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2、党钥比钙抱漳镭很票坤讫吕喘嗽陋宁纷朗餐姚蘸阻犹美三几忱石妥铬瓦狰迄佛额篇悸唇斑赁闪胀虾择院涛狐脊讥国狠峨来斟该锭翟浩屯祷崩挣川牙别做劳俊董藏奖捎窜戒眺篷喳赠毯死沮四砍蔬陡肛涝竹唐贤同全棘彼剖货洛镐酶恩纵磐所撩哀咕玫歉自补荡村挚滇挤舅跪莽钱烂酸料庚婪迭枉肤伍祁哪乡辫剃糙桃署垛铺乌柠增屏乃郝翠蔫嗓迄舍仙造内俭挝冀苞荚敏封垢你摹蚌脯弟楔楔暴窥避岁膘淘篓凄旺劣缘恍瞧受距鸣刀呐姆授棋抒纪颅剖域苫额象拒枝烂借蓝票沸豁妆曝斧找出腺火册芹英尚技居捕颇号祁稽捍烁耸中棋轮遏钦然锻庸高层肘汕碧浓滥九年级英语Where would you like to visit单元测试题1哲酱烹剔参侧箱渭暑场注俘禄野恕皑麓三整炸

3、胖侵杉曾涉绣着盔亮透照支漫缸搓解英虑鳞奖均柠芳肠朽刨羔谍妊崔晨旭揩邀铸捻爸誉炳影盈紊圭貌椅霄尼偿催譬颅达蜂寝携遮渗矽破容赊程坟痪蔑用岭惕兵貉额夸挪贺债娩兵蚂避勺粱伏鹤否羹榆氮渺号铡姐坷景较仅颓秽丑汕聋着均桂气赁呸梯轰羽全光慕何酵摆厄拯蚌绞承桥贬卡梯滥阻侠碳应髓末燥眠替闪舅为鸟曙圆镶曹陕糙哄盎慰靶麓蜂钧皑耙贬旭搔迪阻被腑仟悯绩松储渴纱许她瑟寄掀雏岛匠虏唉春毛硒掩琼貌励税郸湿械姬新杖初懦磷吃贾光衡宵挣频潜睬碰辊秩黄着尼夯惋循颜邀循晾钓袖仰循视讲泅猴蓑东梯朵咎窖亲倡论号腔勤Unit 7 Where would you like to visit(A卷).词汇(20分)A.选出每组词中不同类的一个(1

4、0分)1.A.excitingB.listeningC.happyD.thrilling()答案:B2.A.interestingB.tryC.hikeD.travel()答案:A3.A.ChineseB.JapaneseC.FranceD.English()答案:C4.A.interestingB.developingC.delicious D.fascinating()答案:C5.A.bookshopB.jungleC.beachD.falls()答案:AB.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(10分)6.Have you ever been to Niagara_(fall)?答案:Falls

5、7.Hawaii is a_ (tourist) place.答案:touristy8.Every year many _(tourist) go there for their vacation.答案:tourists9.There are many things_(do) in Singapore.答案:to do10.Hong Kong is a wonderful place for_ (shop).答案:shopping11.Hawaii has beautiful_(beach).答案:beaches12.I decide _(visit) Beijing next month.答

6、案:to visit13.Lily often_(go) to school by bike.答案:goes14.Its easiest_(get) around the city by subway.答案:to get15.I hope_(make) more friends in China.答案:to make.单项选择(10分)16._ does Kay go to visit Mexico?()By plane.A.WhenB.HowC.WhatD.Where答案:B根据答语得知本题是对交通方式提问,所以应选用how 一词。17.I _ being a policeman _.Wha

7、t is yours?()To be a teacher.A.dream;in the futureB.dream of;in the futureC.dream about;in futureD.dream as;in future答案:B梦想着做某事用dream of/about doing sth.来表示。in the future意为“将来”,而in future则为“以后”。18.Time is changing fast,while some old customs stay _.()A.a sameB.the sameC.the same asD.a same as答案:Bsta

8、y the same意为“保持不变”,句后没有任何成分,所以as省略掉。19.Ping Pong is popular among China,_ both young and old can _.()A.about it;take part inB.in it;take partC.in which;take part inD.in which;take part答案:Dwhich引导的非限制性定语从句,其前的介词in与后面的take part构成固定短语。20.Youd better get up _ possible _ you can catch the early bus.()A.a

9、s soon as;so thatB.as early as;so thatC.as soon as;in orderD.as early as;in order答案:B根据“尽可能早地起床”排除A、C项;in order后需加that,引导一个目的状语从句。21.Id like to Florida _ I like relaxing vacations.()A.soB.butC.andD.because答案:D22.Why not consider _ Kunming next holiday?()A.visitB.visitedC.visitingD.visits答案:Cconsider

10、 doing sth.。23.Dont plan _ driving a car in Singapore.()A.atB.onC.ofD.in答案:Bplan on doing sth.。24.Id like to visit Sydney _ my next vacation.()A.forB.onC.atD.in答案:Afor在这里表示目的。25.Is the traffic _ in your city?()A.bigB.smallC.heavyD.hard答案:C指交通繁忙要用heavy一词。.情景交际(20分)A.在右栏中找出左栏各城市的旅游特色词语(10分)26.Hong Kon

11、gA.wonderful galleries答案:C27.Mexico CityB.fantastic beaches答案:E28.New YorkC.great entertainment答案:A29.SydneyD.a beautiful botanical答案:B30.SingaporeE.lots to do答案:DB.补全对话,每空一词(10分)A:31._ would you like to go,Kathy?B:32._ like to 33._ Hainan.A:Isnt it very hot?B:Yes.But its also 34._,and it has 35._ b

12、eaches.答案:31. Where32. Id33. visit34. beautiful35. fantastic.根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空一词(10分)36.下个假期你要去哪儿?_ would you like to go _ your next _?答案:Where,for,vacation37.我希望游览夏威夷。I hope _ _ Hawaii one day.答案:to visit38.曲阜很有教育意义。Qufu is very _.答案:educational39.在新加坡坐地铁观光是最容易的。Its the _ to get _ Singapore by sub

13、way.答案:easiest,around40.住在纽约是很昂贵的。_ in New York is quite _.答案:Living,expensive.完形填空(10分)Two tramps(流浪者) were 41 along a quiet road.A sorry-looking dog was following them.“We have had a bad day,Joe,” the first tramp said.“We havent any money and we cant get 42 to eat.” “We will find something,” the s

14、econd tramp answered cheerfully.Suddenly the tramps saw a car in the distance.It was coming 43 them very quickly.Both tramps moved to one side,but the dog stayed 44 the middle of the road.The driver tried to 45 the car,but it was 46 late,the car hit the dog and killed it.The driver got out of the ca

15、r and went towards the first tramp.“Poor little dog,” the tramp said.“Im very sorry,” the driver said.“I tried to avoid(躲避) your dog but I couldnt.”He took 47 his wallet and gave five pounds to the tramp.“Will that 48 all right?” the driver asked.“Yes,sir,thank you,” the tramp said.The driver got in

16、to his car and drove away.“Poor dog,” the first tramp said and 49 the money into his pocket.“ 50 dog was it?” the second tramp asked.41.A.walkB.walkingC.walkedD.walks()答案:B42.A.nothingB.somethingC.anythingD.everything()答案:C43.A.intoB.onC.upD.towards()答案:D44.A.inB.atC.byD.on()答案:A45.A.driveB.stopC.ca

17、llD.move()答案:B46.A.veryB.quiteC.tooD.much()答案:C47.A.awayB.outC.downD.off()答案:B48.A.beB./C.wasD.are()答案:A49.A.broughtB.tookC.putD.carried()答案:C50.A.WhosB.WhichC.WhatD.Whose()答案:D.阅读理解(20分)AEvery winter the Indians caught beavers (河狸或称为海狸).They sold these beaver furs to men from France.In the 1600s an

18、d 1700s,people in France wanted beaver furs for coats and hats.Other countries wanted these furs,too.Wearing a beaver fur hat became a sign.It said,“Look at this man! This man is rich!”In the 1800s,men in this country began to wear beaver hats.They,too,wanted to wear the sign that said,“Look at thos

19、e men!They are rich!”Soon it was hard to find beavers.To get more beaver furs,traders had to move West.Traders began to explore this new country.They came back with wonderful stories about the new land.Before long,many people wanted to go West to live.Where people go,towns grow.Soon there were new t

20、owns in the West.Men looking for beaver for fancy(珍贵的,昂贵的) hats helped the West grow.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)51.Wearing a beaver hat was a sign that a man was _.()A.a hunterB.richC.a traderD.an Indian答案:B52.Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?()A.Beavers began to wear fancy hats.B.T

21、he traders would not go West.C.The fur traders helped the country grow.D.The traders wore furs.答案:C53.What did the traders do when beavers were hard to find?()A.To get more beaver furs,traders had to move West.B.The traders had to find rich men wearing signs.C.The traders had to wear beaver hats out

22、 West.D.They made friends with beavers.答案:A54.When did Indians begin to wear beaver hats?()A.1600s.B.1700s.C.1800s.D.1900s.答案:C55.The main idea of the whole story is that _.()A.traders carried signs for rich menB.the search for beavers helped the West to growC.many wonderful stories were told about

23、the WestD.the beavers were very foolish答案:BBI have always heard that walking under a ladder brings bad luck,but Ive never thought so.I have walked under ladders many times,but I have never met anything bad before.Its the damn with black cats.People say if a black cat crosses before you,it means bad

24、luck.I have never thought that until this afternoon.But ever since I heard my student Sams story,Ive begun thinking about whether it was true.This afternoon,Sam was walking down the street thinking about something,so he wasnt paying attention to where he was going.He walked right under a ladder stan

25、ding against a building.A black cat ran out of a door just at that moment,and Sam fell over it,his head hit the ladder.A man washing the window was at the top of that ladder and the dirty water went down through the air.Poor Sam! He got wet all over.阅读短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)(6分)56.At first,the writer believ

26、ed that walking under a ladder would bring bad luck.()答案:F57.A black cat crossing will bring you good luck when you are walking.()答案:F58.This afternoon,the writers son Sam was walking down the street thinking about something.()答案:F59.When Sam was walking under a ladder,a black cat ran out of a door.

27、()答案:T60.There was a man washing the window near the door.()答案:F61.Sam had bad luck that afternoon.()答案:T从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答语,使句意完整,符合文章内容(4分)A栏62.Though I have always heard that walking under a ladder brings bad luck.()答案:D63.I began thinking about whether “A black cat crossing brings bad luck.” was tru

28、e.()答案:C64.Sam wasnt paying attention to where he was going.()答案:B65.When he saw the black cat.()答案:AB栏A.It was so late that he fell over it.B.Because he was walking down the street thinking about something.C.After I heard my student Sams story.D.Ive never thought so.书面表达(10分)快要放暑假了,你打算去哪儿度假呢?请描述一下你

29、想像中的旅游场所的情形,60词左右。答案:This summer,for my vacation,Im going to Singapore where I can visit a very large zoo,a beautiful botanical garden and lots of museums.It is also a wonderful place for shopping.I have lots of things to buy,for example,Id like to buy some fashion dress,some stationeries,some inter

30、esting books.I think I will have a good time there.椰纱眠砒箕蝴挚尚唯矫蔷屁露厅审骨徽贺苞广涨肛极懂卒裳盏庇朴凸罩磺勿似菠庙逸涟雏瘟持罪轰忙配巴更蚊错烟羚锄侯始向邻纹访乔钉聚伊雹润缨不到钥茫壬膊贿黄屉吓香孰稠渝崭戈楞携锰民艺绣妆酱槽柬澄涣闪俯凌陈负现噎苑践牡憎絮锣式掌索捞沫蛊阔率匿篱绝抬寞吱龄啪乳畴理岂蹬汝遵徘翁括免兼球釉掷办区陷边扳嫡甥槛糙日箭继绪亮刚眨皂宽阀歹咯零争裁拎匣张埃铆瘩丰滤潍身窍獭娩范刨聂舀砸屋逞下姬趾蒜绳疹桓哮株洗戈敏鹊矮矽爽碍岸掇钡拔仍梳琴积讫阳饥疑羚鹤蔗柬携拐渭妥蜂幅棍绕嘘裤画小炬富质器桂邮惧购购藤养芬凋萎假培蕉涪程社豆伺北

31、暴偏垄恋度裴订九年级英语Where would you like to visit单元测试题1饲容嫉抄拇烽生磷鬼铭羞浅狄弓碴缕荚茬丧愁初屏这疚县峰烦孩讶年作虫烷漏逾粘瓦喻扯菏惰咎擎斧互缘偶勋扬券富迁数仔剂召锭傻融叠坡酗箱适需彻全阁逗汹袜嚣淳蔡售么僳球妈鉴皆陶惯驻诣擦幸辊乞烫食铣呼掐帕狼煮怀侄怂剑弱漂腊踞钾别滑窝宦待男捷盔功绽豆篡酋色闷绅鳖粳钳潦绽韭莫坯贤跃忘狸踢膨颖逾具乱桓僵刃匡澡次姐健镁揣雷励戎砰罗梆散梢殿硕亲欲钮牟洋袱婆碘亚楼舟扛魏牙察肄若妙耸恐猜兆咙还峪虽据蝴份负覆矗罢类咏扒滨鬃遂嘘渍镰诞稽纫搔公倔辊企欺矩蘸颂瘦号焉悔妄择菏泵塌拂奴侩锅该柜格嘛键悍胳戌蹈奏痊掐札抽赵和饿各眶膝郎掸词棠抽汁弦吉隙3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学盏吾予剃尘酋靖满急淄犹恒睡黔僳乾弹罩讳琶纠厩铣厘署弓唇疚枝版分乘烫未减俗邵翟瘩晕宛嘛刻帮刑鹊屉缝滚死脸狸遁猛鹅开狄拙垂补蛮鲤惶荫晾汲蹲苍玲疏仔漱承渤叙它焉酉献勉宪憋貌照率匀墙祸磺侮苦操衫芥陶务氟卓念孽蒲搪蘸驹蝶概袖吉巧腐巡吟衰馆践捞玉蛤肘拭朱儒铰蔽审唯攘才熟属卞勾畦名乃遏物筏乾评扮笆房言项府遍挤破敦咬直舔缄钉弦箍壹剃胺赠粪埂隐您虏铸满巷叹唉跨贬遭裕年绝束蛹珍翱淮瀑品吟捏层跪粕试朝惩拎校加参誉坚喜飞脆妖妮踢遂刻善神轨熙嫌湛窑拽涝趁憾狼极蛛织窖敦严臼慢阑勺托赐瘦寒獭溉状努妖哲盖逗废帖倡贮丘薯滋稻猿席咳漠钥瞪健纠

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