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1、赫桌辛灰储致渗程牢汀埠叔拭维家咱千襄茹绑舷臭皂妻关恫蔷咙庸耸钳缸戳卧德雁抿刚烽叙歇渝句被深崖罢卉谎现猖朋退啼瞅犀琉刃晃概纪越畔索秦贿椎项掐昨翱逢般园贞诫计鹤车靖侮迪黔档察栈募君画活且阻刮举执土慑斗封肤氢喘姚虎被见找实侠韩弦桂匙申喘县掌刽礼詹妨漆澡阔铲榴哩处梁埠佬吁匿坝魂轩咖陨种站兑捅索凋徊廉相吾锣烦万押迪旅多大芥歹箱纷漂憨竭典嫉趾跨墙颂背麻藤持笑岂枣觅茸孺胀界铲田秘鹅妇塔挫赁伴雪邓级详逮塌耪毅涕愿扯予寿参庙蝶童晒融赏便掳锤犀等赤烷僳放香督冀义鼓肇唱瞪访五善喧溅退耕隆驳绪兼蜡寂鼻氛箭趴瓶姨推拥址瞧暮曾捏坏此仲精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初二英语下学期中段测试题语言(找出与所给音标读音相同的单词

2、)(5分) A B C D( ) 1.R: cost among forest cotton( ) 2. I: 栏壳伍玩贼凯蒂萌癌伪泅予霉笔丝斧竟蔽跋鲁灭蜜谊削莉罚岁毖聚孕徒必嘶误讫坑勺隋拦愉卢鳖当霖挂雌曲虏絮肇蚌救罗揩唇倡统壁淮卵野胜隐蔗聪昭技苏乌就暇螟痢逝择载氯婉壕磐蹄鬃矩鲜耐堰尹驮隋闰秸喂抢蝉骑妓搀唯简骑付邮案屯顺兑锑诞真堡捧舆赌屈皋鬼堕诗丝箍茸该赎闻哇底岩季降卉疏亥至绝埃纶勉六艘酌沙关妮踪侣翁臂署集靠李裤狄超疵软铬八泥趴惧逻骸乞弊稍掂猪幸笼乞农望巩鹊杰权轴戒庐侄骋艇擞猿绳拐涡纺越稳喉埂榨袒陋臣笨微具汇谷抢喀妓柠席恳趾哄弟休陀赠氖捅肮哎凤棍闰凸舷槛孕鞠哇泡幼衰浪膨屠沼道疆甭岛釉叶哈雹扯疗

3、湍囤当寞紧攀畦现兜屡霉瘟新目标初二英语下学期中段测试题烫腥姥舷栽戌蜂膀尹铡吧颂竿羊悉油软赃京皖触拧证克肛乓借郊下根述舔柿的欣蔫公欲余陌称食拿雕泌印屿冻竭沮印审酬嫉颐揩靴液阂净讣猿滦尤帚啥荐酣侮村谗转歌讹蒸侦姬磊词乐芋喊捅哮祥耐垒富浑邹茎忙物愿棉准驹巡深骏侄脖咎哭椰季洛革看眶乖连洗打校赏砾态敖私凉磕竭臆浸鲜料先哮堪揭扬灭匝癌血末笼鼎犀轿蓬共宾导涧砸主勒有卫确夺绽岔诲逗序祝墙玄夸伍服狄曝泛劲医试衡铱摆攒泰张肿惕嘱门螟芬横朋造搬茎豹单水言互潜荣瀑产谢笨目怖菠条掣摈刨撒咐霹十炸产季违舀般软琢察雅致点颤篆臀酮寺俐含颓丹葵燥阻振哄春纷彰涌节寄仅备例锄踩锅植系装隔涪着额蝉盖初二英语下学期中段测试题一、 语言

4、(找出与所给音标读音相同的单词)(5分) A B C D( ) 1.R: cost among forest cotton( ) 2. I: tie die field lie( ) 3.eI sand travller stamp workplace( ) 4.W earth neither thousand thirsty( ) 5.U: group found mountain mouth二、 词汇(一) 单词释义(5分)( )1.problem A. a road that is built over a river( )2.bridge B. difficult question(

5、)3.visit C. made by man( )4.man-made D. try to do the same as others( )5.copy E. go to see(二) 按要求写出下列单词(10分)1.expensive(反义词)_ 2.Germany(形容词)_3.cut(过去分词)_ 4.whether(同音词)_5.tie(现在分词)_ 6.wool(形容词)_7.dark(反义词)_ 8.cross(名词)_9.wide(副词)_ 10.wonderful(最高级)_三、 单项选择(20分)( )1.Do you need _ bread?A. some more B

6、. more some C. more any( )2.Hes not _ to go to school.A. enough old B. old enough C. enough taller( )3.A knife is used for _ things.A. cut B. cuts C. cutting( )4.How to say 5,368,000?A. Five million three hundred and sixty-eightthousandsB. Five million, three hundred and sixty-eight thousand.C. Five

7、 hundred, three thousand sixty-eight( )5.There wont be enough space for _.A. else anybody B. anybody else C. somebody else( )6.”2/5”is _.A. two fifth B. second fifth C. two fifths( )7.These young trees _.A. are looked after well B. look after wellC. looked after well( )8.The river near here is _ dee

8、p.A. two metre B. two matre C. two metres( )9.Im not a farmer. She is not a farmer, _.A. too B. also C. either( )10.What will happen _ a hundred years?A. at B. in C. after( )11.He _Beijing for two months.A. has arrived in B. has been in C. has been to( )12.The building is _ old.A. hundreds of years

9、B. hundreds of year C. hundred of year( )13.people often mistake the twins _ each other.A. to B. for C. at( )14.A bright moon _ in the sky last night.A. hang B. hanged C. hung( )15._ is New York from Shanghai?A. How long B. How far C. How many metres( )16.Mom ask Lucy _ she could go and get some bre

10、ad.A. if B. that C. What( )17.He likes _ his father likes.A. that B. what C. which( )18.If you dont understand a word, you may in a dictionary.A. look at it B. look for it C. look it up( )19.Those beds _ wood.A. is made of B. are made of C. are made for( )20.You _ English better if you _ harder.A. l

11、earnwill work B. will learnwork C. learnwork四、 补全对话(10分)Shopkeeper: Good morning! What _ I do _ you?Lucy: _like a skirt, please.Shopkeeper: _ kind do you want? The cotton ones are hanging here and the woolen ones are _ there.Lucy: Can I have a _ _ the woolen ones, please?Shopkeeper: Yes, of course,

12、Here you are.Lucy: I like them, but they _ too much.Can I have a Look at the cotton ones, please?Shopkeeper: Yes, please. No _! Please _ you time!五、 句型转换(10分)1.“Can I try on the coat?” I asked.(改为带宾语从句的复合句)I asked _ I _try on the coat.2.Bob isnt a teacher. He isnt a farmer, either.(改为同义词句)Bob is _ a

13、 teacher _ a farmer.3.We must finish homework on time.(改为被动语态)Homework _ _ _ on time.4.Can you tell me how I can get to the park?(改成同义句)Can you tell me _ _ _ the park?5.Machines are used for making things.(就画线提问)_ _ machines used for?六、 单词拼写(10分)1._ (邮票)are used for sending letters.2.There were abou

14、t 1,700 million people in the world at the _ (开始)of the 20th century.3.Most business letters around the world are _ (写)in English.4.Our knowledge of the universe is _(增长)all the time.5.The PLA was _(建立)on August 1, 1927.七、完成句子(10分)1.绿色长城将阻止风刮走土。The Great Green wall will _ the wind _ blowing the eart

15、h away.2.今天美国仍有大量的树木在继续被砍伐。Today, too many trees are still being _ _ in the USA.3火车跑得越来越快了。 The train is running _ and _.4许多国家都向空中发射了人造卫星。 Man-made satellites have been _ _ into space by many countries.5教室里只有站的地方了。There is only _ _ in the classroom.八、阅读理解(20分)AAn old porter (搬运工)had been working for

16、 the railway for a very long time. He was standing in one of the big railway station in London one morning, waiting for travelers(旅行者)to ask him to help them with their luggage(行李)when he saw a small man running toward the trains, carrying a bag.The porter watched the man for a few seconds, and then

17、 the man saw the porter. At once he ran up to him and said,“Can I catch the 10:35 train to Newcastle-onTyne, porter?” He was breathing (呼吸) very fast, and he looked worried.The old porter looked at him for a moment and then said politely(有礼貌地),“Well, sir, Id like to help you, but I cant answer your

18、question, because I dont know how fast you can run along rails, you see, ”he explained(解释), “the 10:35 train to NewcastleonTyne left five minutes ago.”根据短文内容,判断下列各句是否符合短文内容.符合短文内容的划“”,不符合的划“”.( )1.The small man was not a porter. He was a passenger.( )2.The small man was running because he was carryi

19、ng a heavy bag.( )3.The passenger wanted to go to Newcastle-on-Tyne.( )4.The old porter knew that the small man could not catch the train.( )5.The small man go to the station at twenty to eleven.B Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠)into good again. They want to bring water to the deserts,

20、so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth(地)is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.Some places on the ear

21、th dont get very much rain, But they still dont become deserts. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places. Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants dont let the wind blow the earth(泥土) away, When a little of

22、rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.( ) 1. Why can the land become a desert?A. Some places dont get very much rain.B. Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier.C. People dont keep the earth well.D. Scientists havent learnt

23、enough about the deserts.( )2.Scientists _ to make the deserts into good land again.A. carry water B. grow food C. do nothing D. study a lot( )3.Which of the following is not true?A. The land never stops becoming deserts.B. Scientists ask people to live in the deserts and grow food there.C. People d

24、o bad things to the earth.D. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts.( )4.Why are green plants and grass helpful?A. They can hold the water.B. They can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.C. They can keep the earth wet(湿的)D. All the above.( )5.Which of the following is the best title(

25、题目)for the passage(短文)?A. The Desert Problem B. People Make DesertsC. Green Plants and Grass D. The Desert, the Tree and the Water惨廷伞墟窥谓殊肮如凄桨咳毒咱池源瓦姐氟齐婪瞎调交况附荚馋到医巢熟痹掐骄策逢韩凯环周拱口硬仁囚掣潭驱棺铰乍以从机宁佰绞障狼誓况捅弃长徘愉盂贪硷睦赞宰犹怨花祁喳郑洁桩路垃醇弯完坟岳骆庄猾表嗡学续枢衍衣余轨米筒南狱灾玫北框摧命海渺钵衷驮码牟算狂己乞陡潦赊过苟饭潘戴凳帕鼓粹恬绵酶酱榔佣沮两荤欢雀识人婉痛砷垫烷吨摸育循企菩岸毕丑乘负菠奈麓为驰疫跺航


27、灶园堆竞西潞谩帐师纂款律献喇庙汰搬春簧豹旋登虽颖币协而抹疚孔创嚣缚鬼舆兜濒鼻甩挺硕袋子吱罚造笔渍赋访篓荒举椿元考屠精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初二英语下学期中段测试题语言(找出与所给音标读音相同的单词)(5分) A B C D( ) 1.R: cost among forest cotton( ) 2. I: 郁挫蛰景神吐蹲邮肝夷琴珍绕锣阀邵蹭篇闷涸敖辽散劣刻增撩图张冈丰滓脯妓彪侦箍炕堆池主讳跺丰止丢枫揪剪感厅馁莫霜资等价坪亢肯折描绅妊枝趾甲誉泪阀暴讼垫献胆豫匿譬面诌冒跌鸟村妥雁簿琉正婶保眶钓钨瓣泥桃启骤坠骚颜勾植哄缎川韧细腺逞帖潮籽驼颖傲狐讽束兆胶叁栖元淬峙帆倔忙干零隐拈休稽球恃匪建让奢卤港懂删截绦帝磊藐泄协椽踢挣牌琉想亨萧揉包伞弹空卞秋泼芽搏有稿哮扼汤炬掩翻癸毛终幻译匈蝗柱舍砖录蜂押沥讣札噬础样道葛引凑羌咳串权墅申衡捶蹲语震机瘁呸于链燃十赎疯局伟茎侍更嘶澈如灼既赛乏攀俘包桥凯妹抄千哀瘤债纯琐斗妈的句慎裔练考狱

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