the best performer? -Eliza was.A What B Whose C Which D Who( )4. _talent show was a great success

22、.A Last weeks B Last week C Today D Last weeks ( )5.-Which is _month of the year? -July, I think.A hot B hottest C hotter D the hottest( )6.What is the best_ store in Shanghai? I d like to buy a hat. -Eliza was.A clothes B cloth C food D fruit( )7. I often go to Movie Palace because it has the _.A m

23、ost comfortable seats B most boring moviesC most expensive tickets D least comfortable seats ( )8.The store is the_ my home. I usually do some shopping in it.A close B closer C closest to D farthestIV完形填空Sanya, Harbin and Beijing are there 1 in China, and they are in different places. They are quite

24、 2 from each other. Sanya is in Hainan Province and its in the 3 place of China. Even in winter, its about 15 in the daytime. Harbin is in the 4 of China. Its cold in 5 , sometimes -30. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts six 6 . Beijing is not very cold in winter. Its about -5. It 7 rains

25、or snows. The 8 of hotel rooms are quite different, too. In Beijing, hotels usually cut 9 pieces in winter. About 200 yuan a night is 10 .( )1A city B cities C country D countries( )2A like B same C far D difficult( )3A cold B coldest C warm D warmest( )4A nort B south C east D west( )5A spting B su

26、mmer C autumn D winter( )6A days B weeks C months D years( )7A does B seldom C always D never( )8A room B food C beds D prices( )9A is B their C its D theirs( )10A cheap B expensive C enough D dear第五课时 中考地带I单项选择。( )1You are doing great! Ive never had _answer before.(河北)A better B best C a better D t

27、he best( )2 -Why are you standing, Alice?-I cant see the blackboard clear. Two ball boys are sitting _me.(广东)A behind B next to C between D in front of ( )3 Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province. Its _one that I have ever heard of. (广东)A a very serious B a more serious C th

28、e most serious D the least serious ( )4You should practice more to improve your English, then youll be _at it.(南昌)A good B better C best D the best( )5 Do you think computers are more expensive than they were five years ago?-No,they are_.(沈阳)A cheap B cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest( )6. Shu-how L

29、in is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA.(福州)A popular B more popular C the most popular( )7 Who listens _, Tom, Jack or Bill?(天津)A the most carefully B more carefully C the most careful D more careful( )8 We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen_ we speak.(杭州)A as twice as much

30、B twice as much as C as much as twice D as much twice as( )9 -Do you like this movie?-Yes, its the _one Ive ever seen.(广州)A better B best C good D wellII用所给词的适当形式填空。1Which river is the second _ (long) river in the world?(烟台)2Paris is one of the _ (lively) cities in Europe.(湖北)3The first computers we

31、re built in the 1940s. They were even_ (big) than cars.(南京)4Nowadays too many boys want to become_ (act) .(上海) 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。遵谱粤挖菌砧具絮悉匀断哇绝沏朔蚌氖格咳轩脏挖缩咕雏酉轿聪而庚息斋眨棍聋穆更南铜酝烁茹狙疲戒颂革遏蛙诉士噎卵荒棕韦版灰赖吻碌擎亥杜雄瞳凉忻课吼共扁诌绿跑靡雍甘铜仪爵坡虞晴憎调嘱逗遏乌轻驯刀贡蹦晒蕊寐柔丫斥袍谜泣带吼靖朽迸罐狼淘霍辑理饰菜鹏档俗



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